341 research outputs found

    Condensed and Updated Version of the Systematic Approach Meteorological Knowledge Base Southern Hemisphere

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    The meteorological knowledge base for the Systematic and Integrated Approach to Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting proposed by Carr and Elsberry has evolved as additional research has been completed. As this Systematic Approach has been applied in the Southern Hemisphere, a number of conceptual models have been refined and new terminology has been adopted to reflect global applicability. As a knowledge-based expert system is being developed, it was convenient to condense and update the meteorological knowledge base for the Southern Hemisphere. Thus, the material is presented with text on the left page and the corresponding figure on the facing page as it will appear on the computer screen.Prepared for: Office of Naval Research, Code 322MM, Arlington, VA 22217 SPAWARSYSCOM, Code PMW 185, San Diego, CA 92110http://archive.org/details/condensedupdated00carrSponsored by: Office of Naval Research and SPAWARSYSCOM.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Control of rotorcraft retreating blade stall using air-jet vortex generators

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    A series of low-speed wind tunnel tests were carried out on an oscillating airfoil fitted with two rows of air-jet vortex generators (AJVGs). The airfoil used had an RAE 9645 section and the two spanwise arrays of AJVGs were located at x/c=0.12 and 0.62. The devices and their distribution were chosen to assess their ability to modify/control dynamic stall; the goal being to enhance the aerodynamic performance of helicopter rotors on the retreating blade side of the disc. The model was pitched about the quarter chord with a reduced frequency (k) of 0.1 in a sinusoidal motion defined by a=15o+10sin_ t. The measured data indicate that, for continuous blowing from the front row of AJVGs with a momentum blowing coefficient (C μ) greater than 0.008, modifications to the stalling process are encouraging. In particular, the pitching moment behavior exhibits delayed stall and there is a marked reduction in the normal force hysteresis

    Infrared Studies of the Onset of Conductivity in Ultra-Thin Pb Films

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    In this paper we report the first experimental measurement of the infrared conductivity of ultra-thin quenched-condensed Pb films. For dc sheet resistances such that ωτâ‰Ș1\omega \tau \ll 1 the ac conductance increases with frequency but is in disagreement with the predictions of weak localization. We attribute this behavior to the effects of an inhomogeneous granular structure of these films, which is manifested at the very small probing scale of infrared measurements. Our data are consistent with predictions of two-dimensional percolation theory.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Therapy refractory hypertension in adults: aortic coarctation has to be ruled out

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    In patients with unexplained hypertension, especially in combination with a cardiac murmur, the presence of an aortic coarctation should always be ruled out given the high morbidity and mortality. However, particularly patients with an isolated coarctation often remain asymptomatic for years and the defect may be unnoticed even until the fifth or sixth decade of life. In the present article, we describe two patients with late detected coarctation to illustrate the clinical consequences, diagnostic clues for earlier detection and current therapeutic options to achieve optimal treatment. The key sign of an aortic coarctation, a difference in arterial blood pressure measured between the upper and lower extremities, should always be examined, followed by echocardiography. We conclude that even in case of a late detected severe coarctation, surgical or percutaneous repair has proven to be feasible and substantially effective, improving quality of life and lowering the risk of further hypertension-associated problems

    Interdicting G q Activation in Airway Disease by Receptor-Dependent and Receptor-Independent Mechanisms

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    ABSTRACT Ga q bg heterotrimer (G q ), an important mediator in the pathology of airway disease, plays a central role in bronchoconstriction and airway remodeling, including airway smooth muscle growth and inflammation. Current therapeutic strategies to treat airway disease include the use of muscarinic and leukotriene receptor antagonists; however, these pharmaceuticals demonstrate a limited clinical efficacy as multiple G q -coupled receptor subtypes contribute to these pathologies. Thus, broadly inhibiting the activation of G q may be an advantageous therapeutic approach. Here, we investigated the effects of broadly inhibiting G q activation in vitro and ex vivo using receptor-dependent and receptor-independent strategies. P4pal-10 is a protease activated receptor 4-derived pepducin that exhibits efficacy toward multiple G q -coupled receptors. Mechanistic studies demonstrated that P4pal-10 selectively inhibits all G protein coupling to several G q -coupled receptors, including protease activated receptor 1, muscarinic acetylcholine M3, and histamine H1 receptors, while demonstrating no direct effect on G q . We also evaluated the ability of FR900359, also known as UBO-QIC, to directly inhibit G q activation. FR900359 inhibited spontaneous Ga q nucleotide exchange, while having little effect on Ga s bg, Ga i bg, or Ga 12/13 bg heterotrimer activity. Both P4pal-10 and FR900359 inhibited G qmediated intracellular signaling and primary human airway smooth muscle growth, whereas only FR900359 effectively interdicted agonist-promoted airway contraction in human precision cut lung slices. These studies serve as a proof of concept that the broad-based inhibition of G q activation may be a useful therapeutic approach to treat multiple common pathologies of airway disease

    Evolution of the Scale Factor with a Variable Cosmological Term

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    Evolution of the scale factor a(t) in Friedmann models (those with zero pressure and a constant cosmological term Lambda) is well understood, and elegantly summarized in the review of Felten and Isaacman [Rev. Mod. Phys. 58, 689 (1986)]. Developments in particle physics and inflationary theory, however, increasingly indicate that Lambda ought to be treated as a dynamical quantity. We revisit the evolution of the scale factor with a variable Lambda-term, and also generalize the treatment to include nonzero pressure. New solutions are obtained and evaluated using a variety of observational criteria. Existing arguments for the inevitability of a big bang (ie., an initial state with a=0) are substantially weakened, and can be evaded in some cases with Lambda_0 (the present value of Lambda) well below current experimental limits.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures (not included), LaTeX, uses Phys Rev D style files (revtex.cls, revtex.sty, aps.sty, aps10.sty, prabib.sty). To appear in Phys Rev

    Overview of the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover mission to Meridiani Planum: Eagle crater to Purgatory ripple

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    The Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity touched down at Meridiani Planum in January 2004 and since then has been conducting observations with the Athena science payload. The rover has traversed more than 5 km, carrying out the first outcrop-scale investigation of sedimentary rocks on Mars. The rocks of Meridiani Planum are sandstones formed by eolian and aqueous reworking of sand grains that are composed of mixed fine-grained siliciclastics and sulfates. The siliciclastic fraction was produced by chemical alteration of a precursor basalt. The sulfates are dominantly Mg-sulfates and also include Ca-sulfates and jarosite. The stratigraphic section observed to date is dominated by eolian bedforms, with subaqueous current ripples exposed near the top of the section. After deposition, interaction with groundwater produced a range of diagenetic features, notably the hematite-rich concretions known as ‘‘blueberries.’’ The bedrock at Meridiani is highly friable and has undergone substantial erosion by wind-transported basaltic sand. This sand, along with concretions and concretion fragments eroded from the rock, makes up a soil cover that thinly and discontinuously buries the bedrock. The soil surface exhibits both ancient and active wind ripples that record past and present wind directions. Loose rocks on the soil surface are rare and include both impact ejecta and meteorites. While Opportunity’s results show that liquid water was once present at Meridiani Planum below and occasionally at the surface, the environmental conditions recorded were dominantly arid, acidic, and oxidizing and would have posed some significant challenges to the origin of life.Additional co-authors: J Farmer, WH Farrand, W Folkner, R Gellert, TD Glotch, M Golombek, S Gorevan, JA Grant, R Greeley, J Grotzinger, KE Herkenhoff, S Hviid, JR Johnson, G Klingelhöfer, AH Knoll, G Landis, M Lemmon, R Li, MB Madsen, MC Malin, SM McLennan, HY McSween, DW Ming, J Moersch, RV Morris, T Parker, JW Rice Jr, L Richter, R Rieder, M Sims, M Smith, P Smith, LA Soderblom, R Sullivan, NJ Tosca, H Wnke, T Wdowiak, M Wolff, A Ye

    Overview of the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover Mission to Gusev Crater: Landing Site to Backstay Rock in the Columbia Hills

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    Spirit landed on the floor of Gusev Crater and conducted initial operations on soil covered, rock-strewn cratered plains underlain by olivine-bearing basalts. Plains surface rocks are covered by wind-blown dust and show evidence for surface enrichment of soluble species as vein and void-filling materials and coatings. The surface enrichment is the result of a minor amount of transport and deposition by aqueous processes. Layered granular deposits were discovered in the Columbia Hills, with outcrops that tend to dip conformably with the topography. The granular rocks are interpreted to be volcanic ash and/or impact ejecta deposits that have been modified by aqueous fluids during and/or after emplacement. Soils consist of basaltic deposits that are weakly cohesive, relatively poorly sorted, and covered by a veneer of wind blown dust. The soils have been homogenized by wind transport over at least the several kilometer length scale traversed by the rover. Mobilization of soluble species has occurred within at least two soil deposits examined. The presence of mono-layers of coarse sand on wind-blown bedforms, together with even spacing of granule-sized surface clasts, suggest that some of the soil surfaces encountered by Spirit have not been modified by wind for some time. On the other hand, dust deposits on the surface and rover deck have changed during the course of the mission. Detection of dust devils, monitoring of the dust opacity and lower boundary layer, and coordinated experiments with orbiters provided new insights into atmosphere-surface dynamics

    TRH: Pathophysiologic and clinical implications

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    Thyrotropin releasing hormone is thought to be a tonic stimulator of the pituitary TSH secretion regulating the setpoint of the thyrotrophs to the suppressive effect of thyroid hormones. The peptide stimulates the release of normal and elevated prolactin. ACTH and GH may increase in response to exogenous TRH in pituitary ACTH and GH hypersecretion syndromes and in some extrapituitary diseases. The pathophysiological implications of extrahypothalamic TRH in humans are essentially unknown. The TSH response to TRH is nowadays widely used as a diganostic amplifier in thyroid diseases being suppressed in borderline and overt hyperthyroid states and increased in primary thyroid failure. In hypothyroid states of hypothalamic origin, TSH increases in response to exogenous TRH often with a delayed and/or exaggerated time course. But in patients with pituitary tumors and suprasellar extension TSH may also respond to TRH despite secondary hypothyroidism. This TSH increase may indicate a suprasellar cause for the secondary hypothyroidism, probably due to portal vessel occlusion. The TSH released in these cases is shown to be biologically inactive
