66 research outputs found

    Neutral fred? : en analys av vilka mÄl och strategier som föresprÄkas för fredsbevarande operationer

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    Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka vilken typ av fred som föresprĂ„kas i fredsbevarande operationer samt vilka metoder för att uppnĂ„ fred som premieras. För att avgrĂ€nsa undersökningen har en specifik operation – FN:s insats i Mali, MINUSMA – valts ut. PrimĂ€rmaterialet som analyseras Ă€r en rapport av svenska Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut som utvĂ€rderar operationens resultat och utmaningar. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningen som anvĂ€nds Ă€r: Vilken typ av fred föresprĂ„kas i FOI:s rapport och vilka metoder menar de Ă€r relevanta för att uppnĂ„ fred? Uppsatsen presenterar ett teoretiskt ramverk som beskriver hur fredsbevarande operationer exporterar en mall för hur fred ska uppnĂ„s utifrĂ„n liberala normer. Dessutom redogör uppsatsen för en teoretisk grund kring att metoderna som anvĂ€nds för att uppnĂ„ fred Ă€r sĂ„dana som verkar pĂ„ makronivĂ„. Undersökningens metodologiska tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt Ă€r en kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys som utförs med hjĂ€lp av kategorier som identifieras utifrĂ„n teorin. Huvudkategorin liberal fred har underkategorierna demokratiskt styrelsesĂ€tt, upprĂ€ttande av rĂ€ttsstatsprincipen och institutionsbyggande. Analysens andra huvudkategori Ă„tgĂ€rder pĂ„ makronivĂ„ har underkategorierna staten och samarbeten. Genom att kategorisera materialet utifrĂ„n de identifierade temana framkommer att rapporten uppvisar innehĂ„ll i alla presenterade kategorier. UtifrĂ„n detta dras slutsatsen att innehĂ„llet i rapporten styrker teorin om att fredsbevarande operationer exporterar liberal fred genom Ă„tgĂ€rder pĂ„ makronivĂ„. Ytterligare en slutsats som dras Ă€r hur fredsbevarande operationer som Ă€r utformade enligt denna mall blir ett uttryck för postkoloniala strukturer

    On the importance of sluggish state memory for learning long term dependency

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    The vanishing gradients problem inherent in Simple Recurrent Networks (SRN) trained with back-propagation, has led to a significant shift towards the use of Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) and Echo State Networks (ESN), which overcome this problem through either second order error-carousel schemes or different learning algorithms respectively. This paper re-opens the case for SRN-based approaches, by considering a variant, the Multi-recurrent Network (MRN). We show that memory units embedded within its architecture can ameliorate against the vanishing gradient problem, by providing variable sensitivity to recent and more historic information through layer- and self-recurrent links with varied weights, to form a so-called sluggish state-based memory. We demonstrate that an MRN, optimised with noise injection, is able to learn the long term dependency within a complex grammar induction task, significantly outperforming the SRN, NARX and ESN. Analysis of the internal representations of the networks, reveals that sluggish state-based representations of the MRN are best able to latch on to critical temporal dependencies spanning variable time delays, to maintain distinct and stable representations of all underlying grammar states. Surprisingly, the ESN was unable to fully learn the dependency problem, suggesting the major shift towards this class of models may be premature

    A molecular mechanism of the energetic coupling of a sequence of electron transfer reactions to endergonic reactions.

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    A molecular mechanism of the energetic coupling of a sequence of electron transfer reactions to endergonic reactions is proposed and discussed from a physical point of view. The scheme represents a synthesis of concepts of electron transfer by tunneling and the conformational and chemiosmotic aspects of energy coupling processes. Its relation to existing experimental information and theoretical models is discussed, and further experimental tests are suggested

    Response Characteristics of a Low-Dimensional Model Neuron

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    Ulterior Motives Embedded in Inclusivity: A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Framing of Economic Development Within Strategies for Swedish Development Cooperation

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    Strategies for development cooperation are decorated with words of humanitarianism and altruism and are simultaneously influenced by the contemporary world order paradigm. By outlining the current turn in development discourse, the world order is defined as one governed by a turn to deep neoliberalism, which is used as the theoretical framework for this study. The essence of deep neoliberalism encompasses the importance of including poor people and countries in the global economy, connecting it to the enhancement of capitalism and economic development. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how economic development is framed in the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ strategies for development cooperation. Seven strategies of the kind mentioned are used as the data for the analysis, chosen based on their relevance in topicality and content. The study is guided by the research question: How is economic development framed in the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ strategies for development cooperation in relation to the current deep neoliberal turn in development discourse? The study is carried out using an inductive qualitative content analysis. The analysis finds that the Swedish MFA’s strategies largely adhere to the deep neoliberal turn, mainly by promoting inclusion, institutionalization and proletarianization. Finally, it is concluded that development assistance extensively is motivated by donors’ objectives which, in relation to deep neoliberalism, questions the potential of development assistance to ultimately benefit the poor

    CREATING VALUE THROUGH INFORMATION SHARING : Exploring the Transition Towards a Digital Supply Chain

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    The use of digital technologies is increasing both within and beyond the borders of organizations. This is affecting supply chains and has given rise to the concept of digital supply chains, which this research defines as supply chains that leverage information systems and digital technologies to enable interaction and communication between supply chain actors. However, research on this has failed to include the aspect of what in digital technologies that enable digital supply chains. Therefore, this study combines research on digital supply chains with the unique properties of digital technologies stemming from Information Systems research. In this research, we conducted an exploratory case study in the Swedish forestry industry. The research question is: “How do the properties of digital technologies enable digital supply chains and how does information sharing in a digital supply chain impact value creation?” The findings reveal that the properties of digital technologies enable digital supply chains by allowing for modification of content and functionality of information sharing. It was also found that information sharing in a digital supply chain can increase value creation. However, increased information sharing was also associated with a number of challenges that could hinder value creation

    DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH COLLABORATION : Exploring the dynamics of a multi-organizational project

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    The use of digital technologies has changed the way organizations operate. Engaging in digital transformation has become a crucial activity for organizations to stay relevant in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Recent research has started to focus on digital transformation at a project level but limited research has been done on projects at a multi-organizational level. To contribute to this research gap, an exploratory case study investigating an ongoing multi-organizational digital transformation project in the forestry industry has been conducted. The research question is “What is the role of collaboration in a digital transformation project and how does it affect the expected outcomes?”. The findings reveal that collaboration is a requirement to realize the expected project outcomes, but also that the outcomes can generate further collaborations. This creates a continuous process that can induce digital transformation at an industry level.

    CREATING VALUE THROUGH INFORMATION SHARING : Exploring the Transition Towards a Digital Supply Chain

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    The use of digital technologies is increasing both within and beyond the borders of organizations. This is affecting supply chains and has given rise to the concept of digital supply chains, which this research defines as supply chains that leverage information systems and digital technologies to enable interaction and communication between supply chain actors. However, research on this has failed to include the aspect of what in digital technologies that enable digital supply chains. Therefore, this study combines research on digital supply chains with the unique properties of digital technologies stemming from Information Systems research. In this research, we conducted an exploratory case study in the Swedish forestry industry. The research question is: “How do the properties of digital technologies enable digital supply chains and how does information sharing in a digital supply chain impact value creation?” The findings reveal that the properties of digital technologies enable digital supply chains by allowing for modification of content and functionality of information sharing. It was also found that information sharing in a digital supply chain can increase value creation. However, increased information sharing was also associated with a number of challenges that could hinder value creation

    Continuous Flow-Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of an Intermediate Redox State of Cytochrome-C

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    An intermediate redox state of cytochrome c at alkaline pH, generated upon rapid reduction by sodium dithionite, has been observed by resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy in combination with the continuous flow technique. The RR spectrum of the intermediate state is reported for excitation both in the (alpha, beta) and the Soret optical absorption band. The spectra of the intermediate state are more like those of the stable reduced form than those of the stable oxidized form. For excitation of 514.5 nm, the most prominent indication of an intermediate state is the wave-number shift of one RR band from 1,562 cm-1 in the stable oxidized state through 1,535 cm-1 in the intermediate state to 1,544 cm-1 in the stable reduced state. For excitation at 413.1 nm, a band, present at 1,542 cm-1 in the stable reduced state but not present in the stable oxidized state, is absent in the intermediate state. We interpret the intermediate species as the state where the heme iron is reduced but the protein remains in the conformation of the oxidized state, with methionine-80 displaced as sixth ligand to the heme iron, before relaxing to the conformation of the stable reduced state, with methionine-80 returned as sixth ligand
