139 research outputs found

    A Photon Peak due to Strong Coupling

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    We show that if a flavour-less vector meson remains bound after deconfinement, and if its limiting velocity in the quark-gluon plasma is subluminal, then this meson produces a distinct peak in the spectrum of thermal photons emitted by the plasma. We also demonstrate that this effect is a universal property of all strongly coupled, large-\nc plasmas with a gravity dual. For the J/ΨJ/\Psi the corresponding peak lies between 3 and 5 GeV and could be observed at the LHC.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennessee. V2: minor correction

    A New Mechanism of Quark Energy Loss

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    We show that a heavy quark moving sufficiently fast through a quark-gluon plasma may lose energy by Cherenkov-radiating mesons. We demonstrate that this takes place in all strongly coupled, large-Nc plasmas with a gravity dual. The energy loss is exactly calculable in these models despite being an O(1/Nc)-effect. We discuss phenomenological implications for heavy-ion collision experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; v2: plot modified, conclusions unchange

    Interference effects in medium-induced gluon radiation

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    As a step towards understanding the in-medium evolution of a hard jet, we consider the interference pattern for the medium induced gluon radiation produced by a color singlet quark-antiquark antenna embedded in a QCD medium with size L. We focus on the typical kinematics for medium-induced gluon radiation in the BDMPS-Z regime, that is, short formation times \tau_f << L and relatively large emission angles \theta >>\theta_c = 2/\sqrt{\hat q L^3}, with \hat q the `jet quenching' parameter. We demonstrate that, for a dipole opening angle \theta_{q\bar q} larger than \theta_c, the interference between the medium-induced gluon emissions by the quark and the antiquark is parametrically suppressed with respect to the corresponding direct emissions. Physically, this is so since the direct emissions can be delocalized anywhere throughout the medium and thus yield contributions proportional to L. On the contrary, the interference occurs only between gluons emitted at very early times, within the characteristic time scales for quantum and color coherence between the two emitters, which in this regime are much smaller than L. This implies that, for \theta_{q\bar q} >> \theta_c, the medium-induced radiation by the dipole is simply the sum of the two BDMPS-Z spectra individually produced by the quark and the antiquark, without coherence effects like angular ordering. For \theta_{q\bar q} << \theta_c, the BDMPS-Z radiation by the dipole vanishes.Comment: 47 pages, 7 figures. Improved physical discussion in Sect. 2. New section added (Sect. 6) on possible implications for in-medium jet evolution. More references added. Conclusions unchange

    Introductory lectures on jet quenching in heavy ion collisions

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    Jet quenching has become an essential signal for the characterization of the medium formed in experiments of heavy-ion collisions. After a brief introduction to the field, we present the full derivation of the medium-induced gluon radiation spectrum, starting from the diagrammatical origin of the Wilson lines and the medium averages and including all intermediate steps. The application of this spectrum to actual phenomenological calculations is then presented, making comparisons with experimental data and indicating some improvements of the formalism to the future LHC program. The last part of the lectures reviews calculations based on the AdS/CFT correspondence on the medium parameters controlling the jet quenching phenomenon.Comment: 63 pages, 17 figures, Presented at the XLVII Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, Zakopane, Poland, June 14-22, 200

    Eccentricity fluctuations make flow measurable in high multiplicity p-p collisions

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    Elliptic flow is a hallmark of collectivity in hadronic collisions. Its measurement relies on analysis techniques which require high event multiplicity and could be applied so far to heavy ion collisions only. Here, we delineate the conditions under which elliptic flow becomes measurable in the samples of high-multiplicity (dNch/dy≥50dN_{\rm ch}/dy \geq 50) p-p collisions, which will soon be collected at the LHC. We observe that fluctuations in the p-p interaction region can result in a sizable spatial eccentricity even for the most central p-p collisions. Under relatively mild assumptions on the nature of such fluctuations and on the eccentricity scaling of elliptic flow, we find that the resulting elliptic flow signal in high-multiplicity p-p collisions at the LHC becomes measurable with standard techniques.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. v2 accepted by PR
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