7,541 research outputs found

    Searching for chemical inhomogeneities in Open Clusters: Analysis of the CN and CH Molecular Band Strengths in NGC 2158, NGC 2420, NGC 2682, NGC 7789 and Berkeley 29

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    Context: The total mass of a cluster, being the main parameter determining its ability to host more than one stellar generation, may constitute a threshold below which the cluster is able to form only a single stellar population. AIms: Our goal is to investigate the existence of star-to-star variations of CN and CH band strengths, related to the N and C abundances, respectively, among the stars in five open cluster (NGC 2158, NGC 2420, NGC 2682, NGC 7789 and Berkeley 29) similar to those observed in globular clusters and linked with the existence of multiple populations therein. Since these systems are less massive than globulars, our results may allow us to constrain the lower mass necessary to form more than one stellar population. Methods: We measured the strength of the CN and CH bands, which correlate with the C and N abundances, using four molecular indices in low-resolution SDSS/SEGUE spectra. Results: We found that for four of the open clusters (NGC 2158, NGC 2420, NGC 2682 and Berkeley 29) all the stars studied in each of them have similar CN and CH band strengths within the uncertainties since neither anomalous spreads nor bimodalities have been detected in their CN and CH distributions. In contrast, for NGC 7789 we found an anomalous spread in the strength of the CN molecular band at 3839 \AA which is larger than the uncertainties. However, the small number of stars studied in this cluster implies that further analysis is needed to confirm the existence of chemical inhomogeneities in this cluster.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A, Tables 7, 8 and 9 will be publish onlin

    Soy protein enzymatic hydrolysis and polysaccharides interactions: differential performance on kinetic adsorption at air-water interface

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    The objective of the work was to study the impact of soy protein hydrolysis on kinetic adsorption to the air-water interface and the effect of polysaccharides addition. Was used soy protein (SP) and theirs hydrolysates of 2% (H1) and 5.4% (H2) degree of hydrolysis. The polysaccharides (PS) used were a surface active one called E4M and a non-surface active one, lamda carrageenan (C). The dynamic surface pressure of interfacial films was evaluated with a drop tensiometer. In this contribution, we have determined the kinetic parameters of adsorption to the air-water interface which determined the penetration (Kp) and rearrangement (Kr) rates of SP, H1, H2 and PS, as well as their mixed systems. It was observed an increase of Kp and Kr when the protein were hydrolyzed (from SP to H1), however, when degree of hydrolysis progresses to H2 the parameters decreased again. In other hand, considerable differences were not found between these two PS studied concerning the Kp to air-water interface at these conditions. In spite of the different surface active nature of the PS, the proteins seem to control the behavior of the protein-PS interactions. However, when Kr of mixed systems was analyzed, the degree of hydrolysis and PS nature started to have a huge importance. Hence, it could be observed synergic or antagonic effects on Kr of biopolymers at liquid interface depending to the degree of hydrolysis of protein analyzed and the type of PS selected.CYTED through project 105PI0274CYCYT through grant AGL2007-60045Junta de Andalucía through grant PO6-AGR-01535Universidad de Buenos Aires, Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (PICT 2008-1901) and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentin

    Some results on thermal stress of layered plates and shells by using Unified Formulation

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    This work presents some results on two-dimensional modelling of thermal stress problems in multilayered structures. The governing equations are written by referring to the Unified Formulation (UF) introduced by the first author. These equations are obtained in a compact form, that doesn't depend on the order of expansion of variables in the thickness direction or the variable description (layer-wise models and equivalent single layers models). Classical and refined theories based on the Principle of Virtual Displacements (PVD) and advanced mixed theories based on the Reissner Mixed Variational Theorem (RMVT) are both considered. As a result, a large variety of theories are derived and compared. The temperature profile along the thickness of the plate/shell is calculated by solving the Fourier's heat conduction equation. Alternatively, thermo-mechanical coupling problems can be considered, in which the thermal variation is influenced by mechanical loading. Exact closed-form solutions are provided for plates and shells, but also the applications of the Ritz method and the Finite Element Method (FEM) are presented

    Radial velocities and metallicities from infrared Ca II triplet spectroscopy of open clusters II. Berkeley 23, King 1, NGC 559, NGC 6603 and NGC 7245

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    Context: Open clusters are key to studying the formation and evolution of the Galactic disc. However, there is a deficiency of radial velocity and chemical abundance determinations for open clusters in the literature. Aims: We intend to increase the number of determinations of radial velocities and metallicities from spectroscopy for open clusters. Methods: We acquired medium-resolution spectra (R~8000) in the infrared region Ca II triplet lines (~8500 AA) for several stars in five open clusters with the long-slit IDS spectrograph on the 2.5~m Isaac Newton Telescope (Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, Spain). Radial velocities were obtained by cross-correlation fitting techniques. The relationships available in the literature between the strength of infrared Ca II lines and metallicity were also used to derive the metallicity for each cluster. Results: We obtain = 48.6+/-3.4, -58.4+/-6.8, 26.0+/-4.3 and -65.3+/-3.2 km s-1 for Berkeley 23, NGC 559, NGC 6603 and NGC 7245, respectively. We found [Fe/H] =-0.25+/-0.14 and -0.15+/-0.18 for NGC 559 and NGC 7245, respectively. Berkeley 23 has a low metallicity, [Fe/H] =-0.42+/-0.13, similar to other open clusters in the outskirts of the Galactic disc. In contrast, we derived a high metallicity ([Fe/H] =+0.43+/-0.15) for NGC 6603, which places this system among the most metal rich known open clusters. To our knowledge, this is the first determination of radial velocities and metallicities from spectroscopy for these clusters, except NGC 6603, for which radial velocities had been previously determined. We have also analysed ten stars in the line of sight to King 1. Because of the large dispersion obtained in both radial velocity and metallicity, we cannot be sure that we have sampled true cluster members.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (minor modifications

    X-ray absorbed QSOs and the QSO evolutionary sequence

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    Unexpected in the AGN unified scheme, there exists a population of broad-line z~2 QSOs which have heavily absorbed X-ray spectra. These objects constitute 10% of the population at luminosities and redshifts characteristic of the main producers of QSO luminosity in the Universe. Our follow up observations in the submm show that these QSOs are often embedded in ultraluminous starburst galaxies, unlike most QSOs at the same redshifts and luminosities. The radically different star formation properties between the absorbed and unabsorbed QSOs implies that the X-ray absorption is unrelated to the torus invoked in AGN unification schemes. Instead, these results suggest that the objects represent a transitional phase in an evolutionary sequence relating the growth of massive black holes to the formation of galaxies. The most puzzling question about these objects has always been the nature of the X-ray absorber. We present our study of the X-ray absorbers based on deep (50-100ks) XMM-Newton spectroscopy. We show that the absorption is most likely due to a dense ionised wind driven by the QSO. This wind could be the mechanism by which the QSO terminates the star formation in the host galaxy, and ends the supply of accretion material, to produce the present day black hole/spheroid mass ratio.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in conference proceedings "Studying Galaxy Evolution with Spitzer and Herschel

    Remnants of Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy around the young globular cluster Palomar 12

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    Photometry of a large field around the young globular cluster Palomar 12 has revealed the main-sequence of a low surface-brightness stellar system. This main-sequence is indicative of a stellar population that varies significantly in metallicity and/or age, but in the mean is more metal poor than Pal 12. Under different assumptions for the properties of this population, we find distances from the Sun in the range 17-24 kpc, which encompasses the distance to Pal 12, 19.0±0.919.0\pm0.9 kpc. The stellar system is also detected in a field 2\arcdeg North of Pal 12, which indicates it has a minimum diameter of 0.9\sim0.9 kpc. The orbit of Pal 12 (Dinescu et al. 2000), the color-magnitude diagram of the stellar system, their positions on the sky, and their distances suggest that they are debris from the tidal disruption of the Sgr dSph galaxy. We discuss briefly the implications for the evolution of Sgr and the Galactic halo.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, accepted for ApJ Letters. Some importante changes after revision, including a new figur

    Significance of solutions of the inverse Biot-Savart problem in thick superconductors

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    The evaluation of current distributions in thick superconductors from field profiles near the sample surface is investigated theoretically. A simple model of a cylindrical sample, in which only circular currents are flowing, reduces the inversion to a linear least squares problem, which is analyzed by singular value decomposition. Without additional assumptions about the current distribution (e.g. constant current over the sample thickness), the condition of the problem is very bad, leading to unrealistic results. However, any additional assumption strongly influences the solution and thus renders the solutions again questionable. These difficulties are unfortunately inherent to the inverse Biot-Savart problem in thick superconductors and cannot be avoided by any models or algorithms