45 research outputs found

    Identifikasi dan Penanganan Banjir pada Bangunan Sungai di Sungai Cisanggarung Wilayah Kecamatan Ciledug Kabupaten Cirebon

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    Banjir yang melanda di Kecamatan Ciledug Kabupaten Cirebon disebabkan oleh intensitas curah hujan yang tinggi, sehingga membuat Sungai Cisanggarung meluap dan menggenangi daerah sekitarnya. Akibat dari banjir tersebut berdampak pada tempat tinggal yang terendam air, serta berdampak pada kondisi sungai dan infrastruktur sungai yang mengalami kerusakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan apa saja yang ada di sungai dan bangunan sungai Cisanggarung serta penanganan yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kerusakan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penanganan kerusakan sungai dan bangunan sungai akibat banjir ini menggunakan metode struktur yaitu metode perkuatan tebing (revetment), pembangunan TPT dan bronjong pasangan batu. Analisis dan pembahasan pada tugas akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan sungai dan bangunan sungai serta melakukan rencana penanganan kerusakan tersebut yang diakibatkan oleh banjir. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Di lokasi Desa Ciledug Wetan Blok Cihoe Kecamatan Ciledug terdapat kerusakan bangunan sungai yaitu tanggul banjir dan tebing sungai yang mengalami kelongsoran cukup berat sepanjang + 40 m. (2) Di lokasi Desa Ciledug Kulon Blok Surahbrama Kecamatan Ciledug terdapat kerusakan bangunan sungai yaitu tebing sungai yang mengalami kerusakan sedang sepanjang + 30 m. (3) Penanganan kerusakan Sungai Cisanggarung yaitu dengan pembangunan TPT, perkuatan tebing sungai dan pekerjaan bronjong pasangan batuBanjir yang melanda di Kecamatan Ciledug Kabupaten Cirebon disebabkan oleh intensitas curah hujan yang tinggi, sehingga membuat Sungai Cisanggarung meluap dan menggenangi daerah sekitarnya. Akibat dari banjir tersebut berdampak pada tempat tinggal yang terendam air, serta berdampak pada kondisi sungai dan infrastruktur sungai yang mengalami kerusakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan apa saja yang ada di sungai dan bangunan sungai Cisanggarung serta penanganan yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kerusakan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penanganan kerusakan sungai dan bangunan sungai akibat banjir ini menggunakan metode struktur yaitu metode perkuatan tebing (revetment), pembangunan TPT dan bronjong pasangan batu. Analisis dan pembahasan pada tugas akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan sungai dan bangunan sungai serta melakukan rencana penanganan kerusakan tersebut yang diakibatkan oleh banjir. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Di lokasi Desa Ciledug Wetan Blok Cihoe Kecamatan Ciledug terdapat kerusakan bangunan sungai yaitu tanggul banjir dan tebing sungai yang mengalami kelongsoran cukup berat sepanjang + 40 m. (2) Di lokasi Desa Ciledug Kulon Blok Surahbrama Kecamatan Ciledug terdapat kerusakan bangunan sungai yaitu tebing sungai yang mengalami kerusakan sedang sepanjang + 30 m. (3) Penanganan kerusakan Sungai Cisanggarung yaitu dengan pembangunan TPT, perkuatan tebing sungai dan pekerjaan bronjong pasangan batu

    New Promising Rice Genotypes of SP87-1-1-2 and SP73-3-17 Adaptive to Lowland and Medium Land

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    High yield potential (more than 8 ton ha-1), resistant to pest and disease, adaptive to specific or broad environment and good palatability are among rice traits preferred by farmers and consumers. In order to develop such superior rice, yield testing at different agro-climates for some promising lines bred is necessary. This study aimed to examine selected rice genotypes in two different environments, namely Indramayu (9m asl) and Jatinangor (752m asl) and to obtain environment factors affecting the plant trait variation. The experiment was conducted during dry season with fifteen F5 genotypes, arranged in an augmented design. Based on Least Significant Increase (LSI), genotypes showing better performance than checks were SP87-1-1 on number of productive tillers and total grain weight, SP73-3-1 on panicle length, total grain weight, and weight of 1000 grains. Meanwhile, SP46-4-1 and SP87-4-1 showed better number of filled grains than checks in Indramayu. There was no genotype performing higher number of empty grains than that of the checks. Based on the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), altitude contributed to high variation of plant traits. SP87-1-1 and SP73-3-1 are recommended to be grown in medium and lowland ecosystems because they have high productivity in both environments

    Study of Runoff Farming System to Improve Dryland Cropping Index in Indonesia

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    A barrier to productivity on dryland is limited availability of water during dry season. Heavy rainfall at most in the dryland farming in Indonesia causes high runoff that occurred during precipitations. The huge potential of runoff can certainly be utilized as alternative water sources in the dry season to improve cropping index. The research purposes were to assess the potential of runoff farming system in improving the cropping index on dryland with wet climate. The study was conducted through observation field conditions, rainfall analysis, potential runoff analysis, crop water requirements analysis and water balance analysis in the dryland area. The result of the study indicated that peak of rainfall-runoff started in last decade of December until March. However, entering the second growing season, rainfall occurs until April only. It's implied that during the second growing season has led to a lack of water supply in the peak phase of crop water needs. Rainfall-runoff analysis indicates that surface runoff potential as an alternative source of irrigation in the dryland farming if managed well, one of which uses runoff farming system. With harvest runoff and store it for irrigation in dry season could increase the cropping index. The significant finding of this research was base on supply and demand water analysis shows that to increase cropping index of food crop in dryland with wet climate needed of catchment and cultivation area ratio (CCA ratio) equal to 6.2, to the form of catchment area was arable land with multi-cropping pattern and varies slope

    Gene Pyramiding for Brown Planthopper Resistance-related Traits, Early Maturity and Aroma of Rice Assisted by Molecular and Phenotypic Markers

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    The brown planthopper (BPH)-resistant rice, early maturity, and aromatic are expected by both farmers and consumers. The traits have been combined through gene pyramiding and some promising rice genotypes obtained. However the genetic control of BPH resistance and maturity is quantitatively inherited, it is therefore both molecular and phenotypic assessments would be tremendously helpful in selecting promising genotypes. The study aimed to obtain genotypes with such valuable traits. Rice lines were analyzed using molecular markers i.e., RM586, RM589, RM8213 (BPH resistant gene markers); RM7610 and RM19414 (early maturity markers), and IFAP (Internal Fragrant Antisense Primer) for detecting aromatic, and INSP (Internal Non-fragrant Sense Primer) for non-aromatic rice. Phenotypic assessment was performed for brown planthopper resistant-related traits, such as chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, and trichome density. Other evaluations were heading date and aroma (using 1.7% KOH solution). Results showed that molecular markers for evaluating BPH resistance genes (Bph3, Bph4, Qbph4, and Bph17), aroma (fgr gene), and heading date (Hd2 and Hd3 genes) could differentiate genotypes, and they serve as perfect markers, except for heading date markers. Seven genotypes i.e., #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #10, and #11 were related to all traits expected based on molecular marker analysis. Meanwhile, genotypes #1, #2, #4, #6, and #11 were similar to their parents based on phenotypic analysis. Pyramiding program based on molecular and phenotypic markers enables us to combine three valuable traits into one rice genotype as presented in this studyThe brown planthopper (BPH)-resistant rice, early maturity, and aromatic are expected by both farmers and consumers. The traits have been combined through gene pyramiding and some promising rice genotypes obtained. However the genetic control of BPH resistance and maturity is quantitatively inherited, it is therefore both molecular and phenotypic assessments would be tremendously helpful in selecting promising genotypes. The study aimed to obtain genotypes with such valuable traits. Rice lines were analyzed using molecular markers i.e., RM586, RM589, RM8213 (BPH resistant gene markers); RM7610 and RM19414 (early maturity markers), and IFAP (Internal Fragrant Antisense Primer) for detecting aromatic, and INSP (Internal Non-fragrant Sense Primer) for non-aromatic rice. Phenotypic assessment was performed for brown planthopper resistant-related traits, such as chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, and trichome density. Other evaluations were heading date and aroma (using 1.7% KOH solution). Results showed that molecular markers for evaluating BPH resistance genes (Bph3, Bph4, Qbph4, and Bph17), aroma (fgr gene), and heading date (Hd2 and Hd3 genes) could differentiate genotypes, and they serve as perfect markers, except for heading date markers. Seven genotypes i.e., #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #10, and #11 were related to all traits expected based on molecular marker analysis. Meanwhile, genotypes #1, #2, #4, #6, and #11 were similar to their parents based on phenotypic analysis. Pyramiding program based on molecular and phenotypic markers enables us to combine three valuable traits into one rice genotype as presented in this stud


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    Fish growth improvement as economic traits can be solved through fish transgenic production. Growth hormone gene is inserted into transgenic vector construction to over-express fish growth. The promoter as a part of the expression vector has an important role in its regulation. The use of promoter which is derived from mammalian or virus (such as CMV/ cytomegalovirus) in the expression vector, in specific goal as food material, has customer resistant rather than a promoter which is derived from in- sibling species. Beside of it, transgene expression level when using in-sibling promoter showed higher than using mammalian or viral promoter. The β-actin promoter is screened from walking catfish pituitary genome DNA using primers: pBA-cy-F (5’- GTGWGTGACGCYGGACCAAATC-3’) as forward primer and pBA-cy-R (5’- CCATRTCRTCCCAGTTGGTSACAAT-3’) as reverse primer, produced an amplicon of 1,7 kb in length. Sequence analysis using TF BindTM indicated transcription factor elements: TATA box, CCAAT box, enhancer (CAAT), and CarGG (CAAATGG) motif. This result showed that promoter which is obtained from this research is useful in construction of all catfish growth hormone vector expression catfish transgenic production. Keywords: β-actin promoter, growth hormone, expression vector, walking catfish (Clarias batrachus)

    Food Security Analysis of Household Paddy Farmer in Flooding Area

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    This study aims to determine the level of household food security of rice farmers in areas at risk of flooding. The research was conducted by using survey method in Padaherang and Kalipucang subdistricts of Pangandaran district which was chosen purposively as research area. The sample size of 360 farmers was determined using the Slovin formula. The data used consisted of primary and secondary data analyzed descriptively. The results showed that most farm households were in the food supply deficit condition, most of the farm households had high purchasing power, and most of the farm households were in the medium category of food quality. In general the level of household food security of farmers is in the category of less food resistant. Keywords: food security, household, floo

    Karakterisasi Mutu Fisik Bulir 30 Genotipe Padi Generasi F5 Hasil Seleksi dari Persilangan Sintanur X PTB33 dan Pandanwangi X PTB33

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    Perbaikan genetik padi saat ini tidak hanya mengarah pada peningkatan produktivitas saja, namun juga ke arah perbaikan mutu terutama karakter mutu beras yang disukai konsumen, seperti, ukuran, bentuk, dan penampilan butir beras. Dalam rangka mengembangkan karakter mutu fisik yang baik, telah dilakukan beberapa persilangan dari tetua-tetua yang terpilih, seperti Sintanur, Pandanwangi, dan PTB33. Hasil persilangan tersebut telah mencapai generasi F5, akan tetapi pengujian mutu fisik bulir belum dilakukan, sebelum galur-galur harapan tersebut dilepas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh genotipe padi unggul yang memiliki karakter mutu fisik bulir terbaik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), terdiri dari 34 genotipe (termasuk 4 varietas cek) dan dilakukan sebanyak 3 ulangan. Penampilan genotipe-genotipe padi yang diuji dibandingkan dengan varietas ceknya dievaluasi dengan menggunakan Least Significant Increase (LSI). Berdasarkan uji LSI, seluruh genotipe hasil persilangan varietas Pandanwangi X PTB33 (PP) dan SP87-25-29 memiliki mutu fisik bulir yang lebih baik dibandingkan tetuanya. Genotipe-genotipe yang telah terseleksi akan dilanjutkan guna pengujian adaptabilitas dan stabilitas

    Penggunaan Putresin Alami dan Sintetik untuk Induksi Kalus dan Regenerasi Kultur Anter Empat Genotipe Padi

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    Teknik kultur antera sering digunakan untuk memperoleh galur-galur murni double haploid (DH) yang homozigot dalam waktu singkat, yang umumnya dicapai melalui proses induksi kalus. Putresin sebagai salah satu zat pengatur tumbuh dari poliamin diketahui sangat penting bagi perkembangan embriogenesis kalus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh plantlet dari penggunaan putresin sintetik dan alami pada media induksi dan regenerasi kalus kultur antera secara in vitro terhadap empat genotip-genotip F3 padi hasil persilangan (Oryza sativa L.). Eksplan yang digunakan adalah antera padi generasi F3 terseleksi hasil persilangan Caka, SP, Sair dan IRPW. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa induksi kalus berhasil terbentuk hanya dari genotip Caka pada media N6 dengan penambahan putresin sintetik 10-3 M, persentase pembentukan kalus sebesar 16,1%. Kalus yang terbentuk dari genotip Caka memiliki struktur remah, kompak dan berwarna putih krem. Regenerasi menggunakan media dasar MS dengan penambahan putresin sintetik konsentrasi 10-3 M belum berhasil. Penambahan putresin sintetik lebih efektif dalam pembentukan kalus dibandingkan putresin ekstrak alami


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    Isolasi gen hormon pertumbuhan lele dumbo (C. gariepinus) dari hipofisa ikanmerupakan sumber DNA yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan sebagai cetakan untuk mengkopi gen tersebut menggunakan primer Amc-GH-F dan Amc-GH-R. Fragmen DNA lele dumbo hasil isolasi terdeteksi berdasar elektroforesis gel agarosa 1%. Amplifikasi gen penyandi hormon pertumbuhan (Growth Hormone / GH) lele dumbo menggunakan primer Amc-GH-F (5’-GCAGAAATGGCTCGAGGTAAGG-3’) dan Amc-GH-R (5’-CAGGGTGCAGTTGGAATCC-3’) dapat mengkopi sekuen gen GH lele dengan ukuran fragmen PCR sekitar 1.400 bp. Sementara amplikon gen GH American catfish (Rhamdia quelen) menggunakan primer Amc-GH-F dan Amc-GH-R sebesar 1.465 bp. Hasil analisis sekuensing gen penyandi GH menggunakan program BlastP dan Genetyx versi 7.0, menunjukkan bahwa sekuen gen penyandi GH lele dumbo memiliki homologi 80% dengan sekuen GH C. gariepinus pada bank gen (no. aksesi AF 416488.1), sehingga sebagian besar sekuen gen penyandi hormon pertumbuhan ikan tersebut dapat diamplifikasi secara in vitro

    Sensory Test and Molecular Marker Based-Selection for Aromatic Rice in the F3 Progenies

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    Aromatic rice is a special type of rice that highly preferred by people in Asia due to the presence of aroma. Aroma in rice is determined by 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) compound which is controlled by a recessive fgr gene. A hybridization between cv. Sintanur (aromatic rice) and PTB33 (non-aromatic, resistant to brown planthopper/BPH) has been done in order to develop aromatic rice lines that resistant to BPH. In the F2 progeny, molecular marker-based selection and bioassay for the brown planthopper resistant lines have been carried out; however selection for the aromatic trait has not been performed yet. The objective of this study was to obtain the F3 progeny’s individual with aromatic trait. Sensory test was conducted by KOH 1.7% solution, meanwhile molecular markers applied were ESP (External Antisense Primer), IFAP (Internal Fragrant Antisense Primer), INSP (Internal Non fragrant Sense Primer) and EAP (External Antisense Primer). Eighty-eight plants from two selected (SP#31 and SP#224) F3 lines progenies derived from cv. Sintanur and PTB33 have been evaluated in this study. Detection by molecular markers found seventy-five genotypes (85.23%) were homozygous recessive (aromatic rice) and one was heterozygous (non-aromatic). Eighty-five (96.59%) genotypes were aromatic as detected by sensory test alone. Seventy-two (81.82%) genotypes were categorized as aromatic rice based on sensory test and molecular markers. Due to inconsistency results from each method alone, it is advised both methods to be applied to ensure the reliability and the accuracy since aroma in rice is affected by genetic composition and environment conditions. Selected genotypes will be continued for breeding program in developing aromatic rice with improved agronomic traits