126 research outputs found

    A SUSY SU(5) Grand Unified Model of Tri-Bimaximal Mixing from A4

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    We discuss a grand unified model based on SUSY SU(5) in extra dimensions and on the flavour group A4xU(1) which, besides reproducing tri-bimaximal mixing for neutrinos with the accuracy required by the data, also leads to a natural description of the observed pattern of quark masses and mixings.Comment: 19 page

    Superfield T-duality rules

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    A geometric treatment of T-duality as an operation which acts on differential forms in superspace allows us to derive the complete set of T-duality transformation rules which relate the superfield potentials of D=10 type IIA supergravity with those of type IIB supergravity including Ramond-Ramond superfield potentials and fermionic supervielbeins. We show that these rules are consistent with the superspace supergravity constraints.Comment: 24 pages, latex, no figures. V2 misprints corrected. V3. One reference ([30]) and a comment on it ('Notice added') on p. 19 adde

    Optimal trapping wavelengths of Cs2_2 molecules in an optical lattice

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    The present paper aims at finding optimal parameters for trapping of Cs2_2 molecules in optical lattices, with the perspective of creating a quantum degenerate gas of ground-state molecules. We have calculated dynamic polarizabilities of Cs2_2 molecules subject to an oscillating electric field, using accurate potential curves and electronic transition dipole moments. We show that for some particular wavelengths of the optical lattice, called "magic wavelengths", the polarizability of the ground-state molecules is equal to the one of a Feshbach molecule. As the creation of the sample of ground-state molecules relies on an adiabatic population transfer from weakly-bound molecules created on a Feshbach resonance, such a coincidence ensures that both the initial and final states are favorably trapped by the lattice light, allowing optimized transfer in agreement with the experimental observation

    Group space scan of flavor symmetries for nearly tribimaximal lepton mixing

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    We present a systematic group space scan of discrete Abelian flavor symmetries for lepton mass models that produce nearly tribimaximal lepton mixing. In our models, small neutrino masses are generated by the type-I seesaw mechanism. The lepton mass matrices emerge from higher-dimension operators via the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism and are predicted as powers of a single expansion parameter \epsilon that is of the order of the Cabibbo angle \theta_C\simeq 0.2. We focus on solutions that can give close to tribimaximal lepton mixing with a very small reactor angle \theta_{13}\approx 0 and find several thousand explicit such models that provide an excellent fit to current neutrino data. The models are rather general in the sense that large leptonic mixings can come from the charged leptons and/or neutrinos. Moreover, in the neutrino sector, both left- and right-handed neutrinos can mix maximally. We also find a new relation \theta_{13}\lesssim\epsilon^3 for the reactor angle and a new sum rule \theta_{23}\approx\pi/4+\epsilon/\sqrt{2} for the atmospheric angle, allowing the models to be tested in future neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 2 tables, 2 figures, references added, final version to appear in JHE

    Solitons in Triangular and Honeycomb Dynamical Lattices with the Cubic Nonlinearity

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    We study the existence and stability of localized states in the discrete nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation (DNLS) on two-dimensional non-square lattices. The model includes both the nearest-neighbor and long-range interactions. For the fundamental strongly localized soliton, the results depend on the coordination number, i.e., on the particular type of the lattice. The long-range interactions additionally destabilize the discrete soliton, or make it more stable, if the sign of the interaction is, respectively, the same as or opposite to the sign of the short-range interaction. We also explore more complicated solutions, such as twisted localized modes (TLM's) and solutions carrying multiple topological charge (vortices) that are specific to the triangular and honeycomb lattices. In the cases when such vortices are unstable, direct simulations demonstrate that they turn into zero-vorticity fundamental solitons.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, Phys. Rev.

    Molecular velocity auto-correlation of simple liquids observed by NMR MGSE method

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    The velocity auto-correlation spectra of simple liquids obtained by the NMR method of modulated gradient spin echo show features in the low frequency range up to a few kHz, which can be explained reasonably well by a t3/2t^{-3/2} long time tail decay only for non-polar liquid toluene, while the spectra of polar liquids, such as ethanol, water and glycerol, are more congruent with the model of diffusion of particles temporarily trapped in potential wells created by their neighbors. As the method provides the spectrum averaged over ensemble of particle trajectories, the initial non-exponential decay of spin echoes is attributed to a spatial heterogeneity of molecular motion in a bulk of liquid, reflected in distribution of the echo decays for short trajectories. While at longer time intervals, and thus with longer trajectories, heterogeneity is averaged out, giving rise to a spectrum which is explained as a combination of molecular self-diffusion and eddy diffusion within the vortexes of hydrodynamic fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figur

    Transverse Beam Spin Asymmetries in Forward-Angle Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    We have measured the beam-normal single-spin asymmetry in elastic scattering of transversely-polarized 3 GeV electrons from unpolarized protons at Q^2 = 0.15, 0.25 (GeV/c)^2. The results are inconsistent with calculations solely using the elastic nucleon intermediate state, and generally agree with calculations with significant inelastic hadronic intermediate state contributions. A_n provides a direct probe of the imaginary component of the 2-gamma exchange amplitude, the complete description of which is important in the interpretation of data from precision electron-scattering experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters; shortened to meet PRL length limit, clarified some text after referee's comment

    Strange Quark Contributions to Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the Forward G0 Electron-Proton Scattering Experiment

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    We have measured parity-violating asymmetries in elastic electron-proton scattering over the range of momentum transfers 0.12 < Q^2 < 1.0 GeV^2. These asymmetries, arising from interference of the electromagnetic and neutral weak interactions, are sensitive to strange quark contributions to the currents of the proton. The measurements were made at JLab using a toroidal spectrometer to detect the recoiling protons from a liquid hydrogen target. The results indicate non-zero, Q^2 dependent, strange quark contributions and provide new information beyond that obtained in previous experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The G0 Experiment: Apparatus for Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Measurements at Forward and Backward Angles

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    In the G0 experiment, performed at Jefferson Lab, the parity-violating elastic scattering of electrons from protons and quasi-elastic scattering from deuterons is measured in order to determine the neutral weak currents of the nucleon. Asymmetries as small as 1 part per million in the scattering of a polarized electron beam are determined using a dedicated apparatus. It consists of specialized beam-monitoring and control systems, a cryogenic hydrogen (or deuterium) target, and a superconducting, toroidal magnetic spectrometer equipped with plastic scintillation and aerogel Cerenkov detectors, as well as fast readout electronics for the measurement of individual events. The overall design and performance of this experimental system is discussed.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    Strange Quark Contributions to Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the Forward G0 Electron-Proton Scattering Experiment

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    We have measured parity-violating asymmetries in elastic electron-proton scattering over the range of momentum transfers 0.12 ≤ Q2 ≤ 1.0 GeV2. These asymmetries, arising from interference of the electromagnetic and neutral weak interactions, are sensitive to strange quark contributions to the currents of the proton. The measurements were made at JLab using a toroidal spectrom- eter to detect the recoiling protons from a liquid hydrogen target. The results indicate non-zero, Q2 dependent, strange quark contributions and provide new information beyond that obtained in previous experiments