519 research outputs found

    El fracking: el despertar de una controversia ambiental y jurídica

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    Artículo de reflexiónInteresar a los lectores tanto en que consiste la fracturación hidráulica, o “fracking” y como ha despertado una controversia sobre su aplicación en cuanto a los posibles efectos contaminantes, mediante el planteamiento de un escenario factible de daños tanto ambientales como jurídicos, enfocándonos especialmente sobre derechos fundamentales o como estos podrían llegar a violentarse.PregradoAbogad

    Rapid Leaf Senescence Symptoms Are Related to Carbohydrate Depletion in Cut Chrysanthemums, and Strategies for the Symptoms Reduction

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    Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum ×morifolium) is the second-largest exported cut flower worldwide; however, some cultivars exhibit rapid leaf senescence during their first week of vase life. This phenomenon negatively impacts consumer perception of plant quality, and its cause has been unknown. Experiments were performed in Colombia on cut chrysanthemums shipped to the U.S. for vase-life evaluation. After 10 d, the severity of leaf senescence symptoms was recorded. Experiments examined the effect of flower form [disbud (one flower per stem) versus spray (5-10 flowers per stem)], the effect of time of harvest (A.M. versus P.M.), and sugar sources (dextrose, fructose, mannitol, and sucrose) at different concentrations in vase solutions on senescence symptom development. Results showed that spray-form stems showed higher leaf senescence severity than disbud-form stems; morning harvest increased symptom severity compared to noon harvest; stems placed in a vase solution without sugars displayed more severe symptoms than stems treated with sugars in the vase solution except for mannitol treatments. Carbohydrate concentrations in leaves were collected throughout the experiment. Results showed starch, glucose, fructose, and sucrose reduction from harvest through storage and shipping until the stems were placed in vase solutions. In summary, the results demonstrate that the rapid leaf senescence of chrysanthemums is related to carbohydrate depletion in the leaves during the postharvest environment. Postharvest treatments such as hydration time and environment, the application of plant growth regulators, sucrose in the hydration solution, post-shipping holding solution, and vase solutions were evaluated. The most effective strategies for reducing leaf senescence symptoms for most of the cultivars evaluated were afternoon harvesting, adding plant growth regulators, such as thidiazuron, and a mixture of cytokinins and gibberellic acid at 10 or 20 ppm in the hydration solution for 4 h after harvest, and the addition of 0.025 and 0.05 g/mL sucrose into vase solutions

    Carbon isotopic composition of plant-derived organic matter in tropical sedimentary sequences as a recorder of Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene changes in the carbon cycle

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    The dynamics associated with the carbon cycle and the linkage between the oceans, the atmosphere, and land plants provide an opportunity to correlate marine and terrestrial sedimentary sequences using stable isotopes of carbon (delta13C), but few studies have tested this approach. To evaluate the possibility of using carbon isotope ratios of bulk sedimentary organic matter derived from land plants (delta13Cbulk ) as a chronostratigraphic tool, we are comparing the composite Paleocene-Eocene marine carbon-isotope (delta13Ccarbonate) record from Zachos et al., (2001) to that of a terrestrial sequence from Colombia. Sediments of the terrestrial rock units were deposited in a transitional setting dominated by mudstones, coals, and small lenses of sandstones (Catatumbo and Barco Formations) and in a mixture of deltaic and fluvial conditions (Cuervos Formation). The stratigraphic control was based on palynological zones for the region. The delta13Cbulk values for the studied terrestrial sequence show three carbon-isotope excursions, which correlate closely with those present in the marine record. The delta13C bulk values decreased from -24‰ to -26.5‰ in sediments accumulated during early to middle Paleocene. This shift is commonly associated with the slow recovery in marine primary production that occurred in the aftermath of the extinction event of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The positive shift in sediments accumulated during the late Paleocene shows delta 13Cbulk values increasing from -26.5‰ to -23.8‰. This event is commonly associated with the burial of large amounts of organic matter. The third excursion is found near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary, with values changing from -23.8‰ to -26.5‰. This shift is commonly interpreted to result from a long-term trend toward higher temperatures (52-50 million years ago, M.a.). The analysis of selected biomarker ratios (CPI, Pr/Ph, Paq, betabeta/betabeta+alphabeta hopanes) shows some diagenetic transformation. However, no correlation between diagenesis and delta 13Cbulk values was detected, thus suggesting that delta 13Cbulk could be correlated with delta13C carbonate values. The close correspondence that was found between delta 13Cbulk and delta13Ccarbonate values provides support to the hypothesis that a tight land plant-oceans linkage exists through geologic timescales via the atmosphere

    Control social y educación en la cárcel del Panóptico de Bogotá durante la Guerra de los Mil Días 1899-1902.

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    rabajo de investigación, realizado en el marco de la Maestría en Educación de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. La Investigación aborda el control social de los presos de la cárcel de Panóptico de Bogotá durante la guerra de los Mil Días y su relación con la formación educativa que tuvieron éstos. Busca mostrar las formas cómo se llevó a cabo la educación y su función de control social y de formación a partir de la educación que les brindó el Estado, la religión Católica y la que se dieron a sí mismos algunos presos

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of a rapid test for the detection of the inoculum effect to Cefazolin in Methicillin Susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (Rapid - MSSA-CzIE) causing bacteremia in Colombia

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    La Resistencia Antimicrobiana (RAM) constituye un riesgo y una amenaza a la salud pública mundial, debido a que los tratamientos tradicionales se vuelven ineficaces y la transmisión de infecciones es persistente. Además, el aumento de la gravedad o la duración de las infecciones conllevan a pérdidas de productividad y la reducción de la calidad de vida. S. aureus, es una bacteria que hace parte del microbiota normal del ser humano, colonizando entre 20-30% de la población humana de forma asintomática. Sin embargo, este microorganismo también actúa como patógeno causando una amplia gama de infecciones, como infecciones de piel y tejidos blandos, óseas, articulares, en implantes, neumonía, bacteriemia y diversas enfermedades por toxinas, como el síndrome de shock tóxico. Las infecciones por S. aureus susceptible a la meticilina (MSSA) representan una carga significativa para el sistema de salud, debido a las altas tasas de mortalidad. En Colombia, la prevalencia de infecciones complicadas causadas por MSSA esta alrededor del 70%. La cefazolina se ha convertido en una terapia importante para las infecciones por Staphylococcus aureus sensible a la meticilina.(MSSA) debido a su buena tolerabilidad, menores efecto adversos y menor costo a diferencia de la isoxazilpenicilinas. Sin embargo, una preocupación importante para el tratamiento con cefazolina, es el efecto del inóculo de cefazolina (CzIE), un fenómeno aparentemente mediado por las betalactamasas estafilocócicas.Universidad El BosqueDoctor en Salud PúblicaDoctoradoAntimicrobial Resistance (AMR) constitutes a risk and threat to global public health, as traditional treatments become ineffective and transmission of infections is persistent. In addition, the increased severity or duration of infections leads to productivity losses and reduced quality of life. S. aureus is a bacterium that is part of the normal human microbiota, colonizing between 20-30% of the human population asymptomatically. However, this microorganism also acts as a pathogen causing a wide range of infections, such as skin and soft tissue infections, bone and joint infections, implant infections, pneumonia, bacteremia and various diseases caused by toxins, such as toxic shock syndrome. Methicillin-susceptible S. aureus infections (MSSA) represent a significant burden for the health system, due to high mortality rates. In Colombia, the prevalence of complicated infections caused by MSSA is around 70%. Cefazolin has become an important therapy for methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) infections due to its good tolerability, lower adverse effects and lower cost than isoxazylpenicillins. A major concern for cefazolin treatment, however, is the cefazolin inoculum effect (CzIE), a phenomenon apparently mediated by staphylococcal beta-lactamases

    Diseño de modelo para control de accidentes con tendencia al cero en Pinturas Ecuatorianas S.A.

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    Este documento contiene archivo en PDF.La siguiente investigación presenta un diseño para un programa de Control de Accidentes Laborales que permita a una empresa tener una mayor probabilidad de que su frecuencia de accidentes laborales tenga una tendencia hacia el valor de Cero, el programa a su vez cumplirá con la legislación nacional. Mediante la Investigación Descriptiva basada en evidencias documentales, se identifican características de los Programas que existen actualmente y que serán adoptados para diseñar un Programa de Control de Accidentes. Adicionalmente se revisan las características del Sistema de Gestión de Pinturas Ecuatorianas S.A. PINTUCO para identificar cuales prácticas le han permitido controlar exitosamente su frecuencia de Accidentes durante un periodo de cuatro años. Aplicando Estadística Inferencial a tres indicadores que reflejan la Frecuencia de Accidentes y el Modelo de Control de Accidentes, se obtuvo un diseño que incluye nueve prácticas exitosas propuestas por el Instituto de la Industria de la Construcción de la Universidad de Austin Texas. El modelo propuesto fue validado estadísticamente para su aplicación en una empresa de las características de Pinturas Ecuatorianas S.A. PINTUCO, adicionalmente se analizó la capacidad de la empresa para realizar la inversión necesaria para implementar la propuesta.The following research presents a design for a Work Accidents Control Program that allows a company to have a greater probability that its accident frequency has a tendency towards the value of Zero, the program in turn comply with national legislation. Through descriptive research based on documentary evidence, it identifies characteristics of the programs that currently exist and will be adopted to design an Accident Control Program. In addition, the characteristics of Pinturas Ecuatorianas S.A. PINTUCO Management System are reviewed to identify which practices have allowed it to successfully control its Accident Frequency over a four-year period. Applying Inferential Statistics to three indicators that reflect the Accident Frequency and Accident Control Model, a design was obtained that includes Nine Successful Practices proposed by the Construction Industry Institute from the University of Austin Texas. The proposed model was validated statistically for its application in a company of the characteristics of Pinturas Ecuatorianas S.A. PINTUCO, additionally the company's capacity to make the necessary investment to implement the proposal was analyzed

    Perforación corneal bilateral y prolapso del iris como complicación de la queratitis ulcerosa no periférica en un paciente con granulomatosis fulminante con poliangeítis. Informe de un caso.

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    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) (formerly known as Wegener´s granulomatosis) is a systemic necrotizing vasculitis belonging to a heterogeneous group of systemic anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated vasculitis which affects small and medium-sized blood vessels [1, 2]. The annual incidence of GPA has been estimated to be 8 to 10 million, has a peak age of onset of 64 to 75 years [3], and the frequency of presentation in female and male individuals is similar [4]. Constitutional signs like fever, asthenia, and weight loss are frequent (50%) but non-specific. Ear, nose, and throat signs (crusting rhinorrhea, sinusitis, chronic otitis, or damage of the facial cartilage) are present in 70 to 100% of cases at diagnosis [5]. Lung involvement, characterized by alveolar hemorrhage or parenchymatous nodules, affects 50 to 90% of patients [4]. The focal segmental necrotizing glomerulonephritis is the most frequent renal involvement in 40 to 100% of cases [6]. Involvement of the nervous system, the central nervous system, the pachymeninges, the heart, the pericardium, and the gastrointestinal system are less frequent, observed in a range of 5 to 40% of cases [1]

    Perforación corneal bilateral y prolapso del iris como complicación queratitis ulcerosa no periférica en un paciente con granulomatosis fulminante con poliangeítis: reporte de un caso

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    Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) (formerly known as Wegener´s granulomatosis) is a systemic necrotizing vasculitis belonging to a heterogeneous group of systemic anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) associated vasculitis which affects small and medium-sized blood vessels [1, 2]. The annual incidence of GPA has been estimated to be 8 to 10 million, has a peak age of onset of 64 to 75 years [3], and the frequency of presentation in female and male individuals is similar. Constitutional signs like fever, asthenia, and weight loss are frequent (50%) but non-specific. Ear, nose, and throat signs (crusting rhinorrhea, sinusitis, chronic otitis, or damage of the facial cartilage) are present in 70 to 100% of cases at diagnosis [5]. Lung involvement, characterized by alveolar hemorrhage or parenchymatous nodules, affects 50 to 90% of patients [4]. The focal segmental necrotizing glomerulonephritis is the most frequent renal involvement in 40 to 100% of cases [6]. Involvement of the nervous system, the central nervous system, the pachymeninges, the heart, the pericardium, and the gastrointestinal system are less frequent, observed in a range of 5 to 40% of case

    Propuesta para la programación de la maquinaria en la cooperativa Coopimar soportada en una herramienta informática

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    The present work seeks to propose a computer tool for the production area in the process of enlistment of machinery in the Coopimar Cooperative located in the municipality of Marinilla. The main objective is to identify the availability of machinery, the state in which it is located. With this tool you can program more efficiently and allow the manager, supervisor and technicians to interact; seeks to reduce the time to perform this process and improve the delivery of the final product.Rionegro, Antioqui