6 research outputs found

    Assessment of Darkling Beetle Fauna after Implementation of an Environmental Restoration Program in the Southern Iberian Peninsula Affected by the Aznalcóllar Toxic Spill

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    This study is part of the Follow up Restoration Program of animal communities that colonize the Guadiamar River Basin. In 1998, the area was affected by a release of toxic sludge after the retention walls of the Aznalcóllar Mines (southern Iberian Peninsula) broke. The main objective of this study was to assess the current state of the population of Tenebrionidae, one of the most representative groups of edaphic Coleoptera inhabiting the Guadiamar River Basin. This paper analyses the progress made by the darkling beetle community six years after the disaster occurred and the Restoration Program was implemented. The study is based on faunistic data from systematic sampling carried out for six years to monitor plots distributed across the damaged area. To make an overall assessment of the tenebrionid fauna in relation to adjacent areas qualitative and quantitative ecological indices were applied, and temporal follow up and biogeographical comparisons were also made. The results indicate that, on the whole, tenebrionid fauna was somewhat affected by the Aznalcóllar Mine spill, and that a greater loss of fauna was detected closer to the accident site. The analysis of the temporal population dynamic suggests that the most affected zones are undergoing a process of re-colonization. However, this process varies widely by species and has not yet reached the expected levels of a non-affected river basin in the southern Iberian Peninsula

    Estimación del contenido de carotenoides en la pulpa de frutos de gulupa (Passiflora edulis Sims) conforme a la variación del color en la cáscara

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    Gulupa (Passiflora edulis Sims) is currently receiving increasing acceptance in European markets. However, its short postharvest life constitutes its main marketing limitation, and makes it necessary to characterize its ripening characteristics in order to assure that fruits reaching the consumer are of the best possible quality. Predictive models were fitted to estimate flesh carotenoid content from fruit age and color change. For this purpose, a research was conducted on plant material from the Colombian National Germplasm Bank, administered by Corpoica. Fruit samples of known age were subjected to CIE L* a* and b* space-based colorimetric determination, which confirmed the existence of appreciable color changes since 84 days after flowering (DAF). Deep purple color was reached at around 98 DAF and very dark purple color at 105 DAF. In fruits on the vine, luminosity (L*) was observed to decline, while the value of coordinate a* increased and that of coordinate b* decreased. These changes feature the fruit’s characteristic color. A similar trend was observed in the evolution of color in fruits off the vine (harvested at 91 DAF). In both fruits on and off the vine, carotenoids were found to increase along with fruit age. Two regression models were adjusted to estimate carotenoid content: a multiple model with color coordinates as predictors, and a polynomial model based on fruit age.   La gulupa (Passiflora edulis Sims) es un fruto aceptado en mercados europeos; pero, su corta vida en poscosechalimita la comercializacion. Por lo tanto, es necesario, caracterizar algunos atributos de la maduracion, para que el fruto mantenga las mejores condiciones de calidad. La investigacion tuvo como objetivo estimar, a partir de los cambios de color del fruto y de su edad, la evolución de los carotenoides, mediante el uso de modelos que predijeran esta relacion. Se utilizaron frutos con edad conocida para determinar el color con base en el espacio CIE L*, a* y b*. La colorimetria confirmo que hay evolucion apreciable a partir de los 84 dias despues de floracion (DDF), con color morado oscuro hacia los 98 DDF y purpura muy oscuro a los 105 DDF. En frutos madurados en la planta, se aprecio disminucion en la luminosidad (L*), mientras que en las coordenadas a* el valor aumento y el b* disminuyo, cambios que definen el color del fruto. Se observo una tendencia similar en frutos cosechados a partir de los 91 DDF. Tanto en los frutos madurados en la planta como en los cosechados, el contenido de carotenoides se incremento a medida que la senescencia del fruto avanzaba. Modelos de regresión permitieron estimar el contenido de carotenoides: uno multiple, con las coordenadas de color como predictoras y el otro polinomial, basado en la edad del fruto.

    Physicochemical characteristics and finite element simulation of firmness in soursop fruits (annona muricata l. Cv. Elita) during postharvest

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    Soursop fruits (Annona muricata L. cv. Elita) at different ripening stages were evaluated for their physico-chemical characteristics: total soluble solids (TSSs), acidity, and pH. Firmness was determined through the application of puncture textural tests. The modeling and simulation of this parameter was carried out on Autodesk Inventor Professional 11.0 (ANSYS® Technology). The fruits showed an upward trend regarding TSS and acidity, reaching maximum values of 12.8°Brix, 0.74% acidity, and a pH below 3.43; all of which coincide with consumption maturity as observed on day 6. Firmness showed a decreasing trend throughout the entire postharvest period, with values of 79.43 N for day 0, and 3.62 N for day 9. Finite element modeling, the simulation of firmness, and its correlation with experimental data allowed for us to calculate the fracture force of the fruits with an exactness of more than 90%. Since it prevents the physical alteration of the product, this application becomes a nondestructive alternative for firmness assessment, useful in storage, transport, fresh consumption, packaging, and processingFrutos de guanábana (Annona muricata L. cv Elita) en diferentes etapas de maduración fueron evaluados, determinando sus características físico-químicas: sólidos solubles totales (SST), acidez y pH. La firmeza se encontró mediante la aplicación de pruebas de penetración uniaxial. El modelado y la simulación de la firmeza se llevó a cabo por el software Autodesk Inventor Professional 11.0 (ANSYS® Technology). Los frutos mostraron una tendencia creciente con respecto a los SST y la acidez, alcanzando valores máximos de 12,8°Brix y acidez de 0,74%, y un pH inferior a 3,43, valores que coinciden con la madurez de consumo, tal como se observa para el día 6. La Firmeza mostró una tendencia decreciente durante todo el período de poscosecha, con valores de 79,43 N para el día 0 y 3,62 N para el día 9. La simulación por elementos finitos de la fuerza de firmeza presentó alta correlación (>90 %) con respecto a los datos experimentales. La simulación por elementos finitos se convierte en una alternativa no destructiva para la evaluación de la firmeza, útil para el almacenamiento, transporte, consumo en fresco, envasado y procesamiento de éstas fruta

    Evaluación físico-quimica y sensorial de frutos de uchuva (Physalis peruviana L.) Physico-chemical and sensory evaluation of cape gooseberry fruits (Physalis peruviana L.)

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    Se cosechan frutos de uchuva en grado de madurez de consumo en tres tiempos diferentes, se caracterizan físico-química y sensorialmente. Se realizan análisis de medidas repetidas con estructura de varianzascovarianzas autoregresiva heterogénea de primer orden, estableciendo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p0,05) para las variables aroma, textura bucal y sabor. Para el programa de fitomejoramiento las características físico-químicas y organolépticas de las accesiones estudiadas son similares al testigo comercial; por lo tanto, se espera que los cruzamientos entre ellas no demeriten estos aspectos.Cape gooseberry fruits are harvested at maturity for consumption at three different times. They are evaluated physico-chemically and sensorially. Repeated measures analysis are performed using a variancecovariance structure of the first order autoregressive heterogeneous. The results show statistically significant differences (p0,05) for aroma, texture, mouth taste and flavors variables. The accesions studied for the phytoimprovement program of the physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics were similar to the commercial samples. Therefore it is expected that crosses between them do not invalidate the exercise