632 research outputs found

    The European sovereign debt crisis. A comparison with the current crisis generated by Covid-2019

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    The Sovereign Debt Crisis has shown how interconnected financial markets are in the third millennium's global environment. This Direct Research will start with the causes of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the domino effect from America to the Old Continent. Particular attention will be devoted to the impact that well-known economic events had on these countries defined as PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain), the countries most damaged by this event. The last part will analyse the meeting points and similarities between the historical sovereign debt crisis and the Covid global pandemic. Why was conditional help used during

    Idee Fondamentali by Erza Pound

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    La dignità nel rapporto di lavoro

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    Partendo dalla configurazione costituzionale della dignità e dalla sua declinazione in termini di beni immateriali della persona, il lavoro verifica le condizioni di compatibilità tra il rapporto di lavoro subordinato e la tutela del bene fondamentale, imposta dall'art. 41, co. 2, cost.. Esamina altresì la riconducibilità della tutela tra le obbligazioni datoriali ex art. 2087 c.c., con individuazione degli atti di amministrazione del rapporto - codificati dalla legislazione del lavoro in ordine alla loro efficacia di compressione dei diritti fondamentali del prestatore di lavoro - maggiormente critici in tema di lesione della dignità e con analisi degli strumenti di tutela, ex ante ed ex post, cui è ammesso il lavoratore per arginare o per reagire a lesioni della sua dignità

    L'eterno problema degli accertamenti sanitari

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    L'articolo esamina l'attualità dell'art. 5 st. lav. rispetto all'obiettivo di tutela della persona del lavoratore a fronte dell'esercizio del potere di controllo del datore nei casi di sospensione del rapporto per malattia e di accertamento dell'ideoneità fisica al lavoro in sede preassuntiva

    Progetto SCAUT 60. Messa a punto del prototipo dimostratore del sistema UVS.

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    Presso il DIA (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale) dell'Università di Pisa è da tempo in corso un progetto di ricerca inerente la possibilità di impiego di velivoli di tipo UAV come sistemi di controllo del territorio in ambito civile. Nell'ambito di tale attività di ricerca denominata progetto SCAUT (Sistema di Controllo AUtomatico del Territorio) è stato realizzato un sistema UVS costituito da stazione di terra ed un modello volante per sperimentare in volo i componenti fondamentali per svolgere questo tipo di missione secondo i requisiti di safety e di security. In questa tesi si è portato avanti il lavoro di messa a punto dei principali impianti di bordo, si è progettata una stazione di terra portatile per il controllo in remoto del velivolo e si è implementata la logica di gestione delle avarie in vista del primo volo del prototipo dimostratore. Per perseguire tali obiettivi è stato necessario ridisegnare l'intero velivolo utilizzando il software della PTC Pro|ENGINEER versione Wildre 4.0, mentre per quanto riguarda gli studi sulla cinematica e l'analisi dei carichi della stazione di terra ci si è avvalsi del software Matlab versione 7.5 prodotto dalla Mathworks e del suo toolbox Simulink

    Addiction in Alaska: How Alcohol Abuse is Impacting Community Members in Native Villages throughout Rural Alaska

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    Across rural Alaska are over 200 Alaska Native villages so isolated, they are only accessible by airplane, boat, and snowmachine. These villages strive to keep their Native culture alive and rich, but continue to struggle against Western influences. Introduced to Alaska Natives by European and Russian explorers in the 1700s, this paper examines how alcohol addiction is affecting community members throughout villages in rural Alaska. The research was conducted in two Iñupiaq Eskimo villages, Point Hope and Selawik, both located above the Arctic Circle in rural Alaska. Drawing from three years of personal observations and a series of interviews, this study addresses makes clear connections between how the history of alcohol in Alaska continues to impact villages today. Even though it is clear alcohol addiction is rooted from Western explorers introducing alcohol to Alaska Natives, the United States government refuses to accept responsibility for this issue and does little to provide services to alleviate this problem to Alaska Natives throughout rural Alaska. This created culture of persistent binge drinking combined with the high monetary and emotional cost of drinking alcohol continues to have a negative impact on all people’s lives throughout the village, ultimately destroying a small piece of their Alaska Native way of life everyday

    Engagement and tennis: The applicability of occupational psychology to the world of sport

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    The working activity, as well as the sports one, foresees that results have to be achieved and be decided/evaluated by others, a personal physical and mental effort is required in a well-defined time and space, constraints and limitations established by the nature of the tasks have to be overcome, and a consistent and defined part of one's own time has to be employed. The aim of this research is to demonstrate how work phenomena (specifically work engagement) can be conveyed to the world of sport, highlighting the applicability of occupational psychology also in a sports context

    Pathologic Myopia: Complications and Visual Rehabilitation

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    High myopia, defined as refractive error of at least −6.00D or an axial length of 26.5 mm or more, can induce many modifications in eye’s anatomy that can lead to complications. When high myopia is able to decrease best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) due to its complications, it is called pathologic myopia. Pathologic myopia is one of the major causes of blindness, and it represents a serious issue, since incidence of myopia and high myopia is constantly rising. For educational purposes, in this chapter, complications of pathologic myopia will be divided into anterior (when structures external to the globe or anterior to the ora serrata are involved, such as motility disturbances and cataract) and posterior (when structures posterior to the ora serrata are involved, such as lacquer cracks, chorioretinal atrophy, Fuchs maculopathy, myopic choroidal neovascularization, and retinal detachment). Many treatments are available for pathologic myopia complications depending on their type, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) injections and surgery. We will focus on visual rehabilitation interventions, such as visual biofeedback and visual aids that in many cases are the only chance that the ophthalmologist has in order to help patients suffering from pathologic myopia to use at their maximum their residual vision