60 research outputs found

    Research questions should drive edge definitions in social network studies

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347215001207.Highlights: We consider sampling issues in social network studies. We argue that both proximity and interaction data should be used to build networks. We do not recommend assuming that proximity is a proxy for interaction. We raise broader conceptual issues regarding interactions and social organisation. We suggest that research questions should primarily determine edge definitions.A.J.C. is supported by a Junior\ud Research Fellowship from Churchill College, University of Cambridge. This is a publication of ZSL Institute of Zoology's Tsaobis\ud Baboon Project

    Personality predicts the propensity for social learning in a wild primate

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    Social learning can play a critical role in the reproduction and survival of social animals. Individual differences in the propensity for social learning are therefore likely to have important fitness consequences. We asked whether personality might underpin such individual variation in a wild population of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). We used two field experiments in which individuals had the opportunity to learn how to solve a task from an experienced conspecific demonstrator: exploitation of a novel food and a hidden item of known food. We investigated whether the (1) time spent watching a demonstrator and (2) changes in task-solving behaviour after watching a demonstrator were related to personality. We found that both boldness and anxiety influenced individual performance in social learning. Specifically, bolder and more anxious animals were more likely to show a greater improvement in task solving after watching a demonstrator. In addition, there was also evidence that the acquisition of social information was not always correlated with its use. These findings present new insights into the costs and benefits of different personality types, and have important implications for the evolution of social learning

    Personality predicts the propensity for social learning in a wild primate.

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    Copyright: 2014 Carter et al.Open Access Article. Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0Social learning can play a critical role in the reproduction and survival of social animals. Individual differences in the propensity for social learning are therefore likely to have important fitness consequences. We asked whether personality might underpin such individual variation in a wild population of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). We used two field experiments in which individuals had the opportunity to learn how to solve a task from an experienced conspecific demonstrator: exploitation of a novel food and a hidden item of known food. We investigated whether the (1) time spent watching a demonstrator and (2) changes in task-solving behaviour after watching a demonstrator were related to personality. We found that both boldness and anxiety influenced individual performance in social learning. Specifically, bolder and more anxious animals were more likely to show a greater improvement in task solving after watching a demonstrator. In addition, there was also evidence that the acquisition of social information was not always correlated with its use. These findings present new insights into the costs and benefits of different personality types, and have important implications for the evolution of social learning.Leakey FoundationAnimal Behavior Society (USA)International Primatological SocietyExplorers Club Exploration FundFenner School of Environment and SocietyNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Improving sneaky-sex in a low oxygen environment: reproductive and physiological responses of male mosquito fish to chronic hypoxia

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    Few studies have examined the adaptive significance of reversible acclimation responses. The aerobic performance and mating behaviour of the sexually coercive male eastern mosquito fish ( Gambusia holbrooki) offers an excellent model system for testing the benefits of reversible acclimation responses to mating success. We exposed male mosquito fish to normoxic or hypoxic conditions for 4 weeks and tested their maximum sustained swimming performance and their ability to obtain coercive matings under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. We predicted that hypoxia-acclimated males would possess greater swimming and mating performance in hypoxic conditions than normoxic-acclimated males, and vice versa when tested in normoxia. Supporting our predictions, we found the sustained swimming performance of male mosquito fish was greater in a hypoxic environment following long-term exposure to low partial pressures of oxygen. However, the benefits of acclimation responses to mating performance were dependent on whether they were tested in the presence or absence of male-male competition. In a non-competitive environment, male mosquito fish acclimated to hypoxic conditions spent a greater amount of time following females and obtained more copulations than normoxic-acclimated males when tested in low partial pressures of oxygen. When males were competed against each other for copulations, we found no influence of long-term exposure to different partial pressures of oxygen on mating behaviour. Thus, despite improvements in the aerobic capacity of male mosquito fish following long-term acclimation to hypoxic conditions, these benefits did not always manifest themselves in improved mating performance. This study represents one of the first experimental tests of the benefits of reversible acclimation responses, and indicates that the ecological significance of physiological plasticity may be more complicated than previously imagined

    How do foragers decide when to leave a patch? A test of alternative models under natural and experimental conditions.

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the article which has been published in final form at DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.12089. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.© 2013 The Authors. Journal of Animal Ecology © 2013 British Ecological Society.A forager's optimal patch-departure time can be predicted by the prescient marginal value theorem (pMVT), which assumes they have perfect knowledge of the environment, or by approaches such as Bayesian updating and learning rules, which avoid this assumption by allowing foragers to use recent experiences to inform their decisions. In understanding and predicting broader scale ecological patterns, individual-level mechanisms, such as patch-departure decisions, need to be fully elucidated. Unfortunately, there are few empirical studies that compare the performance of patch-departure models that assume perfect knowledge with those that do not, resulting in a limited understanding of how foragers decide when to leave a patch. We tested the patch-departure rules predicted by fixed rule, pMVT, Bayesian updating and learning models against one another, using patch residency times (PRTs) recorded from 54 chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) across two groups in natural (n = 6175 patch visits) and field experimental (n = 8569) conditions. We found greater support in the experiment for the model based on Bayesian updating rules, but greater support for the model based on the pMVT in natural foraging conditions. This suggests that foragers may place more importance on recent experiences in predictable environments, like our experiment, where these experiences provide more reliable information about future opportunities. Furthermore, the effect of a single recent foraging experience on PRTs was uniformly weak across both conditions. This suggests that foragers' perception of their environment may incorporate many previous experiences, thus approximating the perfect knowledge assumed by the pMVT. Foragers may, therefore, optimize their patch-departure decisions in line with the pMVT through the adoption of rules similar to those predicted by Bayesian updating.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Fenner School of Environment and SocietyLeakey FoundationAnimal Behavior Society (USA)International Primatological SocietyExplorers Club Exploration Fun

    Phenotypic assortment in wild primate networks: implications for the dissemination of information.

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    Open Access article published under Creative Commons Attribution Licence.Final published version© The AuthorsElectronic supplementary material is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.140444 or via http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org.This paper is a publication of the ZSL Institute of Zoology’s Tsaobis Baboon Project.Individuals' access to social information can depend on their social network. Homophily-a preference to associate with similar phenotypes-may cause assortment within social networks that could preclude information transfer from individuals who generate information to those who would benefit from acquiring it. Thus, understanding phenotypic assortment may lead to a greater understanding of the factors that could limit the transfer of information between individuals. We tested whether there was assortment in wild baboon (Papio ursinus) networks, using data collected from two troops over 6 years for six phenotypic traits-boldness, age, dominance rank, sex and the propensity to generate/exploit information-using two methods for defining a connection between individuals-time spent in proximity and grooming. Our analysis indicated that assortment was more common in grooming than proximity networks. In general, there was homophily for boldness, age, rank and the propensity to both generate and exploit information, but heterophily for sex. However, there was considerable variability both between troops and years. The patterns of homophily we observed for these phenotypes may impede information transfer between them. However, the inconsistency in the strength of assortment between troops and years suggests that the limitations to information flow may be quite variable.Churchill College, University of CambridgeNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)Leakey FoundationAnimal Behavior Society (USA)International Primatological SocietyExplorers Fun

    Animal personality: What are behavioural ecologists measuring?

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    © 2012 The Authors. Biological Reviews © 2012 Cambridge Philosophical SocietyThis is the peer reviewed version of the article available in final published form via DOI: 10.1111/brv.12007.The discovery that an individual may be constrained, and even behave sub-optimally, because of its personality type has fundamental implications for understanding individual- to group-level processes. Despite recent interest in the study of animal personalities within behavioural ecology, the field is fraught with conceptual and methodological difficulties inherent in any young discipline. We review the current agreement of definitions and methods used in personality studies across taxa and systems, and find that current methods risk misclassifying traits. Fortunately, these problems have been faced before by other similar fields during their infancy, affording important opportunities to learn from past mistakes. We review the tools that were developed to overcome similar methodological problems in psychology. These tools emphasise the importance of attempting to measure animal personality traits using multiple tests and the care that needs to be taken when interpreting correlations between personality traits or their tests. Accordingly, we suggest an integrative theoretical framework that incorporates these tools to facilitate a robust and unified approach in the study of animal personality. © 2012 Cambridge Philosophical Society.FennerSchool of Environment and SocietyResearch School of BiologyZoological Society of LondonNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Phenotypic assortment in wild primate networks: implications for the dissemination of information.

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    Individuals' access to social information can depend on their social network. Homophily-a preference to associate with similar phenotypes-may cause assortment within social networks that could preclude information transfer from individuals who generate information to those who would benefit from acquiring it. Thus, understanding phenotypic assortment may lead to a greater understanding of the factors that could limit the transfer of information between individuals. We tested whether there was assortment in wild baboon (Papio ursinus) networks, using data collected from two troops over 6 years for six phenotypic traits-boldness, age, dominance rank, sex and the propensity to generate/exploit information-using two methods for defining a connection between individuals-time spent in proximity and grooming. Our analysis indicated that assortment was more common in grooming than proximity networks. In general, there was homophily for boldness, age, rank and the propensity to both generate and exploit information, but heterophily for sex. However, there was considerable variability both between troops and years. The patterns of homophily we observed for these phenotypes may impede information transfer between them. However, the inconsistency in the strength of assortment between troops and years suggests that the limitations to information flow may be quite variable.A.J.C. is supported by a Junior Research Fellowship from Churchill College, University of Cambridge. H.H.M. was supported by a NERC Open CASE studentship (NE/F013442/1). A.E.G.L. is supported by a NERC Quota studentship (NE/J500409/1). The TBP researchers have received funding from NERC, the Leakey Foundation, the Explorers Fund, the Animal Behavior Society (USA) and the International Primatological Society over the 6 years of the study.This is the final version. It was first published by Royal Society Publishing at http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/2/5/140444#ack-1

    Vpliv centralno delujočih zdravil na privzem histamina v podganje astrocite, gojene v primarni kulturi

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    A social group's time budget is an emergent property of individual-level decisions about how to allocate time. One fundamental determinant of these time allocation decisions is foraging success. Yet while there is a growing appreciation of how social animals optimize their foraging behaviour, our understanding of the mechanisms that link this behaviour with individual time use, and thus group-level time budgets, is relatively poor. In this review, we explore the current understanding of social foraging behaviour and time budgets at the individual level and emergent group-level time budgets. We highlight how research into individual-level differences in time budgets is comparably limited. We then explore how individual-based mechanistic modelling may provide a useful tool for elucidating how social foraging behaviour drives individual time budget patterns, and how these patterns in turn give rise to group-level time budgets. An improved understanding of the links between these three phenomena will not only allow us to address more challenging evolutionary questions, but also enable us to better predict and manage the impacts of a changing environment on social animals in the future