514 research outputs found

    What can music tell us about the nature of the mind? A Platonic Model

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    We present an account of the phenomenon of music based upon the hypothesis that there is a close parallel between the mechanics of life and the mechanics of mind, a key factor in the correspondence proposed being the existence of close parallels between the concepts of gene and musical idea. The hypothesis accounts for the specificity, complexity, functionality and apparent arbitrariness of musical structures. An implication of the model is that music should be seen as a phenomenon of transcendental character, involving aspects of mind as yet unstudied by conventional science

    Role of Mechanical Bowel Preparation and Perioperative Antibiotics in Pediatric Pull-Through Procedures

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    Background There are no clear guidelines for the use of mechanical bowel preparation and postoperative antibiotics in children undergoing elective colorectal pull-through surgery. The objective of this study was to determine whether preoperative bowel preparation administration or duration of postoperative antibiotics impacted the rate of complications after elective pediatric pull-through surgery. Materials and methods Patients aged <18 y who underwent a pull-through procedure between 2011 and 2017 were retrospectively identified. Patient data included diagnosis, procedure, administration of mechanical bowel preparation, and duration of perioperative intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Outcomes of interest included surgical site infections and anastomotic complications. Results A total of 180 patients met inclusion criteria, of which 47.2% received mechanical bowel preparation. The combined rate of infectious and anastomotic complications was 12.2%. There was no significant difference in combined complication rate among those receiving bowel preparation compared with those who did not (14.1% versus 10.5%, P = 0.46). Administration of bowel preparation in the perineal anoplasty subgroup was associated with higher rates of wound infection (33.3% versus 3.3%, P = 0.05). One hundred five patients (58.3%) received perioperative IV antibiotics for ≤24 h. This group had similar rates of complications (13.3%) compared with those receiving IV antibiotics for longer than 24 h (11.6%, P = 0.74). Conclusions Although mechanical bowel preparation did not affect the overall complication rate for pull-through procedures, it was associated with more wound infections in those undergoing perineal anoplasty. Duration of postoperative IV antibiotics was not significantly associated with the rate of wound and anastomotic complications

    Methodology Development for Three-Dimensional MR-Guided Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Breast Tumors

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    Combined Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) has been proposed as a unique method to quantify hemodynamics, water content, and cellular size and packing density of breast tumors, as these tissue constituents can be quantified with increased resolution and overlaid on the structural features identified by the MR. However, the choices in how to reconstruct and visualize this information can have a dramatic impact on the feasibility of implementing this modality in the clinic. This is especially true in 3 dimensions, as there is often limited optical sampling of the breast tissue, and methods need to accurately reflect the tissue composition. In this paper, the implementation and display of fully 3D MR image-guided NIRS is outlined and demonstrated using in vivo data from three healthy women and a volunteer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Additionally, a display feature presented here scales the transparency of the optical images to the sensitivity of the measurements, providing a logical way to incorporate partial volume sets of optical images onto the MR volume. These concepts are demonstrated with 3D data sets using Volview software online

    The Role of Moral Philosophy in Promoting Academic Integrity Among Engineering Students

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    Academic dishonesty is nothing new, yet it is particularly disturbing to find among engineering students, whose professional lives need to be guided by the highest ethical standards. Moral philosophy may illuminate some of the conditions for recovering a sense of the ethical for engineering students. Classical moral philosophers held that people belong to communities in ways that inform their sense of obligation. Recognition of these communities would make concrete the engineer\u27s responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of the public. A further difficulty is that the primary community that students know is simply that of their peers in school or the workplace, which does not form a sufficient context for the sense of moral obligation inherent in the engineer\u27s role. This paper seeks to define the moral obligation of the engineer using traditional moral philosophy and describe how this obligation might be translated into a more positive definition of success. It also addresses means by which educators can help engineering students to better understand their moral obligation

    Food deprivation explains effects of mouthbrooding on ovaries and steroid hormones, but not brain neuropeptide and receptor mRNAs, in an African cichlid fish

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    Feeding behavior and reproduction are coordinately regulated by the brain via neurotransmitters, circulating hormones, and neuropeptides. Reduced feeding allows animals to engage in other behaviors important for fitness, including mating and parental care. Some fishes cease feeding for weeks at a time in order to provide care to their young by brooding them inside the male or female parent\u27s mouth. Maternal mouthbrooding is known to impact circulating hormones and subsequent reproductive cycles, but neither the full effects of food deprivation nor the neural mechanisms are known. Here we ask what effects mouthbrooding has on several physiological processes including gonad and body mass, brain neuropeptide and receptor gene expression, and circulating steroid hormones in a mouthbrooding cichlid species, Astatotilapia burtoni. We ask whether any observed changes can be explained by food deprivation, and show that during mouthbrooding, ovary size and circulating levels of androgens and estrogens match those seen during food deprivation. Levels of gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1 (GnRH1) mRNA in the brain were low in food-deprived females compared to controls and in mouthbrooding females compared to gravid females. Levels of mRNA encoding two peptides involved in regulating feeding, hypocretin and cholecystokinin, were increased in the brains of food-deprived females. Brain mRNA levels of two receptors, GnRH receptor 2 and NPY receptor Y8c, were elevated in mouthbrooding females compared to the fed condition, but NPY receptor Y8b mRNA was differently regulated by mouthbrooding. These results suggest that many, but not all, of the characteristic physiological changes that occur during mouthbrooding are consequences of food deprivation. © 2012 Elsevier Inc

    A study protocol for a multicentre, prospective, before-and-after trial evaluating the feasibility of implementing targeted SEDation after initiation of mechanical ventilation in the emergency department (The ED-SED Pilot Trial)

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    INTRODUCTION: Sedation is a cornerstone therapy in the management of patients receiving mechanical ventilation and is highly influential on outcome. Early sedation depth appears especially influential, as early deep sedation is associated with worse outcome when compared with light sedation. Our research group has shown that patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the emergency department (ED) are exposed to deep sedation commonly, and ED sedation depth is impactful on intensive care unit (ICU) care and clinical outcomes. While extensive investigation has occurred for patients in the ICU, comparatively little data exist from the ED. Given the influence that ED sedation seems to carry, as well as a lack of ED-based sedation trials, there is significant rationale to investigate ED-based sedation as a means to improve outcome. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This is a multicentre (n=3) prospective, before-and-after pilot trial examining the feasibility of implementing targeted sedation in the immediate postintubation period in the ED. A cohort of 344 patients receiving mechanical ventilation in ED will be included. Feasibility outcomes include: (1) participant recruitment; (2) proportion of Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) scores in the deep sedation range; (3) reliability (agreement) of RASS measurements performed by bedside ED nurses; and (4) adverse events. The proportion of deep sedation measurements before and after the intervention will be compared using the χ ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The Human Research Protection Office at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine has approved the study. The publication of peer-reviewed manuscripts and the presentation of abstracts at scientific meetings will be used to disseminate the work. REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT04410783; Pre-results

    Directive and Nondirective E-Coach Support for Weight Loss in Overweight Adults

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    Although e-coach support increases the effectiveness of Internet weight loss interventions, no studies have assessed influence of type of e-coach support

    Growth of Bio Sensor Materials by Physical Vapor Transport Method

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    Recently there is a big thrust on bio-inspired sensors and there has been a large rise in the investment and expectations for nanotechnology to meet these goals. For in situ sensor development materials deposition on substrate is essential part of device development. Physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and molecular organic vapor deposition methods have developed for growth of semiconductor bulk and thin film growth with some modifications have been used for these materials. Oxides and other elements of the VI group such as sulfides and selenides are key components in the skins of many species. Growth of ordered structures containing these elements have been achieved by using PVD method. This paper describes effect of growth parameters during PVD growth on the quality of materials. Growth kinetics and mechanism will be discussed for the vertical and horizontal growth reactors. Since most of the efficient materials systems are multinary and in many cases non-congruent, PVD provides a pathway to grow materials below melting temperature

    Lack of association between COMT gene and deficit/nondeficit schizophrenia

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    BACKGROUND: The dopamine dysregulation hypothesis of schizophrenia posits that positive, negative and cognitive symptoms correlate with cortical/subcortical imbalances in dopaminergic transmission. A functional polymorphism (Val(158)Met) in the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene is implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia by its effect on prefrontal dopamine transmission, and its unique impact on prefrontal cognitive and behavioral phenotypes. Cognitive impairments and negative symptoms in schizophrenia have been hypothesized to be associated with hypodopaminergic states. Schizophrenia patients with the deficit syndrome are characterized by primary enduring negative symptoms, impairment on neurocognitive tasks sensitive to frontal and parietal cortical functioning, and poorer functional outcome compared to non-deficit patients. METHODS: Eighty-six schizophrenia cases that met DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia were recruited. Additional categorization into deficit and nondeficit syndrome was performed using the Schedule for the Deficit Syndrome (SDS). A healthy comparison group (n = 50) matched to cases on age and ethnicity was recruited. Allele and genotype frequencies of the Val(158)Met polymorphism were compared among healthy controls, and schizophrenia cases with the deficit (n = 21), and nondeficit syndrome (n = 65). RESULTS: There was a significant difference in Val/Val genotype frequencies between schizophrenia cases (combined deficit/nondeficit) and healthy controls (p = 0.004). No significant differences in allele or genotype frequencies were observed between deficit and nondeficit cases. CONCLUSION: Results from this preliminary analysis failed to show an effect of COMT gene on deficit schizophrenia