766 research outputs found

    Modulation of social behavior by the agouti pigmentation gene

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    Agouti is a secreted neuropeptide that acts as an endogenous antagonist of melanocortin receptors. Mice and rats lacking agouti (called non-agouti) have dark fur due to a disinhibition of melanocortin signaling and pigment deposition in the hair follicle. Non-agouti animals have also been reported to exhibit altered behavior, despite no evidence for the expression of agouti outside the skin. Here we confirm that non-agouti mice show altered social behavior and uncover expression of agouti in the preputial gland, a sebaceous organ in the urinary tract that secretes molecules involved in social behavior. Non-agouti mice had enlarged preputial glands and altered levels of putative preputial pheromones and surgical removal of the gland reversed the behavioral phenotype. These findings demonstrate the existence of an autologous, out-of-skin pathway for the modulation of social behavio

    Variation in the μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) moderates the influence of early maternal care on fearful attachment

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    There is evidence that both early experience and genetic variation play a role in influencing sensitivity to social rejection. In this study, we aimed at ascertaining if the A118G polymorphism of the k-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) moderates the impact of early maternal care on fearful attachment, a personality trait strongly related to rejection sensitivity. In 112 psychiatric patients, early maternal care and fearful attachment were measured using the Parental Bonding Inventory and the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ), respectively. The pattern emerging from the RQ data was a crossover interaction between genotype and maternal caregiving. Participants expressing the minor 118 G allele had similar and relatively high scores on fearful attachment regardless of the quality of maternal care. By contrast, early experience made a major difference for participants carrying the A/A genotype. Those who recalled higher levels of maternal care reported the lowest levels of fearful attachment whereas those who recalled lower levels of maternal care scored highest on fearful attachment. Our data fit well with the differential susceptibility model which stipulates that plasticity genes would make some individuals more responsive than others to the negative consequences of adversity and to the benefits of environmental support and enrichment

    ATXN2-CAG42 sequesters PABPC1 into insolubility and induces FBXW8 in cerebellum of old ataxic knock-in mice

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    Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 (SCA2) is caused by expansion of a polyglutamine encoding triplet repeat in the human ATXN2 gene beyond (CAG)31. This is thought to mediate toxic gain-of-function by protein aggregation and to affect RNA processing, resulting in degenerative processes affecting preferentially cerebellar neurons. As a faithful animal model, we generated a knock-in mouse replacing the single CAG of murine Atxn2 with CAG42, a frequent patient genotype. This expansion size was inherited stably. The mice showed phenotypes with reduced weight and later motor incoordination. Although brain Atxn2 mRNA became elevated, soluble ATXN2 protein levels diminished over time, which might explain partial loss-of-function effects. Deficits in soluble ATXN2 protein correlated with the appearance of insoluble ATXN2, a progressive feature in cerebellum possibly reflecting toxic gains-of-function. Since in vitro ATXN2 overexpression was known to reduce levels of its protein interactor PABPC1, we studied expansion effects on PABPC1. In cortex, PABPC1 transcript and soluble and insoluble protein levels were increased. In the more vulnerable cerebellum, the progressive insolubility of PABPC1 was accompanied by decreased soluble protein levels, with PABPC1 mRNA showing no compensatory increase. The sequestration of PABPC1 into insolubility by ATXN2 function gains was validated in human cell culture. To understand consequences on mRNA processing, transcriptome profiles at medium and old age in three different tissues were studied and demonstrated a selective induction of Fbxw8 in the old cerebellum. Fbxw8 is encoded next to the Atxn2 locus and was shown in vitro to decrease the level of expanded insoluble ATXN2 protein. In conclusion, our data support the concept that expanded ATXN2 undergoes progressive insolubility and affects PABPC1 by a toxic gain-of-function mechanism with tissuespecific effects, which may be partially alleviated by the induction of FBXW8

    Large-scale Benchmarking of Metaphor-based Optimization Heuristics

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    The number of proposed iterative optimization heuristics is growing steadily, and with this growth, there have been many points of discussion within the wider community. One particular criticism that is raised towards many new algorithms is their focus on metaphors used to present the method, rather than emphasizing their potential algorithmic contributions. Several studies into popular metaphor-based algorithms have highlighted these problems, even showcasing algorithms that are functionally equivalent to older existing methods. Unfortunately, this detailed approach is not scalable to the whole set of metaphor-based algorithms. Because of this, we investigate ways in which benchmarking can shed light on these algorithms. To this end, we run a set of 294 algorithm implementations on the BBOB function suite. We investigate how the choice of the budget, the performance measure, or other aspects of experimental design impact the comparison of these algorithms. Our results emphasize why benchmarking is a key step in expanding our understanding of the algorithm space, and what challenges still need to be overcome to fully gauge the potential improvements to the state-of-the-art hiding behind the metaphors

    Hidden Markov Model Analysis of Maternal Behavior Patterns in Inbred and Reciprocal Hybrid Mice

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    Individual variation in maternal care in mammals shows a significant heritable component, with the maternal behavior of daughters resembling that of their mothers. In laboratory mice, genetically distinct inbred strains show stable differences in maternal care during the first postnatal week. Moreover, cross fostering and reciprocal breeding studies demonstrate that differences in maternal care between inbred strains persist in the absence of genetic differences, demonstrating a non-genetic or epigenetic contribution to maternal behavior. In this study we applied a mathematical tool, called hidden Markov model (HMM), to analyze the behavior of female mice in the presence of their young. The frequency of several maternal behaviors in mice has been previously described, including nursing/grooming pups and tending to the nest. However, the ordering, clustering, and transitions between these behaviors have not been systematically described and thus a global description of maternal behavior is lacking. Here we used HMM to describe maternal behavior patterns in two genetically distinct mouse strains, C57BL/6 and BALB/c, and their genetically identical reciprocal hybrid female offspring. HMM analysis is a powerful tool to identify patterns of events that cluster in time and to determine transitions between these clusters, or hidden states. For the HMM analysis we defined seven states: arched-backed nursing, blanket nursing, licking/grooming pups, grooming, activity, eating, and sleeping. By quantifying the frequency, duration, composition, and transition probabilities of these states we were able to describe the pattern of maternal behavior in mouse and identify aspects of these patterns that are under genetic and nongenetic inheritance. Differences in these patterns observed in the experimental groups (inbred and hybrid females) were detected only after the application of HMM analysis whereas classical statistical methods and analyses were not able to highlight them

    Measurement of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites and evaluation of udder characteristics to estimate stress after sudden dry-off in dairy cows with different milk yields

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    Sudden dry-off is an established management practice in the dairy industry. But milk yield has been increasing continuously during the last decades. There is no information whether the dry-off procedure, which often results in swollen and firm udders, causes stress, particularly in high-producing dairy cows. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of a sudden dry-off on extramammary udder pressure and the concentration of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (i.e., 11,17-dioxoandrostane, 11,17-DOA) as an indirect stress parameter. Measurements were carried out within the last week before dry-off and until 9d after dry-off considering 3 groups of milk yield (i.e., low: <15 kg/d, medium: 15-20 kg/d, and high: >20 kg/d). Udder pressure increased in all yield groups after dry-off, peaked at d 2 after dry-off and decreased afterwards. Pressures were highest in high-yielding cows and lowest in low-yielding cows. But only in high-yielding cows was udder pressure after dry-off higher than before dry- off. Baseline 11,17-DOA concentrations depended on milk yield. They were highest in low-yielding (121.7 ± 33.3 ng/g) and lowest in high-yielding cows (71.1 ± 30.0 ng/g). After dry-off, 11,17-DOA increased in all yield groups and peaked at d 3. Whereas in medium- and high-yielding cows 11,17-DOA levels differed significantly from their respective baseline during the whole 9-d measuring period, low-yielding cows showed elevated 11,17-DOA levels only on d 3 after dry-off. However, especially the increase in 11,17-DOA after dry-off between the 3 yield groups was considerably different. Mean 11,17-DOA increase from baseline to d 3 was highest in high-yielding cows (129.1%) and considerably lower in low-yielding cows (40.1%). The highest fecal 11,17-DOA concentrations were measured on d 3 after dry-off, indicating that the stress was most intense on d 2, which is due to an 18-h time lag; at about the same time, udder pressure peaked. Our results showed a negligible effect of a sudden dry-off on low-yielding cows. High-yielding cows, however, faced high extramammary pressures and increased glucocorticoid production. Considering animal welfare aspects, a review of the current dry-off strategies might be warranted

    The more the better? An appraisal of combination therapies for actinic keratosis

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    Actinic keratoses (AK) are common precancerous lesions of the skin. Numerous interventions exist for the treatment of AK, including lesion‐ and field‐directed approaches. In daily practice, different treatment modalities are often combined to maximize clearance rates. However, whether a combination therapy is preferable to monotherapy in terms of efficacy and safety has been subject of intense debate. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the efficacy and safety of local combination therapies for the treatment of patients with AK. Combination approaches of cryosurgery followed by photodynamic therapy (PDT), laser‐assisted PDT, PDT in combination with topical interventions and microneedling‐assisted PDT have shown slightly better efficacy results with similar tolerability compared to the respective monotherapy. However, the individual usage of combination therapies should be checked on a case‐by‐case basis and take into account individual patient‐ and lesion‐specific aspects as more resources are needed and because the individual monotherapies are already highly effective

    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces remote apoptotic cell death and inflammation after focal brain injury.

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    After focal brain injuries occur, in addition to the effects that are attributable to the primary site of damage, the resulting functional impairments depend highly on changes that occur in regions that are remote but functionally connected to the site of injury. Such effects are associated with apoptotic and inflammatory cascades and are considered to be important predictors of outcome. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a noninvasive technique that is used to treat various central nervous system (CNS) pathologies and enhance functional recovery after brain damage. OBJECTIVE: This study examined the efficacy of rTMS in mitigating remote degeneration and inflammation and in improving functional recovery in a model of focal brain damage. METHODS: Rats that were undergoing hemicerebellectomy (HCb) were treated with an rTMS protocol for 7 days, and neuronal death indices, glial activation, and functional recovery were assessed. RESULTS: rTMS significantly reduced neuronal death and glial activation in remote regions and improved functional recovery. CONCLUSIONS: Our finding opens up a completely new scenario for exploiting the potential of rTMS as an anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory treatment