380 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic bilateral hand-assisted nephrectomy: end-stage renal disease from tuberculosis, an unusual indication for nephrectomy before transplantation.

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    The purpose of the study was to sterilize renal tuberculous foci in a pretransplantation patient with a laparoscopic hand-assisted approach and to verify the feasibility of bilateral nephrectomy for this indication. This case report is the first description of hand-assisted laparoscopic bilateral nephrectomy for this pathologic condition. The 33-year-old patient had end-stage renal disease from renal tuberculosis. A commercially available hand-assistance device was used through a midline 8-cm supraumbilical incision and with four ports. The procedure was successfully completed. The total operative time was 3 hours and 40 minutes. Estimated blood loss was 250 mL. The postoperative course was uneventful, and clinical follow-up at 3 weeks revealed a successful outcome. Hand-assisted bilateral laparoscopic nephrectomy in patients with chronic renal failure from tuberculosis represents a viable option because it is feasible and effective. The hand-assisted approach increases the safety of the procedure while retaining all the advantages of minimally invasive surgery

    Retrospective unbiased plasma lipidomic of progressive multiple sclerosis patients-identifies lipids discriminating those with faster clinical deterioration.

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    The disease course of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) is uncertain. In an attempt to identify potential signaling pathways involved in the evolution of the disease, we conducted an exploratory unbiased lipidomic analysis of plasma from non‑diseased controls (n = 8) and patients with primary progressive MS (PPMS, n = 19) and either a rapid (PPMS‑P, n = 9) or slow (PPMS‑NP, n = 10) disease course based on worsening disability and/or MRI‑visible appearance of new T2 lesions over a one‑year‑assessment. Partial least squares‑discriminant analysis of the MS/MSALL lipidomic dataset, identified lipids driving the clustering of the groups. Among these lipids, sphingomyelin‑d18:1/14:0 and mono‑hexosylceramide‑d18:1/20:0 were differentially abundant in the plasma of ppMS patients compared to controls and their levels correlated with MRI signs of disease progression. Lyso‑phosphatidic acid‑18:2 (LPA‑18:2) was the only lipid with significantly lower abundance in PPMS patients with a rapidly deteriorating disease course, and its levels inversely correlated with the severity of the neurological deficit. Decreased levels of LPA‑18:2 were detected in patients with more rapid disease progression, regardless of therapy and these findings were validated in an independent cohort of secondary progressive (SPMS) patients, but not in a third cohorts of relapsing–remitting (RRMS) patients. Collectively, our analysis suggests that sphingomyelin‑d18:1/14:0, mono‑hexosylceramide‑d18:1/20:0, and LPA‑18:2 may represent important targets for future studies aimed at understanding disease progression in MS

    Hypoxia Alters Cell Cycle Regulatory Protein Expression and Induces Premature Maturation of Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells

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    Periventricular white matter injury (PWMI) is a common form of brain injury sustained by preterm infants. A major factor that predisposes to PWMI is hypoxia. Because oligodendrocytes (OLs) are responsible for myelination of axons, abnormal OL development or function may affect brain myelination. At present our understanding of the influences of hypoxia on OL development is limited. To examine isolated effects of hypoxia on OLs, we examined the influences of hypoxia on OL development in vitro.Cultures of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) were prepared from mixed glial cultures and were 99% pure. OPCs were maintained at 21% O(2) or hypoxia (1% or 4% O(2)) for up to 7 days. We observed that 1% O(2) lead to an increase in the proportion of myelin basic protein (MBP)-positive OLs after 1 week in culture, and a decrease in the proportion of platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (PDGFRalpha)-positive cells suggesting premature OL maturation. Increased expression of the cell cycle regulatory proteins p27(Kip1) and phospho-cdc2, which play a role in OL differentiation, was seen as well.These results show that hypoxia interferes with the normal process of OL differentiation by inducing premature OPC maturation

    Body Mass Index in Multiple Sclerosis modulates ceramide-induced DNA methylation and disease course.

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    abstract Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) results from genetic predisposition and environmental variables, including elevated Body Mass Index (BMI) in early life. This study addresses the effect ofBMI on the epigenome ofmono- cytesand diseasecourseinMS. Methods: Fifty-four therapy-naive Relapsing Remitting (RR)MS patientswith high and normal BMI received clin- ical andMRI evaluation. Blood samples were immunophenotyped, and processed for unbiased plasma lipidomic profiling and genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of circulating monocytes. The main findings at baseline were validated in an independent cohort of 91 therapy-naĂŻve RRMS patients. Disease course was evaluated by a two-year longitudinal follow up and mechanistic hypotheses tested in human cell cultures and in animal models ofMS. Findings: Higher monocytic counts and plasma ceramides, and hypermethylation of genes involved in negative regulation ofcell proliferationwere detected in the high BMI group ofMSpatients compared to normal BMI. Cer- amide treatment of monocytic cell cultures increased proliferation in a dose-dependent manner and was prevented by DNA methylation inhibitors. The high BMI group ofMS patients showed a negative correlation be- tween monocytic counts and brain volume. Those subjects at a two-year follow-up showed increased T1 lesion load, increased disease activity, and worsened clinical disability. Lastly, the relationship between body weight, monocytic infiltration, DNA methylation and disease course was validated in mouse models ofMS. Interpretation: High BMI negatively impacts disease course in Multiple Sclerosis by modulating monocyte cell number through ceramide-induced DNA methylation of anti-proliferative genes

    Body Mass Index in Multiple Sclerosis modulates ceramide-induced DNA methylation and disease course

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    Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) results from genetic predisposition and environmental variables, including elevated Body Mass Index (BMI) in early life. This study addresses the effect of BMI on the epigenome of monocytes and disease course in MS. Methods: Fifty-four therapy-naive Relapsing Remitting (RR) MS patients with high and normal BMI received clinical and MRI evaluation. Blood samples were immunophenotyped, and processed for unbiased plasma lipidomic profiling and genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of circulating monocytes. The main findings at baseline were validated in an independent cohort of 91 therapy-na\uefve RRMS patients. Disease course was evaluated by a two-year longitudinal follow up and mechanistic hypotheses tested in human cell cultures and in animal models of MS. Findings: Higher monocytic counts and plasma ceramides, and hypermethylation of genes involved in negative regulation of cell proliferation were detected in the high BMI group of MS patients compared to normal BMI. Ceramide treatment of monocytic cell cultures increased proliferation in a dose-dependent manner and was prevented by DNA methylation inhibitors. The high BMI group of MS patients showed a negative correlation between monocytic counts and brain volume. Those subjects at a two-year follow-up showed increased T1 lesion load, increased disease activity, and worsened clinical disability. Lastly, the relationship between body weight, monocytic infiltration, DNA methylation and disease course was validated in mouse models of MS. Interpretation: High BMI negatively impacts disease course in Multiple Sclerosis by modulating monocyte cell number through ceramide-induced DNA methylation of anti-proliferative genes. Fund: This work was supported by funds from the Friedman Brain Institute, NIH, and Multiple Sclerosis Society

    Efficient Remyelination Requires DNA Methylation

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    Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) are the principal source of new myelin in the central nervous system. A better understanding of how they mature into myelin-forming cells is of high relevance for remyelination. It has recently been demonstrated that during developmental myelination, the DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1), but not DNMT3A, is critical for regulating proliferation and differentiation of OPCs into myelinating oligodendrocytes (OLs). However, it remains to be determined whether DNA methylation is also critical for the differentiation of adult OPCs during remyelination. After lysolecithin-induced demyelination in the ventrolateral spinal cord white matter of adult mice of either sex, we detected increased levels of DNA methylation and higher expression levels of the DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A and lower levels of DNMT1 in differentiating adult OLs. To functionally assess the role of DNMT1 and DNMT3 in adult OPCs, we used mice with inducible and lineage-specific ablation of Dnmt3a\small \textit{Dnmt3a} and/or Dnmt1\small \textit{Dnmt1} (i.e., Plp-creER(t);Dnmt3a-flox, Plp-creER(t);Dnmt1-flox, Plp-creER(t);Dnmt1-flox;Dnmt3aflox\small \textit{Plp-creER(t);Dnmt3a-flox, Plp-creER(t);Dnmt1-flox, Plp-creER(t);Dnmt1-flox;Dnmt3aflox}). Upon lysolecithin injection in the spinal cord of these transgenic mice, we detected defective OPC differentiation and inefficient remyelination in the Dnmt3a\small \textit{Dnmt3a} null and Dnmt1/Dnmt3a\small \textit{Dnmt1/Dnmt3a} null mice, but not in the Dnmt1\small \textit{Dnmt1} null mice. Taken together with previous results in the developing spinal cord, these data suggest an age-dependent role of distinct DNA methyltransferases in the oligodendrocyte lineage, with a dominant role for DNMT1 in neonatal OPCs and for DNMT3A in adult OPCs.This work was supported by NIH-R37NS42925-14 to P.C., NIH-F31NS077504 Fellowship to J.L.H., postdoctoral fellowships from the Paralyzed Veterans of America (3061) and National Multiple Sclerosis Society (FG-1507-04996) to S.M., a program grant from the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society (R.J.M.F., C.Z.) and a core support grant from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute (R.J.M.F.)

    Conserved chromosome 2q31 conformations are associated with transcriptional regulation of GAD1 GABA synthesis enzyme and altered in prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia

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    Little is known about chromosomal loopings involving proximal promoter and distal enhancer elements regulating GABAergic gene expression, including changes in schizophrenia and other psychiatric conditions linked to altered inhibition. Here, we map in human chromosome 2q31 the 3D configuration of 200 kb of linear sequence encompassing the GAD1 GABA synthesis enzyme gene locus, and we describe a loop formation involving the GAD1 transcription start site and intergenic noncoding DNA elements facilitating reporter gene expression. The GAD1-TSS(-50kbLoop) was enriched with nucleosomes epigenetically decorated with the transcriptional mark, histone H3 trimethylated at lysine 4, and was weak or absent in skin fibroblasts and pluripotent stem cells compared with neuronal cultures differentiated from them. In the prefrontal cortex of subjects with schizophrenia, GAD1-TSS(-50kbLoop) was decreased compared with controls, in conjunction with downregulated GAD1 expression. We generated transgenic mice expressing Gad2 promoter-driven green fluorescent protein-conjugated histone H2B and confirmed that Gad1-TSS(-55kbLoop), the murine homolog to GAD1-TSS(-50kbLoop), is a chromosomal conformation specific for GABAergic neurons. In primary neuronal culture, Gad1-TSS(-55kbLoop) and Gad1 expression became upregulated when neuronal activity was increased. We conclude that 3D genome architectures, including chromosomal loopings for promoter-enhancer interactions involved in the regulation of GABAergic gene expression, are conserved between the rodent and primate brain, and subject to developmental and activity-dependent regulation, and disordered in some cases with schizophrenia. More broadly, the findings presented here draw a connection between noncoding DNA, spatial genome architecture, and neuronal plasticity in development and disease

    Axo-glial interactions between midbrain dopamine neurons and oligodendrocyte lineage cells in the anterior corpus callosum

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    Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) receive synaptic innervation from glutamatergic and GABAergic axons and can be dynamically regulated by neural activity, resulting in activity-dependent changes in patterns of axon myelination. However, it remains unclear to what extent other types of neurons may innervate OPCs. Here, we provide evidence implicating midbrain dopamine neurons in the innervation of oligodendrocyte lineage cells in the anterior corpus callosum and nearby white matter tracts of male and female adult mice. Dopaminergic axon terminals were identified in the corpus callosum of DAT-Cre mice after injection of an eYFP reporter virus into the midbrain. Furthermore, fast-scan cyclic voltammetry revealed monoaminergic transients in the anterior corpus callosum, consistent with the anatomical findings. Using RNAscope, we further demonstrate that ~ 40% of Olig2 + /Pdfgra + cells and ~ 20% of Olig2 + /Pdgfra- cells in the anterior corpus callosum express Drd1 and Drd2 transcripts. These results suggest that oligodendrocyte lineage cells may respond to dopamine released from midbrain dopamine axons, which could affect myelination. Together, this work broadens our understanding of neuron-glia interactions with important implications for myelin plasticity by identifying midbrain dopamine axons as a potential regulator of corpus callosal oligodendrocyte lineage cells

    Different tissue reaction of oesophagus and diaphragm after mesh hiatoplasty. Results of an animal study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Laparoscopic mesh-reinforcement of the hiatal region in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and paraesophageal hernia (PEH) reduces the risk of recurrence. However, there are still controversies about the technique of mesh placement, shape, structure and material. We therefore compared tissue integration and scar formation after implantation of two different polypropylene-meshes in a rabbit model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 20 female chinchilla rabbits were included in this study. Two different meshes (Polypropylene PP, Polyglecaprone 25 Composite PP-PG) were implanted on the abdominal diaphragm around the oesophagus. After 3 months the implanted meshes were excised en-bloc. Histological and morphological analyses were carried out accordingly proliferation rate, apoptosis and collagen type I/III ratio.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Regarding proliferation rate of oesophagus PP (9.31 ± 3.4%) and PP-PG (13.26 ± 2.54%) differ in a significant (p = 0.0097) way. In the diaphragm we found a significant (p = 0.00066) difference between PP (9.43 ± 1.45%) and PP-PG (18.73 ± 5.92%) respectively. Comparing oesophagus and diaphragm we could prove a significant difference within PP-PG-group (p = 0.0195). Within PP-group the difference reached no statistical significance (p = 0.88). We found analogous results regarding apoptosis.</p> <p>Furthermore, there is a significant (p = 0.00013) difference of collagen type I/III ratio in PP-PG (12.28 ± 0.8) compared to PP (8.44 ± 1,63) in case of oesophageal tissue. Concerning diaphragm we found a significant difference (p = 0.000099) between PP-PG (8.85 ± 0.81) and PP (6.32 ± 1.07) as well.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The histologic and morphologic characteristics after prosthetic enforcement of the hiatus in this animal model show a more distinct tissue integration using PP-PG compared to PP. Additionally, different wound healing and remodelling capability influence tissue integration of the mesh in diaphragm and oesophagus.</p
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