92 research outputs found
Produção de latex por clones de seringueira (Hevea spp) no planalto e litoral do Estado de São Paulo
This study was carried out in order to evaluate the yield of ten clones of rubber tree (Hevea spp) in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The yield data were collected during 16 years from trees cultivated in a Coastal Region at the Experimental Station "Vale do Ribeira" (Pariquera-Açu) and during 17 years in high plain at Experimental Center "Theodureto de Camargo"(Campinas).Comparing annual average yield by Tukey test it was found that the most productive clones are RRIM 600 and BSA 20. The first is cultivated at the Experimental Station and the other at the Experimental Center. Following the best ones, there is an intermediate group formed by clones Ga 1328, Tjir 16, C 228, RRIM 526, C 297, LCB 510 and Fx 25, all of them planted at the Experimental Center. Clones Fx 25, C 290 and RRIM 600 cultivated at the Experimental Center are among the least productives. The Fx 25 clone showed low yield in both regions, although its yield was higher at the Experimental Station than at the Experimental Center. The same was found for the clone RRIM 600.A partir dos dados de produção em volume de látex, extraído de clones de seringueira (Hevea spp.), durante 17 anos no Centro Experimental Theodureto de Camargo (Campinas, região de planalto) e 16 anos na Estação Experimental Vale do Ribeira (Pariquera-Açú, região litorânea), ambos pertencentes ao Instituto Agro_ nômico do Estado de São Paulo, Campinas, foi estudado o comportamento da produção de cada clone. Pelo teste de Tukey foi possível determinar, considerando-se as duas regiões, os melhores clones quanto ao potencial produtivo dado pelas médias de produção. Entre os melhores encontram-se: RRIM 600 e BSA 20. 0 primeiro pertence a Estação Experimental e o segundo ao Centro Experimental. Em seguida tem-se um grupo intermediário, formado pelos clones CA 1328, Tjir 16, C 228, RRIm 526, C 297, LCB 510 e Fx 25, todos pertencentes ao Centro Experimental. Os menos produtivos foram: Fx 25, C 290 e RRIM 600, todos pertencentes ao Centro Experimental. 0 clone Fx 25 apresentou baixa produção nas regiões estudadas, porém sua produção na Estação Experimental foi superior à do Centro Experimental, bem como às dos clones C 290 e RRIM 600, cultivados no Centro Experimental
Cuestionario del rol docente en las organizaciones universitarias: diseño y validación en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
El propósito de esta investigación es diseñar y validar un cuestionario para medir las percepciones, actitudes y comportamientos del profesorado universitario res- pecto a su práctica docente y su relación con los estudiantes en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES); considerando ciertos conceptos imprescindi- bles para el desempeño académico incardinados con el objetivo 4 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). El cuestionario se orienta a cumplir una doble finalidad, por un lado, posibilitar vías para incrementar la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza- aprendizaje mediante el autodiagnóstico de los docentes, y, por otro lado, orientar un camino de mejora continua e innovación metodológica y competencial. En un primer momento, se elaboró un borrador inicial de cuestionario con 11 dimensiones compues- tas por 72 ítems, que, tras realizar un análisis psicométrico limitado, se redujo a única- mente 2 dimensiones con 20 ítems, que corresponde al cuestionario testado mediante una muestra de 360 docentes de universidades de toda España. La aplicación del análisis factorial sobre las respuestas arrojó tres factores con una alta fiabilidad: for- mación integral, formación en valores, innovación pedagógica y TIC. A la vista de los resultados, cabe inferir que este cuestionario posee una validez clara y fiable para ser utilizado en el ámbito universitario, dado que posee factores conectados estrechamente tanto con los principios del EEES como con el objetivo 4 de los ODS
S-adenosylmethionine regulates MAT1A and MAT2A gene expression in cultured rat hepatocytes: a new role for S-adenosylmethionine in the maintenance of the differentiated status of the liver
Methionine metabolism starts with the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), the most important biological methyl donor. This reaction is catalyzed by methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT). MAT is the product of two different genes: MAT1A, which is expressed only in the adult liver, and MAT2A, which is widely distributed, expressed in the fetal liver, and replaces MAT1A in hepatocarcinoma. In the liver, preservation of high expression of MAT1A and low expression of MAT2A is critical for the maintenance of a functional and differentiated organ. Here we describe that in cultured rat hepatocytes MAT1A expression progressively decreased, as described for other liver-specific genes, and MAT2A expression was induced. We find that this switch in gene expression was prevented by adding AdoMet to the culture medium. We also show that in cultured hepatocytes with decreased MAT1A expression AdoMet addition markedly increased MAT1A transcription in a dose-dependent fashion. This effect of AdoMet was mimicked by methionine, and blocked by 3-deazaadenosine and L-ethionine, but not D-ethionine, indicating that the effect was specific and mediated probably by a methylation reaction. These findings identify AdoMet as a key molecule that differentially regulates MAT1A and MAT2A expression and helps to maintain the differentiated status of the hepatocyte
Transformed but not normal hepatocytes express UCP2
Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) expression in liver is restricted to non-parenchymal cells. By means of differential display screening between normal rat liver and H4IIE hepatoma cells we have isolated a cDNA clone encompassing part of UCP2 cDNA. Northern blot analysis revealed that UCP2 is expressed in some hepatocarcinoma cell lines, while it is absent in adult hepatocytes. UCP2 mRNA in H4IIE cells was downregulated when cells were cultured for 36 h in 0.1% serum and its expression was restored upon addition of 10% serum or phorbol esters. Hypomethylation of UCP2 was observed in transformed UCP2 expressing cells. Our results indicate that UCP2 is expressed in some hepatocarcinoma cell lines and that serum components may participate in maintaining elevated UCP2 levels
Specific interaction of methionine adenosyltransferase with free radicals
Although free radicals have been traditionally implicated in cell injury, and associated to pathophysiological processes, recent data implicate them in cell signaling events. Free radicals are naturally occurring oxygen-,nitrogen-and sulfur-derived species with an unpaired electron, such as superoxide, hydroxyl radical or nitric oxide. In order to assess the role of free radicals in cell signaling, we have studies the modulator effect of oxygen and nitrogen active species on liver methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT), a key metabolic enzyme. The presence of 10 cysteine residues per subunit, makes liver MAT a sensitive target for oxidation/nitrosylation. Here we show that purified MAT from rat liver is nitrosylated and oxidized in vitro. Incubation with H202 or the NO donor S-nitrosylated GSH (GSNO), diminish MAT activity in a dose-and time-dependent manner. Furthermore, the inactivation derived from both oxidation and nitrosylation, was reverted by GSH. MAT inactivation originates on the specific and covalent modification of the sulphydryl group of cysteine residue 121. We also studied how free radicals modulate MAT activity in vivo. It was previously shown that MAT activity is strongly dependent on cellular GSH levels. Generation of oxygen and nitrogen active species in rats by injection of LPS, induced a decrease of liver MAT activity. This effect might derive from nitrosylation and/or oxidation of the enzyme. Modulation of liver MAT by NO is further supported by the inactivation of this enzyme observed in experimental models in which NO is produced; such as the administration of NO donors to rats and in hepatocytes cultured in hypoxia, a condition that induces the expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Oxidation also controls liver MAT activity in a cell environment as shown in CHO cells stably transfected with rat liver MAT cDNA upon addition of H2O2 to the culture medium. This effect depends upon the generation of the hydroxyl radical. On the basis of the metabolic implications of liver MAT, together with the structural features accounting for the sensitivity of this enzyme to active oxygen and nitrogen species, we propose that modulation of MAT by these agents could be a mechanism to regulate the consumption of ATP in the liver, and thus preserve cellular viability under different stress conditions
Inhibition of liver methionine adenosyltransferase gene expression by 3-methylcolanthrene: protective effect of S-adenosylmethionine
Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) is an essential enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), the most important biological methyl donor. Liver MAT I/III is the product of the MAT1A gene. Hepatic MAT I/III activity and MAT1A expression are compromised under pathological conditions such as alcoholic liver disease and hepatic cirrhosis, and this gene is silenced upon neoplastic transformation of the liver. In the present work, we evaluated whether MAT1A expression could be targeted by the polycyclic arylhydrocarbon (PAH) 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) in rat liver and cultured hepatocytes. MAT1A mRNA levels were reduced by 50% following in vivo administration of 3-MC to adult male rats (100 mg/kg, p.o., 4 days' treatment). This effect was reproduced in a time- and dose-dependent fashion in cultured rat hepatocytes, and was accompanied by the induction of cytochrome P450 1A1 gene expression. This action of 3-MC was mimicked by other PAHs such as benzo[a]pyrene and benzo[e]pyrene, but not by the model arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR) activator 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. 3-MC inhibited transcription driven by a MAT1A promoter-reporter construct transfected into rat hepatocytes, but MAT1A mRNA stability was not affected. We recently showed that liver MAT1A expression is induced by AdoMet in cultured hepatocytes. Here, we observed that exogenously added AdoMet prevented the negative effects of 3-MC on MAT1A expression. Taken together, our data demonstrate that liver MAT1A gene expression is targeted by PAHs, independently of AhR activation. The effect of AdoMet may be part of the protective action of this molecule in liver damage
Induction of TIMP-1 expression in rat hepatic stellate cells and hepatocytes: a new role for homocysteine in liver fibrosis
Elevated plasma levels of homocysteine have been shown to interfere with normal cell function in a variety of tissues and organs, such as the vascular wall and the liver. However, the molecular mechanisms behind homocysteine effects are not completely understood. In order to better characterize the cellular effects of homocysteine, we have searched for changes in gene expression induced by this amino acid. Our results show that homocysteine is able to induce the expression and synthesis of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) in a variety of cell types ranging from vascular smooth muscle cells to hepatocytes, HepG2 cells and hepatic stellate cells. In this latter cell type, homocysteine also stimulated alpha 1(I) procollagen mRNA expression. TIMP-1 induction by homocysteine appears to be mediated by its thiol group. Additionally, we demonstrate that homocysteine is able to promote activating protein-1 (AP-1) binding activity, which has been shown to be critical for TIMP-1 induction. Our findings suggest that homocysteine may alter extracellular matrix homeostasis on diverse tissular backgrounds besides the vascular wall. The liver could be considered as another target for such action of homocysteine. Consequently, the elevated plasma levels of this amino acid found in different pathological or nutritional circumstances may cooperate with other agents, such as ethanol, in the onset of liver fibrosis
DNA methylation and histone acetylation of rat methionine adenosyltransferase 1A and 2A genes is tissue-specific
Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) catalyzes the biosynthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). In mammals MAT activity derives from two separate genes which display a tissue-specific pattern of expression. While MAT1A is expressed only in the adult liver, MAT2A is expressed in non-hepatic tissues. The mechanisms behind the selective expression of these two genes are not fully understood. In the present report we have evaluated MAT1A and MAT2A methylation in liver and in other tissues, such as kidney, by methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA. Our data indicate that MAT1A is hypomethylated in liver and hypermethylated in non-expressing tissues. The opposite situation is found for MAT2A. Additionally, histones associated to MAT1A and MAT2A genes showed enhanced levels of acetylation in expressing tissues (two-fold for MAT1A and 3.5-fold for MAT2A liver and kidney respectively). These observations support a role for chromatin structure and its modification in the tissue-specific expression of both MAT genes
Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do sorgo granífero: VI. absorção de fosfato por raizes destacadas de plantas de três variedades comerciais
Experiments were carried out in order to study the effect of time external concentration, pH, temperature, aeration and inhibitors (KF, KCN and 2,4-DNP) on the phosphate absorption by the excised roots of grain Sorghum bicolor L. Moench var. Contibrasil 102, DeKalb and Tey-101, using 32P as tracer.Foi estudada a absorção de fosfato marcado com 32P por raizes destacadas de três variedades de sorgo granífero. A influência do tempo, concentração iônica externa, pH, aeração, venenos respiratórios e desacopladores de fosforilação oxidativa foi considerada; o estudo da cinéstica da absorção mostrou diferenças entre as variedades nos parâmetros michaelianos
Liver-specific methionine adenosyltransferase MAT1A gene expression is associated with a specific pattern of promoter methylation and histone acetylation: implications for MAT1A silencing during transformation
Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) is the enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), the main donor of methyl groups in the cell. In mammals MAT is the product of two genes, MAT1A and MAT2A. MAT1A is expressed only in the mature liver whereas fetal hepatocytes, extrahepatic tissues and liver cancer cells express MAT2A. The mechanisms behind the tissue and differentiation state specific MAT1A expression are not known. In the present work we examined MAT1A promoter methylation status by means of methylation sensitive restriction enzyme analysis. Our data indicate that MAT1A promoter is hypomethylated in liver and hypermethylated in kidney and fetal rat hepatocytes, indicating that this modification is tissue specific and developmentally regulated. Immunoprecipitation of mononucleosomes from liver and kidney tissues with antibodies mainly specific to acetylated histone H4 and subsequent Southern blot analysis with a MAT1A promoter probe demonstrated that MAT1A expression is linked to elevated levels of chromatin acetylation. Early changes in MAT1A methylation are already observed in the precancerous cirrhotic livers from rats, which show reduced MAT1A expression. Human hepatoma cell lines in which MAT1A is not expressed were also hypermethylated at this locus. Finally we demonstrate that MAT1A expression is reactivated in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2 treated with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine or the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin, suggesting a role for DNA hypermethylation and histone deacetylation in MAT1A silencing
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