34 research outputs found

    Effect of taping on 3-dimensional scapular kinematics andtrapezius activity

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    Responsiveness and interpretability :a head-to-head comparison of the Quebec back pain disability scale and Roland Morris disability questionnaire

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    Proceeding de comunicação apresentado no 7th World Congress of the World Institute of Pain, 7 a 10 de maio, Maastricht, Holanda


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    This study compared sagittal plane lower limb range of motion (ROM) and joint moments of force (Mf) during gait in pregnant (second trimester) and non-pregnant women. Kinematic data were collected with an optoelectronic motion capture system (Qualysis, Ocqus 300) synchronized with two force platforms (Kistler AG, Winterthur, Switzerland) which collected ground reaction force values. The study revealed that the gait pattern in the second trimester of pregnancy is similar to the non-pregnant women pattern, in what concerns to the variables studied. Lower dorsiflexion and higher plantar flexion angles in the ankle joint in pregnant women, and higher values of hip flexion for the same group, were observed. With respect to the joint moments of force, there were higher knee flexor and hip extensor peak moments in pregnant women

    Looking for chronic neck pain responders to physical therapy multimodal treatment

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    Proceeding de trabalho apresentado no 7th World Congress of the World Institute of Pain, 7 a 10 de Maio de 2014, Maastricht, Holand

    Poder de resposta e interpretabilidade da versão portuguesa do Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire em indivíduos com dor lombar crónica em tratamento de fisioterapia.

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    Preprint de poster apresentado no XVII Congresso Português de Reumatologia, 7-10 de maio de 2014, Albufeira, Portuga

    Validity of bodily-rhythmic coordination field test for obese people

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    Coordination is one of the most important skills in humans' relationship with the environment, alongside others such as endurance, strength, flexibility, and memory. However, despite there are many tools to measure these latter functional capabilities, the assessment of rhythmic coordination tests require sophisticated and expensive materials, or are specific to certain forms of dance. The purpose of this study is to show a new test for measuring rhythmic coordination in any person, in order to prove its validity and usefulness in the field of physical activity and health. Methods: Twenty women obese participants aged 50.63 ± 11.48 with body mass index (BMI) 38.61 ± 5.19 participated in this study. The test procedures were developed in a square circuit. The test was video recorded with a fixed camera for post-hoc observation purposes. A binary subdivision music track was chose (due to the simplicity beat) and the basic motor skill march was performed in which arms-legs-time musical coordination is important. Results: The results showed a moderate to good reliability and validity for the rhythmic-bodily coordination. These results show that observers had good accuracy in observing and evaluating the rhythmic-bodily coordination. Conclusion: The results obtained show that this test is presented as an objective, valid and reliable tool to assess the rhythmic-bodily coordination for people with obesity.This Study received a financial support from the Predoctoral research grant by Universidad Católica de Valencia

    Responsiveness and Interpretability of the Portuguese Version of the Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain

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    Improving functional capacity is a common goal when providing physiotherapy treatment to patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). In a clinical setting, clinicians and researchers are often interested in measuring change in a patient’s condition as a result of an intervention or to distinguish individual differences in response to treatment. To address change accurately in health-related outcomes, such as functional disability, clinicians need measurement tools that show responsiveness and are able to detect minimal changes in performance over time.This change must be large enough to be considered a “real” change and precise enough to detect small but important clinical changes over time considered to be important by patients and/or clinicians.The concepts of “minimal detectable change” (MDC) and “minimal clinically important difference” (MCID) have been introduced to help clinicians and researchers in assessing and interpreting patient changes. The MDC has been defi ned as the minimal amount of change that can be considered above the threshold of error expected in the measurement, whereas the MCID has been defined as the smallest change in an outcome measure that is perceived as benefi cial by the patient and that would lead to a change in the patient’s management, assuming an absence of excessive side effects and costs. The Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (QBPDS) is a well established functional self-report questionnaire to assess changes in function in patients with CLBP participating in rehabilitation programs. Several studies have evaluated its reliability and validity and have had good results. However, studies addressing its responsiveness are scarce, especially in samples of patients with CLBP, and there is little agreement in their fi ndings. In those studies the MDC was in the range 11.04 23 to 24.6 (95% confi dence interval [CI]: 19.9–32.4) 14 and the MCID was in the range from 5 9 to 8.5 points. Moreover, and in what concerns its interpretability, there are only a few studies that have considered the MCID in relation to the MDC. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the responsiveness of the QBPDS Portuguese version (PT) and to determine the MCID, MDC, and the floor/ceiling effects, in patients with CLBP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effectiveness of three-dimensional kinematic biofeedback on the performance of scapula-focused exercises

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    Artigo resultante do trabalho apresentado na International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems - PhyCS, 7-9 jan 2014, Lisboa, PortugalThree-dimensional (3D) kinematic biofeedback can help identify scapular movement disorders and assist the subjects' motor relearning process by facilitating changes in physiological and biomechanical function through real-time knowledge of performance and result during or immediately after a task execution. This study assessed the effectiveness of 3D kinematic biofeedback on the quality of the scapula-focused exercises execution, and motor learning transfer during shoulder flexion and a daily activity. Thirty healthy adults with no history of shoulder pain or dysfunction were randomly distributed into two groups. Skinmounted sensors allowed tracking of the thorax, scapula and humerus, and scapulothoracic and glenohumeral 3D angles were computed after reconstructing upper-extremity motions during daily activities and exercises for different phases of a motor relearning process. The results of this study demonstrate that the execution quality of scapula-focused exercises benefits of real-time 3D kinematic biofeedback and that transfer of learning occurs with a specific motor training intervention

    Predictors of functional recovery in patients with chronic neck pain undergoing a physiotherapy multimodal treatment

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    Trabalho apresentado no EFIC Congress " Pain in Europe VIII", decorrido entre 9 e 12 de outubro de 2013 em Florença, Itáli


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    This research aimed to investigate lower limb motion whiJe a subject negotiated a raised surface to study the effects of age-related declines in gait. We selected foot-ground force variables to highlight possible differences between the young and elder SUbjects. The gait of ten post-menopause women that took part in a step exercise program and ten skiJled young female were analyzed with a two force-platforms during an unobstructed walking and when subjects were stepping on and off a raised surface of 17.5 cm height. The results suggest that older subjects possess GRF patterns similar to youngsters during unobstructed walking. It can be concluded that senior step exercise programs are capable to prevent gait impairments in the elderly but this positive effect is lessened in the case of more demanding walking tasks which should be taken into account in the development of senior step exercise programs