8,154 research outputs found

    Dielectric prisms would improve performance of quasi-optical microwave components

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    Properties of the Brewster angle and internal reflection in a dielectric prism are proposed as the basis of a new type of element for use in oversize waveguide in quasi-optical microwave components. Waveguide loss is reduced and precision broadband attenuators, phase shifters, and directional couplers can be constructed on the basis of the properties

    Storage and feeding of coal

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    Reliable feeding of coal from storage bins to process requires the knowledge of the behavior of coal during flow. The study of the flow of bulk solids was undertaken in the 1950's and led to the development of flow ability testing equipment and of the Mass Flow concept of design for reliable flow. The theory has since been expanded to two-phase, solids-gas system, and has found world wide application in the design of storage and feeding systems

    Study of the use of auxiliary electrodes in silver cells

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    Auxiliary electrodes in silver-cadmium and silver zinc cells for hydrogen and oxygen recombination, and hydrogen combination cell desig

    Low-temperature balloon battery Final report, 29 May - 29 Sep. 1968

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    Development of low temperature electric batteries suitable for balloon

    Electrodeposited inorganic separators for alkaline batteries

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    Coating electrodes of silver-cadmium cells with thermostable electrodeposits of calcium hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide reduces silver migration and increases cell life. Absence of organic matter enables assembled cells to be sterilized without oxidation of the material of the separators

    Utilization of ERTS-1 data in North Carolina

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    The author has identified the following significant results. ERTS-1 imagery has been used to study forested wetlands, dynamic processes off Coastal North Carolina, and land use patterns in the Wilmington, North Carolina area. The thrust of the investigation is still involvement of state and regional agencies in the use of ERTS-1 imagery in solving some of their day-to-day problems

    Study of nickel-cadmium cells Final report

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    Effects of variations in positive electrode behavior and selected impurities on performance of sealed nickel-cadmium cell

    The Rachel Carson Letters and the Making of Silent Spring

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    Environment, conservation, green, and kindred movements look back to Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Silent Spring as a milestone. The impact of the book, including on government, industry, and civil society, was immediate and substantial, and has been extensively described; however, the provenance of the book has been less thoroughly examined. Using Carson’s personal correspondence, this paper reveals that the primary source for Carson’s book was the extensive evidence and contacts compiled by two biodynamic farmers, Marjorie Spock and Mary T. Richards, of Long Island, New York. Their evidence was compiled for a suite of legal actions (1957-1960) against the U.S. Government and that contested the aerial spraying of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). During Rudolf Steiner’s lifetime, Spock and Richards both studied at Steiner’s Goetheanum, the headquarters of Anthroposophy, located in Dornach, Switzerland. Spock and Richards were prominent U.S. anthroposophists, and established a biodynamic farm under the tutelage of the leading biodynamics exponent of the time, Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer. When their property was under threat from a government program of DDT spraying, they brought their case, eventually lost it, in the process spent US$100,000, and compiled the evidence that they then shared with Carson, who used it, and their extensive contacts and the trial transcripts, as the primary input for Silent Spring. Carson attributed to Spock, Richards, and Pfeiffer, no credit whatsoever in her book. As a consequence, the organics movement has not received the recognition, that is its due, as the primary impulse for Silent Spring, and it is, itself, unaware of this provenance

    Characterization of nickel-cadmium electrodes final report, 1 jul. 1963 - 31 dec. 1964

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    Characterization of electrodes in nickel-cadmium spacecraft batteries prior to and after cyclic testin

    Report of the sensor readout electronics panel

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    The findings of the Sensor Readout Electronics Panel are summarized in regard to technology assessment and recommended development plans. In addition to two specific readout issues, cryogenic readouts and sub-electron noise, the panel considered three advanced technology areas that impact the ability to achieve large format sensor arrays. These are mega-pixel focal plane packaging issues, focal plane to data processing module interfaces, and event driven readout architectures. Development in each of these five areas was judged to have significant impact in enabling the sensor performance desired for the Astrotech 21 mission set. Other readout issues, such as focal plane signal processing or other high volume data acquisition applications important for Eos-type mapping, were determined not to be relevant for astrophysics science goals
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