362 research outputs found

    Cuatro Vientos- A Reconsideration Of Seven Prehistoric Sites In The Lower Rio Grande Plains Of South Texas Webb County

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    On behalf of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted testing investigations on seven prehistoric sites located within the Cuatro Vientos roadway project right-of-way in Webb County, Texas. The test excavations, conducted in June 2005, were performed in compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Texas Antiquities Code. The work was designed to assess each site’s potential for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and for designation as State Archeological Landmarks (SAL). The work was performed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 3755 with Kevin A. Miller serving as Principal Investigator. Field investigations were performed under TxDOT Work Authorization No. 573 26 SA007 of the SWCA/ TxDOT General Services Contract 573 XX SA007. The seven tested sites are distributed primarily within the drainage basin of San Idelfonso Creek, a tributary of the Rio Grande in south Texas. The sites, including 41WB441, 41WB572, 41WB577, 41WB578, 41WB621, 41WB622, and 41WB623, are all prehistoric open sites situated in both buried and surficial contexts on terraces and adjacent uplands. The sites principally consist of various prehistoric features and artifacts associated with lithic procurement locales and open occupations. According to the temporal data, the sites contain occupational components from the Middle Archaic through Late Prehistoric, though Late Archaic components are the most prevalent throughout the project area. Because of poor preservation and the lack of integrity, SWCA did not recommend any of the sites as eligible for the NRHP or as SALs. TxDOT, however, did not concur and recommended three as eligible, though all were effectively mitigated by the testing investigations. This difference of opinion formed the basis for developing a different approach to the assessment of the south Texas archaeological record. In essence, this project is a reconsideration of evaluations of significance and research potential of seven sites, specifically addressing the well-known problems with the regional archaeological record, namely erosional or stable settings that create mixed or incomplete assemblages. The proposed solution is the development of a contextual frame of reference, utilization of specific point-plotted data in addition to the site construct, and variable temporal scales

    Cuatro Vientos- A Reconsideration Of Seven Prehistoric Sites In The Lower Rio Grande Plains Of South Texas Webb County

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    On behalf of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted testing investigations on seven prehistoric sites located within the Cuatro Vientos roadway project right-of-way in Webb County, Texas. The test excavations, conducted in June 2005, were performed in compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Texas Antiquities Code. The work was designed to assess each site’s potential for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and for designation as State Archeological Landmarks (SAL). The work was performed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 3755 with Kevin A. Miller serving as Principal Investigator. Field investigations were performed under TxDOT Work Authorization No. 573 26 SA007 of the SWCA/ TxDOT General Services Contract 573 XX SA007. The seven tested sites are distributed primarily within the drainage basin of San Idelfonso Creek, a tributary of the Rio Grande in south Texas. The sites, including 41WB441, 41WB572, 41WB577, 41WB578, 41WB621, 41WB622, and 41WB623, are all prehistoric open sites situated in both buried and surficial contexts on terraces and adjacent uplands. The sites principally consist of various prehistoric features and artifacts associated with lithic procurement locales and open occupations. According to the temporal data, the sites contain occupational components from the Middle Archaic through Late Prehistoric, though Late Archaic components are the most prevalent throughout the project area. Because of poor preservation and the lack of integrity, SWCA did not recommend any of the sites as eligible for the NRHP or as SALs. TxDOT, however, did not concur and recommended three as eligible, though all were effectively mitigated by the testing investigations. This difference of opinion formed the basis for developing a different approach to the assessment of the south Texas archaeological record. In essence, this project is a reconsideration of evaluations of significance and research potential of seven sites, specifically addressing the well-known problems with the regional archaeological record, namely erosional or stable settings that create mixed or incomplete assemblages. The proposed solution is the development of a contextual frame of reference, utilization of specific point-plotted data in addition to the site construct, and variable temporal scales

    Cuatro Vientos: A Reconsideration of Seven Prehistoric Sites in the Lower Rio Grande Plains of South Texas

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    With this report, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) begins a reconsideration of approaches to the evaluation and treatment of those areas where surface lithic scatters are the main constituent of the archeological record. The reconsideration was inspired by the Cuatro Vientos project in Laredo, Webb County, Texas. The project and the ideas surrounding it developed slowly. The ideas continued to evolve through discussion between SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) and TxDOT as additional work on the project occurred. Because this project proceeded in an idiosyncratic fashion, some words of explanation might be helpful. The following discussion provides an account of how the project developed and where future work might be heading

    Validating the Postdischarge Surgical Recovery Scale 13 as a Measure of Perceived Postoperative Recovery After Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy

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    Objectives No postoperative recovery measurement tools have been validated among women undergoing laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for pelvic organ prolapse, which impedes development and testing of strategies to improve recovery. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Postdischarge Surgical Recovery Scale (PSR) as a measure of perceived recovery in laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy patients. Methods Women (N = 120) with stage 2 or higher pelvic organ prolapse undergoing laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy completed a 15-minute postoperative survey (days 7, 14, 42, and 90 [each ± 3 days]) which included the 15-item PSR. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using data from 14 days postsurgery, when patients would have begun to recover, but there was likely to be substantial variability in recovery across patients. We also assessed validity and explored sensitivity to change over time and minimally important difference values. Results Confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fitting model for a reduced version of the PSR (ie, PSR13). Regressions showed that the PSR13 prospectively predicted single-item recovery scores. The PSR13 recovery significantly improved from days 7 to 42, suggesting the PSR13 is sensitive to change. Descriptive statistics including minimally important differences are reported. The minimally important difference was estimated to be around 5 points. Conclusions The PSR13 is a psychometrically sound tool for measuring recovery over time in this population. Its short length makes it an ideal postoperative recovery measure in clinical practice or research

    A Scoping Study of Psychosocial Factors in Women Diagnosed With and/or Treated for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

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    Objective Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is prevalent and can impact women's physical and psychosocial health. To develop interventions that support this population, an understanding of the state of research on psychosocial factors related to POP is essential. We conducted a scoping study focused on the psychosocial experience of women with POP. The purpose of this review was to (1) inventory and describe the current state of knowledge of the psychosocial experience of women with POP, (2) identify gaps in knowledge, and (3) identify targets for future research. Method Electronic databases PsycINFO, PubMed, EMBASE, and CINAHL were searched through November 1, 2017. Results Of 524 titles reviewed, 103 articles met all inclusion criteria. Articles were grouped by the disease period (ie, prediagnosis, diagnosis/preintervention, intervention, follow-up, and mixed) and psychosocial factors. Most articles (n = 73) focused on women undergoing intervention. Articles focusing on the preintervention period was the next largest category (n = 14). Follow-up after intervention (n = 8) and samples of mixed disease periods (n = 7) were less common. One article focused on women before diagnosis. Articles focused on quality of life (QOL; n = 79), sexual function (n = 51), satisfaction (n = 16), body image (n = 13), psychological distress (n = 4), and knowledge (n = 3). Conclusions Research on the psychosocial experience of POP has largely focused on changes in QOL and sexual function. Future research should target emotional experience of women with POP; relationships among QOL, psychological distress, body image, and sexual function; and psychosocial factors related to treatment outcomes

    Predictors of Postdischarge Surgical Recovery Following Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Objectives Our aim was to identify sociodemographic/clinical, surgical, and psychosocial predictors of postdischarge surgical recovery after laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy. Methods Study participants (N=171) with ≥ stage 2 pelvic organ prolapse completed a preoperative survey measuring hypothesized sociodemographic/clinical, surgical, and psychosocial recovery predictors followed by a postoperative survey at four time points (day 7, 14, 42, and 90) that included the Postdischarge Surgical Recovery (PSR)13 scale. One multivariate linear regression model was constructed for each time point to regress PSR13 scores on an a priori set of hypothesized predictors. All variables that had p values less than 0.1 were considered significant predictors of recovery because of the exploratory nature of this study and focus on model building rather than model testing. Results Predictors of recovery at one or more time points included the following: Sociodemographic/clinical predictors: older age, higher body mass index, fewer comorbidities, and greater preoperative pain predicted greater recovery. Surgical predictors: fewer perioperative complications and greater change in the leading edge of prolapse after surgery predicted greater recovery. Psychosocial predictors: less endorsement of doctors locus of control, greater endorsement of others locus of control, and less sick role investment predicted greater recovery. Conclusions Identified sociodemographic/clinical, surgical, and psychosocial predictors should provide physicians with evidence based guidance on recovery times for patients and family members. This knowledge is critical for informing future research to determine if these predictors are modifiable by changes to our narrative during the preoperative consultation visit. These efforts may reduce the postdischarge surgical recovery for patients with pelvic organ prolapse after laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy, accepting the unique demands on each individual’s time

    Dilution of Precision-Based Lunar Navigation Assessment for Dynamic Position Fixing

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    The NASA Vision for Space Exploration is focused on the return of astronauts to the Moon. While navigation systems have already been proven in the Apollo missions to the moon, the current exploration campaign will involve more extensive and extended missions requiring new concepts for lunar navigation. In contrast to Apollo missions, which were limited to the near-side equatorial region of the moon, missions under the Exploration Systems Initiative will require navigation on the moon's limb and far-side. As these regions have poor Earth visibility, a navigation system comprised solely of Earth-based tracking stations will not provide adequate navigation solutions in these areas. In this paper, a Dilution of Precision (DoP) based analysis of the performance of a network of Moon orbiting satellites is provided. The analysis extends previous analysis of a Lunar Network (LN) of navigation satellites by providing an assessment of the capability associated with a variety of assumptions. These assumptions are with regard to the navigation receiver and satellite visibility. The assessment is accomplished by making appropriately formed estimates of DoP. Different adaptations of DoP (i.e., GDoP, PDoP, etc.) are associated with a different set of assumptions regarding augmentations to the navigation receiver or transceiver

    Confirmatory factor analysis of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in women with hot flashes

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    OBJECTIVE: Women, especially those with hot flashes, report poor sleep quality during various stages of the menopausal transition and postmenopause. Sleep measurements vary widely because of the copious instruments available. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is a frequently used questionnaire that produces a single score for sleep quality. This one-factor structure has not received consistent support in the literature. The goal of this analysis was to determine the best factor structure of the PSQI in women with hot flashes. METHODS: A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on PSQI baseline data from three randomized controlled clinical trials enrolling perimenopausal and postmenopausal women with hot flashes (N = 849) from the Menopause Strategies: Finding Lasting Answers for Symptoms and Health network. Several a priori factor models were compared. RESULTS: One-factor and two-factor models did not fit the data. A three-factor model comprising sleep efficiency, perceived sleep quality, and daily disturbance showed good fit; however, the sleep medication item was dropped because of poor fit and low rates of sleep medication use. The three-factor model was examined in African-American and white subsamples and was found to be similar in both groups; however, two items showed small group differences in strength as indicators. CONCLUSIONS: Sleep quality in midlife women with hot flashes, as measured by the PSQI, seems to comprise three correlated factors. Minor measurement differences detected between groups are of research interest but do not necessitate different scoring practices. Additional research is needed to further define sleep quality and its associations with health-related outcomes

    Operationalizing Postdischarge Recovery From Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy for the Preoperative Consultative Visit

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    Objective The objective was to establish a threshold for postdischarge surgical recovery from laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy for the preoperative consultative visit to answer the “what is my recovery time?” question. Methods Study participants (N = 171) with stage 2 or worse pelvic organ prolapse undergoing laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy who completed postoperative surveys at 4 time points. Postdischarge Surgical Recovery 13 (PSR13) scores were anchored to a Global Surgical Recovery (GSR) tool (if 100% recovery is back to your usual health, what percentage of recovery are you now?). Weighted mean PSR13 scores were calculated as a sum of the products variable when patients considered themselves 80 to less than 85, 85 to less than 90, 90 to less than 95, or 95 to 100 percent recovered on the GSR tool. The percentage of study participants recovered at postdischarge day 7, 14, 42, and 90 was calculated based on a comparison between the GSR scores and weighted mean PSR13 scores. Results A PSR13 score of 80 or greater, corresponding to 85% or greater recovery, was seen in 55.6% (42 days) and 50.9% (90 days) of study participants, respectively, establishing this numeric threshold as representing “significant” postdischarge recovery after laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy. At 14 days after discharge, only 16.4% of the study population achieved this PSR13 score. Conclusions Most study subjects were “significantly” recovered at 42 days after laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy using a PSR13 score of 80 or greater as a numeric threshold. There is a need to determine the population percentage of recovered study subjects at 30, 60, and beyond 90 days from laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy
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