876 research outputs found

    The politics of learning within Post-Yerevan EHEA: Some epistemological remarks on the role of university lecturers

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    XXI Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2016)The last 20 years have witnessed a gradual and constant shift in the way society and transnational education institutions, namely the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), conceptualise and address the education/learning activity. That shift in the dominant education paradigm, epistemologically rooted, affects among other stances the role of lecturers, displacing the teaching figure from the centre towards the periphery of the education process. The student-centred narratives in education have a direct impact on lecturers, their self-concept, and the expectations regarding their class contents and methodology. The following paper addresses that concern, advocating for a reconceptualisation of the role of lecturers under the current studentcentred epistemological approach

    Authentic experiential work in the socialisation of undergraduate students: an EHEA-framed epistemological consideration

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    Ponència presentada a 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’17, Universitat Politècnica de València, València, 2017The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is adamant about the role of employability in curriculum development and the overall education process of undergraduate students. This responds not only to the current emerging models of economic and social growth but also to an underlying epistemological shift regarding the very nature and characteristics of Education. This article provides the epistemological foundation of the said shift, arguing, from a post-positivist perspective, how authentic experiential work in the classroom may contribute to the progressive socialisation of students into their respective communities of practice, thus bridging the gap between the labour market and the education institutions

    Stratégies et comportements pédagogiques efficaces parmi de professeursde la traduction juridique en Espagne

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    Framed within the current accountability policies in higher education, under the strains of global competition and the internationalization of universities world-wide, this article examines effective teaching as a pillar of teaching quality in higher education among legal translation lecturers. By linking certain teaching and learning styles to the different dimensions of effective teaching (instruc-tional, organizational, and emotional), the teaching profile of legal translation lecturers in Spain at undergraduate level is analyzed. In addition, student-cen-tered teaching approaches are connected to the use of classroom strategies and methodological resources that characterize effective teaching. The findings of this study, obtained through the distribution of the tamufq questionnaire (Teaching and Assessment Methodolog y of University Faculty Questionnaire) among legal translation lecturers at undergraduate level in Spain, suggest that those lecturers who adopt a post-positivist approach in their classroom display a greater variety of teaching behaviors and strategies associated with both effective curriculum imple-mentation and higher quality teaching than those who are closer to traditional, positivist approaches. These findings may be particularly useful in the design and implementation of continuous professional development courses and pedagogical training of lecturers.Enmarcado en las políticas actuales de rendición de cuentas que caracterizan a la educación superior, bajo la presión de una mayor competencia global en lo que concierne a la internacionalización de las universidades, el presente artículo profundiza en el papel de la enseñanza efectiva como pilar de la calidad docente en la educación superior. Al vincular los diferentes estilos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a las dimensiones que caracterizan la enseñanza efectiva (instructiva, organizativa y emocional), se analiza el perfil docente de los profesores de traducción jurídica de España a nivel de grado y se vinculan los enfoques docentes centrados en el alumno con el uso de determinadas estrategias y recursos metodológicos en el aula. Los resultados, obtenidos mediante la distribución del cuestionario tamufq(Teaching and Assessment Methodolog y of University Faculty Questionnaire) entre el profesorado que imparte materias de traducción jurídica en España a nivel de grado, apuntan a que los docentes de traducción jurídica que adoptan perspectivas de corte pospositivista en el aula muestran una gama más amplia de comportamientos y estrategias docentes que han sido relacionadas con una implementación más efectiva del currículum y una docencia de mayor calidad. Estos hallazgos pueden ser especialmente útiles para el diseño y la implementación de programas de educación continua y para la formación pedagógica de los docentes.Dans le cadre des politiques actuelles de responsabilité qui caractérisent l’enseignement supérieur, sous la pression d’une concurrence mondiale accrue concernant l’internationalisation des universités, cet article se penche sur le rôle d’un enseignement efficace en tant que pilier de la qualité de l’enseignement supérieur. En reliant les différents styles d'enseignement et d'apprentissage aux dimensions qui caractérisent un enseignement efficace (instructif, organisationnel et émotionnel), le profil d'enseignement des professeurs de traduction juridique en Espagne est analysé au niveau du premier cycle. Les approches pédagogiques axées sur l'étudiant sont reliées également à l'utilisation de certaines stratégies et ressources méthodologiques en classe. Les résultats, obtenus grâce à la distribution du questionnaire tamufq (Teaching and Assessment Methodolog y of University Faculty Questionnaire) parmi les enseignants qui assurent des matières de traduction juridique en Espagne au niveau du premier cycle, suggèrent que les professeurs de traduction juridique qui adoptent des perspectives post-positivistes en classe font preuve d’un éventail plus large de comportements et de stratégies d'enseignement associés à une mise en œuvre plus efficace du programme et à un enseignement de meilleure qualité. Ces résultats peuvent être particulièrement utiles pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de programmes de formation continue et pour la formation pédagogique des enseignants

    Using Wikipedia as a classroom tool — a translation experience

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    [EN] This paper presents a classroom experience regarding the use of Wikipedia in a teaching innovation project carried out between Jaume I University and Wikimedia Spain. Framed in the current post-postivist climate within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), Wikipedia will be presented as an inter-disciplinary tool with a relevant number of classroom applications, reflecting how meaningful learning experiences based on collaborative work and authentic project-based tasks lead to better understanding and higher levels of motivation among the students. In the particular case of translation education, it will be argued that using Wikipedia in the course of the reverse translation modules allows the students to gain a deeper insight of its linguistic and discursive structures, as well as the critical/exegetic skills they need in order to assess the kind of texts with which they are commissioned, and the special discursive techniques associated to the translation task.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Martinez Carrasco, R. (2018). Using Wikipedia as a classroom tool — a translation experience. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 909-916. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8112OCS90991

    Behavior Problems in Toddlers With and Without Developmental Delays: Comparison of Treatment Outcomes

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of an in-home parent management program for toddlers with behavior problems and developmental delays by comparing outcomes for a group of toddlers with developmental delays (n = 27) and a group of toddlers without developmental delays (n = 27). The majority of children lived in single parent, low-income homes. Results suggest that the parent management program is equally effective for children with and without developmental delays. Parents from both groups reported clinically significant improvement in their children\u27s behavior and parenting practices. Clinical implications regarding the importance of these findings for improving outcomes for toddlers with behavior problems and developmental delays living in poverty were discussed

    Senior Recital

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