1,688 research outputs found

    Platelet-derived growth factor and its alpha-receptor subunit in oligodendrocyte development.

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    How the diverse range of cell types seen in the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) is generated is one of the most intriguing questions in developmental neurobiology. This Thesis concentrates on the development of oligodendrocytes, the myelinating cells of the CNS. There have been several hypotheses as to where in the embryo oligodendrocyte progenitors originate. Accumulating circumstantial evidence suggests that cells expressing platelet-derived growth factor alpha-receptor (PDGFRα+ cells) in the embryonic spinal cord are oligodendrocyte progenitors. In Chapter Three I demonstrate that these PDGFRα+ cells differentiate into oligodendrocytes in vitro, providing direct evidence that oligodendrocytes develop from a discrete group of PDGFRα+ cells in the ventral ventricular zone of the embryonic spinal cord. Further in vitro experiments suggest that PDGFRα+ progenitors are the major or only source of oligodendrocytes within the developing spinal cord. In Chapter Four I demonstrate that PDGFRα+ cells in the embryonic brain are oligodendrocyte progenitors. I describe evidence that suggests that PDGFRα+ oligodendrocyte progenitors originate in the ventral diencephalon and migrate throughout the brain during subsequent development I demonstrate that dorsal forebrain cells, at an age when PDGFRα+ cells are not present, can generate oligodendrocytes in vitro if treated with certain factors. However, it is not clear whether this potential is realised in vivo. In Chapter Five of this Thesis I investigate the roles of the ligands for PDGFRα (PDGF-A and PDGF-B) during oligodendrocyte progenitor development in vivo. By examining PDGF-A and PDGF-B null mice I show that PDGF-AA but not PDGF-BB or PDGF-AB is crucial for PDGFRα+ oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation in the spinal cord in vivo. Further experiments with transgenic mice demonstrate that the amount of PDGF-AA available to each PDGFRα+ progenitor in vivo controls the length of its cell cycle and; therefore, PDGF-AA availability is one factor that regulates oligodendrocyte progenitor number in vivo

    Struktur Kepemilikan dan Kinerja Perusahaan di Indonesia: Efek Moderasi Kualitas Audit

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    ABSTRAK Studi ini memiliki dua tujuan utama, yang pertama adalah menguji secara langsung dampak struktur kepemilikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Tujuan kedua adalah menguji pengaruh variabel moderasi kualitas audit terhadap pengaruh struktur kepemilikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Data diperoleh dari laporan masing-masing perusahaan non-keuangan yang terdaftar di BEI dan menggunakan purposive sampling . Panel regresi digunakan sebagai metode penelitian. Sebanyak 436 perusahaan non-keuangan terdaftar di BEI sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi kepemilikan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan baru tentang hubungan antara konsentrasi kepemilikan, kepemilikan manajerial, kinerja perusahaan, dan kualitas audit. Hasilnya dapat menjadi referensi bagi manajemen dalam mengambil keputusan serta kebijakan perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan struktur kepemilikan dan kinerja perusahaan. Kata Kunci : Konsentrasi Kepemilikan, Kepemilikan Manajerial, Kinerja Perusahaan, Kualitas Audit.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mempunyai dua tujuan utama, tujuan pertama adalah untuk menguji secara langsung pengaruh struktur kepemilikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk menguji pengaruh variabel moderasi kualitas audit terhadap pengaruh struktur kepemilikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Data diperoleh dari laporan masing-masing perusahaan non keuangan yang terdaftar di BEI dan menggunakan purposive sampling. Regresi panel digunakan sebagai metode penelitian. Sebanyak 436 perusahaan non keuangan yang terdaftar di BEI sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi kepemilikan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan baru mengenai hubungan antara konsentrasi kepemilikan, kepemilikan manajerial, kinerja perusahaan, dan kualitas audit. Hasilnya dapat menjadi acuan bagi manajemen dalam mengambil keputusan dan kebijakan perusahaan terkait struktur kepemilikan dan kinerja perusahaan. Kata Kunci : Konsentrasi Kepemilikan, Kepemilikan Manajerial, Kinerja Perusahaan, Kualitas Audit

    Peran Profitabilitas dalam Memoderasi Pengaruh Predictor Peringkat Obligasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan agar dapat mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh Likuiditas, Leverage dan Ukuran Perusahaan sebagai variabel independen, secara simultan dan parsial terhadap Peringkat Obligasi sebagai variabel dependennya, dengan Profitabilitas sebagai variabel moderasi. Penelitian ini berdasarkan pada perusahaan publik non keuangan yang terdaftar di PEFINDO periode 2016-2018. Populasi perusahaan tersebut yang diperoleh berjumlah 60 perusahaan. Menggunakan metode purposive sampling diperoleh sebanyak 78 perusahaan sampel. Metode pengujian data penelitian menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Secara simultan, Ukuran Perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Peringkat Obligasi. Secara parsial, Likuiditas dan Leverage tidak berpengaruh terhadap Peringkat Obligasi. Profitabilitas tidak mampu memoderasi hubungan antara Likuiditas, Leverage dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Peringkat Obligasi


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    Kegiatan pengabdian ini ditujukan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman pada pemilik Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah laundry dalam mengelola Keuangan mereka dengan baik. Di tengah Pandemi COVID-19, UMKM menjadi salah satu tombak penggerakan perekoenomian negara. UMKM diharapkan dapat berkenbang dan tumbuh dalam menyokong perekoenomian Indonesia. Banyak UMKM masih kurang memahami pentingnya pengelolaan Keuangan. Mereka cenderung hanya fokus pada aktivitas operasional rutin di UMKM mereka. Dengan dimilikinya pemahaman Keuangan, UMKM diharapkan memiliki data Keuangan dan inforamsi Keuangan yang jelas yang kemudian dapat mereka gunakan dalam rencana pengembangan usaha mereka. Hasil Pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa setelah diberikannya pemahaman akan pentingnya pengelolaan Keuangan, terjadi peningkatan kemampuan dan minat dari pengelola UMKM untuk melakukan pengelolaan Keuangan dengan baik dan harapan untuk dapat tumbuh berkembangan dengan informasi Keuangan yang lengkap dan akurat


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    Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini telah membawa perubahan menuju era digital, banyak aktivitas bisnis yang dilakukan secara digital. Salah satunya sistem pencatatan akuntansi yang berubah kearah digital dari proses pengidentifikasian, klasifikasi, dan pengikhtisaran transaksi dengan menggunakan teknologi digital. SMA Methodist Tanjung Morawa merupakan salah satu sekolah swasta yang bertempat di Sumatera Utara, memiliki misi untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik secara optimal melalui pendidikan dan pengajaran bermutu. Namun, untuk pembelajaran teknologi yang mendukung aktivitas bisnis belum diterapkan pada sekolah ini. Sehingga, siswa tidak familiar terhadap aplikasi-aplikasi digital umum yang digunakan dalam dunia usaha. Salah satu aplikasi digital yang umum digunakan dalam dunia usaha adalah aplikasi akuntansi digital Accurate. Sehingga, tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada para siswa dalam mengenalkan dan mengajarkan penggunaan aplikasi akuntansi digital untuk mencatat aktivitas-aktivitas bisnis di dunia usaha dan menunjang skill para siswa SMA Methodist Tanjung Morawa agar dapat bersaing di dunia pekerjaan setelah lulus dari bangku sekolah. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan langsung penggunaan Accurate berdasarkan studi kasus yang diberikan. Berdasarkan hasil jawaban kuesioner peserta pelatihan dapat terlihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman penggunaan Akuntansi Digital (aplikasi accurate) sebelum pelatihan dan sesudah pelatihan. Pelatihan ini disimpulkan berhasil dalam melatih penggunaan aplikasi Akuntansi Digital yaitu Accurate


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    Alpha-phellandrene (α-PA), an important component of dill, has been shown to have many physiological effects, including chemoprevention. However, the synergy effect of α-PA with chemotherapy medicines is limited. Colorectal cancer (CRC) ranked second as the most common cause of death globally, and it has a high incidence rate in Taiwan and Indonesia. One of the most frequently used medicines for chemotherapy for colorectal cancer is 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Unfortunately, high doses and long-term use of 5-FU can generate side effects, such as those toxicity and inflammation, for CRC patients. This study investigates the synergy effect of α-PA combined with 5-FU on anti-proliferation in human colorectal HT-29 cancer cells. This study analyzed cell viability, cell proliferation, cell cycle and its regulators, apoptosis and its regulators, and cell death via the NF-ĸB pathway towards HT-29 after 50, 100, or 250 μM α-PA combined 5 μM 5-FU treatment for 72 h. Our results show that combining 250 μM α-PA and 5-FU treatment can reduce cell viability and fluorodeoxyuridine (FdU) incorporation level more than the 5-FU alone group (p<0.05). Reducing FdU levels means the combination of α-PA and 5-FU has a synergy effect inhibiting cell proliferation. Cell proliferation is also inhibited by 250 μM α-PA combined 5-FU due to cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase (p<0.05). As compared to the 5-FU treatment alone group, the combination treatment of 100 and 250 μM α-PA and 5-FU can more efficiently activate p21, 50 and 100 μM α-PA combined 5-FU can significantly decrease CDK2 levels (p<0.05), and 250 μM α-PA combined 5-FU can significantly reduce CDK-4 levels (p<0.05) in HT-29 cells. Combination of 50, 100, and 250 μM α-PA and 5-FU significantly reduce Wnt and p-β-catenin expression level, induce β-catenin translocation, and significantly reduce Wnt/β-catenin ratio (p<0.05) in HT-29 cells. Besides, this combination treatment of 50, 100, and 250 μM α-PA and 5-FU can more efficiently induce both early (by Annexin V stained) and late (by PI stained) apoptosis by reducing the mitochondria membrane potential (MMP), increasing Bax, Cytochrome C, Caspase-8, Bid, Caspase-9, and Caspase-3, also reducing Bcl-2 than the 5-FU treatment alone (p<0.05). The combination treatment of 50, 100, and 250 μM α-PA and 5-FU also more efficiently activates the NF-ĸB pathway by inducing p-IĸB, NF-ĸB (p65) translocation, and NF-ĸB DNA binding. NF-ĸB pathway activation resulted in the translocation of NF-ĸB in the mitochondria, reducing the VIII binding of HK-2 and VDAC-1 complexes and leading to apoptosis. These results show that α-PA is a safe phytochemical that is not toxic to human cells and has efficiency and high potential as a synergic chemotherapy component of 5-FU. These synergic effects reduce cell proliferation, induce apoptosis via intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways, and activate the NF-κB signaling pathway

    Me, Myself and the Other. Melanesian and Western Ideas on Selfhood and Recognition

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    In my thesis I argue for a philosophical-anthropological approach which enables investigations in empathy and care by opening up a window on the motivation of recognition. I show how biographies as narratives can help to understand the other within her or his own life-world, even if the life-world is the very part of our personality as a dividually conceived relational self. Therewith, personhood can be conceived in a new concept of personhood that is understood as a category of the human being endowed with a stronger focus on culturally and historically founded dividuality and relationality, instead of relying exclusively on individuality and subjectivity. To show this relational movement in our life-world, I introduce ‘the Melanesian’ worldview on personhood. This worldview assumes that we are holistically relational. Thus, it lets the perception of an objective world shift into a world of animated entities which become parts of the human. Other people are also part of our life, and, in this way, take part in the life-world − and thus in life. In consequence, the life-world as the place where humans get in touch with each other builds up the social community: others have a particular role just as we take part in their lives. Our relationship with others is related to certain tasks in the social community and to definitions of personality and character. In academia, it is common ground that increasing individuality causes an increasing claim to recognition, especially since Honneth’s revival and actualization of Hegel’s concept of recognition. It is also Honneth who is inseparably linked with the recent philosophical discussion about recognition. We are recognized and we recognize others both on a personal as well as on a social level. The leading question, still unsolved and at the same time unsolvably linked with the relationship of individual and society, is: why are we relying on recognition? In other words: how do we recognize me, my self, and the other? My approach of a self-based model of mutual recognition follows two methodological paradigms: hermeneutics and phenomenology. Unsurprisingly, the hermeneutical investigation of our self in relation to mutual recognition has to start at the current state of the recognition debate, and takes its way to the anthropological state of personhood- and self-debate. The phenomenological approach constitutes the second main basis for an approach to a self-based concept of mutual recognition. Also the connection of philosophical and anthropological approaches to identity, personhood, and self-recognition is very fruitful in the way of developing a holistic approach of mutual recognition. To support this, I connect Western approaches in the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions as well as theories of narrativity and human biography with non-Western approaches (Melanesian concept of personhood) to elaborate and emphasize the intersection of both approaches. In consequence, the Cartesian Ego is rejected in favour of a decentral, cosmomorphic, and sociocentric approach to personhood. This anthropological approach is merged with a narrative concept of identity to emphasize the self-reflexive way of personal identity. Building on this set of philosophical and anthropological arguments, my purpose is to draw up a self-based model of mutual recognition which includes all stages of mutual recognition: recognition of one’s own identity, recognition of one’s own acting, recognition of others, and evaluative recognition. I begin this journey with preliminary remarks on recognition, person, and self by elaborating the state of the art in approaches to mutual recognition, the Anthropological notion of personhood, individual, and self, and their Philosophical notion. In the second part of my work, I show how these approaches compose a self-based model of mutual recognition. Here we receive the idea how we are recognized: through empathic understanding an act of knowledge is performed, in which the other is perceived and acknowledged as another human similar to ourselves. Therefore, empathic understanding, feelings of sympathy, care and solicitude, personal ethos, and theories of mind are related to mutual recognition. The definition of our being through empathy highlights our social wellbeing. By implication we refer to the recognition of others as constitutive of the community, since we recognize others and take care of them

    Encountered space and situated lay-knowledge: A mixed methods approach

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    This research draws on the geographical concept of situated lay-knowledge to highlight how the formation of tourists’ attitudes to travel destinations challenges the theoretical foundation of theory of planned behaviour (TPB). It suggests that situated lay knowledge is dynamic as opposed to static which is the accepted basis of TPB and subsequently proposes ‘Situated Lay-Knowledge Travel Behaviour Model’ (SLKTB). The model was tested in a mixed methods approach where Chinese tourists, who knew little about Portugal, encountered Portuguese culture and cuisine in Macau. The overall results demonstrate that the formation of tourists’ attitudes about travel destinations is not pre-existing or static but dynamic and created from their ongoing encounters
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