726 research outputs found
Apuntes sobre la entonación de la ciudad de Zaragoza
En este artículo esbozamos brevemente los elementos acústicos que hemos encontrado en un análisis de dos conversaciones espontáneas grabadas a dos informantes de la ciudad de Zaragoza. Ambos hablantes fueron escogidos intencionadamente por su marcado «acento» zaragozano. Tras estudiar los datos creemos que la peculiaridad de la entonación de esta ciudad se encuentra caracterizada por la realización de un contorno de F0 en forma circunfleja. Este contorno se realiza en la sílaba postónica. Además, los rasgos prosódicos de duración e intensidad también ayudan a percibir la peculiar prosodia de la zona. La sílaba con este contorno tonal suele ser particularmente larga, especialmente cuando va en final de frase. Su intensidad también es particularmente elevada.In this article we briefly outline the acoustic elements found after the analysis of two spontaneous conversations by two informants from the city of Zaragoza. Both speakers were chosen on purpose due to their «accent» from Zaragoza. Alter studying the data we believe that the most distinctive feature of the intonation in this city is characterised by an F0 environment in a circumflex manner. This contour is realized in the postonic syllable. On top of this, prosodic features of length and intensity also help perceive the typical prosodic realization in this area. The syllable with tonal contour is usually very long, especially when it is occurs at the end of an utterance. Its intensity is also remarkably high.En este artículo esbozamos brevemente los elementos acústicos que hemos encontrado en un análisis de dos conversaciones espontáneas grabadas a dos informantes de la ciudad de Zaragoza. Ambos hablantes fueron escogidos intencionadamente por su marcado «acento» zaragozano. Tras estudiar los datos creemos que la peculiaridad de la entonación de esta ciudad se encuentra caracterizada por la realización de un contorno de F0 en forma circunfleja. Este contorno se realiza en la sílaba postónica. Además, los rasgos prosódicos de duración e intensidad también ayudan a percibir la peculiar prosodia de la zona. La sílaba con este contorno tonal suele ser particularmente larga, especialmente cuando va en final de frase. Su intensidad también es particularmente elevada
Supporting End-User Development through a New Composition Model: An Empirical Study
End-user development (EUD) is much hyped, and its impact has outstripped even the most optimistic forecasts. Even so, the vision of end users programming their own solutions
has not yet materialized. This will continue to be so unless we in both industry and the research community set ourselves the ambitious challenge of devising end to end an end-user application development model for developing a new age of EUD tools. We have embarked on this venture, and this paper presents the main insights and outcomes of our research and development efforts as part of a number of successful EU research projects. Our proposal not only aims to reshape software engineering to meet the needs of EUD but also to refashion its components as solution building blocks instead of programs and software developments. This
way, end users will really be empowered to build solutions based on artefacts akin to their expertise and understanding of ideal solution
Transmural versus non-transmural in situ electrical impedance spectrum for healthy, ischemic, and healed myocardium
Electrical properties of myocardial tissue are anisotropic due to the complex structure of the myocardial fiber orientation and the distribution of gap junctions. For this reason, measured myocardial impedance may differ depending on the current distribution and direction with respect to myocardial fiber orientation and, consequently, according to the measurement method. The objective of this study is to compare the specific impedance spectra of the myocardium measured using two different methods. One method consisted of transmural measurements using an intracavitary catheter and the other method consisted of nontransmural measurements using a four-needle probe inserted into the epicardium. Using both methods, we provide the in situ specific impedance spectrum (magnitude and phase angle) of normal, ischemic, and infarcted pig myocardium tissue from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. Magnitude spectra showed no significant differences between the measurement techniques. However, the phase angle spectra showed significant differences for normal and ischemic tissues according to the measurement technique.
The main difference is encountered after 60 min of acute ischemia in the phase angle spectrum. Healed myocardial tissue showed a small and flat phase angle spectrum in both methods due to the low content of cells in the transmural infarct scar. In conclusion, both transmural and nontransmural measurements of phase angle
spectrum allow the differentiation among normal, ischemic, and infarcted tissue.Peer Reviewe
Desarrollo de un software de control basado en Raspberry Pi II para la implementación de algoritmos de control en una plataforma 3D (con 3 grados de libertad)
[ES] Este trabajo de fin de grado se basa en la mejora de una plataforma para la implementación
de los algoritmos de control de un quadrotor.
Se comenzará el trabajo a partir de la estructura de un quadrotor ya construido controlado
con Raspberry Pi con la finalidad de actualizarlo a Raspberry Pi 2 y añadirle ciertas funciones
que aún no se le habían incluido, como el control delos 3 ángulos roll, pitch y yaw a la vez, y
mejora de la parte central del rotor para reducir su altura.
El quadrotor se controla mediante la Raspberry Pi 2, que es un miniordenador con grandes
prestaciones y de bajo precio. Se implementará con un sistema operativo el cual tiene ya
incluido un parche en el kernel para adaptarlo a las funciones de Sistema Operativo de
Tiempo Real, el cual es necesario para el correcto funcionamiento del quadrotor.
El miniordenador, que se conectara a un PC-Base que le mandará las respectivas órdenes en
cada momento, junto con una IMU, una batería, cuatro motores con sus drivers, un conversor
de tensiones y las respectivas conexiones entre los diferentes elementos, las cuales habrá
que adaptar según el protocolo de comunicación que utilicen, formarán el conjunto necesario
para la implementación del aparato.
Se trabajará sobre una plataforma basada en una rotula para no limitar ninguno de los grados
de libertad de giro del aparato (pitch, roll y yaw).[EN] This work EOG is based on improving a platform for implementing control algorithms of a
Work will start from the structure of a quadrotor already built controlled Raspberry Pi in
order to upgrade to Raspberry Pi 2 and add certain features that were not yet included him
as control of the 3 angles roll, pitch and yaw at a time, and improving the central part of the
rotor to reduce its height.
The quadrotor is controlled by the Raspberry Pi 2, which is a minicomputer with high
performance and low price. It will be implemented with an operating system which has
already included a patch to the kernel to suit the functions of real-time operating system,
which is necessary for the proper functioning of the quadrotor.
The mini-computer, which was connected to a PC-Base that will send the respective orders
at all times, along with an IMU, a battery, four engines with their drivers, a converter voltage
and the respective connections between the different elements, which should be adapted
according to the communication protocol used, they will form the necessary apparatus for
implementing the set.
It will work on a platform based on a ball joint to not limit any of the degrees of freedom of
rotation of the apparatus (pitch, roll and yaw).[CA] Aquest treball de fi de grau es basa en la millora d'una plataforma per a la implementació
dels algoritmes de control d'un quadrotor.
Es començarà el treball a partir de l'estructura d'un quadrotor ja construït controlat amb
Raspberry Pi amb la finalitat d'actualitzar-lo a Raspberry Pi 2 i afegir-certes funcions que
encara no li havien inclòs, com el control dels 3 angles roll, pitch i yaw a la vegada, i millora
de la part central del rotor per reduir la seva altura.
El quadrotor es controla mitjançant la Raspberry Pi 2, que és un miniordinador amb grans
prestacions i de baix preu. S'implementarà amb un sistema operatiu el qual té ja inclòs un
pegat en el nucli per adaptar-lo a les funcions de Sistema Operatiu de Temps Real, el qual és
necessari per al correcte funcionament del quadrotor.
El miniordinador, que es connectés a un PC-Base que li enviarà les respectives ordres en cada
moment, juntament amb una IMU, una bateria, quatre motors amb els seus drivers, un
convertidor de tensions i les respectives connexions entre els diferents elements, les quals
caldrà adaptar segons el protocol de comunicació que utilitzin, formaran el conjunt necessari
per a la implementació de l'aparell.
Es treballarà sobre una plataforma basada en una ròtula per no limitar cap dels graus de
llibertat de gir de l'aparell (pitch, roll i yaw).Casas Marín, FJ. (2016). Desarrollo de un software de control basado en Raspberry Pi II para la implementación de algoritmos de control en una plataforma 3D (con 3 grados de libertad). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65984.TFG
Ronchamp in the spotlight. The feature of a shocking building in the 50s journals
[EN] Although currently it is largely accepted that Chapelle Notre-Dame du Haut at Ronchamp is one of the milestones
in Le Corbusier’s works, there is no less agreement in saying that it was one of the most controversial of his works and one
turning point in modern architecture, not only in terms of digging a grave for functionalism but to opening a window to a
wide bunch of architects and works that would have been excluded from history and maybe forever otherwise. In order to
recall its importance, we must look back to how architectural journals featured Ronchamp in the mid fifties as, on one hand,
Le Corbusier was not a young architect but a very well known and respected one with an international reputation and
therefore, it was not easy to criticize his works and, on the other hand, Ronchamp was such a shocking building for many
colleagues who had no choice but writing about it that somehow they were between the Devil and the deep blue sea.Casas Cobo, FJ. (2016). Ronchamp in the spotlight. The feature of a shocking building in the 50s journals. En LE CORBUSIER. 50 AÑOS DESPUÉS. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 366-372. https://doi.org/10.4995/LC2015.2015.942OCS36637
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