303 research outputs found

    From Beirut to Jerusalem

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    The Psychology of Conflict and Combat

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    NATO Strategy and Nuclear Defense, Contributions in Military Studies, No. 69

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    Voice Recital: Sheri LaRette Holliday, Soprano; Carol Benson, Piano; May 5, 1971

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    Centennial Recital HallMay 5, 19718:15 p.m

    Addressing heritage crime in Gauteng, South Africa : an integrative exposition

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    This research explored, described and explained the nature and the extent of heritage crime as it manifested in the Gauteng Province of South Africa for the period 2006-2010. Gauteng was selected since it is deemed to be the hub of the legal trade. An operational definition of heritage objects was drafted for this study as ‘objects of artistic, cultural, historic or archaeological value regardless of age, housed in or curated by museums or galleries within Gauteng, and which are both tangible and moveable.’ Heritage crime for the purpose of this study was the illegal removal of any heritage object from a museum or gallery. The annual crime statistics released by the South African Police Services (SAPS) contain no reference to heritage crime of any sort. Therefore this research attempted to quantify the incidents of thefts experienced by museums and galleries in Gauteng for the period 2006-2010. Using a mixed method approach, data were gathered by qualitative and quantitative surveys. A total of 28 qualitative interviews were conducted. These data were integrated with the quantitative data which permitted the achievement of the strategic aims set out for this research. The following aims were achieved: • The roles and responsibilities of the custodians of the national estate were clarified; • International conventions designed to assist in combating crime perpetrated against cultural property were discussed; • The national legislation which guides the management, preservation and protection of heritage objects as well as the trade therein within South Africa was examined; • Policing agencies at the forefront of combating heritage crime were interviewed and international best practices were identified and compared with that which the SAPS are doing to address crime of this nature. These police agencies are situated in Italy, the United Kingdom, the USA and Germany; • The dynamics of the reported incidents of loss/theft were examined. Several anomalies were identified. Among these are the identification of the typologies of items being targeted and the possible identification of the type of thief perpetrating these crimes. • Through analysis of incidents it was also possible to highlight that the majority of thefts occur during the time when museums and galleries are open and that the items stolen are usually on open display (not affixed to the surface and not behind a barrier of any sort). Through the analysis of the data for legal trade and the theft incidents it was possible to design a Framework depicting the interface between the legal and illegal markets for trade in heritage objects. The research also provides law enforcement with minimum guidelines to ensure that crimes of this nature are addressed more effectively.D.Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)Department of Criminology (Police Science

    Bringing Math to Life: Provide Students Opportunities to Connect their Lives to Math

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    Math journals provide students with opportunities to articulate their understanding of math concepts and/or their frustrations with the gaps in those understandings. Their use supports metacognitive thinking to enhance understanding and application. This study took a look at the use of math journals by fourth grade students as a conduit for critical thinking, reflection, and real world math application. For this study, student journal entries consisted of identification of a real-life event, the use of a problem-solving strategy learned during class instruction, narrative of both the problem’s description as well as the rationale for choosing the problem, and the use of a numeric or pictorial model with solution. Students shared his/her journal entry with the entire class. Through this research, I witnessed evidence of growth in mathematical understanding, computing and a deeper connection to math’s many real-life applications in the lives of elementary students

    Test of Ideational Praxis (TIP): Preliminary Findings and Interrater and Test–Retest Reliability With Preschoolers

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    Praxis is the ability of the brain to develop an idea for action and plan, organize, and execute unfamiliar motor actions. It enables purposeful interaction with people and things in the environment. Ideation is central to praxis but has been little researched. This study investigated the reliability of the Test of Ideational Praxis (TIP) and examined ideational praxis in typical preschoolers. TIP performance for 78 preschoolers ages 3, 4, and 5 yr was videotaped and scored by two trained raters. The TIP has strong interrater reliability, supporting earlier findings. Further, we documented test–retest stability over 2 wk. As a group, preschoolers identified 10.6 affordances (ideas) for action on the TIP; no age differences were found. Training is required for accurate scoring of the TIP; following training, clinicians and researchers may find the TIP a useful tool to screen motor ideational abilities in young children

    The Beginner's Guide to Wind Tunnels with TunnelSim and TunnelSys

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    The Beginner's Guide to Wind Tunnels is a Web-based, on-line textbook that explains and demonstrates the history, physics, and mathematics involved with wind tunnels and wind tunnel testing. The Web site contains several interactive computer programs to demonstrate scientific principles. TunnelSim is an interactive, educational computer program that demonstrates basic wind tunnel design and operation. TunnelSim is a Java (Sun Microsystems Inc.) applet that solves the continuity and Bernoulli equations to determine the velocity and pressure throughout a tunnel design. TunnelSys is a group of Java applications that mimic wind tunnel testing techniques. Using TunnelSys, a team of students designs, tests, and post-processes the data for a virtual, low speed, and aircraft wing

    Development Discourse on Language of Instruction and Literacy: Sound Policy and Ubuntu or Lip Service?

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    Both humanist and quality concerns should have made language of instruction a priority in educational development, yet there has been no clear trajectory. This study explores whether the advantages of L1-based approaches as documented in the scholarly literature have been reflected in the development discourse over time, based on an analysis of all twelve UNESCO Global Monitoring Reports. We investigated three hypotheses using macro-analyses on the frequency of language-in-education mentions and the co-occurrence of these with mentions of early grade reading, and a micro-analysis of content associated with language. While we found no consistent trend in language-in-education terms over time, there has been more mention in reference to early grade reading, challenging support for longer-term use of L1 to support learning. More detailed mentions of language, however, appear to be aligned with sound policies and practices, and simple mentions presume that L1-based approaches are important for effective educational development

    Metastatic seminoma and grade 1 follicular lymphoma presenting concurrently in a supraclavicular lymph node: a case report

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    An asymptomatic 67-year-old man presented with a left supraclavicular lymph node that enlarged over a 2-month period which was biopsied. Pathologic features were consistent with involvement by metastatic seminoma and follicular lymphoma, follicular pattern, grade 1 (of 3). Staging Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography scans indicated several areas of enlarged lymph nodes. The patient completed chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin chemotherapy. This is the first reported case of metastatic seminoma and follicular lymphoma occurring in the same lymph node. No obvious pathophysiologic link exists between these two malignancies and there are no shared common risk factors. Given the natural history of these two malignancies, if this patient develops recurrent lymphadenopathy, it will be difficult to identify whether the enlarged lymph nodes represent recurrent seminoma or follicular lymphoma without a biopsy of each pathologically enlarged node. Similarly, Fluorodeoxyglucose- Positron Emission Tomography is known to be active in both seminoma and follicular lymphoma, making this scan non-specific in this patient. Finally, this patient had no baseline elevation in any germ cell tumor marker. Thus, serum tumor markers cannot be relied upon as surrogates for response to chemotherapy or as identifiers of relapsed seminoma
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