31 research outputs found


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    The recent informal APEC (Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation) forum meeting held in Osaka, Japan made an action agenda for the APEC members towards trade liberalisation. While to some extent such trade liberalisation would likely benefit the developing country members such as Indonesia, there have been arguments that some sectors, particularly those which are inefficient, would likely suffer as the result of trade liberalisation underAPEC. This paper aims to identify problems and constraints faced by Indonesia, in moving towards trade liberalisation underAPEC. It is argued that future trade liberalisation under APEC would likely hit those inefficient economic sectors in Indonesia hard. Therefore, it is a must for the government and the private sector to work out policies and programmes to protect against such negative impacts

    Analisis Jangkauan (Outreach) LKMS bagi Rumahtangga Miskin Sektor Pertanian di Perdesaan Bogor, Jawa Barat

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    The Objective of research to acknowledge the hypothesis: outreach islamic microfinance for the poor household of agricultural sector at rural Bogor West Java. The majority of the poor community in Indonesia stay at rural areas. Lack of access credit/financing generally seen as one of the main reasons why many people remain poor. Credit/financing as a powerful instrument to help poor people break out of the vicious cycle because it has the potential to improve income and savings, consequently, enhance capital accumulation, and reinforce high incomes, but providing credit to the poor of agricultural sector in many cases is a very costly activity. Bank isn’t interest to serve it. Hopefully, islamic microfinance institutions reaches to more the poor of agricultural sector. The average loan is the most commonly used to measure the degree of microfinance institutions (MFIs) outreach to poor customer segments, but it is very simple. Using the CGAP (Consultative Group to assist the poorest) method, the poverty multidimension of islamic microfinance outreach was measured. The result of study showed that islamic MFIs didn’t reach the poor household of agricultural sector at rural Bogor West Java

    Antecedents and Consequences of Attitudes Student towards Entrepreneurial Intention

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    This research is a descriptive quantitative research by distributing questionnaires aimed at testing and analyzing the Effect of Business Motivation, Self Efficiency, and Family Environment on Entrepreneurial intention. The population of this study is students from four private campuses in West Jakarta (Esa Unggul University, Trisakti University, Tarumanagara University and Mercu Buana University) at the Faculty of Economics and Business. The sample size was 204 respondents. The analytical test tool used in this study is Smart-PLS ver. 3.3.2 with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis method. The findings in this study show that: (1) Business Motivation has the highest value, it has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. (2) Self Efficacy has the second highest value which has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. While (3) The family environment in third place has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. Keywords: Effect of Business Motivation, Self Efficacy, and Family Environment Against Entrepreneurial intention DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/89-05 Publication date: June 30th 202

    Variations in inequality of landholdings in Indonesia, 1983

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    The objectives of this study are to investigate the extent to which Gini coefficients of landholdings varies across Kabupaten (Regencies) both in Java and in the Other Islands and to examine determinants of size inequality of holdings by Kabupaten (Regency). The primary source of data used in this study was the 1983 Agricultural Census, conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics, Jakarta. Other,secondary, data which related to the study were the 1903, 1963, 1973 Agricultural Censuses and the 1920 and 1980 Population Censuses. But, the many limitations and weaknesses present in these data must be taken into consideration when interpreting the results. In 1983 agrarian structure in Indonesia showed some important changes particularly regarding the degree of inequality of landholdings, agricultural households, size distribution of farms and the proportion of land rented-in and rented-out. These may be due to the increased in populatlon pressure on land and no land reforms. In the analysis of variations in inequality of landholdings, the Gini coefficients for every Kabupaten in Indonesia have been calculated. It was found that between 1973 and 1983 in Indonesia landholdings have been unequally distributed and there has been only a slight decline in the degree of inequality. The degree of inequality of landholdings varies considerably between regions in Indonesia. The highest degree of inequality was in Kalimantan and Other Islands (0.5417 and 0.5407 respectively). However, compared with other countries such as Spain, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Columbia, Uruguay, India, Pakistan and Turkey, for which data available, the Gini coefficients of landholdings concentration for all places (Regencies, Provinces and Islands) in Indonesia was "moderate". The hypotheses tested quantitatively, in relation to inequality of landholdings, were that variations in inequality of landholdings, indicated by Gini coefficients, was associated with certain factors. These factors were the proportion of irrigated land to total land, average holding size, the proportion of land in owned holdings, the proportion of labour force in agriculture and the population growth rate. These hypotheses were tested using simple and multiple regression analysis (OLS), emphasising the degree of association (correlation), but not establishing causal relationship between variables. The simple regression analysis confirms that at the confidence level of 5 per cent variations in inequality of landholdings was associated with the proportion of irrigated land. A significant relationship was found in regions which are characterized by a high proportion of irrigated land such as Java and Sumatra. For Sumatra, a higher percentage of irrigated land is negatively correlated to variations in inequality of landholdings, but for Java (excluding West Java) it was positively correlated. The relationship between variations in inequality of landholdings and average holdings size was significant only at the 10 per cent level. Regions which confirm this hypothesis were Eastern Indonesia, Sulawesi and Indonesia as a whole. However, the relationship was negatively correlated. In other words, the higher average holding size, the lower will be the degree of inequality of landholdings. This suggests that increasing pressure on land (proxied by average holding size) leads to a concentration of land in fewer hands, which seems to be more true in these regions than elsewhere. Variations in inequality of landholdings also is associated with the proportion of land owned holdings and proportion of labour force in agriculture. It appears that at the 5 and 10 per cent level the relationship between variations in inequality of landholdings and the proportion of land in owned holdings was negatively correlated for regions in Indonesia as a whole. East Java, Java, Java and Bali, Sulawesi, Eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan. However, for groups of provinces D.I Aceh, North and West Sumatra it was positively correlated. Therefore, for the former regions it could be argued that tenancy is not promoting equality of landholdings, but it is in the latter regions. The test also confirms the hypothesis that the proportion of the labour force in agriculture affected variations in inequality of landholdings, except for West Java and group of provinces D.T Aceh, North and West Sumatra. But, these two variables are negativeJy correlated. This suggests that the higher proportion of labour force in agriculture, the lower will be the degree of inequality of landholdings. On the other hand, perhaps in some regions inequality of holdings is forcing labour force out of agriculture. Therefore, it could be argued that causality between proportion of labour force in agriculture and the Gini coefficient can be a two-way relationship. Further, using multiple regression analysis (logarithmic functional form) we observed that there is no region in Indonesia where all the explanatory variables have a significant impact on the degree of inequality of landholdings. Only in East Java, were variations in inequality of landholdings significantly associated with the proportion of irrigated land, the proportion of land in owned holdings and the proportion of the labour force in agriculture. Finally, within Java the population growth rate has an effect on changes in the degree of inequality of landholdings. The only region which was significant in this respect was East Java. In this area, the more rapid population growth rate, the higher will be the degree of inequality of landholdings. Therefore, it is suggested that policies to reduce this problem should be implemented here

    Masalah kontemporer perekonomian nasional dan daerah

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    Indonesia merupakan negara berkembang dengan kondisi demografi yang beragam. Selain itu, faktor geografis Indonesia yang berpulau-pulau menjadikan ekonomi merupakan topik bahasan utama dalam menelusuri kesejahteraan Indonesia. Buku Masalah Kontemporer Perekonomian Nasional Dan Daerah membahas kondisi perekonomian kekinian baik secara nasional maupun daerah. Penulisnya, Carunia Mulya Firdausy, mengkaji setiap bahasan secara komprehensif dan ringan untuk dibaca oleh masyarakat umum.Sinopsis BukuKeterlibatan negara dalam hal ekonomi merupakan topik yang selalu dibahas jika menyangkut kesejahteraan masyarakatnya. Negara bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap keberlangsungan ekonomi dan tanpa mengabaikan laju keberlangsungan ekonomi di daerah.Keterlibatan negara dalam kegiatan ekonomi sangat dipengaruhi oleh ekonomi politik masing-masing negara. Sistem ekonomi statistik, sistem ekonomi pasar, dan sistem ekonomi campuran mencirikan integrasi negara ke dalam ekonomi nasional.Buku ini secara umum fokus pada bahasan mendiskusikan masalah-masalah kontemporer yang dihadapi perekonomian nasional dan daerah. Dalam kaitannya dengan masalah perekonomian nasional, buku ini secara khusus difokuskan pada persoalan yang menyangkut nilai tukar, ekspor industri manufaktur, pertumbuhan ekonomi, investasi, lapangan kerja serta energi baru dan terbarukan bagi pengembangan kelistrikan nasional.xiv, 178 hlm.: 23 cm

    Pengembangan Sumber Energi Alternatif

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    xiii, 160 hlm.; 21 c

    Urban Poverty in Indonesia: Trends, Issues, and Policies

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    Urban poverty will be among the great development challenges to face Indonesia in the 1990s and beyond. One explanation for this is that urbanization will likely accelerate in the future, while efforts to deal with it will remain inadequate. This inadequacy will occur not only because of the lack of development funds to provide goods and services to meet basic urban needs, but also because of the government’s limitations to create urban employment opportunities. In addition, it is widely felt that policies to meet rapid urbanization will tend to benefit the nonpoor more than the urban poor, as in the past

    Kesiapan Daerah Dalam Menyongsong Liberalisasi Ekonomi

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    viii + 149 hlm.; 21 c

    Peran industri keuangan non bank terhadap perekonomian nasional

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    Buku ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan peran lembaga keuangan non-bank di Indonesia. Secara lebih khusus terdapat lima topik yang didiskusikan dalam buku ini. Bab 2 mendiskusikan Peran Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank sebagai Sumber Pembiayaan Dalam Negeri. Bab 3 mengkaji Problematika Lembaga Keuangan Non Bank di Indonesia Belajar dari Kasus di PT Sarana Bali Ventura. Bab 4 menguraikan Tantangan Perusahaan Pembiayaan dalam Persaingan Jasa Keuangan di Indonesia. Bab 5 mengungkapkan Upaya Meningkatkan Ekspor Industri Manufaktur Melalui Peran Lembaga Pembiayaan Ekspor. Bab 6 mendiskusikan Peran Perusahaan Modal Ventura bagi UMKM di Indonesia. Bab ini ditujukan untuk mendiskusikan beberapa catatan akhir dari seluruh analisis dan temuan yang diungkapkan dari bab-bab sebelumnya.xiv, 158 hlm. : 23 c