1,357 research outputs found

    Demonstration of a concurrently programmed tactical level control software for autonomous vehicles and the interface to the execution level code

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    The desire for use of autonomous robotic vehicles has undergone tremendous growth in the past decade. One of the greatest challenges to the successful development of truly autonomous vehicles is the ability to link logically based high-level mission planning with low-level vehicle control software, without a labor intensive programming effort for each mission. This challenge can be effectively achieved through the use of tri-level control software architecture, as described in the Rational Behavior Model. The control software (in the tactical level) must de-couple the high-level mission planning from the low-level vehicle control software to reduce the programming effort for each mission. This report describes an object-oriented, modular architecture for the middle (tactical) level that uses concurrent programming techniques and multi-language interfacing. This design enables the control software to handle the intense data management effort required to operate in an autonomous fashion and interface with code already perfected for use in the strategic (top) and execution (bottom) levels. The design was evaluated by providing the tactical level with a simple execute order statement that was then used to drive the actions of the vehicle. The software package demonstrates the validity of the design and provides the framework for full implementation on an actual vehiclehttp://www.archive.org/details/demonstrationofc00carrLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Cross-sectional comparison of critically ill pediatric patients across hospitals with various levels of pediatric care

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    BACKGROUND: Inpatient administrative data sources describe the care provided to hospitalized children. The Kids' Inpatient Database (KID) provides nationally representative estimates, while the Pediatric Health Information System (PHIS, a consortium of pediatric facilities) derives more detailed information from revenue codes. The objective was to contextualize a diagnosis and procedure-based definition of critical illness to a revenue-based definition; then compare it across hospitals with different levels of pediatric care. METHODS: This retrospective, cross-sectional study utilized the 2009 KID, and 2009 inpatient discharges from the PHIS database. Patients <21 years of age (excluding neonates) were included to focus on pediatric critical illness. Critical illness was defined as: (1) critical care services (CC services) using diagnosis and procedures codes and (2) intensive care unit (ICU) care using revenue codes. Demographics, invasive procedures, and categories of critical illness were compared using Chi square and survey-weighted methods. The definitions of critical illness were compared in PHIS hospitals. CC services populations identified in General Hospitals, Pediatric Facilities, and Freestanding Children's hospitals (from KID) were compared to those in PHIS hospitals. RESULTS: Among PHIS hospitals, critically ill discharges identified by CC services accounted for 37.7% of ICU care. CC services discharges were younger and had greater proportion of respiratory illness and invasive procedure use. Critically ill patients identified by CC services in PHIS hospitals were statistically similar to those in Freestanding Children's hospitals. Pediatric Facilities and General Hospitals had more adolescents with more traumas. CC services patients in general hospitals had lower use of invasive procedures and predominance of trauma, respiratory illness, mental health issues, and general infections. Freestanding children's hospitals discharged 22% of the estimated 96,700 CC services cases. Similar proportions of critically ill patients were seen in Pediatric Facilities (31%) and General Hospitals (33%). CONCLUSION: The CC services definition captured a more severely ill fraction of critically ill children. Critically ill discharges from PHIS hospitals can likely be extrapolated to Freestanding Children's hospitals and Pediatric Facilities. General Hospitals, which provide a significant amount of pediatric critical care, are different. Studies utilizing administrative data can benefit from multiple data sources, which balance the individual strengths and weaknesses

    Giving patients granular control of personal health information: Using an ethics ‘Points to Consider’ to inform informatics system designers

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    Objective: There are benefits and risks of giving patients more granular control of their personal health information in electronic health record (EHR) systems. When designing EHR systems and policies, informaticists and system developers must balance these benefits and risks. Ethical considerations should be an explicit part of this balancing. Our objective was to develop a structured ethics framework to accomplish this. Methods: We reviewed existing literature on the ethical and policy issues, developed an ethics framework called a “Points to Consider” (P2C) document, and convened a national expert panel to review and critique the P2C. Results: We developed the P2C to aid informaticists designing an advanced query tool for an electronic health record (EHR) system in Indianapolis. The P2C consists of six questions (“Points”) that frame important ethical issues, apply accepted principles of bioethics and Fair Information Practices, comment on how questions might be answered, and address implications for patient care. Discussion: The P2C is intended to clarify whatis at stake when designers try to accommodate potentially competing ethical commitments and logistical realities. The P2C was developed to guide informaticists who were designing a query tool in an existing EHR that would permit patient granular control. While consideration of ethical issues is coming to the forefront of medical informatics design and development practices, more reflection is needed to facilitate optimal collaboration between designers and ethicists. This report contributes to that discussion

    Conformational Preferences of cis-1,3-Cyclopentanedicarboxylic Acid and Its Salts by ^1H NMR Spectroscopy: Energetics of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds in DMSO

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    The conformational populations of cis-1,3- cyclopentanedicarboxylic acid (1) and its mono- and dianion were established in DMSO solution by comparing the vicinal proton−proton coupling constants (^3JHH) obtained in solution to their theoretical counterparts. Geometries used for ^3JHH theoretical estimation (using Karplus-type equations) were obtained from optimized structures at the B3LYP/6-31G-(2d,2p) level. The diacid (1) adopted many conformations, whereas the ionized species (1A mono- and 1B dianion) assumed single conformations. A downfield chemical shift of 19.45 ppm (Δδ_H = 7.43 ppm) observed at −60 °C was indicative of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 1A, which was later corroborated by determining the ratio of the first (K_1) to the second (K_2) ionization constants. K_1/K_2 in DMSO (1.3 × 10^7) was significantly larger than the value in water (2 × 10). In addition, K_1/K_E = 200 (where K_E is the acidity constant of the monomethylester of 1) was greater than the intramolecular hydrogen bonding threshold value of 2. The calculated intramolecular hydrogen bond strength of 1A was ∼3.1 kcal mol^(−1), which is ∼2.7 kcal mol^(−1) more stable than the values for cis- 1,3-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid (2A). Thus, the relative energies of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in the monoanions 1A and 2A suggests that 1,3-diaxial conformers are more favored for cyclopentane than for cyclohexane rings

    Delinquent Mortgages, Neglected Swimming Pools, and West Nile Virus, California

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    Adjustable rate mortgages and the downturn in the California housing market caused a 300% increase in notices of delinquency in Bakersfield, Kern County. This led to large numbers of neglected swimming pools, which were associated with a 276% increase in the number of human West Nile virus cases during the summer of 2007

    Survival and Reproduction of Parent-Reared Northern Bobwhites

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    Captive-reared and released game birds typically have low reproductive success in the wild which limits their use for restoration of game bird populations. A fundamental problem with captive-rearing techniques is the absence of a mechanism for imprinting. We developed a parent-rearing technique that facilitates pre- and post-hatch imprinting using parent-reared wild strain northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) chicks in outdoor pens. Parent-reared chicks were marked with patagial wing tags and recaptured during October and the following March. We radiomarked juveniles captured in March to monitor survival and reproductive success in two separate studies, one in Georgia, and one in South Carolina, USA. Band-recapture survival estimates of parent-reared chicks from release to the following breeding season in Georgia (2005–2007) averaged 0.12 (range 1⁄4 0.06 to 0.25) and was dependent on release period. Radio- marked, parent-reared bobwhites had lower survival than wild bobwhites and produced 0.3 nests per hen for the breeding season versus 1.0 nests per hen for radio-marked wild resident bobwhites. Nesting success and subsequent chick survival did not differ among groups, but sample sizes were small. Radio-marked, parent-reared hens (n 1⁄4 26) in the South Carolina study (2008–2010) produced 0.67 nests per hen for the breeding season versus 0.62 nests per hen for radio-marked wild resident hens. Nesting success and brood-rearing success of parent-reared hens did not differ from that of wild resident hens and breeding season survival was also similar. Survival and reproduction of parent-reared wild strain bobwhites were greater than previously reported for pen-reared bobwhites and may useful for restoring or enhancing bobwhites populations at the local scale

    Fight or Flight: Parental Decisions about Predators at Nests of Northern Bobwhites (Colinus virginianus)

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    Patterns of nest defense against predators by ground-nesting bird species in the wild are poorly understood, largely because of a historical inability to directly monitor nests. Most nest-defense studies have observed responses elicited from artificial predators or human observers presented to nesting birds, and few have attempted to present these events in the context of predator—prey relationships found in the wild. We hypothesized that predator threat level (e.g., the threat posed to the clutch or to the clutch and the attending adult), parental characteristics, clutch investment, and future reproductive opportunities would influence avian nest-defense decisions. During 1999–2006, we examined predation events (n = 242) from 790 video-monitored Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) nests. We evaluated parental, predator, daily, and seasonal correlates that potentially contributed to patterns of nest defense by Northern Bobwhites using a model selection approach. The top model showed that nest defense was strongest at nests with larger predators that posed a threat to both adults and the clutch. This model also contained clutch size, but parameter estimates suggest that predator type was the only significant factor determining rates of nest defense. Our results suggest that Northern Bobwhites use the threat posed to the nest and the attending adult by the approaching predator as the primary cue in decisions to engage in nest defense

    Patterns of Incubation Behavior in Northern Bobwhites (\u3ci\u3eColinus virginianus\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Patterns of incubation and nesting behavior for many species of birds, especially those with cryptic nests, have been difficult to obtain due to logistical and technological limitations. As a result, little is known about the daily attendance rhythms and behavioral patterns of many species, including the Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), despite this species being one of the most studied birds in the world. Incubation represents parental investment in offspring, and a multitude of factors may affect investment behaviors, including reproductive ecology, sex and age of parent, habitat quality, clutch age, and timing in the nesting season. Most Northern Bobwhite nests are incubated by a single adult, most often by females, but also by some males. We assessed the nest attendance patterns and parental investment in bob-white clutches (n 118) using continuous near-infrared video of nests being incubated by male or female bobwhites. We found that incubating parents took 0 –3 recesses per day. A single recess was most common for 87% of nest-days, and most of these were during mid-day to late afternoon (12:00 19:00). Mean total daily recess time was 182 min (95% CI: 98–264) for nests that hatched and 224 min (95% CI: 140–308) for nests that failed. We observed no difference between sexes in the number or length of recesses taken, but females initiated recess later in the day (median start time 15:00) than males (median start time 14:00). We found that nest recess length decreased as the clutch got older and increased as the nesting season progressed. Video surveillance systems proved to be a use-ful tool for observing and quantifying patterns of incubation behavior in a ground-nesting species with cryptic nests

    The dark art of light measurement: accurate radiometry for low-level light therapy

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    Lasers and light-emitting diodes are used for a range of biomedical applications with many studies reporting their beneficial effects. However, three main concerns exist regarding much of the low-level light therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation literature; (1) incomplete, inaccurate and unverified irradiation parameters, (2) miscalculation of ‘dose,’ and (3) the misuse of appropriate light property terminology. The aim of this systematic review was to assess where, and to what extent, these inadequacies exist and to provide an overview of ‘best practice’ in light measurement methods and importance of correct light measurement. A review of recent relevant literature was performed in PubMed using the terms LLLT and photobiomodulation (March 2014–March 2015) to investigate the contemporary information available in LLLT and photobiomodulation literature in terms of reporting light properties and irradiation parameters. A total of 74 articles formed the basis of this systematic review. Although most articles reported beneficial effects following LLLT, the majority contained no information in terms of how light was measured (73 %) and relied on manufacturer-stated values. For all papers reviewed, missing information for specific light parameters included wavelength (3 %), light source type (8 %), power (41 %), pulse frequency (52 %), beam area (40 %), irradiance (43 %), exposure time (16 %), radiant energy (74 %) and fluence (16 %). Frequent use of incorrect terminology was also observed within the reviewed literature. A poor understanding of photophysics is evident as a significant number of papers neglected to report or misreported important radiometric data. These errors affect repeatability and reliability of studies shared between scientists, manufacturers and clinicians and could degrade efficacy of patient treatments. Researchers need a physicist or appropriately skilled engineer on the team, and manuscript reviewers should reject papers that do not report beam measurement methods and all ten key parameters: wavelength, power, irradiation time, beam area (at the skin or culture surface; this is not necessarily the same size as the aperture), radiant energy, radiant exposure, pulse parameters, number of treatments, interval between treatments and anatomical location. Inclusion of these parameters will improve the information available to compare and contrast study outcomes and improve repeatability, reliability of studies

    Patterns of Incubation Behavior in Northern Bobwhites (\u3ci\u3eColinus virginianus\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Patterns of incubation and nesting behavior for many species of birds, especially those with cryptic nests, have been difficult to obtain due to logistical and technological limitations. As a result, little is known about the daily attendance rhythms and behavioral patterns of many species, including the Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), despite this species being one of the most studied birds in the world. Incubation represents parental investment in offspring, and a multitude of factors may affect investment behaviors, including reproductive ecology, sex and age of parent, habitat quality, clutch age, and timing in the nesting season. Most Northern Bobwhite nests are incubated by a single adult, most often by females, but also by some males. We assessed the nest attendance patterns and parental investment in bob-white clutches (n 118) using continuous near-infrared video of nests being incubated by male or female bobwhites. We found that incubating parents took 0 –3 recesses per day. A single recess was most common for 87% of nest-days, and most of these were during mid-day to late afternoon (12:00 19:00). Mean total daily recess time was 182 min (95% CI: 98–264) for nests that hatched and 224 min (95% CI: 140–308) for nests that failed. We observed no difference between sexes in the number or length of recesses taken, but females initiated recess later in the day (median start time 15:00) than males (median start time 14:00). We found that nest recess length decreased as the clutch got older and increased as the nesting season progressed. Video surveillance systems proved to be a use-ful tool for observing and quantifying patterns of incubation behavior in a ground-nesting species with cryptic nests