148 research outputs found

    Studio idrologico-idraulico e proposte di interventi per la messa in sicurezza dell'aeroporto di Marina di Campo

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    L’obiettivo principale della tesi è stato quello di verificare se, allo stato attuale, il reticolo idraulico che costeggia l’Aeroporto di Marina di Campo nell’Isola d’Elba, è sufficiente a smaltire portate con tempo di ritorno pari a duecento anni senza entrare in crisi, compromettendo l’operatività dello scalo. Tale verifica, auspicabile in vista dei lavori di potenziamento della pista, è stata resa possibile attraverso uno studio idrologico che ha permesso di ricavare la pioggia di progetto con la quale sollecitare i bacini idrografici interessati. Gli idrogrammi di piena così ottenuti sono stati utilizzati come input per lo studio idraulico successivo, il quale ha consentito di individuare le criticità salienti di ogni corso d’acqua e di sviluppare delle proposte di messa in sicurezza idraulica aeronauticamente compatibili

    Pressure stabilization effect on the donor–acceptor polyiodide chains in tetraethylammonium bis(diiodine) triiodide – insights from Raman spectroscopy

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    : Polyiodides present high bonding flexibility already at ambient conditions, and undergo significant pressure-induced structural deformations. Resonant Raman spectroscopy has been widely used to study I-I bonds in various polyiodides, but it carries a risk of photodecomposition due to the high visible-light absorption of iodine. In this study, tetraethylammonium (bis)diiodine triiodide (TEAI) has been investigated by resonant Raman spectroscopy up to 12.02(3) GPa. The effect of pressure on the intensities and positions of Raman bands has been evaluated and correlated with the interatomic I-I distances derived from high-pressure X-ray diffraction experiments. Pressure was shown to effectively stabilize TEAI against laser-induced photodecomposition, even after a long course of irradiation with the resonant laser light. Examination of a freshly exposed crystal surface revealed that TEAI superficially passivates with the layer of lower polyiodides, which prevents further iodine loss, and shows distinct pressure-induced behaviour

    The benefits of one-dimensional detectors for high-pressure powder X-ray diffraction

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    High-pressure powder X-ray diffraction is a fundamental technique for investigating structural responses to externally applied force. Synchrotron sources and two-dimensional detectors are required. In contrast to this conventional setup, high-resolution beamlines equipped with one-dimensional detectors could offer much better resolved peaks but cannot deliver accurate structure factors because they only sample a small portion of the Debye rings, which are usually inhomogeneous and spotty because of the small amount of sample. In this study, a simple method to overcome this problem is presented and successfully applied to solving the structure of an L-serine polymorph from powder data. A comparison of the obtained high-resolution high-pressure data with conventional data shows that this technique, providing up to ten times better angular resolution, can be of advantage for indexing, for lattice parameter refinement, and even for structure refinement and solution in special cases

    Crystallographic orientations of magnesiochromite inclusions in diamonds: what do they tell us?

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    We have studied by X-ray diffractometry the crystallographic orientation relationships (CORs) between magnesiochromite (mchr) inclusions and their diamond hosts in gem-quality stones from the mines Udachnaya (Siberian Russia), Damtshaa (Botswana) and Panda (Canada); in total 36 inclusions in 23 diamonds. In nearly half of the cases (n = 17), [111]mchr is parallel within error to [111]diamond, but the angular misorientation for other crystallographic directions is generally significant. This relationship can be described as a case of rotational statistical COR, in which inclusion and host share a single axis (1 df). The remaining mchr\u2013diamond pairs (n = 19) have a random COR (2 df). The presence of a rotational statistical COR indicates that the inclusions have physically interacted with the diamond before their final incorporation. Of all possible physical processes that may have influenced mchr orientation, those driven by surface interactions are not considered likely because of the presence of fluid films around the inclusions. Mechanical interaction between euhedral crystals in a fluid-rich environment is therefore proposed as the most likely mechanism to produce the observed rotational COR. In this scenario, neither a rotational nor a random COR can provide information on the relative timing of growth of mchr and diamond. Some multiple, iso-oriented inclusions within single diamonds, however, indicate that mchr was partially dissolved during diamond growth, suggesting a protogenetic origin of these inclusions

    Pressure-induced oversaturation and phase transition in zeolitic imidazolate frameworks with remarkable mechanical stability.

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    Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) 7 and 9 are excellent candidates for CO2 adsorption and storage. Here, high-pressure X-ray diffraction is used to further understand their potential in realistic industrial applications. ZIF-7 and ZIF-9 are shown be able to withstand high hydrostatic pressures whilst retaining their porosity and structural integrity through a new ferroelastic phase transition. This stability is attributed to the presence of sterically large organic ligands. Results confirm the notable influence of guest occupancy on the response of ZIFs to pressure; oversaturation of ZIFs with solvent molecules greatly decreases their compressibility and increases their resistance to amorphisation. By comparing the behaviours of both ZIFs under high pressure, it is demonstrated that their mechanical stability is not affected by metal substitution. The evacuated ZIF-7 phase, ZIF-7-II, is shown to be able to recover to the ZIF-7 structure with excellent resistance to pressure. Examining the pressure-related structural behaviours of ZIF-7 and ZIF-9, we have assessed the great industrial potential of ZIFs.This work was supported by the Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust; China Scholarship Council; Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge; UK Science & Technology Facilities Council. We thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions on the improvement of this manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Royal Society of Chemistry via http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C4DT02680