12 research outputs found

    M & L Jaargang 34/6

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    Danny Keijers, Bert Tops en Wim De Baere De verdwenen kerk van Zelem. [The \u27lost \u27 church of Zelem.]Tot in de 17de eeuw bevond zich net voorbij het Limburgse dorpje Zelem, langsheen de huidige E314 autostrade, een mysterieus middeleeuws kerkje. Op vraag van de Vlaamse overheid startte studiebureau RAAP er een waarderend archeologisch onderzoek in combinatie met een zoektocht in verschillende archieven. Een schat aan nieuwe informatie was het resultaat. Op 6 november 2014 werd deze voormalige gewijde grond zelfs wettelijk beschermd. Danny Keijers, Bert Tops en Wim De Baere schetsen het ontstaan en het verval van deze oudste dorpsparochie van Zelem, nu een beschermde archeologische site.Caroline Terryn De Lievebermen in Damme. Getuigen van de grootschalige onteigening voor het Lievekanaal in de 13de eeuw. [The banks of the Lieve in Damme. Relics of a large-scale expropriation for the Lieve-canal during the 13th century.]In de 13de eeuw floreerde Gent als handelsstad. Het Lievekanaal, een grootschalig project dat gepaard ging met enorme infrastructuurwerken, vormde een 46,5 km lange tolvrije uitweg naar zee die eindigde in de overslaghaven Damme. Dat slechts de helft van het kanaal binnen de Gentse Oudburg lag en de andere helft buiten haar invloedssfeer, in het Brugse Vrije, doet vermoeden dat ook politieke motieven een rol speelden bij de aanleg. In het huidige landschap zijn de jaagpaden en een deel van de Lievebermen nog zichtbare en unieke getuigen van dit middeleeuwse kanaal. In deze bijdrage pleit Caroline Terryn dan ook voor verder onderzoek, waardering en bescherming.Dieter Nuytten Bouwgeschiedenis en restauratie van het Leuvense jezuïetencollege, later het veteranencollege. [Building history and restoration of the Leuven Jesuit College, the Collegium Veteranorum.]Elke bezoeker aan de Leuvense universiteitsstad wordt onmiddellijk geconfronteerd met de veelheid aan collegegebouwen. Minder bekend is het Collegium Veteranorum, oorspronkelijk gebouwd als het oudste jezuïetencollege in de voormalige Nederlanden. Dieter Nuytten beschrijft de woelige gebruiksgeschiedenis van de gebouwen, met talrijke afbraken en verbouwingen, tot aan de huidige restauratie en (alweer) herbestemming van de gebouwenvleugels van het Collegium Veteranorum, het enige overblijfsel van een eertijds veel groter complex. Vooral de constructieve elementen zoals voor- en achtergevels en enkele latere interieurelementen kregen tijdens deze restauratiecampagne hun noodzakelijke herwaardering.Edith Willekens Eclectische monumenten op papier vereeuwigd: de publicatie Parallèle des maisons de Bruxelles van Auguste Castermans. [Eclectic paper monuments perpetuated: the publication Parallèle des maisons de Bruxelles by Auguste Castermans.]De Luikse architect Auguste Castermans publiceerde in het midden van de 19de eeuw een platenalbum met voorbeelden van eclectische architectuur, bedoeld als inspiratiebron voor ontwerpers en opdrachtgevers, die de platen onderling konden vergelijken. Omdat deze publicatie nooit eerder uitvoerig onderzocht werd, nam Edith Willekens deze taak op zich en kon ze aantonen dat de Parrallèle des maisons de Bruxelles et des principales villes de la Belgique niet minder dan Castermans levenswerk was, zijn persoonlijk pleidooi voor het gebruik van deze eclectische bouwstijl in een periode van voortschrijdende commercialisering.Summar

    Active corrosion protection coatings

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    Plasma polymerization of a saturated branched hydrocarbon. the case of heptamethylnonane

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    2,2,4,4,6,8,8-Heptamethylnonane (HMN), a saturated branched hydrocarbon precursor, is deposited by means of atmospheric plasma DBD. Hydrophobic coatings starting from this precursor which is liquid at room temperature can be obtained. The degree of polymerization of the coating seems to be dependent on the amount of provided precursor. The coatings were characterized by FTIR, TOF-SIMS, WCA, SE, and XPS. The plasma deposition of the liquid, highly branched saturated precursor 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-heptamethylnonane (HMN) by means of an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier is reported. The obtained coatings are hydrophobic and the chemical structure suggests a low fragmentation of the precursor. Increasing the amount of precursor not only favors the deposition rate but also seems to favor a better crosslinking in the deposited coating. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.SCOPUS: ar.jFLWINinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    In vivo efficacy of endothelial growth medium stimulated mesenchymal stem cells derived from patients with critical limb ischemia

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    International audienceBackground: Cell therapy has been proposed for patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI). Autologous bone marrow derived cells (BMCs) have been mostly used, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) being an alternative. The aim of this study was to characterize two types of MSCs and evaluate their efficacy.Methods: MSCs were obtained from CLI-patients BMCs. Stimulated-(S-) MSCs were cultured in endothelial growth medium. Cells were characterized by the expression of cell surface markers, the relative expression of 6 genes, the secretion of 10 cytokines and the ability to form vessel-like structures. The cell proangiogenic properties was analysed in vivo, in a hindlimb ischemia model. Perfusion of lower limbs and functional tests were assessed for 28 days after cell infusion. Muscle histological analysis (neoangiogenesis, arteriogenesis and muscle repair) was performed.Results: S-MSCs can be obtained from CLI-patients BMCs. They do not express endothelial specific markers but can be distinguished from MSCs by their secretome. S-MSCs have the ability to form tube-like structures and, in vivo, to induce blood flow recovery. No amputation was observed in S-MSCs treated mice. Functional tests showed improvement in treated groups with a superiority of MSCs and S-MSCs. In muscles, CD31+ and αSMA+ labelling were the highest in S-MSCs treated mice. S-MSCs induced the highest muscle repair.Conclusions: S-MSCs exert angiogenic potential probably mediated by a paracrine mechanism. Their administration is associated with flow recovery, limb salvage and muscle repair. The secretome from S-MSCs or secretome-derived products may have a strong potential in vessel regeneration and muscle repair. Trial registration NCT0053310

    Conservation of Microstructure between a Sequenced Region of the Genome of Rice and Multiple Segments of the Genome of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The nucleotide sequence was determined for a 340-kb segment of rice chromosome 2, revealing 56 putative protein-coding genes. This represents a density of one gene per 6.1 kb, which is higher than was reported for a previously sequenced segment of the rice genome. Sixteen of the putative genes were supported by matches to ESTs. The predicted products of 29 of the putative genes showed similarity to known proteins, and a further 17 genes showed similarity only to predicted or hypothetical proteins identified in genome sequence data. The region contains a few transposable elements: one retrotransposon, and one transposon. The segment of the rice genome studied had previously been identified as representing a part of rice chromosome 2 that may be homologous to a segment of Arabidopsis chromosome 4. We confirmed the conservation of gene content and order between the two genome segments. In addition, we identified a further four segments of the Arabidopsis genome that contain conserved gene content and order. In total, 22 of the 56 genes identified in the rice genome segment were represented in this set of Arabidopsis genome segments, with at least five genes present, in conserved order, in each segment. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the Arabidopsis genome has undergone multiple duplication events. Our results demonstrate that conservation of the genome microstructure can be identified even between monocot and dicot species. However, the frequent occurrence of duplication, and subsequent microstructure divergence, within plant genomes may necessitate the integration of subsets of genes present in multiple redundant segments to deduce evolutionary relationships and identify orthologous genes

    The LINCS Data Portal and FAIR LINCS Dataset Landing Pages

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    <p>The LINCS Data Portal (LDP) presents a unified interface to access LINCS datasets and metadata with mappings to several external resources. LDP provides various options to explore, query, and download LINCS dataset packages and reagents that have been described using the LINCS metadata standards.</p><p>We recently introduced LINCS Dataset Landing Pages to provide integrated access to important content for each LINCS dataset. The landing pages provide deep metadata for each LINCS dataset including description of the assays, authors, data analysis pipelines, and standardized reagents such as small molecules cell lines, antibodies, etc, with rich annotations. The landing pages are a key component to make LINCS data persistent and reusable, by integrating LINCS datasets, data processing pipelines, analytes, perturbations, model systems and related concepts as uniquely identifiable digital research objects.</p><p>LDP supports ontology-driven concept search, free text search, facet filtering, logical intersection of filters (AND, OR), and list, table, and matrix views. LDP enables download of LINCS dataset packages, which consist of released datasets and associated metadata. LDP also provides several specialized apps including small molecule compounds and cell lines. A landing page facilitates interactive exploration of all LINCS datasets via several classifications.</p>LDP is built on a robust API and is integrated with the MetaData Registry and interfaces with other components of the Integrated Knowledge Environment (IKE) developed in our Center. All LINCS datasets are also indexed in bioCADDIE DataMed

    FAIR Dataset Landing Pages, Digital Research Objects, and Software Tools for LINCS and BD2K

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    <p>The Library of Integrated Network-based Signatures (LINCS, http://lincsproject.org/) program generates a wide variety of cell-based perturbation-response signatures using diverse assay technologies. For example, LINCS includes large-scale transcriptional profiling of genetic and small molecule perturbations, and various proteomics and imaging datasets. The BD2K LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center (DCIC) has been developing a collection of tools including data standards specifications, data processing pipelines and infrastructure, a metadata registration system, and a diverse suite of end-user software tools to support and implement an end-to-end solution from submitting LINCS datasets by the Data and Signature Generation Centers (DSGCs) to dataset publication via a Data Portal followed by integrated data analytics enabled by easy to use web-based tools. We will give an overview of LINCS tools with an emphasis on our long-term goal of persistent and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) LINCS resources by connecting signatures, data processing pipelines, analytes, perturbagens, model systems and related concepts, and analysis software tools via uniquely identifiable digital research objects.</p><p>All LINCS Datasets are already indexed in bioCADDIE DataMed. In another example of BD2K and LINCS collaboration, we are working with the CEDAR Metadata Center to develop a LINCS Community Metadata Framework for end-to-end metadata management supporting authoring, curation, validation, management, and sharing of LINCS metadata. Shared metadata facilitated via re-usable, modular, and user-friendly CEDAR templates provide the prospect of cross-searchable linkable datasets connecting many different data generation programs.</p>In addition to building an advanced integrated knowledge environment, our Center supports several internal and external data science research projects and we have an active outreach and training program. Our software and data analytics resources, data science projects, and training programs are available at http://bd2k-lincs.org/