699 research outputs found

    Numerical Analysis and Wind Tunnel Validation of Droplet Distribution in the Wake of an Unmanned Aerial Spraying System in Forward Flight

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    Recent developments in agriculture mechanization have generated significant challenges towards sustainable approaches to reduce the environmental footprint and improve food quality. This paper highlights the benefits of using unmanned aerial systems (UASs) for precision spraying applications of pesticides, reducing the environmental risk and waste caused by spray drift. Several unmanned aerial spraying system (UASS) operation parameters and spray system designs are examined to define adequate configurations for specific treatments. A hexarotor DJI Matrice 600 equipped with T-Motor “15 × 5” carbon fiber blades is tested numerically using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experimentally in a wind tunnel. These tests assess the aerodynamic interaction between the wake of an advancing multicopter and the fine droplets generated by atomizers traditionally used in agricultural applications. The aim of this research is twofold. First, we analyze the effects of parameters such as flight speed (0, 2, and 3 m·s (Formula presented.)), nozzle type (hollowcone and fan), and injection pressure (2–3 bar) on spray distribution. In the second phase, we use data from the experimental campaign to validate numerical tools for the simulation of rotor–droplet interactions necessary to predict spray’s ground footprint and to plan a precise guidance algorithm to achieve on-target deposition and reduce the well-known droplet drift problem

    Experimental and numerical analysis of hovering multicopter performance in low-Reynolds number conditions

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    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are state of the art in the aerospace industry and are involved in many operations. Although initially developed for military purposes, commercial applications of small- scale UAS, such as multicopters, are abundant today. Accurate engineering tools are required to assess the performance of these vehicles and optimize power consumption. The thrust and power curves of the rotors used by small-scale UAS are essential elements in designing efficient aircraft. The scarcity of experimental data and sufficiently accurate prediction models to evaluate rotor aerodynamic performance in the flight envelope are primary limitations in UAS science. In addition, for small-scale rotors at usual rotation rates, chord-based Reynolds numbers are typically smaller than 100,000, a flow regime in which performance tends to degrade. In this paper, experimental data on small-scale multicopter propulsion systems are presented and combined with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to describe the aerodynamics of these vehicles in low Reynolds numbers conditions. We use the STAR-CCM+ software to perform CFD simulations adopting both a dynamic-grid, time-accurate analysis and a static-grid, steady- state technique that solves the Navier-Stokes equations in a suitable framework. Comparing numerical simulation results on a conventional UAS propeller with related experimental data suggests that the proposed approach can correctly describe the thrust and torque coefficients in the range of Reynolds numbers characterizing the UAS flight envelope

    Functional evaluation and testing of a newly developed Teleost’s Fish Otolith derived biocomposite coating for healthcare

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    Polymers such as polycaprolactone (PCL) possess biodegradability, biocompatibility and affinity with other organic media that makes them suitable for biomedical applications. In this work, a novel biocomposite coating was synthesised by mixing PCL with layers of calcium phosphate (hydroxyapatite, brushite and monetite) from a biomineral called otolith extracted from Teleost fish (Plagioscion Squamosissimus) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes in different concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g/L). The biocomposite coating was deposited on an osteosynthesis material Ti6Al4V by spin coating and various tests such as Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scratch tests, MTT reduction cytotoxicity, HOS cell bioactivity (human osteosarcoma) by alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and fluorescence microscopy were performed to comprehensively evaluate the newly developed biocoating. It was found that an increase in the concentration of carbon nanotube induced microstructural phase changes of calcium phosphate (CP) leading to the formation of brushite, monetite and hydroxyapatite. While we discovered that an increase in the concentration of carbon nanotube generally improves the adhesion of the coating with the substrate, a certain threshold exists such that the best deposition surfaces were obtained as PCL/CP/CNT 0.0 g/L and PCL/CP/CNT 0.5 g/L

    Preclinical evaluation of cancer immune therapy using patient-derived tumor antigen-specific T cells in a novel xenograft platform.

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    Objectives: With a rapidly growing list of candidate immune-based cancer therapeutics, there is a critical need to generate highly reliable animal models to preclinically evaluate the efficacy of emerging immune-based therapies, facilitating successful clinical translation. Our aim was to design and validate a novel Methods: Tumor xenografts are established rapidly in the greater omentum of globally immunodeficient NOD- Results: The tumors progress rapidly and disseminate in the mice unless patient-derived tumor-specific T cells are introduced. An initial T cell-mediated tumor arrest is later followed by a tumor escape, which correlates with the upregulation of the checkpoint molecules programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) and lymphocyte-activation gene 3 (LAG3) on T cells. Treatment with immune-based therapies that target these checkpoints, such as anti-PD-1 antibody (nivolumab) or interleukin-12 (IL-12), prevented or delayed the tumor escape. Furthermore, IL-12 treatment suppressed PD-1 and LAG3 upregulation on T cells. Conclusion: Together, these results validate the X-mouse model and establish its potential to preclinically evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of immune-based therapies

    TALPID3/KIAA0586 Regulates Multiple Aspects of Neuromuscular Patterning During Gastrointestinal Development in Animal Models and Human

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    TALPID3/KIAA0586 is an evolutionary conserved protein, which plays an essential role in protein trafficking. Its role during gastrointestinal (GI) and enteric nervous system (ENS) development has not been studied previously. Here, we analyzed chicken, mouse and human embryonic GI tissues with TALPID3 mutations. The GI tract of TALPID3 chicken embryos was shortened and malformed. Histologically, the gut smooth muscle was mispatterned and enteric neural crest cells were scattered throughout the gut wall. Analysis of the Hedgehog pathway and gut extracellular matrix provided causative reasons for these defects. Interestingly, chicken intra-species grafting experiments and a conditional knockout mouse model showed that ENS formation did not require TALPID3, but was dependent on correct environmental cues. Surprisingly, the lack of TALPID3 in enteric neural crest cells (ENCC) affected smooth muscle and epithelial development in a non-cell-autonomous manner. Analysis of human gut fetal tissues with a KIAA0586 mutation showed strikingly similar findings compared to the animal models demonstrating conservation of TALPID3 and its necessary role in human GI tract development and patterning

    Diurnal Differences in Intracellular Replication Within Splenic Macrophages Correlates With the Outcome of Pneumococcal Infection

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    Circadian rhythms affect the progression and severity of bacterial infections including those caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, but the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon remain largely elusive. Following advances in our understanding of the role of replication of S. pneumoniae within splenic macrophages, we sought to investigate whether events within the spleen correlate with differential outcomes of invasive pneumococcal infection. Utilising murine invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) models, here we report that infection during the murine active phase (zeitgeber time 15; 15h after start of light cycle, 3h after start of dark cycle) resulted in significantly faster onset of septicaemia compared to rest phase (zeitgeber time 3; 3h after start of light cycle) infection. This correlated with significantly higher pneumococcal burden within the spleen of active phase-infected mice at early time points compared to rest phase-infected mice. Whole-section confocal microscopy analysis of these spleens revealed that the number of pneumococci is significantly higher exclusively within marginal zone metallophilic macrophages (MMMs) known to allow intracellular pneumococcal replication as a prerequisite step to the onset of septicaemia. Pneumococcal clusters within MMMs were more abundant and increased in size over time in active phase-infected mice compared to those in rest phase-infected mice which decreased in size and were present in a lower percentage of MMMs. This phenomenon preceded significantly higher levels of bacteraemia alongside serum IL-6 and TNF-alpha concentrations in active phase-infected mice following re-seeding of pneumococci into the blood. These data greatly advance our fundamental knowledge of pneumococcal infection by linking susceptibility to invasive pneumococcal infection to variation in the propensity of MMMs to allow persistence and replication of phagocytosed bacteria. These findings also outline a somewhat rare scenario whereby the active phase of an organism's circadian cycle plays a seemingly counterproductive role in the control of invasive infection

    Novel phosphatidylserine-binding molecule enhances antitumor T-cell responses by targeting immunosuppressive exosomes in human tumor microenvironments.

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    BACKGROUND: The human tumor microenvironment (TME) is a complex and dynamic milieu of diverse acellular and cellular components, creating an immunosuppressive environment, which contributes to tumor progression. We have previously shown that phosphatidylserine (PS) expressed on the surface of exosomes isolated from human TMEs is causally linked to T-cell immunosuppression, representing a potential immunotherapeutic target. In this study, we investigated the effect of ExoBlock, a novel PS-binding molecule, on T-cell responses in the TME. METHODS: We designed and synthesized a new compound, (ZnDPA) RESULTS: ExoBlock was able to bind PS with high avidity and was found to consistently and significantly block the immunosuppressive activity of human ovarian tumor and melanoma-associated exosomes in vitro. ExoBlock was also able to significantly enhance T cell-mediated tumor suppression in vivo in both the X-mouse and the OTX model. In the X-mouse model, ExoBlock suppressed tumor recurrence in a T cell-dependent manner. In the OTX model, ExoBlock treatment resulted in an increase in the number as well as function of CD4 and CD8 T cells in the TME, which was associated with a reduction in tumor burden and metastasis, as well as in the number of circulating PS+ exosomes in tumor-bearing mice. CONCLUSION: Our results establish that targeting exosomal PS in TMEs with ExoBlock represents a promising strategy to enhance antitumor T-cell responses

    A video guide of five access methods to the splenic flexure: the concept of the splenic flexure box

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to describe all the possible approaches for laparoscopic splenic flexure mobilization (SFM), each suitable for specific situations, and create an illustrated system to show SFM approaches in an easy and practical way to make it easy to learn and teach. Methods: Two different phases. First part: Cadaver-based study of the colonic splenic flexure anatomy. In order to demonstrate the different approaches, a balloon was placed through the colonic hepatic flexure in the lesser sac without sectioning any of the fixing ligaments of the splenic flexure. Second part: A real case series of laparoscopic SFM. Results: First part: 11 cadavers were dissected. Five potential approaches to SFM were found: anterior, trans-omentum, lateral, medial infra-mesocolic, and medial trans-mesocolic. The illustrative system developed was named: Splenic Flexure “Box”(SFBox). Second part: One of the types of SFM described in first part was used in five patients with colorectal cancer. Each laparoscopic approach to the splenic flexure was illustrated in a video accompanied by illustration aids delineating the access. Conclusion: With the cadaver dissection and subsequent demonstration in real-life laparoscopic surgery, we have shown five types of laparoscopic splenic flexure mobilization. The Splenic Flexure “Box” is a useful way to learn and teach this surgical maneuver

    Major Allergen Content in Allergen Immunotherapy Products: The Limited Value of Numbers

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    The prevalence of allergic disorders has increased drastically over the last 50 years to the extent that they can be considered epidemic. At present, allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is the only therapy that targets the underlying cause of allergic disorders, and evidence of its superiority is based on data accumulated from clinical trials and observational studies demonstrating efficacy and safety. However, several aspects remain unresolved, such as harmonization and standardization of manufacturing and quantification procedures across manufacturers, homogeneous reporting of strength, and the establishment of international reference standards for many allergens. This article discusses issues related to the measurement of major allergen content in AIT extracts, raising the question of whether comparison of products from different manufacturers is an appropriate basis for selecting a specific AIT product. Allergen standardization in immunotherapy products is critical for ensuring quality and, thereby, safety and efficacy. However, lack of harmonization in manufacturing processes, allergen quantification (methodologies and references), national regulatory differences, clinical practice, and labeling shows that the comparison of AIT products based solely on major allergen amounts is not rational and, in fact, impossible. Moreover, when rating the information given for a specific product, it is necessary to take into account further inherent characteristics of products and their application in clinical practice, such as the state of extract modification, addition of adjuvant or adjuvant system, route of administration (sublingual/ subcutaneous), and cumulative dose as per posology (including the volume per administration). Finally, only convincing clinical data can serve as the basis for product-specific evaluation and cross-product comparability of individual products

    AP2Îł: a new player on adult hippocampal neurogenesis regulation

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    Since the recognition that the mammalian brain retains the ability to generate newborn neurons with functional relevance throughout life, the matrix of molecular regulators that govern adult neurogenesis has been the focus of much interest. In a recent study published in Molecular Psychiatry, we demonstrate Activating Protein 2Îł (AP2Îł), a transcription factor previously implicated in cell fate determination in the developing cortex, as a novel player in the regulation of glutamatergic neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Using distinct experimental approaches, we showed that AP2Îł is specifically present in a subpopulation of transient amplifying progenitors, where it acts as a crucial promoter of proliferation and differentiation of adult-born glutamatergic granule neurons. Strikingly, deficiency of AP2Îł in the adult brain compromises the generation of new glutamatergic neurons, with impact on the function of cortico-limbic circuits. Here, we share our view on how AP2Îł integrates the transcriptional orchestration of glutamatergic neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus, and consequently, how it emerges as a novel molecular candidate to study the translation of environmental pressures into alterations of brain neuroplasticity in homeostatic, but also in neuropathological contexts.Bial Foundation (427/14); Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020); European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (projects NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013 e NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000023); Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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