2,526 research outputs found

    Rebuilding the sky| [Poems]

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    The emergency observation and assessment ward

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    A recent development to reduce ED crowding and increase urgent patient admissions is the opening of an Emergency Observation and Assessment Ward (EOA Ward). At these wards urgent patients are temporarily hospitalized until they can be transferred to an inpatient bed. In this paper we present an overflow model to evaluate the effect of employing an EOA Ward on elective and urgent patient admissions

    S4HARA: System for HIV/AIDS resource allocation

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    The Social Impact of Reservoir Construction on a Rural Community: A Synthesis of a Ten Year Research Project

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    Exact date of working paper unknown

    Developing Leadership for Creative Efforts: A Preface

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    Michael D. Mumford is the George Lynn Cross distinguished research professor of psychology at the University of Oklahoma where he directs the Center for Applied Social Research. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Georgia in 1983 in the fields of industrial and organizational psychology and psychometrics. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association (Divisions 3, 5, 10, 14), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the American Psychological Society. He has written more than 270 articles on leadership, creativity, innovation, planning, and ethics. He has served as senior editor of The Leadership Quarterly, and he sits on the editorial boards of the Creativity Research Journal, The Journal of Creative Behavior, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Ethics and Behavior, among other journals. He has served as principal investor on grants totaling more than US$30 million from the National Science Foundation, The National Institute of Health, the Department of Defense, the Department of Labor, and the Department of State. He is a recipient of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s M. Scott Myers Award for Applied Research in the Workplace.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    The Ecological Significance of Emerging Deltas in Regulated Rivers

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    Sedimentary deltas forming in the world’s regulated rivers are a glaring gap in our knowledge of dammed riverine ecosystems. Basic ecological information is needed to inform the current debate about whether deltas should be retained and managed to gain ecosystem services lost under reservoirs or whether they should be partially removed to improve flow conveyance and to resupply sediment-starved reaches below dams. An examination of nine deltas on the heavily regulated upper and middle Missouri River showed the following: The sizes, dynamics, and biotic communities vary widely across deltas; riparian forest has established on portions of most deltas; the current delta area is over 1000 square kilometers, exceeding forest area in remnant unimpounded reaches and offering considerable land area for restoration actions; and small adjustments to reservoir operations could improve the restoration potential of deltas. Ecological studies are urgently needed to determine the future role that deltas could play in river ecosystem restoration

    An Open Trial of Group Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) With an Adjunctive Mobile App for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

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    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common and debilitating condition. Effective treatments exist, but they are time-and resource-intensive. This study tested the initial efficacy and acceptability of a novel treatment protocol designed to increase efficiency: acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) taught in groups and through an adjunctive mobile app. Participants were 21 individuals with GAD who received six weeks of 2-hour group ACT sessions as well as access to an adjunctive ACT mobile app. Significant improvements occurred in worry, anxiety, social functioning, and depression as well as relevant processes (psychological inflexibility, anxiety-related cognitive fusion). In-the-moment improvements were also observed in symptoms and ACT processes immediately after completing mobile app sessions. Treatment was perceived as credible and acceptable overall. However, rates of reliable and clinically significant change were low, and app usage did not correlate with change in worry. Overall, this study suggests that an efficient, brief ACT group intervention combined with a mobile app may lead to improvements in GAD but may not be sufficient for clinically significant change. A detailed overview of the treatment is included, and guidance for clinicians interested in implementing this protocol is discussed

    Long-term monitoring of Scripps’s Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: evaluation of baseline data in 2012–2016

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    San Clemente Island (SCI) supports one of the smallest Scripps’s Murrelet (Synthliboramphus scrippsi; SCMU) colonies in the world, and perhaps the only colony of Guadalupe Murrelets (S. hypoleucus; GUMU) in California. In 2012–2016, the U.S. Navy sponsored development of a long-term murrelet monitoring program at SCI that utilized nocturnal spotlight surveys, night-lighting at-sea captures, and nest monitoring. Standardized spotlight survey transects were established in nearshore waters off breeding areas at Seal Cove and southeast SCI (SESCI). Baseline mean spotlight counts were 29 ± 15 murrelets (n = 31) at Seal Cove in 2013–2016 and 21 ± 10 murrelets (n = 15) at SESCI in 2014–2016. We banded 201 SCMU captured in congregations at Seal Cove (n = 158) and SESCI (n = 43); 12% of the SCMU from Seal Cove and 7% from SESCI were recaptured ≄1 year after banding. We also banded 21 GUMU at Seal Cove, but none were recaptured. Murrelet nests or eggs were found in 6 shoreline breeding “refuges” at Seal Cove and SESCI that were seldom if ever visited by island foxes (Urocyon littoralis clementae) and feral cats (Felis catus). Incubating SCMU were observed in 4 nest sites, but in 8 other sites only eggs or eggshells were found. Overall hatching success was very low (12%; n = 17 clutches) in 2012–2016, apparently due to intraspecific competition for limited nest crevices at Seal Cove and predation (or possibly abandonment and subsequent egg scavenging) by foxes or black rats (Rattus rattus) at SESCI. Using spotlight survey data, we estimated 115 murrelet pairs (range 79–208) at SCI, including 110 pairs (range 76–199) of SCMU and 5 pairs (range 3–9) of GUMU, although a GUMU nest has not yet been found. Power analyses of Seal Cove spotlight data indicated that surveys conducted over 9 nights per year for 20 years could reliably (power ≄ 0.90) detect minimum population changes of ± 1.7% per annum. Additional efforts are needed to (1) confirm the breeding status of GUMU; (2) investigate alternative methods of rat control to increase hatching success in murrelet breeding refuges; and (3) enhance breeding habitats to reduce intraspecific competition for nest sites and increase the number of monitored nests
