10,797 research outputs found

    Toxicity of materials in fire situations: Laboratory data obtained at the University of San Francisco

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    Approximately 300 materials were evaluated using a specific set of test conditions. Materials tested included wood, fibers, fabrics and synthetic polymers. Data obtained using 10 different sets of test conditions are presented

    PC1643+4631A,B: The Lyman-Alpha Forest at the Edge of Coherence

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    This is the first measurement and detection of coherence in the intergalactic medium (IGM) at substantially high redshift (z~3.8) and on large physical scales (~2.5 h^-1 Mpc). We perform the measurement by presenting new observations from Keck LRIS of the high redshift quasar pair PC 1643+4631A, B and their Ly-alpha absorber coincidences. This experiment extends multiple sightline quasar absorber studies to higher redshift, higher opacity, larger transverse separation, and into a regime where coherence across the IGM becomes weak and difficult to detect. We fit 222 discrete Ly-alpha absorbers to sightline A and 211 to sightline B. Relative to a Monte Carlo pairing test (using symmetric, nearest neighbor matching) the data exhibit a 4sigma excess of pairs at low velocity splitting (<150 km/s), thus detecting coherence on transverse scales of ~2.5 h^-1 Mpc. We use spectra extracted from an SPH simulation to analyze symmetric pair matching, transmission distributions as a function of redshift and compute zero-lag cross-correlations to compare with the quasar pair data. The simulations agree with the data with the same strength (~4sigma) at similarly low velocity splitting above random chance pairings. In cross-correlation tests, the simulations agree when the mean flux (as a function of redshift) is assumed to follow the prescription given by Kirkman et al. (2005). While the detection of flux correlation (measured through coincident absorbers and cross-correlation amplitude) is only marginally significant, the agreement between data and simulations is encouraging for future work in which even better quality data will provide the best insight into the overarching structure of the IGM and its understanding as shown by SPH simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Active Carbon and Oxygen Shell Burning Hydrodynamics

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    We have simulated 2.5×103\times10^3 s of the late evolution of a 23M⊙23 \rm M_\odot star with full hydrodynamic behavior. We present the first simulations of a multiple-shell burning epoch, including the concurrent evolution and interaction of an oxygen and carbon burning shell. In addition, we have evolved a 3D model of the oxygen burning shell to sufficiently long times (300 s) to begin to assess the adequacy of the 2D approximation. We summarize striking new results: (1) strong interactions occur between active carbon and oxygen burning shells, (2) hydrodynamic wave motions in nonconvective regions, generated at the convective-radiative boundaries, are energetically important in both 2D and 3D with important consequences for compositional mixing, and (3) a spectrum of mixed p- and g-modes are unambiguously identified with corresponding adiabatic waves in these computational domains. We find that 2D convective motions are exaggerated relative to 3D because of vortex instability in 3D. We discuss the implications for supernova progenitor evolution and symmetry breaking in core collapse.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures in emulateapj format. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. High resolution figure version available at http://spinach.as.arizona.ed

    A Review of the Relationship of the ENC and DNC Hydrographic Vector Data Products

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    This document discusses the level of harmonization between the S-57 and DIGEST standards and the relationship between the ENC and DNC products. It is shown that the military and regulated commercial navigation have different needs, and that it is natural to have two different standards. However, in those areas where the needs overlap the standards should be equivalent. Commercial navigation requires "official" data whereas the military require a broad range of the "best available data". These needs are complementary. At the content level ENC data can be a pure subset of DNC data, however additional harmonization is required to achieve this

    The Impact of Hydrodynamic Mixing on Supernova Progenitors

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    Recent multidimensional hydrodynamic simulations have demonstrated the importance of hydrodynamic motions in the convective boundary and radiative regions of stars to transport of energy, momentum, and composition. The impact of these processes increases with stellar mass. Stellar models which approximate this physics have been tested on several classes of observational problems. In this paper we examine the implications of the improved treatment on supernova progenitors. The improved models predict substantially different interior structures. We present pre-supernova conditions and simple explosion calculations from stellar models with and without the improved mixing treatment at 23 solar masses. The results differ substantially.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Near-Infrared MOSFIRE Spectra of Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies at 0.2<z<4

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    We present near-infrared and optical spectroscopic observations of a sample of 450μ\mum and 850μ\mum-selected dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) identified in a 400 arcmin2^2 area in the COSMOS field. Thirty-one sources of the 102 targets were spectroscopically confirmed at 0.2<z<40.2<z<4, identified primarily in the near-infrared with Keck MOSFIRE and some in the optical with Keck LRIS and DEIMOS. The low rate of confirmation is attributable both to high rest-frame optical obscuration in our targets and limited sensitivity to certain redshift ranges. The high-quality photometric redshifts available in the COSMOS field allow us to test the robustness of photometric redshifts for DSFGs. We find a subset (11/31≈35\approx35%) of DSFGs with inaccurate (Δz/(1+z)>0.2\Delta z/(1+z)>0.2) or non-existent photometric redshifts; these have very distinct spectral energy distributions from the remaining DSFGs, suggesting a decoupling of highly obscured and unobscured components. We present a composite rest-frame 4300--7300\AA\ spectrum for DSFGs, and find evidence of 200±\pm30 km s−1^{-1} gas outflows. Nebular line emission for a sub-sample of our detections indicate that hard ionizing radiation fields are ubiquitous in high-z DSFGs, even more so than typical mass or UV-selected high-z galaxies. We also confirm the extreme level of dust obscuration in DSFGs, measuring very high Balmer decrements, and very high ratios of IR to UV and IR to Hα\alpha luminosities. This work demonstrates the need to broaden the use of wide bandwidth technology in the millimeter to the spectroscopic confirmations of large samples of high-z DSFGs, as the difficulty in confirming such sources at optical/near-infrared wavelengths is exceedingly challenging given their obscuration.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, ApJ accepted. Composite DSFG Halpha spectrum available at www.as.utexas.edu/~cmcasey/downloads.htm
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