54 research outputs found

    Probiotics, a Reality in Shrimp Culture Review Article

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    Shrimp culture is one of the most lucrative and fast growing sectors in marine aquaculture; however, the intensification of cultures to meet the growing demands has incremented the incidence of diseases, causing substantial economic losses. Disease outbreak prevention and control is mostly based on antimicrobials, which has originated controversy, due to the accumulation of residues in the environment, increased resistance, and little consumer acceptance. Alternatively, new, more environmentally friendly methods are suggested, like the application of probiotics, a versatile procedure with broadly accepted benefits in shrimp production worldwide. Probiotics can control pathogens by means of multiple mechanisms; they can promote host growth, and improve the quality of the culture environment. Additionally, they can be administered through different routes, and in combination with other beneficial substances. This article offers an update on probiotic application in shrimp culture, with particular emphasis on productivity

    Probióticos: una realidad en el cultivo de camarones. Artículo de revisión

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    Shrimp culture is one of the most lucrative and fast-growing sectors in marine aquaculture. However, culture intensification to meet the growing demands has increased the incidence of diseases, causing considerable economic losses. Outbreak prevention and control is mostly based on antimicrobial antibiotics, which is very controversial due to the accumulation of residues in the environment, increased resistance, and less consumer acceptance. As an alternatively, more environment-friendly methods are being suggested. The application of probiotics is a versatile procedure with broadly accepted benefits in shrimp production worldwide. Probiotics can control pathogens by means of multiple mechanisms, which can promote host growth and improve the quality of culture environment. Additionally, they can be administered through different routes in combination with other beneficial substances. This article offers an update on probiotic use in shrimp culture, with particular emphasis on production increase.La camaronicultura es uno de los sectores más lucrativos y de mayor crecimiento dentro de la acuicultura marina; sin embargo, la intensificación del cultivo para satisfacer una demanda cada vez mayor ha incrementado la incidencia de enfermedades produciendo pérdidas económicas considerables. La prevención y control de los brotes se basa fundamentalmente en antimicrobianos, lo cual es criticado por la acumulación de residuos en el ambiente, el desarrollo de resistencia y poca aceptación de los productos por parte de los consumidores. Alternativamente, se proponen métodos más amigables con el medio ambiente, como la aplicación de probióticos, un procedimiento de gran versatilidad y considerables beneficios ampliamente aceptado en la producción de camarón a nivel mundial. Los probióticos son capaces de controlar patógenos por múltiples mecanismos, promover el crecimiento del hospedero y mejorar la calidad del ambiente de cultivo. Adicionalmente pueden ser administrados por varias vías y en combinación con otras sustancias beneficiosas. Este artículo provee una actualización sobre la aplicación de probióticos en el cultivo de camarón, con énfasis en su influencia en el incremento de la productividad

    Biología y cultivo de Macrobrachium tenellum: Estado del arte

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    This research aims to collect and classify information on the biology and culture of the prawn Macrobrachium tenellum, in a clear and sequential manner, which would integrate the knowledge to develop new ways in research and sustainable exploitation of this resource. It covers various topics including taxonomy and systematics, geographic distribution, ecology, reproduction, development, pathology, fisheries and aquaculture of this species, taking into account all the information generated by different authors, from four decades to today. We conclude that there are significant knowledge gaps of basic and applied aspects of the biology of the species and this requires a great deal of research for the correct understanding of this native organism to allow for its protection and proper utilization. It is recommended to take special interest in studies to fully know its distribution, the effects of pollution and the loss of its natural habitats. It is necessary to review the regulations for the use and conservation, and to develop and improve aquacultural management techniques.El presente trabajo tiene como propósito reunir y clasificar la información existente sobre aspectos biológicos y de cultivo del langostino Macrobrachium tenellum, de una forma clara y secuencial, que permita integrar el conocimiento para desarrollar nuevos caminos en la investigación y aprovechamiento sustentable de este recurso. Se abordan diversos temas que incluyen la taxonomía y sistemática, distribución geográfica, ecología, reproducción, desarrollo, patologías, pesca y acuicultura de la especie, tomando en cuenta toda la información generada por diversos autores, desde hace cuatro décadas a la fecha. Se concluye que existen vacíos importantes en el conocimiento de aspectos básicos y aplicados sobre la biología de la especie y que se requiere un gran esfuerzo de investigación para la correcta comprensión de este organismo nativo, que permita su protección y adecuado aprovechamiento. Se recomienda poner especial interés en estudios que permitan conocer completamente su distribución, el efecto de la contaminación y la pérdida de sus hábitats naturales. Es necesario también revisar la normatividad de aprovechamiento y conservación, así como desarrollar y mejorar las técnicas de manejo acuicultural

    Total or partial replacement of fishmeal with soybean meal in the diet of the Pacific fat sleeper Dormitator latifrons juveniles

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    Groups of Dormitator latifrons in triplicate (4.1 ± 2.0 g and 6.2 ± 1.0 cm) were fed experimental diets containing four levels of substitution of fishmeal (FM) by soybean meal (SM) (0, 40, 70, and 100%, respectively). The diets were formulated to be isoproteic (35% crude protein) and isolipidic (8.0% crude lipids). The effect of each treatment on growth was evaluated and its implications on the cost of feeding. After 60 days of feeding, there were no significant differences in the fish's proximate composition (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between the diets (P < 0.05) in the evaluated biological indices: total growth increase (TGI), specific growth rate (SGR), thermal growth coefficient (TGC), and survival (%). Feeding costs decreased significantly as the proportion of soybean meal in the diet increased. The results indicated that substituting FM by up to 100% of SM can promote adequate growth in D. latifrons without affecting body composition and survival while also reducing operative costs during the fattening process.Fil: Badillo Zapata, Daniel. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Musin, Gabriela Eliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Palma Cancino, David J.. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Guerrero Galván, Saúl R.. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Chong Carrillo, Olimpia. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Vega Villasante, Fernando. Universidad de Guadalajara; Méxic

    Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae): evaluación nutricional y clínica en modelos animales y correspondencia con investigaciones en humanos

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    Moringa oleifera es una especie vegetal que pertenece a la familia Moringaceae. Durante cientos de años, poblaciones de diferentes países han considerado que posee propiedades medicinales y nutritivas. Recientemente se le ha prestado atención en países tropicales y subtropicales de Europa del Este, América Latina, el Caribe y Asia, y se ha ganado un lugar en la industria de suplementos, ingredientes funcionales y en la fortificación de alimentos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue relacionar los hallazgos bioquímicos y fisiológicos determinados en modelos experimentales animales y los que se han logrado demostrar en humanos en los mismos aspectos, mediante el empleo de M. oleifera; con un llamado de atención a aquellas similitudes y diferencias entre el modelo animal y el prototipo humano. Los efectos beneficiosos de M. oleifera vinculados al tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus, dislipidemias y anemia se han asociado en gran medida al contenido y variedad de sustancias antioxidantes que posee y que complementan su valor en nutrientes. Esta revisión enfatiza en la necesidad de desarrollar experimentos controlados en humanos para estudiar el papel de los principios activos de M. oleifera en nutrición y clínica para establecer las formas idóneas de suministrar la planta y dosis óptimas que permitan lograr los efectos deseados, de manera que resulte aceptable al paladar y sea una solución sostenible en el tratamiento de estas enfermedades. Palabras clave: Moringa oleífera, modelos experimentales, antioxidantes, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemias, anemia

    Influencia de una estrategia de intervención educativa en el estado nutricional de adolescentes de la Comunidad Cerro Guayabal.

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    Investigación cuasiexperimental, modalidad intervención acción participación, con el objetivo de determinar la influencia de una estrategia de intervención educativa en el estado nutricional de 31 adolescentes de la comunidad Cerro Guayabal, Ecuador implementada durante tres meses. Se precisaron necesidades cognitivas sobre alimentación y nutrición a través de un cuestionario de conocimientos; el estado nutricional según evaluación de ingesta alimentaria y composición corporal mediante un cuestionario de frecuencia semi-cuantitativo y técnica antropométrica. Se logró satisfacer las necesidades cognitivas, alimentarias y nutricionales, valoradas por los resultados del cuestionario de conocimiento aplicado al finalizar la intervención. La ingesta media de energía y macronutrientes mejoró favorablemente, los % de adecuación de energía y carbohidratos aumentaron, los de grasas calcio, potasio, hierro y cinc disminuyeron, mientras que la piridoxina, folato y retinol mejoraron; la riboflavina se mantuvo normal y la tiamina, niacina, vitamina C y E aumentaron; la proporción de adolescentes masculinos que antes estaban en la categoría de reserva proteica baja según el AMB, disminuyó en 50%, ambos sexos se distribuyeron mayoritariamente en las categorías de reserva calórica muy alta. La aplicación de la estrategia permitió modificar el estado nutricional y logró la satisfacción de necesidades cognitivas sobre alimentación y nutrición de adolescentes del estudio

    Aquaculture research with funding from CONAHCYT in three public research centers in Mexico

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    Objective: Analyze the projects on aquatic species financed by CONAHCYT through the information provided by the Transparency Units (TU) of the public research centers (PRC) CIBNOR, CICESE and CIAD. Design/Methodology/Approach: The information was requested from the TUs of the centers through the official email of the TUs. The TUs sent the information, and it was organized in spreadsheets for later analysis. For the analysis, only the projects financed by CONAHCYT were considered and the following were selected: the year the project began, the technical manager, the species or species that were the main object of the project, and the amount approved. Results: The projects financed in the timeline established by each center are shown, as well as the amounts approved, the responsible researchers and the species addressed. Native species are the ones that have obtained the most financed projects, although part of the budget has been applied to invasive alien species. The social incidence is perceptible in some of the financed projects, although it has been a characteristic that has been fairly attended. Study limitations/Implications: The research has been limited to the information provided by the TUs of PRCs. If more information exists, it is not available through this route. Findings/Conclusions: The three PRCs propose projects that are mostly on native aquatic species. There has been a decrease in the number of projects funded. The social incidence is barely perceptible in the projects proposed and financed by CONAHCYT.

    Análisis de la situación de salud en Cerro Guayabal

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    El Análisis de Situación de Salud es una herramienta que busca mejorar la salud y calidad de vida de poblaciones. Se diseñó una investigación transversal, descriptiva; con doble propósito: relacio- nar condiciones de vida y comportamiento del proceso salud y enfermedad en la comunidad Cerro de Guayabal y realizar ejercicio práctico-docente con estudiantes del quinto semestre de Medicina. Se encuestaron 266 familias, 1134 personas (91%) de la población total. El 71% solo alcanza nivel de formación primaria. Más de la mitad tiene viviendas en condiciones regulares y cultura sanita- ria entre regular y mal. El 87% no tiene necesidades básicas cubiertas. Más del 50% son familias disfuncionales. El 56% se dispensarizó de riesgo y 11% enfermos. Dada las condiciones de vida y ausencia de centro de salud parece existir morbilidad oculta. Existe riesgo de accidentes de tránsito y laboral. Resultó un tema crítico la recolección de residuos, el acceso a agua potable y la conta- minación ambiental. Existe imperiosa necesidad de intervenciones de salud para mejorar el estado de salud y calidad de vida de esta comunidad. Palabras clave: calidad de vida, estado de salud, salud pública. Abstract: The Health Situation Analysis is a tool that seeks to improve the health and quality of life of pop- ulations. A cross-sectional descriptive study was designed; with dual purpose: to relate living con- ditions and health behavior and disease process in the Cerro de Guayabal community and make practical-teaching practice with students of the fifth semester of Medicine. 266 families, 1134 people (91%) of the total population were surveyed. Only 71% reached primary level. More than half are in regular housing conditions and health culture fair to poor. 87% do not cover basic needs. More than 50% are dysfunctional families. 56% were risk dispensary and 11% were sick. Given the living conditions and lack of health center it seems to be hidden morbidity. There is a risk of traffic and labor accidents. Waste collection, access to drinking water and environmental pollution were critical issues. There is an urgent need for health interventions to improve the health state and quality of life of this community. Key words: life quality, health state, public health

    Survival of the prawn Macrobrachium tenellum (Smith, 1871) in confinement with the native fish Dormitator latifrons (Richardson, 1844)

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to test the survival of Macrobrachium tenellum in different confinement conditions with Dormitator latifrons. Design/methodology/approach: Using wild specimens acclimated to captive conditions of both species, three trials of different proportion were performed with treatments consisting in the presence/absence of food and shelters. Prawn/fish proportion for the assays were: 15/15 for T1, 15/3 for T2 and 10/3 for T3. In assays T1 and T2 juvenile prawns and fish were used, while in T3 post-larvae prawns and pre-juvenile fish were used. To test the survival with or without fed, it was schedule a four-day feeding ad libitum period, following by a two-day fed depravation period in all the assays. Results: In assays with juveniles of M. tenellum the survival rate was superior to 80% with or without shelter, when T1 showed 97-100% survival; meanwhile T3 presented a 56.67 % of survival, suggesting it’s necessary to use only juvenile prawns in co-culture systems. The use of shelters and fed deprivation had no significant effects on the survival of prawns. Limitations on study/implications: M. tenellum is an important aquatic resource for the central Mexican Pacific, region in which the D. latifrons is a representative native fish with a developing aquaculture. A polyculture or co-culture system with these species can accelerate the sustainability of both species productions. Findings/conclusions: The results suggest this polyculture system may be feasible, and longer duration culture are recommended.Objective: The aim of this study was to test the survival of Macrobrachium tenellum in different confinement conditions with Dormitator latifrons. Design/methodology/approach: Using wild specimens acclimated to captive conditions of both species, three trials of different proportion were performed with treatments consisting in the presence/absence of food and shelters. Prawn/fish proportion for the assays were: 15/15 for T1, 15/3 for T2 and 10/3 for T3. In assays T1 and T2 juvenile prawns and fish were used, while in T3 post-larvae prawns and pre-juvenile fish were used. To test the survival with or without fed, it was schedule a four-day feeding ad libitum period, following by a two-day fed depravation period in all the assays. Results: In assays with juveniles of M. tenellum the survival rate was superior to 80% with or without shelter, when T1 showed 97-100% survival; meanwhile T3 presented a 56.67 % of survival, suggesting it’s necessary to use only juvenile prawns in co-culture systems. The use of shelters and fed deprivation had no significant effects on the survival of prawns. Limitations on study/implications: M. tenellum is an important aquatic resource for the central Mexican Pacific, region in which the D. latifrons is a representative native fish with a developing aquaculture. A polyculture or co-culture system with these species can accelerate the sustainability of both species productions. Findings/conclusions: The results suggest this polyculture system may be feasible, and longer duration culture are recommended