89 research outputs found

    CRAF/Cassini (C/C)

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    The Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby (CRAF) is a mission to rendezvous with the comet Tempel 2 and to station-keep at the comet for a period of 2.6 years, including the comet perihelion. There is a flyby of the asteroid Mandeville prior to the arrival at Tempel 2. The Cassini is a mission to place a spacecraft in a highly elliptical orbit around the planet Saturn and deliver a probe to the surface of its satellite Titan. There is a flyby of the asteroid 1989 UR1 prior to arrival at Saturn. Coverage goals for the two missions are explained. Information is given in tabular form for frequency assignments, telemetry, command, navigation, and tracking support responsibility

    CD4 homologue in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): molecular characterization and structural analysis

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    CD4 is a transmembrane glycoprotein fundamental for cell-mediated immunity. Its action as a T cell coreceptor increases the avidity of association between a T cell and an antigen-presenting cell by interacting with portions of the complex between MHC class II and TR molecules. In this paper we report the cDNA cloning, expression and structural analysis of a CD4 homologue from sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). The sea bass CD4 cDNA consists of 2071 bp that translates in one reading frame to give the entire molecule containing 480 amino acids. The analysis of the sequence shows the presence of four putative Ig-like domains and that some fundamental structural features, like a disulphide bond in domain D2 and the CXC signalling motif in the cytoplasmic tail, are conserved from sea bass to mammals. Real-time PCR analysis showed that very high levels of CD4 mRNA transcripts are present in thymus, followed by gut and gills. In vitro stimulation of head kidney leukocytes with LPS and PHA-L gave an increase of CD4 mRNA levels after 4 h and a decrease after 24 h. Homology modelling has been applied to create a 3D model of sea bass CD4 and to investigate its interaction with sea bass MHC-II. The analysis of the 3D complex between sea bass CD4 and sea bass MHC-II suggests that the absence of a disulfide bond in the CD4 D1 domain could make this molecule more flexible, inducing a different conformation and affecting the binding and the way of interaction between CD4 and MHC-II. Our results will add new insights into the sea bass T cell immune responses and will help in the identification of T cell subsets in teleost fishes to better understand the evolution of cell-mediated immunity from fish to mammals.L'articolo è disponibile sul sito dell'editore http://www.sciencedirect.com

    Spanish ATLAS tier-2: Facing up to LHC Run 2

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    The goal of this work is to describe the way of addressing the main challenges of Run 2 by the Spanish ATLAS Tier-2. The considerable increase of energy and luminosity for the upcoming Run 2 with respect to Run 1 has led to a revision of the ATLAS computing model as well as some of the main ATLAS computing tools. In this paper, the adaptation to these changes will be described. The Spanish ATLAS Tier-2 is a R&D project which consists of a distributed infrastructure composed of three sites and its members are involved in ATLAS computing progress, namely the work in different tasks and the development of new tools (e.g. Event Index)This work has been supported by MINECO, Spain (Proj. Ref. FPA2010-21919-C03-01,02,03 & FPA2013-47424-C3,01,02,03), which include FEDER funds from the European Unio

    The ATLAS Eventindex using the HBase/Phoenix storage solution

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    The ATLAS EventIndex provides a global event catalogue and event-level metadata for ATLAS analysis groups and users. The LHC Run 3, starting in 2022, will see increased data-taking and simulation production rates, with which the current infrastructure would still cope but may be stretched to its limits by the end of Run 3. This talk describes the implementation of a new core storage service that will provide at least the same functionality as the current one for increased data ingestion and search rates, and with increasing volumes of stored data. It is based on a set of HBase tables, coupled to Apache Phoenix for data access; in this way we will add to the advantages of a BigData based storage system the possibility of SQL as well as NoSQL data access, which allows the re-use of most of the existing code for metadata integration

    The ATLAS EventIndex: a BigData catalogue for all ATLAS experiment events

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    The ATLAS EventIndex system comprises the catalogue of all events collected, processed or generated by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC accelerator, and all associated software tools to collect, store and query this information. ATLAS records several billion particle interactions every year of operation, processes them for analysis and generates even larger simulated data samples; a global catalogue is needed to keep track of the location of each event record and be able to search and retrieve specific events for in-depth investigations. Each EventIndex record includes summary information on the event itself and the pointers to the files containing the full event. Most components of the EventIndex system are implemented using BigData open-source tools. This paper describes the architectural choices and their evolution in time, as well as the past, current and foreseen future implementations of all EventIndex components.Comment: 21 page

    Deployment and Operation of the ATLAS EventIndex for LHC Run 3

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    The ATLAS Eventlndex is the global catalogue of all ATLAS real and simulated events. During the LHC long shutdown between Run 2 (20152018) and Run 3 (2022-2025) all its components were substantially revised and a new system was deployed for the start of Run 3 in Spring 2022. The new core storage system, based on HBase tables with a SQL interface provided by Phoenix, allows much faster data ingestion rates and scales much better than the old one to the data rates expected for the end of Run 3 and beyond. All user interfaces were also revised and a new command-line interface and web services were also deployed. The new system was initially populated with all existing data relative to Run 1 and Run 2 datasets, and then put online to receive Run 3 data in real time. After extensive testing, the old system, which ran in parallel to the new one for a few months, was finally switched off in October 2022. This paper describes the new system, the move of all existing data from the old to the new storage schemas and the operational experience gathered so far