10 research outputs found

    Potentiel criminalistique de l'étude du trafic de drogues au Canada à partir des données collectées sur les cryptomarchés

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    Cryptomarkets represent a new innovation for illegal goods trafficking, where drugs are predominantly found. After an overview of the features these sites offer, to understand the virtual world in which users operate, a critical analysis of existing criminological studies suggests a forensic support to better understand how to relate this world essentially described by its virtual data, to reality. A descriptive analysis of Canadian market data is performed to depict an overall picture of drug sales and to explore a strategy targeting the most active sellers. Finally, the use of drug profiling as a way to obtain objective empirical data is discussed, as a means of offsetting uncertainty about virtual data. This article is part of a process of connection-making between criminal sciences, criminology, and forensic science, not limited to the criminalization of prohibited practices, but also to the understanding of phenomena and criminal networks for the purpose of developing efficient strategies for monitoring and neutralizing such threats. © 2016 Canadian Society of Forensic Science

    An Investigation of Feasibility and Safety of Bi‐Modal Stimulation for the Treatment of Tinnitus: An Open‐Label Pilot Study

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    Objectives: Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the absence of an external auditory stimulus. It is widely believed that tinnitus, in patients with associated hearing loss, is a neurological phenomenon primarily affecting the central auditory structures. However, there is growing evidence for the involvement of the somatosensory system in this form of tinnitus. For this reason it has been suggested that the condition may be amenable to bi‐modal stimulation of the auditory and somatosensory systems. We conducted a pilot study to investigate the feasibility and safety of a device that delivers simultaneous auditory and somatosensory stimulation to treat the symptoms of chronic tinnitus. Methods: A cohort of 54 patients used the stimulation device for 10 weeks. Auditory stimulation was delivered via headphones and somatosensory stimulation was delivered via electrical stimulation of the tongue. Patient usage, logged by the device, was used to classify patients as compliant or noncompliant. Safety was assessed by reported adverse events and changes in tinnitus outcome measures. Response to treatment was assessed using tinnitus outcome measures: Minimum Masking Level (MML), Tinnitus Loudness Matching (TLM), and Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI). Results: The device was well tolerated by patients and no adverse events or serious difficulties using the device were reported. Overall, 68% of patients met the defined compliance threshold. Compliant patients (N = 30) demonstrated statistically significant improvements in mean outcome measures after 10 weeks of treatment: THI (−11.7 pts, p < 0.001), TLM (−7.5dB, p < 0.001), and MML (−9.7dB, p < 0.001). The noncompliant group (N = 14) demonstrated no statistical improvements. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the feasibility and safety of a new bi‐modal stimulation device and supports the potential efficacy of this new treatment for tinnitus

    Il diritto alla sepoltura nel Mediterraneo antico

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    Il profondo rinnovamento dell’archeologia funeraria, a seguito dello sviluppo dell’archeotanatologia nel corso degli ultimi trenta anni, ci spinge, oggi, a riconsiderare la nozione di “sepoltura” con particolare riguardo alle pratiche funerarie ma anche a quelle giuridiche e rituali relative alla cura dei morti nel Mediterraneo antico. Quali erano i defunti che avevano diritto alla sepoltura, ossia coloro che godevano di un luogo a loro dedicato, nel corso di una cerimonia più o meno sviluppata? Secondo quali criteri (età, sesso, statussociale, stato di salute…) erano selezionati, raggruppati, onorati? Quali autorità si prendevano carico della gestione delle salme e degli spazi funerari? Quali leggi regolavano la protezione delle sepolture e, al tempo stesso, condannavano la loro violazione? Infine, cosa avveniva del corpo di coloro che si vedevano rifiutare l’accesso allo spazio funerario? Questo volume collettivo, basato sulle testimonianze della storia, della storia del diritto, dell’archeologia, dell’antropologia biologica e dell’epigrafia, cerca di dare delle risposte a queste domande attraverso una serie di studiprincipalmente incentrati sul mondo greco-romano dal primo millennio a.C. fino alla fine dell’Antichità. Frutto delle tre giornate di studio internazionali tenutesi a Roma tra il 2015 e il 2017, il volume presenta un approccio pluridisciplinare a questi temi, un bilancio delle recenti acquisizioni e una messa in prospettiva di queste tematiche, problematiche e metodologiche, per la riflessione sull’archeologia funeraria del Mediteerraneo antico

    GATA-1 associates with and inhibits p53

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    In addition to orchestrating the expression of all erythroid-specific genes, GATA-1 controls the growth, differentiation, and survival of the erythroid lineage through the regulation of genes that manipulate the cell cycle and apoptosis. The stages of mammalian erythropoiesis include global gene inactivation, nuclear condensation, and enucleation to yield circulating erythrocytes, and some of the genes whose expression are altered by GATA-1 during this process are members of the p53 pathway. In this study, we demonstrate a specific in vitro interaction between the transactivation domain of p53 (p53TAD) and a segment of the GATA-1 DNA-binding domain that includes the carboxyl-terminal zinc-finger domain. We also show by immunoprecipitation that the native GATA-1 and p53 interact in erythroid cells and that activation of p53-responsive promoters in an erythroid cell line can be inhibited by the overexpression of GATA-1. Mutational analysis reveals that GATA-1 inhibition of p53 minimally requires the segment of the GATA-1 DNA-binding domain that interacts with p53TAD. This inhibition is reciprocal, as the activation of a GATA-1–responsive promoter can be inhibited by p53. Based on these findings, we conclude that inhibition of the p53 pathway by GATA-1 may be essential for erythroid cell development and survival