44 research outputs found

    Verification of precipitation forecasts from two limited-area models over Italy and comparison with ECMWF forecasts using a resampling technique

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    This paper presents the first systematic limited area model (LAM) precipitation verification work over Italy. A resampling technique was used to provide skill score results along with confidence intervals. Two years of data were used, starting in October 2000. Two operational LAMs have been considered, the Limited Area Model Bologna (LAMBO) operating at the Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione e Ambiente- Servizio Meteorologico Regionale (ARPA-SMR) of the Emilia–Romagna region, and the QUADRICS Bologna Limited Area Model (QBOLAM) running at the Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici (APAT). A 24-h forecast skill score comparison was first performed on the native 0.1° high-resolution grids, using a Barnes scheme to produce the observed 24-h accumulated rainfall analysis. Two nonparametric skill scores were used: the equitable threat score (ETS) and the Hanssen and Kuipers score (HK). Frequency biases (BIA) were also calculated. LAM forecasts were also remapped on a lowerresolution grid (0.5°), using a nearest-neighbor average method; this remapping allowed for comparison with ECMWF model forecasts, and for LAM intercomparisons at lower resolution, with the advantage of reducing the skill score sensitivity to small displacements errors. LAM skill scores depend on the resolution of the verification grid, with an increase when they are verified on a lower-resolution grid. The selected LAMs have a higher BIA compared to ECMWF, showing a tendency to overforecast precipitation, especially along mountain ranges, possibly due to undesired effects from the large-scale and/or convective precipitation parameterizations. Lower ECMWF BIA accounts for skill score differences. LAMBO precipitation forecasts during winter (adjusted for BIA differences) have less misses than ECMWF over the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Higher-resolution orography definitely adds value to LAM forecasts

    Verification of Precipitation Forecasts from Two Limited-Area Models over Italy and Comparison with ECMWF Forecasts Using a Resampling Technique

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    Abstract This paper presents the first systematic limited area model (LAM) precipitation verification work over Italy. A resampling technique was used to provide skill score results along with confidence intervals. Two years of data were used, starting in October 2000. Two operational LAMs have been considered, the Limited Area Model Bologna (LAMBO) operating at the Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione e Ambiente-Servizio Meteorologico Regionale (ARPA-SMR) of the Emilia–Romagna region, and the QUADRICS Bologna Limited Area Model (QBOLAM) running at the Agenzia per la Protezione dell'Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici (APAT). A 24-h forecast skill score comparison was first performed on the native 0.1° high-resolution grids, using a Barnes scheme to produce the observed 24-h accumulated rainfall analysis. Two nonparametric skill scores were used: the equitable threat score (ETS) and the Hanssen and Kuipers score (HK). Frequency biases (BIA) were also calculated. LAM forecasts were also remapped on a lower-resolution grid (0.5°), using a nearest-neighbor average method; this remapping allowed for comparison with ECMWF model forecasts, and for LAM intercomparisons at lower resolution, with the advantage of reducing the skill score sensitivity to small displacements errors. LAM skill scores depend on the resolution of the verification grid, with an increase when they are verified on a lower-resolution grid. The selected LAMs have a higher BIA compared to ECMWF, showing a tendency to overforecast precipitation, especially along mountain ranges, possibly due to undesired effects from the large-scale and/or convective precipitation parameterizations. Lower ECMWF BIA accounts for skill score differences. LAMBO precipitation forecasts during winter (adjusted for BIA differences) have less misses than ECMWF over the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Higher-resolution orography definitely adds value to LAM forecasts

    A multiscale approach for precipitation verification applied to the FORALPS case studies

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    International audienceMultiscale methods, such as the power spectrum, are suitable diagnostic tools for studying the second order statistics of a gridded field. For instance, in the case of Numerical Weather Prediction models, a drop in the power spectrum for a given scale indicates the inability of the model to reproduce the variance of the phenomenon below the correspondent spatial scale. Hence, these statistics provide an insight into the real resolution of a gridded field and must be accurately known for interpolation and downscaling purposes. In this work, belonging to the EU INTERREG IIIB Alpine Space FORALPS project, the power spectra of the precipitation fields for two intense rain events, which occurred over the north-eastern alpine region, have been studied in detail. A drop in the power spectrum at the shortest scales (about 30 km) has been found, as well as a strong matching between the precipitation spectrum and the spectrum of the orography. Furthermore, it has also been shown how the spectra help understand the behavior of the skill scores traditionally used in Quantitative Precipitation Forecast verification, as these are sensitive to the amount of small scale detail present in the fields

    Three models intercomparison for Quantitative Precipitation Forecast over Calabria

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    In the framework of the National Project “Sviluppo di distretti industriali per le Osservazioni della Terra” (Development of Industrial Districts for Earth Observations)funded by MIUR (Ministero dell’Universit`a e della Ricerca Scientifica —Italian Ministry of the University and Scientific Research)t wo operational mesoscale models were set-up for Calabria, the southernmost tip of the Italian peninsula. Models are RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)and MM5 (Mesoscale Modeling 5)that are run every day at Crati scrl to produce weather forecast over Calabria (http://www.crati.it). This paper reports model intercomparison for Quantitative Precipitation Forecast evaluated for a 20 month period from 1th October 2000 to 31th May 2002. In addition to RAMS and MM5 outputs, QBOLAM rainfall fields are available for the period selected and included in the comparison. This model runs operationally at “Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici”. Forecasts are verified comparing models outputs with raingauge data recorded by the regional meteorological network, which has 75 raingauges. Large-scale forcing is the same for all models considered and differences are due to physical/numerical parameterizations and horizontal resolutions. QPFs show differences between models. Largest differences are for BIA compared to the other considered scores. Performances decrease with increasing forecast time for RAMS and MM5, whilst QBOLAM scores better for second day forecast

    Linear and nonlinear post-processing of numerically forecasted surface temperature

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    International audienceIn this paper we test different approaches to the statistical post-processing of gridded numerical surface air temperatures (provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) onto the temperature measured at surface weather stations located in the Italian region of Puglia. We consider simple post-processing techniques, like correction for altitude, linear regression from different input parameters and Kalman filtering, as well as a neural network training procedure, stabilised (i.e. driven into the absolute minimum of the error function over the learning set) by means of a Simulated Annealing method. A comparative analysis of the results shows that the performance with neural networks is the best. It is encouraging for systematic use in meteorological forecast-analysis service operations

    Evaluating the improvements of the BOLAM model of the ISPRA Sistema Idro-Meteo-Mare on the December 2008 flood event in Rome

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    The Sistema Idro-Meteo-Mare is an integrated meteo-marine forecasting chain for the Mediterranean basin. The recent update of the meteorological segment, based on the hydrostatic BOlogna Limited Area Model (BOLAM), gives the opportunity for a comparative verification study on a Mediterranean cyclone. The 10–12 December 2008 flood event in Rome has been chosen as case study. This disastrous event was claimed to be an extreme one by mass-media; however, its return time is shown here to be about 5 years. The Mediterranean cyclone responsible for the flood offers a tough case study in order to verify the model's ability in reproducing the evolution of meso-synoptic features in the Mediterranean environment. A qualitative comparison, employing satellite data and derived products, is performed. Results suggest that the upgraded model provides a more realistic representation of the cyclone warm sector – where the main rainfall peak took place – whereas the error in the cyclone trajectory and shape evolution is less affected by the BOLAM improvement

    Unsatisfying forecast of a Mediterranean cyclone: a verification study employing state-of-the-art techniques

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    International audienceOn 16?17 November 2000, a relatively intense precipitation event on the north-western Italy was heavily underestimated, mainly due to shifting error, by three operational 10-km limited area models (LAMs) which differ about basic equations, domain size, and parameterisation schemes. The scope of the work is to investigate possible common error-sources independent from the single model, in particular the effect of initialisation. Thus, the complex evolution over the western Mediterranean Sea of the cyclone responsible for the event was investigated. Several objective and subjective verification techniques have been employed to check one of the LAMs' forecast against the available observations (precipitation from rain gauge and retrieved from ground-based radar, and satellite-retrieved atmospheric humidity patterns). Despite a clear statement is not achieved, results indicate that high sensitivity to the initial conditions, and the inadequacy of the observational network on the southern Mediterranean area, can play a major role in producing the forecast shifting error on the target area

    POSEIDON: An integrated system for analysis and forecast of hydrological, meteorological and surface marine fields in the Mediterranean area

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    The Mediterranean area is characterized by relevant hydrological, meteorological and marine processes developing at horizontal space-scales of the order of 1–100 km. In the recent past, several international programs have been addressed (ALPEX, POEM, MAP, etc.)to “resolving” the dynamics of such motions. Other projects (INTERREG-Flooding, MEDEX, etc.)are at present being developed with special emphasis on catastrophic events with major impact on human society that are, quite often, characterized in their manifestation by processes with the above-mentioned scales of motion. In the dynamical evolution of such events, however, equally important is the dynamics of interaction of the local (and sometimes very damaging)pro cesses with others developing at larger scales of motion. In fact, some of the most catastrophic events in the history of Mediterranean countries are associated with dynamical processes covering all the range of space-time scales from planetary to local. The Prevision Operational System for the mEditerranean basIn and the Defence of the lagOon of veNice (POSEIDON)is an integrated system for the analysis and forecast of hydrological, meteorological, oceanic fields specifically designed and set up in order to bridge the gap between global and local scales of motion, by modeling explicitly the above referred to dynamical processes in the range of scales from Mediterranean to local. The core of POSEIDON consists of a “cascade” of numerical models that, starting from global scale numerical analysisforecast, goes all the way to very local phenomena, like tidal propagation in Venice Lagoon. The large computational load imposed by such operational design requires necessarily parallel computing technology: the first model in the cascade is a parallelised version of BOlogna Limited Area Model (BOLAM)running on a Quadrics 128 processors computer (also known as QBOLAM). POSEIDON, developed in the context of a co-operation between the Italian Agency for New technologies, Energy and Environment (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente, ENEA)and the Italian Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services (Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici, APAT), has become operational in 2000 and we are presently in the condition of drawing some preliminary conclusions about its performance. In the paper we describe the scientific concepts that were at the basis of the original planning, the structure of the system, its operational cycle and some preliminary scientific and technical evaluations after two years of experimentation

    The 8 and 9 September 2002 flash flood event in France: a model intercomparison

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    Within the framework of the European Interreg IIIb Medocc program, the HYDROPTIMET project aims at the optimization of the hydrometeorological forecasting tools in the context of intense precipitation within complex topography. Therefore, some meteorological forecast models and hydrological models were tested on four Mediterranean flash-flood events. One of them occured in France where the South-eastern ridge of the French “Massif Central”, the Gard region, experienced a devastating flood on 8 and 9 September 2002. 24 people were killed during this event and the economic damage was estimated at 1.2 billion euros. To built the next generation of the hydrometeorological forecasting chain that will be able to capture such localized and fast events and the resulting discharges, the forecasted rain fields might be improved to be relevant for hydrological purposes. In such context, this paper presents the results of the evaluation methodology proposed by Yates et al. (2005) that highlights the relevant hydrological scales of a simulated rain field. Simulated rain fields of 7 meteorological model runs concerning with the French event are therefore evaluated for different accumulation times. The dynamics of these models are either based on non-hydrostatic or hydrostatic equation systems. Moreover, these models were run under different configurations (resolution, initial conditions). The classical score analysis and the areal evaluation of the simulated rain fields are then performed in order to put forward the main simulation characteristics that improve the quantitative precipitation forecast. The conclusions draw some recommendations on the value of the quantitative precipitation forecasts and way to use it for quantitative discharge forecasts within mountainous areas

    Overview of the first HyMeX Special Observation Period over Italy: observations and model results

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    Abstract. The Special Observation Period (SOP1), part of the HyMeX campaign (Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean Experiments, 5 September–6 November 2012), was dedicated to heavy precipitation events and flash floods in the western Mediterranean, and three Italian hydro-meteorological monitoring sites were identified: Liguria–Tuscany, northeastern Italy and central Italy. The extraordinary deployment of advanced instrumentation, including instrumented aircrafts, and the use of several different operational weather forecast models, including hydrological models and marine models, allowed an unprecedented monitoring and analysis of high-impact weather events around the Italian hydro-meteorological sites. This activity has seen strong collaboration between the Italian scientific and operational communities. In this paper an overview of the Italian organization during SOP1 is provided, and selected Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs) are described. A significant event for each Italian target area is chosen for this analysis: IOP2 (12–13 September 2012) in northeastern Italy, IOP13 (15–16 October 2012) in central Italy and IOP19 (3–5 November 2012) in Liguria and Tuscany. For each IOP the meteorological characteristics, together with special observations and weather forecasts, are analyzed with the aim of highlighting strengths and weaknesses of the forecast modeling systems, including the hydrological impacts. The usefulness of having different weather forecast operational chains characterized by different numerical weather prediction models and/or different model set up or initial conditions is finally shown for one of the events (IOP19)