17 research outputs found

    Lorenzo Ferrer Figueras para mi

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    The general factor of personality : history of an interdisciplinary venture

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    The General Factor of Personality (GFP) is a new psychological approach of the study of the human personality that is based on the idea that, as in the case of General Intelligence, there is a personality super-factor that agglutinates and represents all the other aspects of personality. Therefore, it can be considered as a system of personality subsystems, or a global and integrated system of all the different components from the personality

    A genetic algorithm to calibrate dynamical systems : Confidence intervals for parameters and residuals

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    This paper presents a genetic algorithm to calibrate dynamical systems that is able to calculate confidence intervals for the parameters of the system. As an application case is used to calibrate the system that reproduces the dynamical response of the General Factor of Personality (GFP) to a given stimulus, particularly to a stimulant drug dose. The model is called in Literature as the response model and includes an integro-differential equation. The presented application case is a single case ABC experimental design where the stimulus is methylphenidate

    Learning to be a psychostimulants addict with self-regulation therapy

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    This article presents the results of a single-case experiment of alternative treatments in which a participant applied the Self-Regulation Therapy (SRT) to reproduce the effects of a stimulant drug, methylphenidate, and a sedative, alcohol. The SRT is a learning procedure based on classic conditioning and suggestion that reproduces the effect of drugs by remembering the effects they have. The participant reproduced the effects of both drugs during ten sessions held on 5 consecutive days. To record effects, adjective scales were used that measured Drug effect, High, Rush, Energy, Tension and the General Factor of Personality (GFP). The results indicated that the participant was capable of independently reproducing the effects of both the above-cited drugs, and that most of these effects were graphically represented as an inverted U-shape. This inverted U can be interpreted as a process in which effects of drugs become progressively more marked (sensitization) to become progressively less marked (tolerance). In this way, the inverted U represents the equivalent to a complete process of becoming addicted to a drug. The participant ?learnt to be an addict? without using drugs. The theoretical implications and therapeutic potential of this procedure are discussed

    Advances in the general factor of personality dynamics

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    This paper presents a dynamical integro-differential equation to reproduce the dynamical response of the General Factor of Personality (GFP) to a stimulus dose, particularly to a stimulant drug dose. The model is called in the past authors publications as response model. We refer to it as the old response model, due to a new response model presented here that solves partially the problem of the model validation: how to forecast the GFP dynamical response from a previous model calibration. The application case presented is an individual ABC experimental design where the stimulus used is methylphenidate.     

    Chanching the externalizing and internalizing spectrum of personality with self-regultaion therapy

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    [EN] This article presents an integrator model of changes in the externalizing and internalizing factors of personality grouped in the General Factor of Personality (GFP), based on the Unique Trait Personality Theory (UTPT) [1]. This theory proposes that a continuum exists between personality and psychopathology, as well as the existence of a GFP that occupies the apex of the hierarchy of personality, and extends from an impulsiveness-and-aggressiveness pole (externalizing spectrum) to an anxiety-and-introversion pole (internalizing spectrum). With an experimental intra-group design, 30 regular users of stimulant drugs (cocaine and amphetamine) used the Self-Regulation Therapy (SRT). The SRT is a psychological procedure based on classic conditioning and suggestion used to experience a relaxation effect after the first session, and a stimulation effect during the second session. This stimulation is achieved by reproducing, by the SRT, the sensations produced by stimulant drugs. Effects were recorded on format-state scales of personality adjectives and activation, which represented both externalizing and internalizing factors. The results showed that both relaxation and stimulation, by imitating the effects of drugs, brought about short-term changes in both the GFP, and the externalizing and internalizing factors, and also in the predicted direction, i.e., changes in global personality.Amigó Borrás, S.; Micó, JC.; Caselles Moncho, A. (2018). Chanching the externalizing and internalizing spectrum of personality with self-regultaion therapy. Revista Internacional de Sistemas. 22:22-28. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/123856S22282

    A stochastic dynamical social model involving a human happiness index

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    This paper presents a new human happiness index built through five dimensions: development, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace. These five dimensions are evaluated through quantitative variables obtained from the Human Development Reports, World Data Bank and Eurostat. The new happiness index has been built following the guidelines set by the Human Development Reports of the UN for the construction of quality indices, and it has been compared on a set of 13 EU countries with the Overall Life Satisfaction Index, which is used by the UN. Moreover, the new index has been included in a dynamic mathematical model through the demographic rates to study the evolution of the population. The obtained model has been calibrated for the period 2004-2009 and validated for the period 2010-2015 for the case of Spain. Finally, the model has been used to maximize the happiness index in Spain for the period 2016-2030, with the conclusion that to achieve this purpose, it is necessary to invest in education, research and development

    Including an environmental quality index in a demographic model

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    This paper presents a new well-being index which allows environmental quality to be measured through CO2 emissions, renewable energies and nuclear power. Its formula derives from a geometric mean used to calculate which things in the human production system warm the planet and which do not. This index has been introduced into a gender-defined stochastic population dynamic mathematical model which measures well-being in a country. The main variables in this model are rates of death, birth, emigration and immigration, as well as three UN indices: Human Development Index, Gender Development Index and Gender Empowerment Index. This model has been extended with variables that allow an environmental quality evaluation, and it has been validated for Spain during the 2001-2010 period. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis has been carried on the simulated future trend (2011-2020) to see which environmental quality variables refer more to deaths, births or the Human Development Index. Copyright © 2016 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.Sanz-García, MT.; Caselles Moncho, A.; Micó Ruiz, JC.; Soler Fernández, D. (2016). Including an environmental quality index in a demographic model. International Journal of Global Warming. 9(3):362-396. doi:10.1504/IJGW.2016.075448S3623969

    Factor general de personalidad : historia de una aventura interdisciplinar

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    El Factor General de Personalidad (FGP) es un nuevo enfoque psicológico del estudio de la personalidad humana que se basa en la idea de que, como en el caso de la Inteligencia General, hay un súper-factor de personalidad que aglutina y representa a todos los demás aspectos de la personalidad. Por tanto, puede considerarse un sistema de subsistemas de personalidad, un sistema global e integrado de todos los diferentes componentes de la personalidad

    La personalidad de las sociedades : descripción y dinámica

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    La Extraversión es considerada como la dimensión fundamental y básica de la personalidad desde la Teoría del Rasgo Único de Personalidad [1]. La Extraversión, como dimensión temperamental, engloba dimensiones cognitivas como la racionalidad y la emocionalidad. La teoría de los tipos de Carl Jung [2] establece una dinámica compleja entre estas dimensiones, a partir de la cual se obtiene una tipología de la personalidad. Amigó [3] adaptó la teoría de Jung para aplicarla a las sociedades. Así, al igual que los individuos, las sociedades poseen una determinada personalidad y pueden también ser clasificadas según una tipología de personalidad. Se reflexiona sobre la historia como la dinámica de las sociedades a lo largo del tiempo, que parte de la idea de Jung de las dimensiones opuestas que se complementan e imprimen movimiento, y de la teoría de la supervivencia de las sociedades de Amigó [4], que sostiene que las crisis provocan cambios socioeconómicos que tienen a perpetuarse a través de la estructura ideológica resultante. Finalmente, se propone una metodología para aplicar la matemática de la teoría de sistemas a esta nueva concepción de la personalidad individual y social