41 research outputs found

    Geology and mineralogy of the Auki Crater, Tyrrhena Terra, Mars: A possible post impact-induced hydrothermal system

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    A variety of hydrothermal environments have been documented in terrestrial impact structures. Due to both past water interactions and meteoritic bombardment on the surface of Mars, several authors have predicted various scenarios that include the formation of hydrothermal systems. Geological and mineralogical evidence of past hydrothermal activity have only recently been found on Mars. Here, we present a geological and mineralogical study of the Auki Crater using the spectral and visible imagery data acquired by the CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars), CTX (Context Camera) and HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) instruments on board the NASA MRO mission. The Auki Crater is a complex crater that is ∼38 km in diameter located in Tyrrhena Terra (96.8°E and 15.7°S) and shows a correlation between its mineralogy and morphology. The presence of minerals, such as smectite, silica, zeolite, serpentine, carbonate and chlorite, associated with morphological structures, such as mounds, polygonal terrains, fractures and veins, suggests that the Auki Crater may have hosted a post impact-induced hydrothermal system. Although the distribution of hydrated minerals in and around the central uplift and the stratigraphic relationships of some morphological units could also be explained by the excavation and exhumation of carbonate-rich bedrock units as a consequence of crater formation, we favor the hypothesis of impact-induced hydrothermal circulation within fractures and subsequent mineral deposition. The hydrothermal system could have been active for a relatively long period of time after the impact, thus producing a potential transient habitable environment. It must be a spectrally neutral component to emphasize the spectral features; It is an average of spectra taken in the same column of the numerator spectra to correct the residual instrument artifacts and reduce detector noise that changes from column to column; It must be taken in the neighborhood of the area of interest to reduce most of the common mineral component. It is not always possible to satisfy all of the criteria listed above and this must be taken into account in the interpretation of the ratioed spectra. Moreover, this procedure works well if the denominator spectra have a phase similar to that of numerator spectra, but, as we will see, that is not always the case. The ratioed spectra may continue to have multiple phases that contribute to the spectrum with its spectral features (Wiseman et al., 2013). For this reason, when we compare a ratioed spectrum with those from the laboratory, it must be taken into account that more phases may continue to affect the band positions.For the geological and morphometric analyses, we used high-resolution imagery and topography from ESA Mars Express and NASA MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) missions. In particular, HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera, Neukum et al., 2004) data (visible nadir image at 12.5 m/pixel and stereo-derived topography at 100 m/pixel) were used for the overall crater context, while CTX (ConTeXt, Malin et al., 2007) and HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, McEwen et al., 2007) images supported the detailed analysis of the floor and central part of the crater. The latter two datasets were also used to derive high-resolution topography (down to 7 m/pixel from CTX and 1 m/pixel from HiRISE) through the NASA Stereo Pipeline software (Moratto et al., 2010). All of the data were georeferenced and co-registered using the equirectangular projection and the Mars IAU2000 reference ellipsoid. Finally, the imagery, spectral data and topography were imported into the GIS (Geographic Information System, ArcGIS v.10.2.2) environment to obtain a multitemporal/multisensor/multiscale view of the studied crater. We delineated the map units, taking into account their morphology/morphometry, surface properties, texture at different scales (e.g., relative tonal differences from visible imagery, thermal inertia, rough or smooth texture), and their internal sedimentary structure when possible (from erosional windows, crater walls or scarps). The latter approach allowed us to i) identify the main geological/geomorphological units and to ii) correlate the defined units with the mineralogical observations from CRISM (Figs. 1 and 4).</ce:section

    Artifacts reduction in VIR/Dawn data

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    Remote sensing images are generally affected by different types of noise that degrade the quality of the spectral data (i.e., stripes and spikes). Hyperspectral images returned by a Visible and InfraRed (VIR) spectrometer onboard the NASA Dawn mission exhibit residual systematic artifacts. VIR is an imaging spectrometer coupling high spectral and spatial resolutions in the visible and infrared spectral domain (0.25-5.0 μm). VIR data present one type of noise that may mask or distort real features (i.e., spikes and stripes), which may lead to misinterpretation of the surface composition. This paper presents a technique for the minimization of artifacts in VIR data that include a new instrument response function combining ground and in-flight radiometric measurements, correction of spectral spikes, odd-even band effects, systematic vertical stripes, high-frequency noise, and comparison with ground telescopic spectra of Vesta and Ceres. We developed a correction of artifacts in a two steps process: creation of the artifacts matrix and application of the same matrix to the VIR dataset. In the approach presented here, a polynomial function is used to fit the high frequency variations. After applying these corrections, the resulting spectra show improvements of the quality of the data. The new calibrated data enhance the significance of results from the spectral analysis of Vesta and Ceres

    Variations in the amount of water ice on Ceres' surface suggest a seasonal water cycle.

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    The dwarf planet Ceres is known to host a considerable amount of water in its interior, and areas of water ice were detected by the Dawn spacecraft on its surface. Moreover, sporadic water and hydroxyl emissions have been observed from space telescopes. We report the detection of water ice in a mid-latitude crater and its unexpected variation with time. The Dawn spectrometer data show a change of water ice signatures over a period of 6 months, which is well modeled as ~2-km2 increase of water ice. The observed increase, coupled with Ceres' orbital parameters, points to an ongoing process that seems correlated with solar flux. The reported variation on Ceres' surface indicates that this body is chemically and physically active at the present time

    Removal of atmospheric features in near infrared spectra by means of principal component analysis and target transformation on Mars: I. Method

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    Acknowledgments We thank the Italian Institute of Astrophysics INAF for the financial support within the project PRIN-INAF 2011. We are thankful to OMEGA team and ESA staff for scientific, operational and technical supports.The aim of this work is to extract the surface contribution in the martian visible/near-infrared spectra removing the atmospheric components by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and target transformation (TT). The developed technique is suitable for separating spectral components in a data set large enough to enable an effective usage of statistical methods, in support to the more common approaches to remove the gaseous component. In this context, a key role is played by the estimation, from the spectral population, of the covariance matrix that describes the statistical correlation of the signal among different points in the spectrum. As a general rule, the covariance matrix becomes more and more meaningful increasing the size of initial population, justifying therefore the importance of sizable datasets. Data collected by imaging spectrometers, such as the OMEGA (Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Activité) instrument on board the ESA mission Mars Express (MEx), are particularly suitable for this purpose since it includes in the same session of observation a large number of spectra with different content of aerosols, gases and mineralogy. The methodology presented in this work has been first validated using a simulated dataset of spectra to evaluate its accuracy. Then, it has been applied to the analysis of OMEGA sessions over Nili Fossae and Mawrth Vallis regions, which have been already widely studied because of the presence of hydrated minerals. These minerals are key components of the surface to investigate the presence of liquid water flowing on the martian surface in the Noachian period. Moreover, since a correction for the atmospheric aerosols (dust) component is also applied to these observations, the present work is able to completely remove the atmospheric contribution from the analysed spectra. Once the surface reflectance, free from atmospheric contributions, has been obtained, the Modified Gaussian Model (MGM) has been applied to spectra showing the hydrated phase. Silicates and iron-bearing hydrated minerals have been identified by means of the electronic transitions of Fe2+ between 0.8 and 1.2 μm, while at longer wavelengths the hydrated mineralogy is identified by overtones of the OH group. Surface reflectance spectra, as derived through the method discussed in this paper, clearly show a lower level of the atmospheric residuals in the 1.9 hydration band, thus resulting in a better match with the MGM deconvolution parameters found for the laboratory spectra of martian hydrated mineral analogues and allowing a deeper investigation of this spectral range. <P /

    Detection of Crystalline and Fine-grained Calcic Plagioclases on Vesta

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    Plagioclase feldspars are among the most prevalent minerals in the solar system, and are present in many chondritic and achondritic meteorite families. Nevertheless, spectral features of plagioclases have never been unambiguously and directly observed in remote observations of asteroids. We report here the detection of an absorption band at 12.2 μm on Vesta spectra provided by ground-based spectral observations at the Subaru Telescope. This signature represents the first direct evidence of a widespread presence of crystalline Ca-rich plagioclase on Vesta and reveals that its regolith is comminuted to a very fine grain size, smaller than a few tens of microns, indicating that the mechanical brecciation process has been very effective. The crystalline nature of plagioclase strongly suggests that impacts alone cannot be the sole mechanism for regolith formation on Vesta and a milder process, such as thermal fatigue, should be invoked as an important and concomitant process Thermal fatigue should be considered a very effective process in regolith production and rejuvenation not only for near-Earth asteroids but even for large asteroids located in the main belt