1,537 research outputs found

    La claridad y el orden en la narración del discurso jurídico

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    En aquest article estudiem dos aspectes essencials per a l'efectivitat de la comunicació jurídica a través del llenguatge escrit: la claredat i l'ordre en la narració.En una primera part, s'exposa la base jurídica i la de polítiques públiques que fonamenten l'exigència raonable d'un discurs jurídic clar i ordenat. Seguidament es plantegen dos aspectes relatius a la narrativa jurídica; en primer lloc, la seva funció general en el marc del discurs; i, en segon lloc, aquelles qüestions que, de manera més específica, s'han de cuidar en la construcció d'oracions i paràgrafs. Finalment, es mostren diversos escrits legals fonamentals en els quals la narrativa adquireix un significat substancial.This article explores two fundamental aspects of effective legal communication through written language: narrative clarity and order. The first section discusses the legal basis and public policies that underlie the need for a clear and well-organised legal discourse. The following section focuses on clarity and organisation within the context of legal discourse: first, by analysing their basic function in legal writing and, second, by exploring specific questions concerning the construction of sentences and paragraphs which the writer must pay special attention to. The article then concludes by providing examples of legal writing in which narration plays a significant role within the text.En este artículo estudiamos dos aspectos esenciales para la efectividad de la comunicación jurídica a través del lenguaje escrito: la claridad y el orden en la narración. En una primera parte, se expone la base jurídica y la de políticas publicas que fundamentan la exigencia razonable de un discurso jurídico claro y ordenado. Seguidamente se plantean dos aspectos relativos a la narrativa jurídica; en pirmer lugar, su función general en el marco del discurso; y en segundo lugar, aquellas cuestiones que, de manera más específica, deben cuidarse en la construcción de oraciones y párrafos. Por último, se muestran diversos escritos legales fundamentales en los que la narrativa adquiere un significado sustancial.

    The Alfoxden and Grasmere Journal: examples of Dorothy Wordsworth' privileged epistemological perspectives

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    Resumen: Este artículo explora la posibilidad de leer los diarios que Dorothy Wordsworth escribió en Alfoxden y Grasmere entre 1798 y 1803 como ejemplos de la posición epistemológica privilegiada que algunos postulados ecofeministas suponen a las mujeres, al compartir estas con la naturaleza no–humana la condición de sujetos oprimidos por el patriarcado. Si bien este postulado puede considerarse reduccionista si se acepta sin matices, si tenemos en cuenta los motivos que llevaron a Dorothy a escribir los diarios así como el papel que desempeñó en la evolución experimentada por el propio William en su forma de mirar el entorno natural, la lectura de los diarios desde esta perspectiva puede dar frutos interesantes. Ciertamente, la escritura de Dorothy estuvo siempre al servicio de la de su hermano pero, tal y como William admitió, la forma en la que su hermana se relacionaba con la naturaleza fue decisiva en el despertar de su propia sensibilidad. Título en inglés: “The Alfoxden and Grasmere Journals: examples of Dorothy Wordsworth’s privileged epistemological perspective on the natural world?” Abstract: This article explores the possibility of reading Dorothy Wordsworth’s Alfoxden and Grasmere journals, written between 1798 and 1803, as instances of the privileged epistemological position that some ecofeminists ascribe to women, given the condition of oppressed subjects within patriarchy they share with non–human nature. Even if this premise may appear reductionist if assumed without nuances, the particular reasons that moved Dorothy to write her journals and the decisive role her brother William admitted she played in his evolution as a poet renders a reading of the journals from this standpoint particularly fruitful. Dorothy put her own work entirely at her brother’s service, and William himself admitted to the role her relationship with the environment played in his own awakening to the natural world.</jats:p

    On the origins of bread cultures in the Near East: a new archaeobotanical study of charred meals and cooking practices from Neolithic Çatalhöyük (Turkey) and Jarmo (Iraqi Kurdistan)

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    This PhD study integrates unstudied plant evidence from the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük East (Turkey) and Jarmo (Iraqi Kurdistan), such as charred residues and amorphous charred organic material which were originally identified as “food” and “bread,” combined with the study of artefact assemblages (clay balls, pots and grinding stones), ethnographical studies and experimental food preparation and charring experiments. The main aim of this thesis is to assess the extent to which these early sites can be characterised as a bread culture (e.g. Fuller & Rowlands 2011) and how much diversity of cereal preparation techniques were employed in the past and how these diversified over time. The methods developed in this research project have provided a new means of characterising archaeobotanical assemblages with charred food fragments as representative of Neolithic “recipes” the chaîne opératoire, which links harvested cereals to cooked products for consumption. The intention of this study is to characterise how these recipes changed over time and might have varied across the Neolithic Çatalhöyük and Jarmo communities, shedding light on socio-economical differences

    Optimal railway infrastructure maintenance and repair policies to manage risk under uncertainty with adaptive control

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    The aim of this paper is to apply two adaptive control formulations under uncertainty, say open-loop and closed-loop, to the process of developing maintenance and repair policies for railway infrastructures. To establish the optimal maintenance and repair policies for railway lines, we use a previous design of risk model based on two factors: the criticality and the deterioration ratios of the facilities. Thus, our theory benefits from the Reliability Centered Management methodology application, but it also explicitly models uncertainty in characterizing a facility deterioration rate to decide the optimal policy to maintain the railway infrastructures. This may be the major contribution of this work. To verify the models presented, a computation study has been developed and tested for a real scenario: the railway line Villalba-Cercedilla in Madrid (Spain). Our results demonstrate again that applying any adaptive formulation, the cost of the railway lines maintenance shown is decreased. Moreover applying a Closed Loop Formulation the cost associated to the risk takes smaller values (40% less cost for the same risk than the deterministic approach), but with an Open Loop formulation the generated risk in the railway line is also smaller


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    The aim of this paper is to apply two adaptive control formulations under uncertainty, say open-loop and closed-loop, to the process of developing maintenance and repair policies for railway infrastructures. To establish the optimal maintenance and repair policies for railway lines, we use a previous design of risk model based on two factors: the criticality and the deterioration ratios of the facilities. Thus, our theory benefits from the Reliability Centered Management methodology application, but it also explicitly models uncertainty in characterizing a facility deterioration rate to decide the optimal policy to maintain the railway infrastructures. This may be the major contribution of this work. To verify the models presented, a computation study has been developed and tested for a real scenario: the railway line Villalba-Cercedilla in Madrid (Spain). Our results demonstrate again that applying any adaptive formulation, the cost of the railway lines maintenance shown is decreased. Moreover applying a Closed Loop Formulation the cost associated to the risk takes smaller values (40% less cost for the same risk than the deterministic approach), but with an Open Loop formulation the generated risk in the railway line is also smaller.