60 research outputs found

    Chapter Introduction

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    This volume aims to foster the dialogue between two usually distinct scholarly traditions: on the one hand, the studies revolving around cultural and political activity, as well as the didactic, theological, religious and pastoral initiatives undertaken by the Dominican Order in the urban context; on the other hand, the scholarship on the history of Florence between the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, seen as a case study representative of the evolutions of late medieval communal institutions in the Italian peninsula. The essays focus on the reciprocal interactions and influences between religious and political cultures, along with those between mendicant and lay contexts

    Delphine Carron, Le hĂ©ros de la libertĂ©. Les aventures philosophiques de Caton au Moyen Âge latin, de Paul Diacre Ă  Dante

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    Introduction La figure de Caton d’Utique (95-46 av. J.-C.), arriĂšre-petit-fils de Caton le Censeur, philosophe stoĂŻcien et citoyen romain engagĂ© dans la dĂ©fense des institutions rĂ©publicaines durant la pĂ©riode de la seconde guerre civile, qui se suicide aprĂšs la victoire de Jules CĂ©sar, connaĂźt un succĂšs littĂ©raire trĂšs important durant l’AntiquitĂ©. Au xive siĂšcle, Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) donne Ă  ce personnage un rĂŽle capital dans sa production philosophique et poĂ©tique. Ces deux cas ont ..

    New York dans le polar métaphysique : la ville totale

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    Thousands of writers have set their novels in New York City and several anthologies of New York writings have been published recently, establishing the city as a central element in American literature. Considering the particular genre of detective fiction, this is also the case, so to speak. Our contemporary world, mostly urban, has led to a major shift in the genre towards increasing uncertainty and doubt about the traditional detective hero’s ability to cope with such a harsh environment. He used to stand as a reassuring heroic figure against the historic background inherited after WWII and then the Cold War and the Vietnam War. Then followed an era of increasing terrorism, globalization and generalized scare; September 11 came as the ultimate manifestation of this threat. In this context, detective fiction mostly evolved towards a much darker path - thriller or noir – whereas other authors created a new branch of the genre by mixing detective fiction patterns with a metaphysical questioning of our contemporary existence - metaphysical detective fiction - which can be illustrated by writers from very different horizons, such as Paul Auster in his New York Trilogy, Jerome Charyn and his Isaac Sidel series or Jonathan Lethem’s Motherless Brooklyn. All three have in common their renewal of the detective genre and their deep attachment to New York. The city is the main protagonist of their detective fiction: omnipresent and omnipotent, New York plays a capital role in the narration and stands as a genuine participant in the plot

    Chapter Influences et interactions entre Santa Maria Novella et la commune de Florence. Une étude de cas: les sermons de Remigio de’ Girolami (1295-1301)

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    At the turn of the fourteenth century (1295-1301), the Florentine Dominican Remigio de’ Girolami produced a collection of essential texts connected to events in Florentine politics that present the testimony of a well-informed intellectual directly involved in the Communal crises. This article proposes to analyze, as a case study, the influence of Remigio’s five sermons on Florentine communal life. His preaching in reaction to the crises shaking Florence happened in dialogue with the institutions and citizens of the Commune. It bears witness to the interactions between Santa Maria Novella and the city of Florence and contributes to the development of the political philosophy of its time

    Guillaume de Leus, commentateur du Liber de causis

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    Les différentes fonctions du domaine de l'enfance: comment se différencient les fonctions des EDE ES, des ASE et des auxiliaires au sein des structures d'accueil de l'enfance du Valais romand en 2016 ?

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    La gestion adĂ©quate des fonctions du domaine de l’enfance sont essentielles Ă  un accueil de qualitĂ© au sein des structures d’accueil du canton du Valais. Dans ce sens, il est important d’établir des distinctions claires entre les fonctions de chacun au sein d’une mĂȘme Ă©quipe Ă©ducative. Un cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence des professionnels du domaine de l’enfance dĂ©finit clairement les fonctions des assistants socio-Ă©ducatifs (niveau secondaire II) et des Ă©ducateurs de l’enfance ES (niveau tertiaire). La complĂ©mentaritĂ© de ces deux professions ainsi que les personnes sans formation prĂ©alable dans le domaine de l’enfance nĂ©cessitent une clartĂ© dans les fonctions demandĂ©es Ă  chacun

    Chapter Chronologie de Santa Maria Novella (1291-1319)

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    The identification of all the friars active in Santa Maria Novella on a regular basis or only temporarily is a puzzling issue, due to the high mobility of Dominican friars as well as the complexities of the internal organization of the convent. This contribution offers a schematic chronology of the Florentine Dominican convent of Santa Maria Novella between 1291 and 1319. For each year, the prior, the main lector, the lector of the Sentences, the students, and other friars active in the convent are listed, together with further information about the major events taking place at the convent
