17 research outputs found

    James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Test Assessment Task (TAT): Briefing to the NASA Science Mission Directorate

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    Topics include: INtegrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) plus Optical Telescope Element (OTE) equals OTIS, Test Assessment Task (TAT) scope, text complexity at JSC, OTIS cryo test timeline, thermal verification overview, optical verification overview, ISIM cryo test configuration at GSFC, ISIM I and T flow, ISIM cryo test timeline, and JSC activities flow

    A Small Fission Power System for NASA Planetary Science Missions

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    In March 2010, the Decadal Survey Giant Planets Panel (GPP) requested a short-turnaround study to evaluate the feasibility of a small Fission Power System (FPS) for future unspecified National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) science missions. FPS technology was considered a potential option for power levels that might not be achievable with radioisotope power systems. A study plan was generated and a joint NASA and Department of Energy (DOE) study team was formed. The team developed a set of notional requirements that included 1-kW electrical output, 15-year design life, and 2020 launch availability. After completing a short round of concept screening studies, the team selected a single concept for concentrated study and analysis. The selected concept is a solid block uranium-molybdenum reactor core with heat pipe cooling and distributed thermoelectric power converters directly coupled to aluminum radiator fins. This paper presents the preliminary configuration, mass summary, and proposed development program

    A New Spin

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    The trouble was that the shuttle was still under development when that schedule was set. As time went on, the Shuttle had problems with its high pressure turbines, thermal protection tiles, engines, and more. The early launch dates had to be scrapped. NASA Headquarters told us, "We re going to delay your launch two years to allow more time for the Shuttle development to take place. You can slow your development accordingly." Right off the bat, we looked into the celestial mechanics and how they would affect us. The difficulty in launching a spacecraft to Jupiter changes on a year-to- year basis, in a cyclical pattern that repeats about every ten or twelve years. In order to achieve the velocity needed to get from low earth orbit to Jupiter, an upper stage is required in the Shuttle. For the 1982 launch the upper stage was adequate, but it could not provide the velocity we would need in 1984. This meant we would have to separate the Galileo probe from the Galileo orbiter before launch and put each of them on separate Shuttles with separate upper stages. When we told the folks at Headquarters this, they told us, "Okay we'll give you two Shuttle launches.