778 research outputs found

    Bleeding complications after pancreatic surgery : Interventional radiology management

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    Surgical intervention in the pancreas region is complex and carries the risk of complications, also of vascular nature. Bleeding after pancreatic surgery is rare but characterized by high mortality. This review reports epidemiology, classification, diagnosis and treatment strategies of hemorrhage occurring after pancreatic surgery, focusing on the techniques, roles and outcomes of interventional radiology (IR) in this setting. We then describe the roles and techniques of IR in the treatment of other less common types of vascular complications after pancreatic surgery, such as portal vein (PV) stenosis, portal hypertension and bleeding of varices

    Early cross-sectional imaging following open and laparoscopic cholecystectomy : a primer for radiologists

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    Abstract: Performed on either an elective or urgent basis, cholecystectomy currently represents the most common abdominal operation due to the widespread use of laparoscopy and the progressively expanded indications. Compared to traditional open surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy minimised the duration of hospitalisation and perioperative mortality. Albeit generally considered safe, cholecystectomy may result in adverse outcomes with non-negligible morbidity. Furthermore, the incidence of worrisome haemorrhages and biliary complications has not been influenced by the technique shift. Due to the growing medico-legal concerns and the vast number of cholecystectomies, radiologists are increasingly requested to investigate recently operated patients. Aiming to increase familiarity with post-cholecystectomy cross-sectional imaging, this paper provides a brief overview of indications and surgical techniques and illustrates the expected early postoperative imaging findings. Afterwards, most iatrogenic complications following open, converted, laparoscopic and laparo-endoscopic rendezvous cholecystectomy are reviewed with examples, including infections, haematoma and active bleeding, residual choledocholithiasis, pancreatitis, biliary obstruction and leakage. Multidetector computed tomography (CT) represents the \u201cworkhorse\u201d modality to rapidly investigate the postoperative abdomen in order to provide a reliable basis for an appropriate choice between conservative, interventional or surgical treatment. Emphasis is placed on the role of early magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and additional gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRCP to provide a non-invasive anatomic and functional assessment of the operated biliary tract. Teaching Points: \u2022 Having minimised perioperative mortality and hospital stay, laparoscopy has now become the first-line approach to performing cholecystectomy, even in patients with acute cholecystitis. \u2022 Laparoscopic, laparo-endoscopic rendezvous, converted and open cholecystectomy remain associated with non-negligible morbidity, including surgical site infections, haemorrhage, residual lithiasis, pancreatitis, biliary obstruction and leakage. \u2022 Contrast-enhanced multidetector computed tomography (CT) is increasingly requested early after cholecystectomy and represents the \u201cworkhorse\u201d modality that rapidly provides a comprehensive assessment of the operated biliary tract and abdomen. \u2022 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is the best modality to provide anatomic visualisation of the operated biliary tract and is indicated when biliary complications are suspected. \u2022 Additional gadoxetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)-enhanced MRCP non-invasively provides functional biliary assessment, in order to confirm and visualise bile leakage

    Biliary injuries after pancreatic surgery: Interventional radiology management

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    Bile duct injuries are among the most feared complications after pancreatic surgery. Most of these surgical complications are related to iatrogenic injuries and include bile leakage, biliary duct obstruction or stricture and infection. A wide range of Interventional Radiology treatment options are currently available. The options include percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD), percutaneous balloon dilatation and stenting, image-guided percutaneous abscess drainage. The purpose of this review is to describe the current evidence in this continuously evolving field

    Elucidating early CT after pancreatico-duodenectomy: a primer for radiologists

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    Pancreatico-duodenectomy (PD) represents the standard surgical treatment for resectable malignancies of the pancreatic head, distal common bile duct, periampullary region and duodenum, and is also performed to manage selected benign tumours and refractory chronic pancreatitis. Despite improved surgical techniques and acceptable mortality, PD remains a technically demanding, high-risk operation burdened with high morbidity (complication rates 40-50% of patients). Multidetector computed tomography (CT) represents the mainstay modality to rapidly investigate the postoperative abdomen, and to provide a consistent basis for an appropriate choice between conservative, interventional or surgical treatment. However, radiologists require familiarity with the surgically altered anatomy, awareness of expected imaging appearances and possible complications to correctly interpret early post-PD CT studies. This paper provides an overview of surgical indications and techniques, discusses risk factors and clinical manifestations of the usual postsurgical complications, and suggests appropriate techniques and indications for early postoperative CT imaging. Afterwards, the usual, normal early post-PD CT findings are presented, including transient fluid, pneumobilia, delayed gastric emptying, identification of pancreatic gland remnant and of surgical anastomoses. Finally, several imaging examples review the most common and some unusual complications such as pancreatic fistula, bile leaks, abscesses, intraluminal and extraluminal haemorrhage, and acute pancreatitis

    Ultrasound imaging classifications of thyroid nodules for malignancy risk stratification and clinical management : state of the art

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    Assessing the risk of malignancy in the thyroid with ultrasound (US) is crucial in patients with nodules, as it can aid in selecting those who should have a fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy performed. Many studies have examined whether the US characteristics of thyroid nodules are useful indicators of histological malignancy. Overall, these investigations have identified a few US features that are significantly more frequent in malignant thyroid nodules which can be coalesced into a defining set to be used as an indicator of a higher risk of malignancy. Despite these efforts, none of these classifications have been widely adopted worldwide, and there are still conflicting recommendations from different institutions. Understanding the role and appropriate utilization of these systems could facilitate the effective interpretation and communication of thyroid US findings among referring physicians and radiologists. In this comprehensive review, we outline the major US classification systems of thyroid nodules published in the last few years
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