8 research outputs found

    The Dorsolateral Periaqueductal Gray and Its Role in Mediating Fear Learning to Life Threatening Events

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    The dorsolateral column of the periaqueductal gray (dlPAG) integrates aversive emotional experiences and represents an important site responding to life threatening situations, such as hypoxia, cardiac pain and predator threats. Previous studies have shown that the dorsal PAG also supports fear learning; and we have currently explored how the dlPAG influences associative learning. We have first shown that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) 100 pmol injection in the dlPAG works as a valuable unconditioned stimulus (US) for the acquisition of olfactory fear conditioning (OFC) using amyl acetate odor as conditioned stimulus (CS). Next, we revisited the ascending projections of the dlPAG to the thalamus and hypothalamus to reveal potential paths that could mediate associative learning during OFC. Accordingly, the most important ascending target of the dlPAG is the hypothalamic defensive circuit, and we were able to show that pharmacological inactivation using beta-adrenoceptor blockade of the dorsal premammillary nucleus, the main exit way for the hypothalamic defensive circuit to thalamo-cortical circuits involved in fear learning, impaired the acquisition of the OFC promoted by NMDA stimulation of the dlPAG. Moreover, our tracing study revealed multiple parallel paths from the dlPAG to several thalamic targets linked to cortical-hippocampal-amygdalar circuits involved in fear learning. Overall, the results point to a major role of the dlPAG in the mediation of aversive associative learning via ascending projections to the medial hypothalamic defensive circuit, and perhaps, to other thalamic targets, as well. These results provide interesting perspectives to understand how life threatening events impact on fear learning, and should be useful to understand pathological fear memory encoding in anxiety disorders.Brazilian public funding agencies CAPES (Coordenadoria de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior)Brazilian public funding agencies CAPES (Coordenadoria de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior)FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq

    Dorsolateral periaqueductal gray stimulation prior to retrieval potentiates a contextual fear memory in rats

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    The association of a neutral context with an aversive stimulus, such as foot-shock, result in a contextual fear memory. A growing number of evidence have revealed that prior exposure to diverse threatening situations facilitates the encoding of fear memory during acquisition and such reports support the widespread notion that emotionally arousal results in stronger and long-lasting memories. However, few studies have investigated if a threatening experience can affect the recall and the persistence of such fear memory trace. To test the hypothesis that an emotionally negative experience could modify the retrieval of a memory and potentiate the expression of a fear memory, the present study used the chemical stimulation (microinjection of NMDA) of the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray matter (dlPAG) of rats in order to induce an aversive emotional state. Such stimulation was performed one day after a weak fear training protocol, and the fear expression was analyzed in subsequent re-exposures to the conditioned context. The results showed that the negative emotional state induced by the dlPAG stimulation enhanced the fear memory trace when this trace was reactivated one day after this aversive experience. Additionally, the potentiation of the fear response was contingent to the associated context since no potentiation was evident when NMDA-stimulated animals were subsequently placed in a non-associated context. Finally, the model suggests that the enhancement of fear responses is long-lasting since NMDA-treated animals performed a robust fear response six days after memory retrieval.Fil: Mochny, Cristiane R.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Kincheski, Grasielle C.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Molina, Víctor Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Farmacología Experimental de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Farmacología Experimental de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Carobrez, Antonio P.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Brasi

    Inactivation of the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray matter impairs the promoting influence of stress on fear memory during retrieval

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    Exposure to stressful conditions induces long-lasting neurobiological changes in selected brain areas, which could be associated with the emergence of negative emotional responses. Moreover, the interaction of a stressful experience and the retrieval of an established fear memory trace enhance both fear expression and fear retention. Related to this, the stimulation of the dorsolateral part of the mesencephalic periaqueductal gray matter (dlPAG) prior to retrieval potentiates a fear memory trace previously acquired. Therefore, the question that arises is whether the dlPAG mediates the increased fear expression and fear retention after retrieval. Rats were subjected to a contextual fear conditioning paradigm using a single footshock, and 1 day later, rats were subjected to a stressful situation. As previously reported, there was an increase of freezing response only in those rodents that were re-exposed to the associated context at 1 and 5 days after stress exposure. Muscimol intra-dlPAG prior to the restraint event prevented such increase. Conversely, Muscimol intra-dlPAG infusion immediately after the stress experience had no effect on the resulting fear memory. When the neuroendocrine response to stress was explored, intra-dlPAG infusion of muscimol prior to stress decreased Fos expression in the paraventricular nucleus and serum corticosterone levels. Moreover, this treatment prevented the enhancement of the density of hippocampal “mature” spines associated with fear memory. In conclusion, the present results suggest that the dlPAG is a key neural site for the negative valence instruction necessary to modulate the promoting influence of stress on fear memory.Fil: Giachero, Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Instituto de Neurología Cognitiva. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt | Fundación Favaloro. Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional. Fundación Ineco Rosario Sede del Incyt; Argentina. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Pavesi, Eloisa. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Calfa, Gaston Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Farmacología Experimental de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Farmacología Experimental de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Motta, Simone C.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Canteras, Newton S.. Departamento de Anatomia, ICB, Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Molina, Víctor Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Farmacología Experimental de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Farmacología Experimental de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Carobrez, Antonio P.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Brasi

    Sensing danger through the olfactory system: The role of the hypothalamic dorsal premammillary nucleus

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    The dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMd) has a critical role on the expression of defensive responses to predator odor. Anatomical evidence suggests that the PMd should also modulate memory processing through a projecting branch to the anterior thalamus. By using a pharmacological blockade of the PMd with the NMDA-receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5), we were able to confirm its role in the expression of unconditioned defensive responses, and further revealed that the nucleus is also involved in influencing associative mechanisms linking predatory threats to the related context. We have also tested whether olfactory fear conditioning, using coffee odor as CS, would be useful to model predator odor. Similar to cat odor, shock-paired coffee odor produced robust defensive behavior during exposure to the odor and to the associated context. Shock-paired coffee odor also up-regulated Fos expression in the PMd, and, as with cat odor, we showed that this nucleus is involved in the conditioned defensive responses to the shock-paired coffee odor and the contextual responses to the associated environment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved