4 research outputs found
Computational System For Laminitis Preventive Diagnosis Of Confined Dairy Cattle Hoof Pathologies In Freestall Housing
From the middle of the 20th century, producers and genetics experts have intensified the work to improve daily production. Advances have appeared, however, these results had not been followed by the improvement of cows' hooves. The intensification of herds' needs have been carried through housing modifications aiming to adjust them as well as to have them become more productive, leading to a larger concentration of animals, resulting in a bigger volume of dejects, higher liumidity, less hygiene, and difficulties of handling. This scenario results in the sprouting of hoof pathologies. This research considered the development of a computational system for preventive diagnosis of confined dairy cattle hoof pathologies in freestall housing, for estimating the presence of laminitis. Clinical diagnosis of the laminitis is only possible by observing faulty locomotion; however, when the symptoms are apparent, the pathology is already in an advanced stage. A correlation with the nutritional factors of feed intake, the presence of abrasive pavements, climatic changes, and handling conditions had allowed the conversion of these data into linguistic terms, and the application of Fuzzy Logic inference algorithms based on a rule database to be used as the decision support process. The results showed that the expert system generates information of possible increases or decreases in laminitis development and also supplies recommendations for producers' actions by making modifications in parameters regarding environmental conditions, feeding and handling management. The generated technology contributes for the reduction of the economic losses and leads to improvement in dairy cattle welfare.495500Carvalho, V. R. C. 2004. The effects of trimming on dairy cattle-hoof pressure distributions and weight bearing dynamics during the stance phase. Ph.D. diss., Agricultural and Biological Engineering Dept., University of Florida. Microfiche, 2004Carvalho, V.R.C., Bucklin, R.A., Shearer, J.K., Shearer, L., Effects of trimming on dairy cattle hoof weight bearing and pressure distributions during the stance phase (2005) Transactions of the ASAE, 48 (4), pp. 1653-1659. , St. Joseph, MICarvalho, V.R.C., Nāās, I.A., Mollo Neto, M., Massafera Jr., V., (2005) Prediction of Lameness Occurrences in Dairy Cows using a Fuzzy-Logic Based Expert's System, 7, pp. 1-15. , Part I. International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, Bonn, Germany, vDe Belie, N., Rombaut, E., Caracterisation of claw-floor contact pressures for standing cattle and the dependency on concrete roughness (2003) Biosystems Engineering, 85 (3), pp. 339-346Girard, Callot, M., Hugues, E., Kromm, H., Performance evaluation of innovative product design process (2002) Proceedings of the IEEE SMC'02 Conferences, , Hammamet, TunisiaHaffey, M. K. D., and A. H. B. Duffy. 2001. Process performance measurement support-a critical analysis, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design, Glasgow, UKJohnson, H.D., Ragsdale, A.C., Berry, I.L., Effects of various temperature-humidity combinations on milk production of Holstein cattle (1962) Research Bulletin, 791. , Columbia:Missouri Agricultural Experimental StationManske, T., Hultgren, J., Bergsten, C., The effect of claw trimming on the hoof health of Swedish dairy cattle (2002) Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 54, pp. 113-129Matarazzo, S.V., (2004) Eficiència do sistema de resfriamento adiabático evaporativo em confinamento do tipo free-stall para vacas em lactação, , Tese de doutorado, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, USP SPMerlo, O., Girard, Grai, P., Engineering: A knowledge modeling method to co-ordinate engineering design (2003) Proceedings of the 2003 International CIRP Design Seminar, , Grenoble, FranceNääs, I.A., Principio de Conforto Térmico na Produção Animal (1989) São Paulo: Ícone, , 183pNaas, I.A., Moura, D.J., Avancos Recentes Da Zootecnia De Precisão (2005) V Congresso Brasileiro de Agroinformática, SBI-AGRO, , LondrinaNienaber, J.A.Hahn, G. L.and Eigenberg, R.A. 2004. Engineering and Management Practices to Ameliorate Livestock Heat Stress. In: International Symposium of the C1GR - New Trends in Farm Buildings, 2nd Technical Section. Book of abstracts. CD-ROM Congresso Évora, Portugal. May 02-06/2004Raven, E.T., (1989) Cattle Foot Care and Claw Trimming, , United Kingdom: Farming PressSchmisseur, E., Validation of Expert Systems (1992) ACAAA - Advanced Computer Applications in Animal Agriculture, , Dallas, Texas, USA, February 26-28Stone, W.C., Nutritional approaches to minimize subacute ruminal acidoses andlaminitis in dairy cattle (2004) J. Dairy Sci, 87 (E. SUPPL.), pp. E13-E26Thorn, E.C., The discomfort index (1959) Weatherwise, 12, pp. 57-59Warren, J., Beliakov, G., Van der Zwaag, B., Fuzzy logic in clinical practice decision support systems (2000) Proc. of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, , IEEE: 0-7695-0493- 0/00Yager, R. R., and Filev, D. P. 1994. Essentials of Fuzzy Modeling and Control. New York: Wiley. Zadeh, L. A. 1965. Fuzzy Sets. Information and Control, 8: 338-353Zadeh, L.A., From, L.A., Computing with Numbers to Computing with Words-From Manipulation of measurements to Manipulation of Perceptions (1999) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 45, pp. 105-11
Broilers' Toes Asymmetry And Walking Ability Assesment [assimetria Dos Pés De Frangos De Corte E Medida De Habilidade Locomotora]
Economy due to its technological advancement, which associated to the development of genetic strains of high growth may cause deviation in the growth rate and harm production. Morphological asymmetry has been pointed as an indicator of welfare, as maintained the pattern that leads to balance, the broiler chicken would have its normal locomotion characteristics, freely reaching water and feed. Thus, the objective of this research was to verify the possibility of using morphological asymmetry for evaluating walking ability of broiler chicken. The research was done in the Technology Center, at UNICAMP. The experiment was made using biomechanics analysis and following, the toes were measured. Results found did not show asymmetry useful for determining the locomotion ability of broiler chicken. New studies are recommended in order to search for other correlations that might help to estimate at field level, the locomotion difficulties of broiler chicken.294538546Bizeray, D., Faure, J.M., Leterrier, C., Faire marcher lê poulet: pourquoi et comment (2004) INRA Producion Animale, 17 (1), pp. 45-57. , MontpellierBizeray, D., Laterrier, C., Constantin, P., Picard, M., Faure, J.M., Early locomotor behaviour in genetic stocks of chickens with different growth rates (2000) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 68 (2), pp. 231-242. , BristolBokkers, E.A.M., Koene, P., Behaviour of fast and slow growing broilers to 12 weeks of age and the physical consequences (2003) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 81 (2), pp. 59-72. , BristolBroom, D.M., Behaviour and welfare in relation to pathology (2006) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 97 (1), pp. 73-83. , BristolCarvalho, R.R., Bucklin, R.A., Shearer, J.K., Shearer, L., Effects of trimming on dairy cattle hoof weight bearing and pressure distributions during the stance phase (2005) Transactions of the ASAE, 48 (4), pp. 1.653-1.659. , St. JosephCoor, S.A., McCorquodale, C.C., Gentle, M.J., Gait analysis of poultry (1998) Research in Veterinary Science, 65 (1), pp. 233-238. , SaskatoonDawkins, M.S., Donnelly, C.A., Jones, T.A., Chicken welfare is influenced more by housing conditions than by stocking density (2004) Nature, 427 (6972), pp. 342-344. , CambridgeDongen, S.V., Molenberghs, G., Matthysen, E., The statistical analysis of fluctuating asymmetry: REML estimation of a mixed regression model (1999) Journal of Evolution Biology, 12 (2), pp. 94-102. , BaselHall, A.L., The effect of stocking density on the welfare and behaviour of broiler chickens reared commercially (2001) Animal Welfare, 10 (2), pp. 23-40. , EdinburghKestin, S.C., Knowles, T.G., Tinch, A.E., Gregory, G., Prevalence of leg weakness in broiler chickens and its relationship with genotype (1992) Veterinary Record, 2 (131), pp. 190-194. , LondonKestin, S.C., Su, G., Sorensen, P., Different commercial broiler crosses have different susceptibilities to leg weakness (1999) Poultry Science, 78 (8), pp. 1.085-1.090. , SavoyKnierim, U., Dongen, S.V., Forkman, B., Tuyttens, F.A.M., Spinka, M., Campo, J.L., Weissengruber, G.E., Fluctuating asymmetry as an animal welfare indicator - A review of methodology and validity (2007) Physiology & Behavior, 92 (2), pp. 398-421. , Tarrytown(2006), MINITAB Inc. Minitab State College: Minitab IncMoller, A., Manning, J., Growth and developmental instability (2003) The Veterinary Journal, 166 (1), pp. 19-27. , Amsterdamvan Nuffel, A., van Poucke, E., van Dongen, S., Lens, L., Tuyttens, F.A.M., Measuring fluctuating asymmetry in broilers, p. 2008. , http://www.ilvo.vlaanderen.be/documents/fluctasbroilers.pdf, Disponível em, Acesso em: 10 junvan Nuffel, A., Tuyttens, F.A.M., van Dongen, S., Talloen, W.E., van Poucke, E., Sonck, B., Lens, L., Fluctuating asymmetry in broiler chickens: A decision protocol for trait selection in seven measuring methods (2007) Poultry Science, 86 (3), pp. 2.555-2.568. , SavoyOviedo-Rondón, E.O., (2008) Predisposing factors that affect walking ability in turkeys and broilers, , http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/poulsci/conference_proceedings/nutrition_c onference/2007/oviedo_2007.pdf, Disponível em, Acesso em: 12 maiovan Poucke, E., van Nuffel, A., van Dongen, S., Sonck, B., Lens, L., Tuyttens, F.A.M., Experimental stress does not increase fluctuating asymmetry of broiler chickens at slaughter age (2007) Poultry Science, 86 (10), pp. 2.110-2.116. , LangfordReiter, K., Kutriz, B., Behavior and leg weakness in different broiler breeds (2001) Archiv fur Geflügelkunde, 65 (2), pp. 137-141. , BerlinSanotra, G., Anotra, S., Damkjer, J., Lund, J., Vestergaard, K.S., Influence of light-dark schedules and stocking density on behaviour, risk of leg problems and occurrence of chronic fear in broilers (2002) British Poultry Science, 43 (3), pp. 344-354. , LondonSorensen, P., Su, G., Kestin, S.C., Effects of age and stocking density on leg weakness in broiler chickens (2000) Poultry Science, 79 (6), pp. 864-870. , SavoyTuyttens, F.A.M., Measures of developmental instability as integrated, a-posteriori indicators of farm animal welfare: a review (2003) Animal Welfare, 12 (10), pp. 535-540. , South MimmosWeeks, C.A., Danbury, T.D., Davies, H.C., Hunt, P., Kestin, S.C., The behaviour of broiler chickens and its modification by lameness (2000) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 67 (1-2), pp. 111-125. , Bristo
Assessing locomotion deficiency in broiler chicken Medida de deficiência locomotora em frango de corte
Locomotion deficiencies in broiler production cause poor welfare and lead to change in drinking and feeding behavior with consequent loss in weight gain. This research aimed to assess locomotion deficiencies in broiler chicken by analyzing the vertical peak force on both feet during walk. A chamber was built with an inlet ramp, a horizontal walkway in the middle and an outlet ramp. In the walkway a thin mat with piezoelectric crystal sensors was placed to record the step vertical peak force of the feet while walking on the force platform. The measurement system consisted of a mat with electronic sensors and software that allowed real time recording of the forces and the processing and analysis of data. Footage was taken from two digital video cameras and used for gait scoring. Forty male broilers were chosen at random, grown under similar rearing conditions and farms, with age varying from 49 to 28 days (ten birds of same age) to be used in the trial. Measurement consisted of inducing the bird to walk on the force platform which automatically registered the peak vertical force of the steps. Results showed that the gait score increased with the weight and age of the birds. Peak force asymmetry was found for each foot, independent of age or gait score. Although not identified visually in the broilers, the peak vertical force values differed in both right and left feet leading to slow and uneven walking. Walking deficiency was more severe in older birds.<br>Deficiência em locomoção é hoje um dos problemas mais importantes na produção de frangos de corte. É causa de baixo bem-estar e leva a alteração no comportamento de bebida e alimentação, com conseqüente perda de ganho de peso. Mediram-se deficiências locomotoras em frango de corte por meio da análise do pico de força plantar vertical em ambas as patas, durante a caminhada. Foi construída uma câmara com uma rampa de entrada, uma área horizontal de passagem e uma rampa de saída. Na parte horizontal da área de passagem foi colocado um tapete fino, com elementos sensores de cristal piezoelétrico, para registrar o pico de força vertical das patas do frango quando este caminhava sobre a plataforma. O sistema de mensuração consistiu de um tapete com sensores eletrônicos e um programa computacional que permitiu o registro de forças em tempo real e o processamento e a análise de dados. Imagens de vídeo foram tomadas a partir de duas câmeras digitais para atribuir o gait score. Quarenta frangos machos foram aleatoriamente selecionados em condições similares de alojamento e da mesma granja, com idade variando de 49 a 28 dias (dez de cada idade) e usados no experimento. A medida consistiu em induzir a ave a caminhar sobre a plataforma de força que automaticamente registrava o pico de força da passada. O gait score aumentou com o peso e a idade das aves. Foi encontrada assimetria nos picos de força da cada pata, independente da idade ou gait score. Embora não tenha sido identificado visualmente nos frangos, o pico de força vertical é diferente tanto na pata direita quanto na esquerda, levando a um caminhar lento e desigual. A deficiência locomotora foi mais intensa em aves mais velhas
Medicinal Plants of India
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