10 research outputs found

    Physical theory for near-bed turbulent particle suspension capacity.

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    The inability to capture the physics of solid-particle suspension in turbulent fluids in simple formulas is holding back the application of multiphase fluid dynamics techniques to many practical problems in nature and society involving particle suspension. We present a force balance approach to particle suspension in the region near no-slip frictional boundaries of turbulent flows. The force balance parameter Γ contains gravity and buoyancy acting on the sediment and vertical turbulent fluid forces; it includes universal turbulent flow scales and material properties of the fluid and particles only. Comparison to measurements shows that Γ = 1 gives the upper limit of observed suspended particle concentrations in a broad range of flume experiments and field settings. The condition of Γ > 1 coincides with the complete suppression of coherent turbulent structures near the boundary in direct numerical simulations of sediment-laden turbulent flow. Γ thus captures the maximum amount of sediment that can be contained in suspension at the base of turbulent flow, and it can be regarded as a suspension capacity parameter. It can be applied as a simple concentration boundary condition in modelling studies of the dispersion of particulates in environmental and man-made flows

    Lessons learned from monitoring of turbidity currents and guidance for future platform designs

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    Turbidity currents transport globally significant volumes of sediment and organic carbon into the deep-sea and pose a hazard to critical infrastructure. Despite advances in technology, their powerful nature often damages expensive instruments placed in their path. These challenges mean that turbidity currents have only been measured in a few locations worldwide, in relatively shallow water depths (â‰Ș2 km). Here, we share lessons from recent field deployments about how to design the platforms on which instruments are deployed. First, we show how monitoring platforms have been affected by turbidity currents including instability, displacement, tumbling and damage. Second, we relate these issues to specifics of the platform design, such as exposure of large surface area instruments within a flow and inadequate anchoring or seafloor support. Third, we provide recommended improvements to improve design by simplifying mooring configurations, minimising surface area, and enhancing seafloor stability. Finally we highlight novel multi-point moorings that avoid interaction between the instruments and the flow, and flow-resilient seafloor platforms with innovative engineering design features, such as ejectable feet and ballast. Our experience will provide guidance for future deployments, so that more detailed insights can be provided into turbidity current behaviour, and in a wider range of settings

    Morphometric fingerprints and downslope evolution in bathymetric surveys: insights into morphodynamics of the Congo canyon-channel

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    Submarine canyons and channels are globally important pathways for sediment, organic carbon, nutrients and pollutants to the deep sea, and they form the largest sediment accumulations on Earth. However, studying these remote submarine systems comprehensively remains a challenge. In this study, we used the only complete-coverage and repeated bathymetric surveys yet for a very large submarine system, which is the Congo Fan off West Africa. Our aim is to understand channel-modifying features such as subaqueous landslides, meander-bend evolution, knickpoints and avulsions by analyzing their morphometric characteristics. We used a new approach to identify these channel-modifying features via morphometric fingerprints, which allows a systematic and efficient search in low-resolution bathymetry data. These observations have led us to identify three morphodynamic reaches within the Congo Canyon-Channel. The upper reach of the system is characterized by landslides that can locally block the channel, storing material for extended periods and re-excavating material through a new incised channel. The middle reach of the system is dominated by the sweep and swing of meander bends, although their importance depends on the channel’s age, and the time since the last up-channel avulsion. In the distal and youngest part of the system, an upstream migrating knickpoint is present, which causes multi-stage sediment transport and overspill through an underdeveloped channel with shallow depths. These findings complement previous less-detailed morphometric analyses of the Congo Canyon-Channel, offering a clearer understanding of how submarine canyon-channels can store sediment (due to channel-damming landslides, meander point bars, levee building due to overspill), re-excavate that sediment (via thalweg incision, meander propagation, knickpoint migration) and finally transport it to the deep sea. This improved understanding of the morphodynamics of the Congo Canyon-Channel may help to understand the evolution of other submarine canyon-channels, and assessment of hazards faced by seabed infrastructure such as telecommunication cables

    Direct evidence of a high-concentration basal layer in a submarine turbidity current

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    Submarine turbidity currents are one of the most important sediment transfer processes on earth. Yet the fundamental nature of turbidity currents is still debated; especially whether they are entirely dilute and turbulent, or a thin and dense basal layer drives the flow. This major knowledge gap is mainly due to a near-complete lack of direct measurements of sediment concentration within active submarine flows. Here we present the most detailed near-bed sediment concentrations measurements from a powerful turbidity current in Monterey Canyon, offshore California. We employ a novel approach using correlations between conductivity and sediment concentration, which unlike previous methods can measure very high concentrations and not sensitive to grain size. We find that sediment concentrations close to the canyon floor gradually increased after the arrival of the turbidity current, until reaching a maximum value of 12%, the highest concentration ever inferred from direct measurements in turbidity currents. We also show a two-layer flow head, with a fast (up to 4 m/s), thin and dense basal layer overlain by a thicker (~50 m) dilute flow. At the interface of these two layers, there seems to be a sharp steep concentration gradient. Such quantitative measurements of sediment concentration can produce a key step forward in understanding the basic character and dynamics of these powerful submarine flows

    Near‐Bed Structure of Sediment Gravity Flows Measured by Motion‐Sensing “Boulder‐Like” Benthic Event Detectors (BEDs) in Monterey Canyon

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    The near-bed section of submarine gravity flows travels at the highest and most destructive speeds making direct measurements of this region of the flow difficult. Here results are presented from “boulder-like” Benthic Event Detectors (BEDs) that measured their own rotation, depth and temperature while carried within the near-bed region of gravity flows. BEDs were deployed in Monterey Canyon from 200 to 500 m water depth for 18 months (2016–2017) during the Coordinated Canyon Experiment. BEDs moved in 10 out of 14 gravity flows that transited the upper canyon. BEDs moved within the body of the flow because the initial velocities of the BEDs were 66 ± 16% (1 SD) of the flow transit velocities. BEDs rotated freely during most of their first moves and gained depth faster than in later moves, when their motion was more random and wobblier. The differences in BED motions between first and later moves suggest BEDs moved at different depths within the flow. The inferred near-bed flow structure is strongly stratified with a fast, less-dense layer moving above a slower and denser layer. Coherent changes between pressure and acceleration indicate that BEDs rode a crescent shaped bedform (CSB) morphology that persisted throughout flow events. The variability in BED speeds while riding the CSB morphology indicates a fluid-like nature of the near-bed layer. BED motions ended after being caught in the trough of a CSB. Based on recorded temperature decay rates after flow events, the thickness of redeposited sediment is 2–3 m

    Complex and Cascading Triggering of Submarine Landslides and Turbidity Currents at Volcanic Islands Revealed From Integration of High-Resolution Onshore and Offshore Surveys

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    Submerged flanks of volcanic islands are prone to hazards including submarine landslides that may trigger damaging tsunamis and sediment-laden seafloor flows (called “turbidity currents”). These hazards can break seafloor infrastructure which is critical for global communications and energy transmission. Small Island Developing States are particularly vulnerable to these hazards due to their remote and isolated nature, small size, high population densities, and weak economies. Despite their vulnerability, few detailed offshore surveys exist for such islands, resulting in a geohazard “blindspot,” particularly in the South Pacific. Understanding how these hazards are triggered is important; however, pin-pointing specific triggers is challenging as most studies have been unable to link continuously between onshore and offshore environments, and focus primarily on large-scale eruptions with sudden production of massive volumes of sediment. We address these issues by integrating the first detailed (2 × 2 m) bathymetry data acquired from Tanna Island, Vanuatu with a combination of terrestrial remote sensing data, onshore and offshore sediment sampling, and documented historical events. Mount Yasur on Tanna has experienced low-magnitude Strombolian activity for at least the last 600 years. We find clear evidence for submarine landslides and turbidity currents, yet none of the identified triggers are related to major volcanic eruptions, in contrast to conclusions from several previous studies. Instead we find that cascades of non-volcanic events (including outburst floods with discharges of >1,000 m3/s, and tropical cyclones), that may be separated by decades, are more important for preconditioning and triggering of landslides and turbidity currents in oversupplied sedimentary regimes such as at Tanna. We conclude with a general model for how submarine landslides and turbidity currents are triggered at volcanic and other heavily eroding mountainous islands. Our model highlights the often-ignored importance of outburst floods, non-linear responses to land-use and climatic changes, and the complex interactions between a range of coastal and tectonic processes that may overshadow volcanic regimes

    Quantifying the three‐dimensional stratigraphic expression of cyclic steps by integrating seafloor and deep‐water outcrop observations

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    Deep‐water deposits are important archives of Earth’s history including the occurrence of powerful flow events and the transfer of large volumes of terrestrial detritus into the world’s oceans. However the interpretation of depositional processes and palaeoflow conditions from the deep‐water sedimentary record has been limited due to a lack of direct observations from modern depositional systems. Recent seafloor studies have resulted in novel findings, including the presence of upslope‐migrating bedforms such as cyclic steps formed by supercritical turbidity currents that produce distinct depositional signatures. This study builds on process to product relationships for cyclic steps using modern and ancient datasets by providing sedimentological and quantitative, three‐dimensional architectural analyses of their deposits, which are required for recognition and palaeoflow interpretations of sedimentary structures in the rock record. Repeat‐bathymetric surveys from two modern environments (Squamish prodelta, Canada, and Monterey Canyon, USA) were used to examine the stratigraphic evolution connected with relatively small‐scale (average 40 to 55 m wavelengths and 1.5 to 3.0 m wave heights) upslope‐migrating bedforms interpreted to be cyclic steps within submarine channels and lobes. These results are integrated to interpret a succession of Late Cretaceous Nanaimo Group deep‐water slope deposits exposed on Gabriola Island, Canada. Similar deposit dimensions, facies and architecture are observed in all datasets, which span different turbidite‐dominated settings (prodelta, upper submarine canyon and deep‐water slope) and timescales (days, years or thousands of years). Bedform deposits are typically tens of metres long/wide, <1 m thick and make up successions of low‐angle, backstepping trough‐shaped lenses composed of massive sands/sandstones. These results support process‐based relationships for these deposits, associated with similar cyclic step bedforms formed by turbidity currents with dense basal layers under low‐aggradation conditions. Modern to ancient comparisons reveal the stratigraphic expression of globally prevalent, small‐scale, sandy upslope‐migrating bedforms on the seafloor, which can be applied to enhance palaeoenvironmental interpretations and understand long‐term preservation from ancient deep‐water deposits

    Flow behaviour of a giant landslide and debris flow entering Agadir Canyon, NW Africa

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    Agadir Canyon is one of the largest submarine canyons in the World, supplying giant submarine sediment gravity flows to the Agadir Basin and the wider Moroccan Turbidite System. While the Moroccan Turbidite System is extremely well investigated, almost no data from the source region, i.e. the Agadir Canyon, are available. New acoustic and sedimentological data of the Agadir Canyon area were collected during RV Maria S. Merian Cruise 32 in autumn 2013. The data show a prominent headwall area around 200 km south of the head of Agadir Canyon. The failure occurred along a pronounced weak layer in a sediment wave field. The slab-type failure rapidly disintegrated and transformed into a debris flow, which entered Agadir Canyon at 2500 m water depth. Interestingly, the debris flow did not disintegrate into a turbidity current when it entered the canyon despite a significant increase in slope angle. Instead, the material was transported as debrite for at least another 200 km down the canyon. It is unlikely that this giant debris flow significantly contributed to the deposits in the wider Moroccan Turbidite System

    Flow Behaviour of a Giant Landslide and Debris Flow Entering Agadir Canyon, NW Africa

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    Agadir Canyon is one of the largest submarine canyons in the World, supplying giant submarine sediment gravity flows to the Agadir Basin and the wider Moroccan Turbidite System. While the Moroccan Turbidite System is extremely well investigated, almost no data from the source region, i.e. the Agadir Canyon, are available. New acoustic and sedimentological data of the Agadir Canyon area were collected during RV Maria S. Merian Cruise 32 in autumn 2013. The data show a prominent headwall area around 200 km south of the head of Agadir Canyon. The failure occurred along a pronounced weak layer in a sediment wave field. The slab-type failure rapidly disintegrated and transformed into a debris flow, which entered Agadir Canyon at 2500 m water depth. Interestingly, the debris flow did not disintegrate into a turbidity current when it entered the canyon despite a significant increase in slope angle. Instead, the material was transported as debrite for at least another 200 km down the canyon. It is unlikely that this giant debris flow significantly contributed to the deposits in the wider Moroccan Turbidite System