141 research outputs found

    Una piazza per il Belìce. Strategie per il Territorio Arcipelago

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    Le grandi città globali non sono più gli unici contesti per la competizione territoriale: l’Italia è un importante esempio di un nuovo sistema di piccole e medie città, una sorta di arcipelago di spazi tenuti insieme da identità locali, animato dalle comunità, ma frenati da geografie impervie. L’articolo definisce come un territorio può applicare protocolli e azioni innovativi per la sfida dell’Italia interna. Questa “Inner Italy” può essere una piattaforma per l’innovazione locale, lo sviluppo sostenibile, la resilienza ecologica e sociale e la coesione territoriale, come mostrato nella letteratura internazionale, in riferimento sia al Territorio-Arcipelago (Carta, 2016), sia ai contesti urbani (Schröder et al., 2016). Il Belìce, in Sicilia, è l’esempio di questa nuova visione spaziale e relazionale come è evidente in uno dei suoi nodi urbani più celebri: Gibellina

    Neoanthropocene Raising and Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage: A Case Study in Southern Italy

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    Analysing the Human History on the Planet, a conflictual relation was raised when Humankind had started destroying the natural ecosystem and biota, and, consequently, a capacity to induce environmental change has increased throughout human history in so called Anthropocene age. A 'noosphere'-centred civilization could produce a non-disruptive new kind of anthropocentrism. This is being a new context to define Neoanthropocene based on a renewed homeostatic relationship between Earth and Mankind. The potential application of this theoretical approach has been tested in drafting steps of Plan of Lucania Apennines, ValdAgri and Lagonegrese National Park, in southern Italy. Drafting the Plan, the authors have applied a strategic approach based on environmental and cultural evidence and have drafted an Interpretation Plan for local growth, consistent with local resources. The result is a Plan, shared with local stakeholders, in which the authors have proposed a multisectoral development plan based on a ‘cluster approach’ for regeneration: the main wild areas are reached through a visitor centre or similar introducing facilities, and they are connected with historical centres, archaeological parks, ski areas, accommodation facilities and other local services. The expected effect is the growth of number of chances to develop business in accordance with environment protection dut

    The Good Practice Framework for European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration. An operative guide

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    The ENSURE research reveals that port cities are relevant in sustainable urban regeneration. Taking into account the sensitivity of urban and port contexts, and the solutions adopted across European port cities, this Guide delivers a set of key policies in order to plan and manage the regeneration process, and describes how to apply a suitable model for regeneration in port cities

    Biddas e nuraxis de su sattu de Serrenti de su Brunzu de mesu a su Ferru I

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    Il testo, proposto in lingua sarda, nella sua variante campidanese, tratta, dopo un breve quadro geografico sul territorio comunale di Serrenti e alcuni cenni sulle emergenze archeologiche prenuragiche, le modalità dell’ insediamento in Età nuragica, dal Bronzo medio al Ferro I, alla luce dell’ osservazione dei resti visibili, da quelli di strutture megalitiche, come protonuraghi e nuraghi a quelli degli abitati, quasi tutti in pessimo stato di conservazione. Si fornisce inoltre una ampia sintesi in lingua italiana del testo.  The article, written in the sardinian language (campidanese), after a short geographical description of the Serrenti area and some references to prenuragic archaeological remains, deals with the settlement procedures in the Nuragic age, from Middle Bronze to I Iron age, in the light of the observation of visible remains: megalithic structures like protonuraghi and nuraghi and those of vil­lages, almost all of which are in extremely poor condition. Moreover a wide summary of the text is given in italian.  

    Tracce della presenza umana nel territorio di Serrenti in età romana nel contesto del Campidano centro-orientale. Osservazioni preliminari

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    L’agro di Serrenti, centro del Medio Campidano, ricco di testimonianze archeologiche legate alla Preistoria e soprattutto all’Età nuragica, risulta densamente popolato anche in Età romana. Sono almeno ventinove, infatti, le località in cui sono osservabili tracce materiali riferibili a questo periodo. Quello che si presenta è un quadro sintetico riguardante i segni della presenza umana tra il III secolo a.C. e il V secolo d.C., inserito nel più ampio contesto dell’insediamento e della viabilità in Età romana nel Campidano centro-orientale.The countryside of Serrenti, town of the Middle Campidano, rich in archaeological evidences connected to the Prehistory and especially to the Nuragic age, results densely populated also in the Roman age. Are at least 29, infact, the places with materials traces of this period. What is presented is a concise picture on the traces of human presence from the third century B.C. to the fifth century A. D. placed in the wider framework of the settlement and network of roads in the Roman age in the middle-oriental Campidano.

    L’Area archeologica di Santusangius-Serrenti (Sud Sardegna) e la questione del ʽvillaggio scomparsoʼ di Monpusi

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    Abstract: This study examines historical, archival and material sources of Bruncu Pubusa/Santusangius, which was an important site during Nuragic and Roman Age. Earlier studies described the site as an abandoned village (Monpusi) during the late Middle Age. In fact, it is argued that the Medieval village Monpusi never existed. Riassunto: Lo studio delle fonti storico-archivistiche e delle evidenze materiali in località Bruncu Pubusa/Santusangius, importante sito tra l’Età nuragica e quella romana, pone in luce come quello che alcuni Autori ritengono essere un villaggio spopolato nel basso medioevo (Monpusi) non sia in realtà mai esistito in tale periodo e con il nome citat

    Conservation assessment of the endemic plants of the Tuscan Archipelago, Italy.

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    The Mediterranean islands support a rich diversity of flora, with a high percentage of endemic species. We used the IUCN categories and criteria to assess the conservation status of 16 endemic plant taxa (species and subspecies) of the Tuscan Archipelago, based on data collected during field surveys over 4 years. Our data were sufficient to use criteria B, C and D in our assessment. We used criterion B in the assessment of all 16 taxa, criterion C for four taxa, criterion D for 11 taxa and criteria B, C and D for three taxa, Centaurea gymnocarpa, Limonium doriae and Silene capraria. According to our results L. doriae, Romulea insularis and S. capraria are categorized as Critically Endangered and therefore require immediate conservation measures; eight taxa are categorized as Endangered, two as Vulnerable and three as Near Threatened. Compared to earlier assessments, eight species are recategorized with a higher degree of threat, two species are recategorized with a lower degree of threat, five are unchanged, and one species is assessed for the first time. Based on the IUCN categorization our results show that all the endemic species of the Tuscan Archipelago are directly and/or indirectly threatened by human activities, such as tourism and agriculture, and invasive species of plants and animals. The Tuscan Archipelago National Park is responsible for the conservation of all endemic species in the area

    A Social IoT-Based Solution for Real-Time Forest Fire Detection

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    Conservation of the natural ecosystem is a hot topic that is receiving increasing attention not only from the scientific community, but from the entire world population. Forests and woodlands are major contributors to climate change mitigation, able to absorb significant amounts of carbon dioxide. This paper proposes a novel real-time fire monitoring and detection system based on Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) nodes and a Social Internet of Things (SIoT) platform on which fire detection decision making algorithms have been implemented. The results obtained by employing a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) show the ability to detect the slightest variation in the observed parameters, determining the direction and speed of fire propagation with an accuracy of more than 98%

    European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration - Targeted Analysis Final Report

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    ENSURE (European Sustainable Urbanisation through port city Regeneration) is a targeted analysis aimed at providing better insights into the potential regional impacts of port city regeneration and a better understanding of the appropriate methods and tools. The research involved a comprehensive literature review, a pan-European desktop analysis of port city regeneration in small and medium-sized cities and in-depth case studies in four stakeholder cities, as well as a series of workshops and conferences. The research shows that a main driver for the development of ports in Europe was the industrial revolution and the continued industrial growth until the mid-20th century. Similarly, a retreat from the waterfront became evident during the last part of the century as the deindustrialisation gathered pace, driven by increased global competition, spatial relocation of industry, and technological changes in both industry and transport. Another key aspect was the collapse of socialism in eastern Europe. Many cities in this part of Europe had active ports that became militarised during the Soviet era and later de-militarised as these states transitioned to a new political-economic structure. The desktop research indicated that about a third of small and medium-sized European port cities (48 of 144) show no evidence of regeneration. Some of these cities may be thriving and have no need for regeneration, but there is likely to be a significant latent potential across the European territory