599 research outputs found

    Opposing Abortion to Protect Women: Transnational Strategy since the 1990s

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    This article examines the transnational work that since the 1990s has increasingly opposed abortion in terms of protecting women. It therefore explores how pro-woman rhetoric is used to foster right-wing politics by way of, and beyond, the fight over abortion. Narratives depicting white women as dupes of a sordid, satanic system of abortion provision ignore the fact that most women report feeling relief—not grief, regret, or trauma—after terminating an unwanted pregnancy. To get a sense of the political and cultural influence that right-wing movements gain when they play the woman card, we must trace antiabortion collaborations transnationally. Reading representations of “woman” cross-culturally and intersectionally, this article analyzes the political collusions and cultural work achieved by depicting white women as victims of abortion. To do so I focus on three countries where national identity is especially bound up with whiteness and where abortion is particularly contested: Ireland, Russia, and the United States. This cross-cultural look at antiabortion collaboration reveals a transnational traffic in tactics, personnel, and funds that fuel right-wing politics and ideology and that therefore contribute to the global rise of the Right that characterizes the contemporary moment

    Bullsheet Forum October 1985

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    Forum for student and community news, the October 1985 issue addresses the Deep Throat controversy of 1985, in which the Denison Film Society elected to show the X-rated film for educational purposes. Many students and faculty, including those involved in the Women\u27s Studies Department, protested the screening

    The geography of the cranberry industry in southeastern Massachusetts

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    The purpose of this paper is to set forth the essential conditions for cranberry growing, to point out the distribution of cranberry bogs in southeastern Massachusetts, to show the adjustment of the industry to natural conditions, to trace the development of the industry in relation to its physical and economic environment, and to predict the future of the industry

    Towards a general model for the design of virtual reality learning environments

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    Virtual reality (VR) has been described as a new and unique type of learning media primarily because it encourages active participation. However, a large number of VR worlds are barely more than passive 3D graphic visualisations. This might be due to the lack of guidelines for the design of interactive worlds, or to the learning preferences of the designers themselves. The literature indicates a number of principles, especially in the area of VR design and learning theory that could form the basis of appropriate design guidelines and this thesis presents these as a set of guidelines for VR designers. There is a lack of information about the learning preferences of VR designers or the design of appropriate help systems for VR learning media so four additional fieldwork studies were carried out to investigate the learning styles, communication styles, attitudes towards the use of VR in learning and training situations, and preferences for the design and use of VR help systems using a sample of VR designers and VR design students. The results indicated that the learning style and communication profiles of VR designers may not be suitable for the design of active learning material. It was also found that VR designers had positive attitudes towards the development of VR in general but less so for learning situations. VR designers tended to provide mainly text-based (visual) instruction in their designs, which may be linked to their predominantly visual learning modalities. However, the results suggested that visual-dominant VR design students were equally likely to prefer voiced (auditory) instructions when used naturally within a VR world. The findings from these four studies were incorporated into a broad set of top-level guidelines that form the first step towards a general model for the design of active, participatory VR learning environments

    Developmental Regulation of Mossy Fiber Afferent Interactions with Target Granule Cells

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    AbstractIn anin vitromodel system based on purified target cerebellar granule neurons and explants of afferents, pontine mossy fiber afferents stop growing through contact-mediated mechanisms when they encounter granule neurons. Here we studied the developmental regulation of the stop signal posed by granule cells and the response of mossy fibers to the stop signal in two culture systems. Granule neurons presented in slices or as dissociated cells from postnatal day (P) 4 and P7 cerebellum were more potent in the arrest of P0 pontine neurites than younger (P0-P2) or older (up to P14) granule neurons. In contrast, pontine neurites at embryonic day (E) 18, during their period of normal growth toward the cerebellum, grew extensively on both cerebellar slices of all ages from P0 to P10 and dissociated P4 granule neurons. When E18 explants were maintained for 2 days before plating in medium conditioned by neonatal cerebellar cells, E18 pontine explants were rendered more responsive to the stop signal from P4 granule cells. These results indicate that the stop signal, and the response of afferents to it, are developmentally regulated. Moreover, factors within the target region may initiate these interactions

    Minor head injury in the Republic of Ireland : evaluation of written information given at discharge from emergency departments

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    Most patients presenting to the emergency department with minor head injuries are discharged with written information. Here the quality of minor head injury discharge leaflets in the Republic of Ireland is evaluated against a nationally accepted template. There was great variability in leaflet content. Most provided minimal information on emergency symptoms but 60% contained no information on post-concussional symptoms. No leaflet was available in audio-format or languages other than English. Information provided in minor head injury leaflets should be improved and standardised across Ireland

    Establishing the trochlear motor axon trajectory: role of the isthmic organiser and Fgf8

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    Formation of the trochlear nerve within the anterior hindbrain provides a model system to study a simple axonal projection within the vertebrate central nervous system. We show that trochlear motor neurons are born within the isthmic organiser and also immediately posterior to it in anterior rhombomere 1. Axons of the most anterior cells follow a dorsal projection, which circumnavigates the isthmus, while those of more posterior trochlear neurons project anterodorsally to enter the isthmus. Once within the isthmus, axons form large fascicles that extend to a dorsal exit point. We investigated the possibility that the projection of trochlear axons towards the isthmus and their subsequent growth within that tissue might depend upon chemoattraction. We demonstrate that both isthmic tissue and Fgf8 protein are attractants for trochlear axons in vitro, while ectopic Fgf8 causes turning of these axons away from their normal routes in vivo. Both inhibition of FGF receptor activation and inhibition of Fgf8 function in vitro affect formation of the trochlear projection within explants in a manner consistent with a guidance function of Fgf8 during trochlear axon navigation

    Honors Seminar Report Division of Social Sciences

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    Tacit Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Within A Relational Social Capital Framework, In A South African University Of Technology

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    The sharing of tacit knowledge is an important influence on the development of intellectual capital in a University of Technology but whereas its effects are clear in a business context, they have been absent from studies in the context of higher education.This study integrated relational social capital and reasoned action theory to construct a model for investigating factors that predict an individual’s intention to share tacit knowledge.  Specifically, it examined the relationship between relational social capital in terms of trust (affect and cognitive-based trust), shared norms and values (including social norms and norms of social support and reciprocity) and the individual’s attitude towards sharing tacit knowledge.  It further examined the relationship between the individual’s attitude, their perceived norms and perceived behavioral control over the sharing of tacit knowledge and their intention to share tacit knowledge.A hypothesized, theoretical model of the individual’s intention to share tacit knowledge was developed.  This model was found to be a poor fit to the data and an alternative model was developed which was found to be a good fit to the data.  This study incorporated nine research interviews and five hundred and fifty four questionnaires. Relational social capital was found to be significant for predicting individuals’ intentions to share tacit knowledge but the reasoned action variables were found to be less significant, particularly perceived behavioral control over the sharing of tacit knowledge, indicating the need for further research

    Keeping Food Safe During Emergencies

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    Disasters can come in many forms, including tornadoes, fires, floods, and snowstorms. In any of these emergency situations, two problems commonly arise. The first is a lack of incoming supplies. The second is damage to gas and electrical power systems. This publication discusses how to handle foods before, during, and after an emergency to keep them safe and to avoid food poisoning
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