26 research outputs found

    A Role for Chromatin Remodeling in Cohesin Loading onto Chromosomes.

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    [EN]Cohesin is a conserved, ring-shaped protein complex that topologically embraces DNA. Its central role in genome organization includes functions in sister chromatid cohesion, DNA repair, and transcriptional regulation. Cohesin loading onto chromosomes requires the Scc2-Scc4 cohesin loader, whose presence on chromatin in budding yeast depends on the RSC chromatin remodeling complex. Here we reveal a dual role of RSC in cohesin loading. RSC acts as a chromatin receptor that recruits Scc2-Scc4 by a direct protein interaction independent of chromatin remodeling. In addition, chromatin remodeling is required to generate a nucleosome-free region that is the substrate for cohesin loading. An engineered cohesin loading module can be created by fusing the Scc2 C terminus to RSC or to other chromatin remodelers, but not to unrelated DNA binding proteins. These observations demonstrate the importance of nucleosome-free DNA for cohesin loading and provide insight into how cohesin accesses DNA during its varied chromosomal activities

    Replication-induced DNA secondary structures drive fork uncoupling and breakage

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    Sequences that form DNA secondary structures, such as G-quadruplexes (G4s) and intercalated-Motifs (iMs), are abundant in the human genome and play various physiological roles. However, they can also interfere with replication and threaten genome stability. Multiple lines of evidence suggest G4s inhibit replication, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Moreover, evidence of how iMs affect the replisome is lacking. Here, we reconstitute replication of physiologically derived structure-forming sequences to find that a single G4 or iM arrest DNA replication. Direct single-molecule structure detection within solid-state nanopores reveals structures form as a consequence of replication. Combined genetic and biophysical characterisation establishes that structure stability and probability of structure formation are key determinants of replisome arrest. Mechanistically, replication arrest is caused by impaired synthesis, resulting in helicase-polymerase uncoupling. Significantly, iMs also induce breakage of nascent DNA. Finally, stalled forks are only rescued by a specialised helicase, Pif1, but not Rrm3, Sgs1, Chl1 or Hrq1. Altogether, we provide a mechanism for quadruplex structure formation and resolution during replication and highlight G4s and iMs as endogenous sources of replication stress

    Epigenetic control of DNA replication dynamics in mammals.

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    Every time a cell divides it must ensure that its genetic information is accurately duplicated and dis-tributed equally to the two daughter cells. This fundamental biological process is conserved through-out all kingdoms of life and relies on the correct and complete duplication of the DNA before a cell can divide and give rise to other cells or to multicellular organisms. Any mistakes in this process can result in genetic mutations or karyotype aberrations, which may lead to disease or even death. Whereas in prokaryotes the entire genome is replicated from a single origin, the increased genome size and complexity in mammals requires the spatio-temporal coordination of thousands of replica-tion origins. Furthermore, this spatio-temporal order of genome replication changes throughout de-velopment and cellular differentiation. Here we present and discuss current knowledge on the con-trol of DNA replication dynamics in mammals and the role of chromatin modifications in this basic biological process

    Epigenetic control of DNA replication dynamics in mammals

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    Every time a cell divides it must ensure that its genetic information is accurately duplicated and dis-tributed equally to the two daughter cells. This fundamental biological process is conserved through-out all kingdoms of life and relies on the correct and complete duplication of the DNA before a cell can divide and give rise to other cells or to multicellular organisms. Any mistakes in this process can result in genetic mutations or karyotype aberrations, which may lead to disease or even death. Whereas in prokaryotes the entire genome is replicated from a single origin, the increased genome size and complexity in mammals requires the spatio-temporal coordination of thousands of replica-tion origins. Furthermore, this spatio-temporal order of genome replication changes throughout de-velopment and cellular differentiation. Here we present and discuss current knowledge on the con-trol of DNA replication dynamics in mammals and the role of chromatin modifications in this basic biological process

    Spatiotemporal visualization of DNA replication dynamics.

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    The ability of cells to copy their DNA allows them to transmit their genetic information to their progeny. In such, this central biological process preserves the instructions that direct the entire development of a cell. Earlier biochemical analysis in vitro and genetic analysis in yeast laid the basis of our understanding of the highly conserved mechanism of DNA replication. Recent advances on labeling and live-cell microscopy permit now the dissection of this fundamental process in vivo within the context of intact cells. In this chapter, we describe in detail how to perform multiple DNA replication labeling and detection allowing high spatial resolution imaging, as well as how to follow DNA replication in living cells allowing high temporal resolution imaging

    Targeted manipulation of heterochromatin rescues MeCP2 Rett mutants and re-establishes higher order chromatin organization.

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    Heterochromatic regions represent a significant portion of the mammalian genome and have been implied in several important cellular processes, including cell division and genomic stability. However, its composition and dynamics remain largely unknown. To better understand how heterochromatin functions and how it is organized within the context of the cell nucleus, we have developed molecular tools allowing the targeting of virtually any nuclear factor specifically to heterochromatic regions and, thereby, the manipulation, also in a temporally controlled manner, of its composition. To validate our approach, we have ectopically targeted MeCP2 chromatin binding deficient Rett mutants to constitutive heterochromatic regions and analyze its functional consequences. We could show that, once bound to their endogenous target regions, their ability to re-organize higher order chromatin structure is restored. Furthermore, a temporally controlled targeting strategy allowed us to monitor MeCP2-mediated chromatin rearrangements in vivo and to visualize large-scale chromatin movements over several micrometers, as well as heterochromatic foci fusion events. This novel strategy enables specific tethering of any protein to heterochromatin and lays the ground for controlled manipulation of its composition and organization

    Targeted manipulation of heterochromatin rescues MeCP2 Rett mutants and re-establishes higher order chromatin organization

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    Heterochromatic regions represent a significant portion of the mammalian genome and have been implied in several important cellular processes, including cell division and genomic stability. However, its composition and dynamics remain largely unknown. To better understand how heterochromatin functions and how it is organized within the context of the cell nucleus, we have developed molecular tools allowing the targeting of virtually any nuclear factor specifically to heterochromatic regions and, thereby, the manipulation, also in a temporally controlled manner, of its composition. To validate our approach, we have ectopically targeted MeCP2 chromatin binding deficient Rett mutants to constitutive heterochromatic regions and analyze its functional consequences. We could show that, once bound to their endogenous target regions, their ability to re-organize higher order chromatin structure is restored. Furthermore, a temporally controlled targeting strategy allowed us to monitor MeCP2-mediated chromatin rearrangements in vivo and to visualize large-scale chromatin movements over several micrometers, as well as heterochromatic foci fusion events. This novel strategy enables specific tethering of any protein to heterochromatin and lays the ground for controlled manipulation of its composition and organization

    Peripheral re-localization of constitutive heterochromatin advances its replication timing and impairs maintenance of silencing marks.

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    The replication of the genome is a highly organized process, both spatially and temporally. Although a lot is known on the composition of the basic replication machinery, how its activity is regulated is mostly unknown. Several chromatin properties have been proposed as regulators, but a potential role of the nuclear DNA position remains unclear. We made use of the prominent structure and well-defined heterochromatic landscape of mouse pericentric chromosome domains as a well-studied example of late replicating constitutive heterochromatin. We established a method to manipulate its nuclear position and evaluated the effect on replication timing, DNA compaction and epigenetic composition. Using time-lapse microscopy, we observed that constitutive heterochromatin, known to replicate during late S-phase, was replicated in mid S-phase when repositioned to the nuclear periphery. Out-of-schedule replication resulted in deficient post-replicative maintenance of chromatin modifications, namely silencing marks. We propose that repositioned constitutive heterochromatin was activated in trans according to the domino model of origin firing by nearby (mid S) firing origins. In summary, our data provide, on the one hand, a novel approach to manipulate nuclear DNA position and, on the other hand, establish nuclear DNA position as a novel mechanism regulating DNA replication timing and epigenetic maintenance

    Cytosine base modifications regulate DNA duplex stability and metabolism

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    DNA base modifications diversify the genome and are essential players in development. Yet, their influence on DNA physical properties and the ensuing effects on genome metabolism are poorly understood. Here, we focus on the interplay of cytosine modifications and DNA processes. We show by a combination of in vitro reactions with well defined protein compositions and conditions, and in vivo experiments within the complex networks of the cell that cytosine methylation stabilizes the DNA helix, increasing its melting temperature and reducing DNA helicase and RNA/DNA polymerase speed. Oxidation of methylated cytosine, however, reverts the duplex stabilizing and genome metabolic effects to the level of unmodified cytosine. We detect this effect with DNA replication and transcription proteins originating from different species, ranging from prokaryotic and viral to the eukaryotic yeast and mammalian proteins. Accordingly, lack of cytosine methylation increases replication fork speed by enhancing DNA helicase unwinding speed in cells. We further validate that this cannot simply be explained by altered global DNA decondensation, changes in histone marks or chromatin structure and accessibility. We propose that the variegated deposition of cytosine modifications along the genome regulates DNA helix stability thereby providing an elementary mechanism for local fine-tuning of DNA metabolism

    Biblioteca virtual redELE

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Encuentro con el título: 'La gramática en el aula' organizado por el Instituto Cervantes de NápolesSe ofrece una actividad de aula que desarrolla un webquest sobre gramática y se destina a estudiantes de ELE (Español como Lengua Extrajera) de nivel B2, C1. Los objetivos son: aproximar a las gramáticas de Nebrilla y Bello, repasar aspectos gramaticales mediante el uso de la red, iniciar un juego de rol-simulación para crear los personajes de la búsqueda.MadridES