240 research outputs found

    Going back to the Roots: Impact of the microbiome on plant health and growth

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    Conferencia científicaPlant roots are colonized by an astounding number of microorganisms that can reach cell densities much greater than the number of plant cells. Various studies have shown that members of the plant microbiome contribute to plant tolerance to abiotic (e.g. drought) and biotic (e.g. diseases) stress factors, but also to plant nutrition, growth and development. For the vast majority of plant-associated microorganisms, however, there is limited knowledge on their support functions and the mechanisms involved. Novel ‘omics technologies have provided more in-depth knowledge of the diversity and functioning of the plant microbiome and significant advances are being made to uncover mechanisms, genes and metabolites involved in the multi-trophic interactions in the plant microbiome. To better understand this intriguing complexity, both reductionists’ and systems approaches are needed to identify the biotic and abiotic factors involved in microbiome assembly and activity. Here, new results are presented on the role of rhizosphere and endosphere bacteria in protection of plants against soil-borne pathogens. For the rhizosphere bacteria, we showed that representatives of the Proteobacteria protect plants from pathogen infection by the production of chlorinated peptides and alter root architecture and plant growth via modulation of sulfur assimilation. In-depth metagenomic sequencing of the endosphere allowed de novo assembly of high quality bacterial genomes and revealed various yet unknown biosynthetic genes and pathways with new potential for plant protection and antibiotic discovery. An overview will be given on the wealth of genes and functions of the plant microbiome.Máster y Programa de Doctroado "Biología Celular y Molecular", y el Departamento de Microbiología, Univesidad de Málaga . Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Properties of polypyrrole polyvinilsulfate films for dual actuator sensing systems

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    One of the challenges of modern science is the development of actuators able to sense working conditions while actuation, mimicking the way in which biological organs work. Actuation of those organs includes nervous (electric) pulses dense reactive gels, chemical reactions exchange of ions and solvent. For that purpose, conducting polymers are being widely studied. In this work the properties of self-supported films of the polypyrrole:polyvinilsulfate (PPy/PVS) blend polymer were assessed. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies show how during reduction / oxidation the polymer exchanges cations when immersed in a NaClO4 aqueous solution, revealing free positive charges in the electrolytic solution as the driving agents leading to the swelling/shrinking of the polymer. Eventually it is the phenomenon responsible of the actuation of the polymeric motors. Submitting the system to consecutive potential sweeps shows the reaction is really sensing the scan rate used in each cycle revealing that while actuating the system is actually sensing the electrochemical working conditions.The research was supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641822

    Dual sensing-actuation artificial muscle based on polypyrrole-carbon nanotube composite

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    Dual sensing artificial muscles based on conducting polymer are faradaic motors driven by electrochemical reactions, which announce the development of proprioceptive devices. The applicability of different composites has been investigated with the aim to improve the performance. Addition of carbon nanotubes may reduce irreversible reactions. We present the testing of a dual sensing artificial muscle based on a conducting polymer and carbon nanotubes composite. Large bending motions (up to 127 degrees) in aqueous solution and simultaneously sensing abilities of the operation conditions are recorded. The sensing and actuation equations are derived for incorporation into a control system.The research was supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641822

    Unlocking the secrets of plant microbiomes.

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    Plant roots are colonized by an astonishing number of microbes, not merely externally (rhizosphere) but also internally (endosphere). In the past years, extensive research has revealed the role of specific members of the plant microbiome to the improvement of plant tolerance to (a)biotic stress factors. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these functions remain largely elusive. This in turn has raised new questions such as how endophytic bacteria colonize and protect plants against pathogens; and which genes are essential for being pathogenic or beneficial for the plant? In other words, are there genetic markers associated with specific microbial lifestyles? Here, our newest results are presented to shed light on these outstanding questions. We used in-depth metagenomic sequencing of the endosphere to discover that chitinase and novel NRPS and PKS genes were only activated in endophytic microbes upon pathogen infection. We also developed a new computational tool (MicroLife) to explore large-scale genomic datasets and to identify genes as well as biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) associated with specific microbial lifestyles. Using MicroLife, we were able to dig into the microbial dark matter to discover novel genes and BGCs involved in pathogenesis and endophytic lifestyles. Collectively, our results provide new exciting insights into the largely unexplored functional potential of the plant microbiome and the chemical secrets of the endosphere.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estudio de la implementación de las técnicas Lean Manufacturing en una línea de producción

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    Se pretende realizar un estudio para mejorar el sistema de producción de una línea. El sistema push existente da muchos problemas por la poca flexibilidad del sistema. Se estudiará la implementación del método Kanban, haciedo modificaciones en el Layout de la línea existente

    Self-supported polypyrrole/polyvinylsulfate films: electrochemical synthesis, characterization, and sensing properties of their redox reactions

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    Thick films of polypyrrole/polyvinylsulfate (PPy/PVS) blends were electrogenerated on stainless‐steel electrodes under potentiostatic conditions from aqueous solution. The best electropolymerization potential window was determined by cyclic voltammetry. After removing the film from the back metal, self‐supported electrodes were obtained. Voltammetric, coulovoltammetric, and chronoamperometric responses from a LiClO4 aqueous solution indicated the formation of an energetically stable structure beyond a reduction threshold of the material. Its subsequent oxidation required higher anodic voltammetric overpotentials or longer chronoamperometric oxidation times. This structure was attributed to the formation of lamellar or vacuolar structures. X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the films under different oxidations states revealed that the electrochemical reactions drive the reversible exchange of cations between the film and the electrolyte. The electrical energy and the charge consumed by the reversible reaction of the film under voltammetric conditions between the constant potential limits are a function of the potential scan rate, that is, they sense the working electrochemical conditions.This project was supported by the Marie‐Sklodowska‐Curie Innovative Training Network MICACT‐H2020‐MSCA‐ITN‐2014 and by the Séneca Foundation project 19253/PI/14

    Biomimetic reactions in conducting polymers for artificial muscles: sensing working conditions

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    IIn the dense gel that is the intracellular matrix forming part of living cells electrochemical reactions take place provoking the interchange of ions and water with the surroundings. Systems containing conducting polymers mimic this feature of biological organs. In particular, conducting polymers are being studied as dual sensing-actuating reactive materials giving new multifunctional sensing-actuators, which allow the construction and theoretical description of artificial proprioceptive devices. Here films of polypyrrole/dodecyl benzene sulfonate (PPy-DBS) coating a platinum electrode were submitted to potential sweeps at different sweep rates in order to explore if the polymer reaction senses the working electrochemical conditions. The effective consumed electrical energy per cycle follows a fast decrease when the scan rate increases described by the addition of two exponential sensing functions. Moreover, the variation of the hysteresis from the parallel charge/potential loop with the scan rate is also described by the addition of two exponential functions. In both cases the exponential functions fitting results at low scan rates are related to reaction-driven conformational movements of the polymer chains, being closer to biochemical conformational and allosteric sensors. The second exponential functions fitting results at high scan rates are related to diffusion kinetic control, being closer to present electrochemical sensors.The research was supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641822

    Ingeniería Industrial y Desarrollo

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    In the mission, approved by consensus, refers that the investigation in the faculty contributes to the “sustainable development of the society”. And according to the industrial engineering professional background of San Marcos University, graduates develop many actions, among others, for the “human development”. This article demonstrates that the human and sustainable development are expressions that have substituted the term “development”, that has been losing its original meaning, as it has been related only to its economic sense.En la misión, aprobada por consenso, se hace referencia a que la investigación en la Facultad contribuya con el “desarrollo sostenible de la sociedad”. Y según el perfil profesional del ingeniero industrial de la UNMSM, el egresado desarrolla sus acciones, entre otras, para el “desarrollo humano”. En el artículo se demuestra que “desarrollo humano” y “desarrollo sostenible”, además de desarrollo sustentable, son expresiones que han sustituido al término “desarrollo”, que ha ido perdiendo su significado original, al haberse reducido a solamente su dimensión económica

    Employability of Graduate Students in ConstructionManagement

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    "This material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers"The economic crisis that currently affects some Western countries has reduced the employability of graduates in the construction industry. Nevertheless, many young professionals consider this situation as an opportunity to further their training, thus the higher enrollment in graduate programs in the construction industry. In light of this scenario, the authors of this paper sought to identify students perceptions of training gaps that affect their employability. The research was based on a case study, conducted in a Spanish graduate program (M.Sc.) in construction management during two consecutive academic years; a questionnaire survey was given to all of the enrolled students at the beginning of the first semester. The statistical analyses consisted of a principal-component analysis of the 21 variables listed as possible explanations for their graduates unemployment and an analysis of variance based on the previously noted principal components. Respondents recognized the intrinsic internal barriers that jeopardized their job opportunities, such as their unwillingness to move to another country, their lack of knowledge of a foreign language and communication skills, or their preferences for only well-paid and comfortable jobs. Other perceived problems were related to economic policy, training gaps, labor market structure, graduate surplus, and setbacks related to business management.Torres Machí, C.; Carrión García, A.; Yepes Piqueras, V.; Eugenio Pellicer (2013). Employability of Graduate Students in ConstructionManagement. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 139(2):163-170. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000139S163170139

    Improving Landslide Susceptibility Assessment through Frequency Ratio and Classification Methods-Case Study of Valencia Region (Spain)

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    [EN] Landslide susceptibility maps are widely used in land management and urban planning to delimit potentially problematic areas. In this article we improve their reliability by acting on the frequency ratio method and map classification systems. For the frequency ratio method, we have worked with continuous variables and established intervals grouped by probability according to the landslide inventory and based on the characteristics of the data rather than on standard divisions. For map classification systems, we have compared the efficacy of conventional classifications and those based on the concepts of sensitivity and specificity, with the specificity classifications being supported by the information offered by available comparative data. Both strategies make it possible to avoid subjective and repetitive procedures that are alien to the nature of the data being assessed. We present a case study in the 23,000 km2 Region of Valencia where a total of 48 different susceptibility maps were generated. We demonstrate that the methods applied in this study to calculate the frequency ratio provide an improvement in specificity in areas of high susceptibility while maintaining good sensitivity. In particular, the Area Under Curve (AUC) values increase from 0.67 for the conventional methods to 0.76 with the methods proposed in this work. This improvement is transferred to susceptibility mapping much more clearly when classifications that incorporate sensitivity, and especially specificity parameters, are used.Authors acknowledge funding from Department of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain).Cantarino-Martí, I.; Carrión Carmona, MÁ.; Martínez Ibáñez, V.; Gielen, E. (2023). Improving Landslide Susceptibility Assessment through Frequency Ratio and Classification Methods-Case Study of Valencia Region (Spain). Applied Sciences. 13(8):1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/app1308514612413