39,269 research outputs found
Chaotic string-capture by black hole
We consider a macroscopic charge-current carrying (cosmic) string in the
background of a Schwarzschild black hole. The string is taken to be circular
and is allowed to oscillate and to propagate in the direction perpendicular to
its plane (that is parallel to the equatorial plane of the black hole).
Nurmerical investigations indicate that the system is non-integrable, but the
interaction with the gravitational field of the black hole anyway gives rise to
various qualitatively simple processes like "adiabatic capture" and "string
transmutation".Comment: 13 pages Latex + 3 figures (not included), Nordita 93/55
Small-angle scattering in a marginal Fermi-liquid
We study the magnetotransport properties of a model of small-angle scattering
in a marginal Fermi liquid. Such a model has been proposed by Varma and
Abrahams [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4652 (2001)] to account for the anomalous
temperature dependence of in-plane magnetotransport properties of the high-Tc
cuprates. We study the resistivity, Hall angle and magnetoresistance using both
analytical and numerical techniques. We find that small-angle scattering only
generates a new temperature dependence for the Hall angle near particle-hole
symmetric Fermi surfaces where the conventional Hall term vanishes. The
magnetoresistance always shows Kohler's rule behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Revtex
Phase diagram and quasiparticle properties of the Hubbard model within cluster two-site DMFT
We present a cluster dynamical mean-field treatment of the Hubbard model on a
square lattice to study the evolution of magnetism and quasiparticle properties
as the electron filling and interaction strength are varied. Our approach for
solving the dynamical mean-field equations is an extension of Potthoff's
"two-site" method [Phys. Rev. B. 64, 165114 (2001)] where the self-consistent
bath is represented by a highly restricted set of states. As well as the
expected antiferromagnetism close to half filling, we observe distortions of
the Fermi surface. The proximity of a van Hove point and the incipient
antiferromagnetism lead to the evolution from an electron-like Fermi surface
away from the Mott transition, to a hole-like one near half-filling. Our
results also show a gap opening anisotropically around the Fermi surface close
to the Mott transition (reminiscent of the pseudogap phenomenon seen in the
cuprate high-Tc superconductors). This leaves Fermi arcs which are closed into
pockets by lines with very small quasiparticle residue.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, latex (revtex4
Symplectic structure for elastic and chiral conducting cosmic string models
This article is based on the covariant canonical formalism and corresponding
symplectic structure on phase space developed by Witten, Zuckerman and others
in the context of field theory. After recalling the basic principles of this
procedure, we construct the conserved bilinear symplectic current for generic
elastic string models. These models describe current carrying cosmic strings
evolving in an arbitrary curved background spacetime. Particular attention is
paid to the special case of the chiral string for which the worldsheet current
is null. Different formulations of the chiral string action are discussed in
detail, and as a result the integrability property of the chiral string is
clarified.Comment: 18 page
Dynamics of cosmic strings and springs; a covariant formulation
A general family of charge-current carrying cosmic string models is
investigated. In the special case of circular configurations in arbitrary
axially symmetric gravitational and electromagnetic backgrounds the dynamics is
determined by simple point particle Hamiltonians. A certain "duality"
transformation relates our results to previous ones, obtained by Carter et.
al., for an infinitely long open stationary string in an arbitrary stationary
background.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, Nordita preprint 93/28
Natural environment support guidelines for space shuttle tests and operations
All space shuttle events from launch through solid rocket booster recovery and orbiter landing are considered in terms of constraints placed on those operations by the natural environment. Thunderstorm activity is discussed as an example of a possible hazard. The activities most likely to require advanced detection and monitoring techniques are identified as those from deorbit decision to Orbiter landing. The inflexible flight plan will require the transmission of real time wind profile information below 24 km and warnings of thunderstorms or turbulence in the Orbiter flight path. Extensive aerial reconnaissance and communication facilities and procedures to permit immediate transmission of aircraft reports to the mission control authority and to the Orbiter will also be required
Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence
Maps of magnetic field topologies of rapidly rotating stars obtained over the last decade or so have provided unique insight into the operation of stellar dynamos. However, for solar-type stars many of the targets imaged to date have been lower-mass zero-age main sequence stars. We present magnetic maps and differential rotation measurements of two-higher mass pre-main sequence stars HD 106506 (~10 Myrs) and HD 141943 (~15 Myrs). These stars should evolve into mid/late F-stars with predicted high differential rotation and little magnetic activity. We investigate what effect the extended convection zones of these pre-main sequence stars has on their differential rotation and magnetic topologies. ©2009 American Institute of Physic
Prolongation of Friction Dominated Evolution for Superconducting Cosmic Strings
This investigation is concerned with cosmological scenarios based on particle
physics theories that give rise to superconducting cosmic strings (whose
subsequent evolution may produce stable loop configurations known as vortons).
Cases in which electromagnetic coupling of the string current is absent or
unimportant have been dealt with in previous work. The purpose of the present
work is to provide quantitative estimates for cases in which electromagnetic
interaction with the surrounding plasma significantly affects the string
dynamics. In particular it will be shown that the current can become
sufficiently strong for the initial period of friction dominated string motion
to be substantially prolonged, which would entail a reinforcement of the short
length scale end of the spectrum of the string distribution, with potentially
observable cosmological implications if the friction dominated scenario lasts
until the time of plasma recombination.Comment: 10 pages Late
Experimental study of ion heating and acceleration during magnetic reconnection
Ion heating and acceleration has been studied in the well-characterized reconnection layer of the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment [M. Yamada , Phys. Plasmas 4, 1936 (1997)]. Ion temperature in the layer rises substantially during null-helicity reconnection in which reconnecting field lines are anti-parallel. The plasma outflow is sub-Alfvenic due to a downstream back pressure. An ion energy balance calculation based on the data and including classical viscous heating indicates that ions are heated largely via nonclassical mechanisms. The T-i rise is much smaller during co-helicity reconnection in which field lines reconnect obliquely. This is consistent with a slower reconnection rate and a smaller resistivity enhancement over the Spitzer value. These observations show that nonclassical dissipation mechanisms can play an important role both in heating the ions and in facilitating the reconnection process
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