157 research outputs found

    Territorial heritage, structural description, statutes of the territory, strategic scenarios and integrated project : five key points for an innovative approach to the project and the government of new landscapes

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    La ricerca di innovazione nelle modalità descrittive e interpretative, oltre che operative, gestionali e normative del territorio e del paesaggio ha visto negli ultimi quindici anni in Italia l’elaborazione di un corpus di studi, teorie, pratiche che si sono svolte attorno ad alcune figure della cosiddetta scuola territorialista (Magnaghi 2000; Magnaghi 2005; Magnaghi 2007). Questo filone di studi formalizza una serie di tendenze già rintracciabili in altre componenti del dibattito disciplinare italiano ed internazionale organizzandole coerentemente in funzione di una spiccata attenzione ai contesti locali (Baldeschi 2002). La tensione all’autosostenibilità dell’insediamento, intesa come rafforzamento degli elementi e delle energie proprie dei contesti locali (discussa in maniera particolare all’interno del LAPEI, Laboratorio per la progettazione ecologica degli insediamenti di Firenze) ha dato esito ad una serie di prodotti nel campo della ricerca e della pratica pianificatoria.In the last fifteen years, in Italy, the research of innovation in the descriptive and interpretative ways and at least in the operational, managerial and normative aspects of planning (both of the territory and of the landscape) has seen the elaboration of a corpus of studies, theories, practices that are developed around the so-called “territorialist school” (Magnaghi, 2000). This ensemble of studies formalizes a series of tendencies, already present in other components of the disciplinary debate (not only in Italy but also worldwide), which are coherently organized in order to focalize on the local contexts. The attention is fixed on the “self-sustainable” planning (that is discussed in a particular way in the Laboratory for the Ecological Planning of the Settlements - LAPEI - in Florence) whose outcome is a series of products in the area of the research and the practice of planning.Peer Reviewe

    Dissecting Ponzi schemes on Ethereum: identification, analysis, and impact

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    Ponzi schemes are financial frauds which lure users under the promise of high profits. Actually, users are repaid only with the investments of new users joining the scheme: consequently, a Ponzi scheme implodes soon after users stop joining it. Originated in the offline world 150 years ago, Ponzi schemes have since then migrated to the digital world, approaching first the Web, and more recently hanging over cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Smart contract platforms like Ethereum have provided a new opportunity for scammers, who have now the possibility of creating "trustworthy" frauds that still make users lose money, but at least are guaranteed to execute "correctly". We present a comprehensive survey of Ponzi schemes on Ethereum, analysing their behaviour and their impact from various viewpoints

    La rappresentazione nel progetto di territorio

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    The leitmotif running through this book is a meditation on the various iconographic representations constructed in the course of research and during the drafting of planning instruments on various scales. There is special focus on the structure of drafting processes, a number of illustrative methodological syntheses and the attempt to adequately record the legends of the maps. The aim of all this is to restore the central role of the production of images in the experience recounted, and their importance within the project for the territory. To this extent, we can say that this book is an illustrated – through the products of research and the operational activities of what are frequently large and articulated groups – approach to the task of construction and organisation of the knowledge of local contexts, materialising in the attempt to delineate guidelines and scenarios for a sustainable future. Representations that are diversified in terms of method and of scale, of users and of aims, offer the cue for addressing issues that are central to the discipline, such as the need to render interpretations explicit and restore the quality of the contexts, the need to construct shared visions collectively, and from grassroots, the need to ensure that the graphic documentation can efficaciously perform differently modulated regulatory tasks. This is a process not necessarily oriented towards ameliorating the iconographic quality of the images, but rather towards consolidating and refining the languages, as well as achieving an enhanced awareness of the potential – and obviously also the limitations – of this type of disciplinary product

    Progetti di territorio

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    The research is aimed at investigating the changes in the methods of "construction" of representations of the territory due to the communicative evolution of disciplinary statutes and to the increasingly stringent and widespread use of new information and communication technologies. It focuses its reflection on the field of representations intended to substantiate the local and territorial project dimension. The focus of the work is on the methodological value and possible process innovation, rather than on the simple description of an expert technical product. The emphasis is on the possible value of building knowledge of territorial representations (heritage elaborations or project scenarios) drawn up through collective action

    Una nuova stagione del riuso e della (ri)funzionalizzazione degli spazi urbani: pratiche diffuse e minute in contesti a diverso grado di trasformazione

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    Six projets pour l’urbanisme euroméditerranéen / Sei progetti per l’urbanistica euromediterranea

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    This book is conceived with the desire to dialogue with the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea about some great current challenges in the fields of urban design and territorial planning. In this perspective, the authors identify six themes at the basis of the Italian disciplinary tradition, from which to extract suggestions for future projects. Some specific strategies emerge: the structuring role of the non-artificialized open space; the ordering function of the collective public space; the centrality of public action in the governance of transformations; the importance of multidisciplinary and integrated approach to problems; the heritage intended as a living repository of ideas for the project. Finally, the evocation of a limit between anthropogenic and natural factors that gives measure and dimension to our world
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