813 research outputs found

    Electromechanical Quantum Simulators

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    Digital quantum simulators are among the most appealing applications of a quantum computer. Here we propose a universal, scalable, and integrated quantum computing platform based on tunable nonlinear electromechanical nano-oscillators. It is shown that very high operational fidelities for single and two qubits gates can be achieved in a minimal architecture, where qubits are encoded in the anharmonic vibrational modes of mechanical nanoresonators, whose effective coupling is mediated by virtual fluctuations of an intermediate superconducting artificial atom. An effective scheme to induce large single-phonon nonlinearities in nano-electromechanical devices is explicitly discussed, thus opening the route to experimental investigation in this direction. Finally, we explicitly show the very high fidelities that can be reached for the digital quantum simulation of model Hamiltonians, by using realistic experimental parameters in state-of-the art devices, and considering the transverse field Ising model as a paradigmatic example.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Spectroscopic analysis of the two subgiant branches of the globular cluster NGC1851

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    NGC1851 possibly shows a spread in [Fe/H], but the relation between this spread and the division in the SGB is unknown. We obtained blue (3950-4600 A) intermediate resolution (R~8,000) spectra for 47 stars on the bright and 30 on the faint SGB of NGC 1851 (b-SGB and f-SGB, respectively). The determination of the atmospheric parameters to extremely high internal accuracy leads to small errors when comparing different stars in the cluster. We found that the b-SGB is slightly more metal-poor than the f-SGB, with [Fe/H]=-1.227+/-0.009 and [Fe/H]=-1.162+/- 0.012, respectively. This implies that the f-SGB is only slightly older by ~0.6 Gyr than the b-SGB if the total CNO abundance is constant. There are more C-normal stars in the b-SGB than in the f-SGB. This is consistent with what is found for HB stars, if b-SGB are the progenitors of red HB stars, and f-SGB those of blue HB ones. The abundances of the n-capture elements Sr and Ba have a bimodal distribution, reflecting the separation between f-SGB (Sr and Ba-rich) and b-SGB stars (Sr and Ba-poor). In both groups, there is a clear correlation between [Sr/Fe] and [Ba/Fe], suggesting that there is a real spread in the abundances of n-capture elements. There is some correlation between C and Ba abundances, while the same correlation for Sr is much more dubious. We identified six C-rich stars, which have a moderate overabundance of Sr and Ba and rather low N abundances. This group of stars might be the progenitors of these on the anomalous RGB in the (v, v-y) diagram. These results are discussed within different scenarios for the formation of NGC1851. It is possible that the two populations originated in different regions of an inhomogeneous parent object. However, the striking similarity with M22 calls for a similar evolution for these two clusters. Deriving reliable CNO abundances for the two sequences would be crucial.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics; 16 pages, 20 figure

    The helium content of globular clusters: NGC6121 (M4)

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    He has been proposed as a key element to interpret the observed multiple MS, SGB, and RGB, as well as the complex horizontal branch (HB) morphology. Stars belonging to the bluer part of the HB, are thought to be more He rich (\Delta Y=0.03 or more) and more Na-rich/O-poor than those located in the redder part. This hypothesis was only partially confirmed in NGC 6752, where stars of the redder zero-age HB showed a He content of Y=0.25+-0.01, fully compatible with the primordial He content of the Universe, and were all Na-poor/O-rich. Here we study hot blue HB (BHB) stars in the GC NGC 6121 (M4) to measure their He plus O/Na content. We observed 6 BHB stars using the UVES@VLT2 spectroscopic facility. In addition to He, O, Na, and Fe abundances were estimated. Stars turned out to be all Na-rich and O-poor and to have a homogeneous enhanced He content with a mean value of Y=0.29+-0.01(random)+-0.01(systematic). The high He content of blue HB stars in M4 is also confirmed by the fact that they are brighter than red HB stars (RHB). Theoretical models suggest the BHB stars are He-enhanced by \Delta Y=0.02-0.03 with respect to the RHB stars. The whole sample of stars has a metallicity of [Fe/H]=-1.06+-0.02 (internal error). This is a rare direct measurement of the (primordial) He abundance for stars belonging to the Na-rich/O-poor population of GC stars in a temperature regime where the He content is not altered by sedimentation or extreme mixing as suggested for the hottest, late helium flash HB stars. Our results support theoretical predictions that the Na-rich/O-poor population is also more He-rich than the Na-poor/O-rich generation and that a leading contender for the 2^{nd} parameter is the He abundance.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on Ap

    Low-energy excitations in the S=(1/2) molecular nanomagnet K6[V<sub>15</sub><sup>IV</sup>As6O42(H2O)]·8H2O from proton NMR and µSR

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    Zero- and longitudinal-field muon-spin-rotation (µSR) and 1H NMR measurements on the S=(1/2) molecular nanomagnet K6[V15IVAs6O42(H2O)]·8H2O are presented. In LF experiments, the muon asymmetry P(t) was fitted by the sum of three different exponential components with fixed weights. The different muon relaxation rates lambdai (i=1,2,3) and the low-field H=0.23 T 1H NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 show a similar behavior for T>50 K: starting from room temperature they increase as the temperature is decreased. The increase of lambdai and 1/T1 can be attributed to the "condensation" of the system toward the lowest-lying energy levels. The gap Delta~550 K between the first and second S=(3/2) excited states was determined experimentally. For T<2 K, the muon relaxation rates lambdai stay constant, independently of the field value H<=0.15 T. The behavior for T<2 K strongly suggests that, at low T, the spin fluctuations are not thermally driven but rather originate from quasielastic intramolecular or intermolecular magnetic interactions. We suggest that the very-low-temperature relaxation rates could be driven by energy exchanges between two almost degenerate S=(1/2) ground states and/or by quantum effects

    S-mixing and quantum tunneling of the magnetization in molecular nanomagnets

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    The role of SS-mixing in the quantum tunneling of the magnetization in nanomagnets has been investigated. We show that the effect on the tunneling frequency is huge and that the discrepancy (more than 3 orders of magnitude in the tunneling frequency) between spectroscopic and relaxation measurements in Fe8_8 can be resolved if SS-mixing is taken into account.Comment: REVTEX, 10 pages, 3 jpg figures, to appear in PR

    Spin dynamics in rare earth single molecule magnets from muSR and NMR in [TbPc2_{2}]0^{0} and [DyPc2_{2}]0^{0}

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    The spin dynamics in [TbPc2_{2}]0^{0} and [DyPc2_{2}]0^{0} single molecule magnets have been investigated by means of muon and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate measurements. The correlation time for the spin fluctuations was found to be close to 0.1 ms already at 50 K, about two orders of magnitude larger than the one previously found in other lanthanide based single molecule magnets. In [TbPc2_{2}]0^{0} two different regimes for the spin fluctuations have been evidenced: a high temperature activated one involving spin fluctuations across a barrier Δ880K\Delta\simeq 880 K separating the ground and first excited states and a low temperature regime involving quantum fluctuations within the twofold degenerate ground-state. In [DyPc2_{2}]0^{0} a high temperature activated spin dynamics is also evidenced which, however, cannot be explained in terms of a single spin-phonon coupling constant.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin dynamics in hole-doped two-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets: ^{63}Cu NQR relaxation in La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 for x0.04x\leq 0.04

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    The effects on the correlated Cu^{2+} S = 1/2 spin dynamics in the paramagnetic phase of La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 (for x0.04x \lesssim 0.04) due to the injection of holes are studied by means of ^{63}Cu NQR spin-lattice relaxation time T_1 measurements. The results are discussed in the framework of the connection between T_1 and the in-plane magnetic correlation length ξ2D(x,T)\xi_{2D}(x,T). It is found that at high temperatures the system remains in the renormalized classical regime, with a spin stiffness constant ρs(x)\rho_s(x) reduced by small doping to an extent larger than the one due to Zn doping. For x0.02x\gtrsim 0.02 the effect of doping on ρs(x)\rho_s(x) appears to level off. The values for ρs(x)\rho_s(x) derived from T_1 for T500T\gtrsim 500 K are much larger than the ones estimated from the temperature behavior of sublattice magnetization in the ordered phase (TTNT\leq T_N). It is argued that these features are consistent with the hypothesis of formation of stripes of microsegregated holes.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Evidence for impurity-induced frustration in La2CuO4

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    Zero-field muon spin rotation and magnetization measurements were performed in La2Cu{1-x}MxO4, for 0<x< 0.12, where Cu2+ is replaced either by M=Zn2+ or by M=Mg2+ spinless impurity. It is shown that while the doping dependence of the sublattice magnetization (M(x)) is nearly the same for both compounds, the N\'eel temperature (T_N(x)) decreases unambiguously more rapidly in the Zn-doped compound. This difference, not taken into account within a simple dilution model, is associated with the frustration induced by the Zn2+ impurity onto the Cu2+ antiferromagnetic lattice. In fact, from T_N(x) and M(x) the spin stiffness is derived and found to be reduced by Zn doping more significantly than expected within a dilution model. The effect of the structural modifications induced by doping on the exchange coupling is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Strong electronic correlations in Lix_xZnPc organic metals

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance and magnetization measurements show that bulk Lix_xZnPc are strongly correlated one-dimensional metals. The temperature dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 and of the static uniform susceptibility χS\chi_S on approaching room temperature are characteristic of a Fermi liquid. Moreover, while for x2x\simeq 2 the electrons are delocalized down to low temperature, for x4x\to 4 a tendency towards localization is noticed upon cooling, yielding an increase both in 1/T11/T_1 and χs\chi_s. The xx-dependence of the effective density of states at the Fermi level D(EF)D(E_F) displays a sharp enhancement for x2x\simeq 2, at the half filling of the ZnPc lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals. This suggests that Lix_xZnPc is on the edge of a metal-insulator transition where enhanced superconducting fluctuations could develop.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure