337 research outputs found

    Les collégiens et la bioéthique: valeurs, attitudes et perceptions

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    Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 22 août 2006)"La présente recherche a été subventionnée par l'Association des collèges privés du Québec dans le cadre du Programme de recherche et d'expérimentation

    Les collégiens et la bioéthique valeurs, attitudes et perceptions : rapport de recherche ACPQ /

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    Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 22 août 2006)"La présente recherche a été subventionnée par l'Association des collèges privés du Québec dans le cadre du Programme de recherche et d'expérimentation

    Choix éthiques et valeurs des collégiens: influence de l'environnement culturel

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    "La présente recherche a été subventionnée par l'Association des collèges privés du Québec dans le cadre du Programme de recherche et d'expérimentation"Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 8 mars 2007)Également disponible en format papierBibliogr

    Molecular Factors Influencing Retention on Immobilized Artificial Membranes (IAM) Compared to Partitioning in Liposomes and n -Octanol

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    Purpose. To assess the effect of molecular factors influencing retention on immobilized artificial membrane (IAM) high-performance liquid chromatography columns compared to liposomal partitioning and traditional n-octanol/water partition coefficients. Methods. IAM capacity factors were measured at pH 7.0 on an IAM.PC.DD2 stationary phase. Liposomal partitioning at pH 7.0 and n-octanol/water partition coefficients were measured using the pH metric method. Partitioning in egg-phosphatidylcholine (PhC) liposomes was also measured by equilibrium dialysis for a series of β-blockers. Results. For the ionized β-blockers, potentiometry and equilibrium dialysis yielded consistent partitioning data. For relatively large bases, IAM retention correlated well with PhC liposome partitioning, hydrophobic forces being mainly involved. For more hydrophilic compounds and for heterogeneous solutes, in contrast, the balance between electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions was not the same in the two systems. Hydrogen bonding, an important factor in liposomes partitioning, played only a minor role in IAM retention. Conclusions. Partitioning in immobilized artificial membranes depends on size, hydrophobicity, and charge. When hydrophobic interactions dominate retention, IAM capacity factors are well correlated with liposomal partitioning. On the contary, for hydrophilic solutes, the two systems do not yield the same information and are not interchangeabl

    Fluorescent labeling in semi-solid medium for selection of mammalian cells secreting high-levels of recombinant proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite the powerful impact in recent years of gene expression markers like the green fluorescent protein (GFP) to link the expression of recombinant protein for selection of high producers, there is a strong incentive to develop rapid and efficient methods for isolating mammalian cell clones secreting high levels of marker-free recombinant proteins. Recently, a method combining cell colony growth in methylcellulose-based medium with detection by a fluorescently labeled secondary antibody or antigen has shown promise for the selection of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell lines secreting recombinant antibodies. Here we report an extension of this method referred to as fluorescent labeling in semi-solid medium (FLSSM) to detect recombinant proteins significantly smaller than antibodies, such as IGF-E5, a 25 kDa insulin-like growth factor derivative.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CHO cell clones, expressing 300 ÎĽg/ml IGF-E5 in batch culture, were isolated more easily and quickly compared to the classic limiting dilution method. The intensity of the detected fluorescent signal was found to be proportional to the amount of IGF-E5 secreted, thus allowing the highest producers in the population to be identified and picked. CHO clones producing up to 9.5 ÎĽg/ml of Tissue-Plasminogen Activator (tPA, 67 kDa) were also generated using FLSSM. In addition, IGF-E5 high-producers were isolated from 293SF transfectants, showing that cell selection in semi-solid medium is not limited to CHO and lymphoid cells. The best positive clones were collected with a micromanipulator as well as with an automated colony picker, thus demonstrating the method's high throughput potential.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>FLSSM allows rapid visualization of the high secretors from transfected pools prior to picking, thus eliminating the tedious task of screening a high number of cell isolates. Because of its rapidity and its simplicity, FLSSM is a versatile method for the screening of high producers for research and industry.</p
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