16 research outputs found

    Analyses morphologiques des lésions liées à l'ischémie. Reperfusion de reins de porcs isolés et perfusés ou autotransplantés

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    POITIERS-BU Médecine pharmacie (861942103) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Use of porphyry indicator zircons (PIZs) in the sedimentary record as an exploration tool for covered porphyry copper deposits in the Atacama Desert, Chile

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    This work explores the potential of geochemical and petrographic characteristics of detritalzircons coming from the sedimentary record of the Centinela District in Northern Chile to identifythe presence of buried porphyry copper deposits under a transported gravel cover. The sampledsedimentary section was recovered from the pit of the exotic copper deposit of El Tesoro, locatedapproximately 2 and 4 km west of the Esperanza and Mirador porphyries, respectively. Thesedimentary cover comprises four units, Tesoro II, Tesoro III, Arrieros and Recent gravels,deposited since the late Cenozoic in an arid continental environment dominated by alluvial fans.Except for the Tesoro III gravels, all other units contain exotic-Cu mineralisation. In order tointerpret the geochemical footprint of the investigated zircons, the Porphyry Indicator Zircon (PIZ)concept (Pizarro et al., 2020) is used. A PIZ need to comply with each of the following geochemicalvalues: Hf >8,750 (ppm), Ce/Nd >1, Eu/Eu* >0.4, 10,000×(Eu/Eu*)/Y >1, (Ce/Nd)/Y >0.01,Dy/Yb <0.3 and 0.1 < Th/U < 1. These zircons also have Ti <9 ppm and Ce/Ce* <100 and usuallyshow euhedral morphologies characterised by prismatic forms of type {110}. The geochemical andpetrographic characteristics of the PIZs collected in the gravels are similar to zircons from thenearby Mirador and Esperanza porphyries. The highest PIZ concentration coincides with the gravelhorizons with exotic-Cu mineralisation. Therefore, the PIZs found in the sedimentary record are apotential tracer of adjacent copper porphyries and represent a promising exploration tool for thistype of hidden ore deposits in challenging sediment-covered areas

    Influence of commercial detergents on UF membrane ageing: Case of ă drinking water

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    International audienceDuring cleaning steps, ultrafiltration membranes are mechanically and ă chemically stressed. This may result in membrane degradations and ă failures. In this paper, polysulfone membranes were used to evaluate ă membrane deteriorations by commercial detergents in static conditions. ă Ageing of the membrane was simulated by immersing samples in solutions ă containing commercial detergents with various concentrations, ă temperatures and times defined by experimental designs. Indeed, an ă innovative approach in the chemical membranes ageing researches, based ă on methodological tools, was used in order to achieve significant ageing ă experiments without using an accelerated ageing protocol. The ă macroscopic changes were monitored by permeability measurements and ă mechanical strength tests coupled with a microscopic characterization by ă ATR-FTIR and HRSEM. The present work details results obtained for three ă commercial detergents: an alkaline, an acidic and an enzymatic ă detergent. It was found that the detergents used in the industrial ă advised conditions (concentration, temperature and time of contact) were ă not detrimental for membrane properties (permeability and elongation at ă break) and so for the quality of the produced water. Over the industrial ă cumulated time of contact, different ageing effects can be observed and ă compared with the ones induced by NaOCl

    Physical erosion rates in Ogooué and Mbei Rivers (Gabon, Western Central Africa): insights for Cratonic Catchments.

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    International audienceWe measured the long term physical denudation of the Ogooué River catchment using 10Be. These measurements are averaged over 25-200 ka (average 40 ka), depending on the physical denudation rate. The denudation rate of the Ogooué River catchment is slow (38 t/km2/a, 15 m/Ma), slightly higher than the Equatorial West Africa (from Senegal to Angola, 26 t/km2/a, 10 m/Ma). Physical denudation and chemical weathering fall within the same order of magnitude. Thus, although low, chemical weathering, is substantial compared to physical denudation, its contribution is likely over 30% of the total denudation.Denudation rates are spatially variable (from 10 to 60 t/km2/a) within this large Ogooué River catchment. Over the long term, this variability exhibits a fairly close match of physical denudation/chemical weathering, except in the Batéké Plateaux area, because they are made up of already weathered detrital material and their modern flux of solutes is therefore very low (~9.5 t/km2/a). The spatial distribution is similar to the one described in Moquet et al. (2021)'s work, i.e. the southern part of the catchment is denuding twice as fast as the northern part. We show here that the whole picture did not vary much since 100 ka, as shown by both methods giving consistent results. Faster denudation in the south of the catchment may be related to some more uplift than in the north caused by the south African superswell